Chapter 17.26


17.26.010    Purpose.

17.26.020    Applicability.

17.26.030    Water efficient landscape ordinance.

17.26.040    General landscaping standards.

17.26.050    Landscape area requirements.

17.26.060    Artificial turf.

17.26.070    Deferred landscaping in residential zones.

17.26.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to improve the appearance of the city by requiring permanently maintained landscaping and promote conservation and efficient use of water, in compliance with state law. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).

17.26.020 Applicability.

The standards established in this chapter shall apply to all new development, existing development where new landscaping is installed, and new or expanded structures on existing development sites. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).

17.26.030 Water efficient landscape ordinance.

All landscaped areas within the city and all the following standards and provisions in this chapter shall comply with the water conserving landscape requirements established in Chapter 13.06 (Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).

17.26.040 General landscaping standards.

A.    Tree Plantings and Vegetation. Tree plantings and vegetation shall be consistent with the city’s regional climate, and landscape design shall be composed of water-efficient landscaping. Specific tree and vegetation species shall be determined at the plan check stage.

B.    Plant Materials. Landscaping may consist of a combination of turf, groundcovers, mulch, shrubs, vines, and trees.

C.    Minimum Replacement Tree Size. The minimum tree size container shall be fifteen gallons.

D.    Replacement Tree Spacing. Replacement trees in compliance with subsection C of this section (Minimum Replacement Tree Size) shall be planted at a ratio of one tree for every twenty-five feet of frontage along a public right-of-way.

E.    Landscape Planters. Landscaped planters shall be surrounded with a six-inch-high concrete curb or a similar type barrier to protect the landscaping from foot and automobile traffic. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).

17.26.050 Landscape area requirements.

A.    Minimum Landscape Area. Front and street-side yards of uses requiring site plan review shall be composed of turf to the extent necessary to comply with MWELO. The balance of the area can be composed of trees, shrubs, groundcover, or hardscape. Consideration should be given to the use of xerophytic (drought tolerant) plants and grasses.

B.    Landscaping Location. The front yard setback area of all new development shall be landscaped with the exception of driveways. In addition, those side and rear yard setback areas, as determined by the director, which are directly visible from public roads, easements, and properties, shall also be landscaped. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).

17.26.060 Artificial turf.

A.    General. Artificial turf is allowed in all zones subject to the following standards and comply with the standards established by this chapter.

B.    Locations Allowed. Artificial turf is allowed in the following locations:

1.    Rear and Interior Side Yard Setback Areas. Artificial turf is allowed in any zone within any rear and/or interior side setback areas.

2.    Front and Street-Side Yard Setback Areas. In any zone, a maximum of fifty percent of the total area within the front or street-side setback area may be installed with artificial turf. Artificial turf shall not be installed within ten feet of a sidewalk or within twenty feet from the curb if there is no sidewalk.

3.    Not Allowed in Parkway. Artificial turf is not allowed within any parkway areas.

C.    Minimum Standards. To be used in the front and street-side setback areas, artificial turf shall comply with the minimum standards for materials, installation, and maintenance.

1.    Materials and Style. Artificial turf shall comply with the following material standards:

a.    Cut-Pile Fill. Artificial turf shall be of a type known as cut pile infill and shall be composed of polypropylene, polyethylene, or a blend of polypropylene and polyethylene fibers stitched onto a polypropylene or polyurethane meshed or hole-punched backing. Hole-punched backings shall have holes spaced in a uniform grid pattern with spacing not to exceed four inches by six inches on center.

b.    Prohibited Materials. Nylon-based, plastic, or petroleum-based grass blades are not allowed.

c.    Color. A minimum blend of three colors, predominantly green.

d.    Blade Length. A minimum blade length of 1.5 inches, with spines and uneven tops.

e.    Infill Medium. Infill medium must be a natural material, such as coconut fiber, cork, and sand. Rubber infill medium is prohibited.

f.    Warranty and Fire Resistance. The product must have a minimum eight-year warranty and be fire resistant.

2.    Installation. Artificial turf shall be installed in compliance with the following procedures and standards:

a.    Maximum Slope. Artificial turf shall only be allowed on sloped areas less than twenty-five percent.

b.    Existing Sprinkler Systems. Prior to installation of artificial turf, all existing sprinkler systems (i.e., piping, valves, sprinkler heads) no longer in use shall be capped or removed.

c.    Ground Preparation. Prior to installation of artificial turf, all existing landscaping and plant material shall be removed where the artificial turf will be located and a minimum of three inches of soil excavated.

d.    Ground Leveling. The turf area shall be leveled, with a crushed stone subbase (i.e., decomposed granite) added to establish a foundation and facilitate drainage for the turf. The stone subbase shall be a minimum of three inches in depth.

e.    Drainage. Artificial turf areas shall be sufficiently drained to a permeable area or live landscaped area to prevent excessive pooling, runoff, or flooding.

f.    Barrier Buffer Required. A solid barrier buffer, such as a concrete mow strip, bender board, or similar material, shall be installed between the artificial turf and live plant material or soil to prevent mixing of natural plant materials and artificial turf.

g.    Weed Barrier. A permeable geotextile (weed barrier) shall be installed to prohibit the growth of weeds. This barrier may either be incorporated into the synthetic turf or be installed as a separate layer on top the subbase.

h.    Fastening and Anchoring. Artificial turf must be permanently anchored with nails/spikes/staples and glue, and all seams must be nailed/spiked/stapled, or sewn, and glued, with the grain pointing in a single direction.

3.    Appearance and Maintenance. Artificial turf shall comply with the following appearance and maintenance standards:

a.    Maintenance. Artificial turf shall be installed and maintained to effectively simulate the appearance of a well maintained, natural turf lawn. Synthetic turf must be maintained in a green, fadeless condition, free of weeds, stains, debris, tears, holes, depressions, ruts, odors, and looseness at edges and seams. No edges shall be exposed.

b.    Replacement of Damaged and Worn Areas. Damaged or worn areas in artificial turf surface shall be repaired, or removed and replaced, in a manner that results in the consistent appearance with the existing artificial turf. Artificial turf shall be removed and replaced once it is unable to be maintained as required.

c.    Parking Prohibited. Vehicle parking on artificial turf is prohibited. (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).

17.26.070 Deferred landscaping in residential zones.

In residential zones, compliance with the landscaping standards of this chapter may be deferred for a period of not more than six months if all the following conditions are satisfied:

A.    The use is an allowