Chapter 17.28
17.28.010 Purpose and applicability.
17.28.040 Number of spaces required.
17.28.050 Compact parking spaces.
17.28.060 Accessible parking spaces.
17.28.070 Reduction of parking requirements.
17.28.080 Recreational vehicle parking in residential zones.
17.28.090 Off-site designated parking.
17.28.100 Parking facility design standards.
17.28.110 Off-street loading requirements.
17.28.010 Purpose and applicability.
A. Purpose and Applicability. To prevent traffic congestion and shortage of on-street parking spaces, off-street parking facilities shall be provided incidental to any new structures and intensifications or enlargements of existing uses. Off-street parking facilities shall be laid out in such a manner that they will protect the public safety and insulate surrounding land uses from their impact.
B. Minimum Parking Standards. This chapter shall not be construed to prohibit the installation and maintenance of more parking spaces than the minimum number required. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.020 Building permit.
An application submitted for a building permit which includes the construction of parking areas for public or private use shall include the design of the required parking area drawn to scale. Such plans shall include all parking spaces and maneuvering areas, curb cuts, landscaping, and other improvements. The building permit shall not be issued until a zoning clearance has been approved in compliance with Chapter 17.74 (Zoning Clearance), and no final completion inspection approved until the parking spaces and required landscaping are installed. No business license shall be issued until a final completion inspection has been conducted. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.030 General provisions.
Off-street parking areas shall be provided and maintained in compliance with this chapter.
A. Uses Not Listed. Where the parking requirements for a land use are not specifically listed in Section 17.28.040 (Number of spaces required), the parking requirements for the use shall be determined by the director. The director shall establish a parking standard based on the operational similarity and parking demand of permitted uses in the zone district.
B. Combination of Uses. Where there is a combination of principal uses in any one facility, the sum of the parking requirements calculated separately for each of these uses shall be provided unless otherwise indicated.
C. Fractional Spaces. If the calculation of parking needs results in the requirement for a fraction of a parking space, such a parking space need not be provided unless the fraction exceeds fifty percent.
D. Seats or Seating Capacity. Where the standards for parking set forth in this chapter are based upon seating capacity, the capacity shall be determined by the actual seating capacity. Where pews or benches will be used, seating capacity will be based on the following: one seat per eighteen inches of pew or bench length and one seat per thirty inches of booth length for dining.
E. Parking Required On Site. All required parking shall be located on the same parcel or development site as the uses served, except for parking located off site in compliance with Section 17.28.090 (Off-site designated parking).
F. Change of Occupancy. For a change of occupancy where the parking demand is increased and where no new construction requiring a building permit is anticipated, but a new business license is required, the director shall review the parking requirements of the proposed use and shall require a parking plan, consisting of a scaled site plan showing parking stalls, landscape islands, drainage if applicable, ingress, egress drawn to scale consistent with city parking stall standards, for the director’s review and approval. No new business license shall be issued until the director has approved the parking plan. Copies of the parking plan drawn to scale shall be submitted in digital format to the director for approval. The parking plan shall show the whole property in question and the means of ingress and egress, location of structures, parking spaces, landscaping, and any other proposed facilities. A business license shall be issued once the director finds the parking plan complies with the provisions established in this chapter. If the site is unable to accommodate the necessary parking, the finance director shall deny the business license.
G. Existing and Nonconforming Parking Facilities. Any structure or use for which parking facilities become substandard by the adoption of this chapter shall be considered a nonconforming use. Such nonconforming use may continue, but no enlargement or expansion of seating capacity or square footage shall be made in such use or structure, unless the required number of parking spaces or parking area as designated by this chapter is provided in addition to all other applicable development standards. Any change of use in an existing structure or parcel that requires more parking space shall provide the additional parking areas required in this chapter. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.040 Number of spaces required.
Land Use |
Spaces Required |
Human Services Uses |
Cemetery |
One space for every two seats in the main assembly room plus one parking space for each regular employee and one parking space for each vehicle operated on the grounds by the proprietary institution. |
• Crematories |
• Mausoleums |
• Columbariums |
• Funeral establishments |
Child Day Care Home |
Parking spaces shall be provided as established for single-unit dwelling, two-unit dwelling, and mobile home on individual parcels. |
Community Care Facility, Large |
One and one-half parking spaces for every six adults receiving care in the home in addition to the number of spaces required for the home. |
Community Care Facility, Small |
Parking spaces shall be provided as established for single-unit dwelling, two-unit dwelling, and mobile home on individual parcels. |
Day Care Center |
One parking space for each employee on any given shift plus one passenger loading space for every eight children licensed by the county or state. |
Emergency Shelter |
One space per facility for staff plus one space per six occupants or beds allowed at the maximum occupancy. A covered and secured area for bicycle parking shall be provided for use by staff and clients, commensurate with demonstrated need, but no less than a minimum of eight bike parking spaces. |
Hospital |
Two parking spaces for each bed licensed by the state and one space per every five hundred square feet of office, clinic, or lab area. Any outpatient facilities shall provide additional parking as required for a medical office. Nursing homes and convalescent hospitals shall provide at least one space for every four beds licensed by the county or state. |
Industrial Uses |
General Industrial and Processing Uses |
One parking space for each employee on any given shift and each company-operated vehicle. |
One parking space for every one thousand five hundred square feet of gross floor area and each company-operated vehicle. |
Manufacturing or repair plants maintaining more than one shift of workers shall provide two parking spaces for every three employees on each of the two larger shifts plus one parking space for each company-operated vehicle. |
Utility Facility and Infrastructure |
One parking space for every two employees on the premises at any one time including overlaps in shifts. |
Warehouse or Distribution Facility |
One parking space for each employee on any given shift plus one parking space for each company-operated vehicle, or one parking space for every two thousand square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater. |
Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly Uses |
Athletic Club |
One parking space for every two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area. |
Bowling Center |
Four parking spaces for each lane. Other principal uses with the bowling center such as restaurants, pool halls, cocktail lounges, and other uses shall provide additional parking spaces as required by the provisions of this chapter for each use. |
Card Rooms |
One parking space per two seats. |
Commercial Stable |
One space for each employee on any given shift and one space for every five stalls. |
Driving Range |
One and one-half spaces for each tee or station. |
Golf Course |
As determined by the director based upon the specific uses and improvements proposed. |
Miniature Golf Course |
One and one-half spaces for each hole. |
Park |
Public parks over ten acres in size shall provide at least five percent of the total area for off-street parking facilities. Parking requirements for public parks less than ten acres shall be determined by the director. |
Pool and Billiard Room |
Two spaces for each table. |
Recreational Vehicle (RV) Park |
One and one-half spaces per RV site. |
School |
Elementary and Junior High School. One space for each employee or one space for every three seats in the auditorium or multipurpose room, whichever is greater, plus off-street loading space for at least two school buses. |
High schools shall provide the greater of the following: |
One space for each employee and one parking space for every three students in the 11th and 12th grades, or |
One space for every three seats in the main auditorium or stadium, whichever is the greater. |
College. One space for each employee and one parking space for every two students, or at least one parking space for every three seats in the main auditorium or stadium, whichever is the greater. |
Skating Rink |
One space for every one hundred square feet of skating area. Other users within the skating center such as seating for observation, game rooms, and other uses shall provide additional parking spaces required by the provisions of this chapter for each use. |
Stadiums and Similar Uses |
One space for every four seats for stadiums, ball parks, and other outdoor sports areas with fixed seating. |
Swimming and Tennis Club |
Swimming and tennis clubs, cabana clubs, public neighborhood pools and similar recreational clubs or facilities shall provide at least the number of parking spaces or amount of parking area required by the use requiring the greatest parking area plus fifty percent of the parking required by the sum of other uses, as specified in this chapter. |
Tennis and Other Court Games |
Two spaces for each court. |
Residential Uses |
Boarding House |
One space for every two occupants based upon the maximum occupant load of the sleeping or dining area, whichever is greater. |
Mobile Home Park |
One covered space for each mobile home site and one space for every five mobile homes for guest parking. Supplemental parking for boats, travel trailers, and other vehicles shall be provided at a ratio of one space for every five mobile home sites. Parking spaces shall be allowed on only one side of the interior streets. |
Multi-Unit Dwelling and Cluster Development |
One and one-half spaces for each studio or one bedroom unit and two spaces for each unit two bedrooms or larger. Any room which could be converted into a bedroom (such as a den) shall be considered a bedroom when computing required parking. One of the required parking spaces per unit shall be covered. Developments which contain six or more units shall supply guest parking spaces at a ratio of at least one-half parking space per unit. Developments which contain less than four units are not required to provide guest parking spaces. |
Single-Unit Dwelling, Two-Unit Dwelling, and Mobile Home on Individual Parcels |
Two covered parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit within the buildable portion of the parcel. The required parking spaces may be provided within a garage, a carport, or any combination thereof. Each parking space shall be at least nine feet in width and nineteen feet in length. All carports and garages shall have a driveway length of at least twenty feet free and clear from the back edge of the sidewalk which is for the temporary parking of vehicles. Driveways and parking aprons shall, at a minimum, have a chip and seal surface. |
Retail, Service, and Office Uses |
Appliance Repair |
One parking space for every six hundred square feet of gross floor area and one parking space per two employees. If located within a shopping center with other mixed-use development, which is predominantly retail, the appropriate shopping center requirement applies; provided, that there are mutual parking agreements, and the total cumulative gross floor area of this use does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center. |
Bank and Financial Institution |
One space per two hundred square feet of gross floor area. If located within a shopping center or other mixed-use development which is predominantly retail, the appropriate shopping center requirement applies; provided, that there are mutual parking agreements, and the total cumulative gross floor area of this use does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center. |
Bar |
One space for every four seats and one space for every one hundred fifty square feet of standing room area based upon the capacity of the fixed and movable seating area as determined under the California Building Code. |
Building Materials and Lumber Sales |
Four and one-half spaces for every one thousand square feet of gross floor area in the main retail structure, plus any additional parking if required for outdoor sales establishments to the balance of the sales area that is not within the main structure. |
Event Venues |
One space for every three seats, based upon the capacity of the fixed and movable seating area as determined under the California Building Code but not less than one space per fifty square feet of dance floor for dancehalls, ballrooms, discos, and similar event venues where dancing is the principal use of the premises. Restaurants, bars, and other recreational uses with incidental dancing shall provide parking according to the standards specified above based upon the area of that portion of the premises oriented to the dance floor. The parking required for the portion of the premises not oriented to the dance floor shall be based upon the standards specified in this title for the principal use of the premises. The chief building inspector shall determine which portions of the premises are oriented to the various uses. |
Hotel and Motel |
One space for each sleeping room, suite of rooms or housekeeping unit. Where other primary uses are located on the premises such as restaurants, bars, and meeting rooms, one hundred percent of the requirement specified in this chapter for the primary use requiring the greatest amount of parking shall be provided, and seventy percent of the requirement specified in this chapter for the other uses shall be provided in addition. |
Office |
Professional Office. One space per four hundred square feet of gross floor area. Interior hallways used for access to office suites need not be counted in determining gross floor area. |
Medical and Dental Office. One space per two hundred square feet of gross floor area. If located within a shopping center or other mixed-use development which is predominantly retail, the appropriate shopping center requirement applies; provided, that there are mutual parking agreements, and the total cumulative gross floor area of this use does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center. |
Outdoor Sales. For outdoor sales areas (i.e., uncovered automobile or boat sales areas, building material and lumber yards, plant nurseries) |
Five customer parking spaces for the first five thousand square feet of uncovered sales area regardless of the actual area covered. In addition, one customer parking space for each additional one thousand square feet of uncovered sales area to a required maximum of twenty customer parking spaces shall be provided. There shall also be at least one parking space for each employee on any given shift. |
Personal Service |
Two spaces for each established workstation or one parking space for every one hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area, whichever is deemed most feasible and necessary by the director, shall be provided. If located within a shopping center or mixed-use development which is predominantly retail, the appropriate shopping center requirement applies; provided, that there are mutual parking agreements, and the total cumulative gross floor area of this use does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center. |
Restaurant |
One space for every four seats based upon the capacity of the fixed and movable seating area as determined under the California Building Code. There shall also be one parking space for every two employees on any given shift. |
Retail Sales |
For general retail activities, including neighborhood markets, secondhand stores, wholesalers, restricted retail sales, and other mixed-use developments which are predominantly retail and utilize a common parking area through mutual parking agreements, parking shall be provided at a ratio of at least four and one-half spaces for every one thousand square feet of gross floor area. |
For uses such as retail stores principally displaying and selling furniture, floor coverings, pianos and organs, and large appliances, parking shall be provided at a ratio of at least one space per six hundred square feet of floor area. If located within a shopping center or other mixed-use development which is predominantly retail, the appropriate shopping center requirement applies; provided, that there are mutual parking agreements, and the total cumulative gross floor area of this use does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center. |
Vehicle, Boat, and Trailer Sales |
One space for each four hundred square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for each two employees, plus any additional parking required for outdoor sales. |
Vehicle Repair and Service |
Three spaces for every one thousand square feet of gross floor area. If located within a shopping center or other mixed-use development which is predominantly retail, the appropriate shopping center requirement applies; provided, that there are mutual parking agreements, and the total cumulative gross floor area of this use does not exceed ten percent of the gross floor area of the shopping center. |
(Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.050 Compact parking spaces.
Up to twenty percent of the spaces in a parking facility with ten or more spaces may be designed and designated for compact cars. All compact parking spaces shall be clearly marked with white lettering stating "Compact." Compact vehicle space dimensions shall comply with Section 17.28.100 (Compact parking spaces). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.060 Accessible parking spaces.
Accessible parking spaces shall be provided and designed in accordance with the requirements of Title 24 of the California Building Code and federal ADA standards and requirements.
A. Common parking facilities may be provided in place of the individual requirements specified in this chapter and shared between the uses they serve provided the total number of off-street parking spaces, when used together, shall not be less than the sum of the various uses computed separately taking into consideration allowable reductions of parking requirements established in Section 17.28.070 (Reduction of parking requirements).
B. When any common parking facility is to occupy a site of ten thousand square feet or more, then the parking requirements as specified in this section for each two or more participating structures or uses may be reduced by not more than ten percent of the total area of the common parking facilities required upon approval of development plans through the site plan review permit. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.070 Reduction of parking requirements.
Nonresidential uses may provide alternative facilities or programs which serve to reduce parking demand in return for a reduction in vehicle parking requirements. Vehicle parking requirements may be reduced in accordance with the following provisions:
A. Shower/Locker Facilities. Developments with one hundred or more employees may reduce their parking requirement by providing shower and clothing locker facilities for bicycle commuting employees. Maximum reduction: two percent of required parking or five spaces, whichever is greater.
B. Preferred Carpool/Vanpool Parking Spaces. Office or industrial developments which guarantee preferred parking spaces (i.e., covered, shaded, near building entrance) to employees who participate regularly in a carpool or vanpool may reduce their parking requirement by one vehicle space for every one space which is marked and reserved for carpools/vanpools at a preferred location. Maximum reduction: two percent of required parking.
C. Request for Special Review of Parking. Parking reductions exceeding the maximums specified in subsection A or B of this section, or modifications of improvement requirements, may be granted whenever such reduction or modification is considered in conjunction with a review of a permit authorized by this zoning code. The project proponent shall submit with a parking plan and other documentation necessary to demonstrate that unusual conditions warrant a parking reduction, such as the multiple use of a parking area by uses having peak parking demands which occur at different times; floor plans which indicate that the floor area devoted to customer or employee use is less than typical for the size building proposed; or that other programs will be implemented by the developer or tenant(s) which will result in a demand for less parking at the site. The appropriate authority may require the recordation of agreements with the county recorder, prior to issuance of a building permit, which assure that appropriate programs are implemented for the duration of the parking reduction. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.080 Recreational vehicle parking in residential zones.
This section regulates the parking and storage of recreational vehicles, boats, and boat trailers in residential zones. As further defined in Division 8 (definitions), recreational vehicles shall include any type of motor home, travel trailer, truck/camper, camping trailer, or camper (not mounted on a truck).
A. Recreational vehicles, boats, and boat trailers shall not be stored within the required front yard of any parcel within a residential zone.
B. Recreational vehicles exceeding twelve feet in height shall not be parked or stored on a residentially zoned parcel.
C. Recreational vehicles may be stored within a required rear or side yard subject to the following conditions:
1. No such vehicle shall be parked or stored within five feet of a rear property line.
2. No such vehicle shall be parked or stored within the required side yard on the street side of a corner parcel.
3. A solid fence or hedge at least seven feet in height shall be constructed to screen recreational vehicle storage areas located within a required side or rear yard.
D. Recreational vehicles shall not be connected, either on a permanent or temporary basis, to any utility services, such as electrical (including extension cords), water, or sewer connections for the purposes of living or sleeping for any period of time, unless explicitly permitted by a planning permit.
E. Recreational vehicles shall not be stored on any property that does not have a legally permitted residential structure. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.090 Off-site designated parking.
Commercial uses open to the public that require more than thirty parking spaces may be located on the premises, within three hundred feet of the premises, or a combination of both, subject to the approval of an administrative use permit. The off-site spaces to be included in the total parking requirement shall be located off street and shall meet all applicable development standards for off-street parking established in Section 17.28.040 (Number of spaces required). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.100 Parking facility design standards.
All new off-street parking facilities shall comply with the following standards. These standards shall not apply to single-unit dwellings.
A. Off-street parking spaces shall be designed so that vehicles do not back out into an arterial or collector street.
B. The parking access area shall provide parking and maneuvering room for motor vehicles and structure or area of land or water.
C. All parking areas, aisles and access drives shall be surfaced with a minimum of two inches of asphalt concrete surface over a four-inch untreated rock base. The subgrade shall be compacted to a minimum compaction rate of ninety percent.
D. Asphalt parking facilities shall have a two percent slope (twenty-four inches per one hundred feet) for drainage and shall have concrete drainage gutters.
E. All landscaped areas that abut a parking facility shall be separated by a concrete curb that is six inches in width and height.
F. All parking stalls shall be delineated by stripping that is white and has a line width of four inches.
G. Parking stall dimensions shall be as follows:
1. Ninety-Degree Parking. Ninety-degree parking stalls shall comply with the following dimensional standards:
a. Stall width: nine feet.
b. Stall length: nineteen feet.
c. Aisle width: twenty-five feet.
2. Sixty-Degree Parking. Sixty-degree parking stalls shall comply with the following dimensional standards:
a. Stall width: nine feet.
b. Stall length: twenty-one feet.
c. Aisle width: 18.5 feet.
3. Forty-Five-Degree Parking. Forty-five-degree parking stalls shall comply with the following dimensional standards:
a. Stall width: nine feet.
b. Stall length: twenty-one feet.
c. Aisle width: 13.5 feet.
4. Parallel Parking. Parallel parking stalls shall comply with the following dimensional standards:
a. Stall width: nine feet.
b. Stall length: twenty-four feet.
5. Compact Space Parking. Compact parking stalls shall comply with the following dimensional standards:
a. Stall width: eight feet.
b. Stall length: sixteen feet.
c. Aisle width: twenty-five feet.
H. Parking facilities which are adjacent to sidewalks shall install wheel stops in each parking stall, to prevent encroachment into the sidewalk space. Parking spaces adjacent to landscaped planters may be shortened by two feet; provided, that the planter is at least five feet wide for each parking aisle and the planter is landscaped in a manner that provides clearance for automobile bumpers. Wheel stops shall not be required in these spaces.
I. All parking facilities of ten spaces or more shall have landscaped planters. One fifteen-gallon tree shall be planted for every five parking spaces. All landscaped planters shall be provided with an irrigation system and comply with Chapter 17.26 (Landscaping).
J. No more than forty percent of the street frontage shall be dedicated for parking facilities.
K. Parking facilities adjacent to residentially zoned properties shall construct a seven-foot solid masonry wall on the property line separating the two properties. A landscaped berm at least four feet tall and not exceeding a slope of thirty percent may be substituted for a masonry wall. When an alley separates a parking facility from a residentially zoned property a wall shall not be required.
L. Parking facilities for offices that are converted residential dwellings shall be located to the rear of the office when access from the alley is available.
Figure 17.28-1
Parking Design Standards
Figure 17.28-2
Parking Terms
(Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).
17.28.110 Off-street loading requirements.
For every structure or facility occupied by manufacturing, storage, warehouse, wholesale, retail store, market, passenger terminal, theater, hotel, motel, restaurant, hospital, laundry, dry-cleaning plant, or other similar use requiring the receipt or distribution of vehicles or merchandise, adequate space for standing, loading, and unloading shall be provided and maintained on the same site in addition to the parking requirements of this chapter. The adequacy of off-street loading space shall be determined by the director. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).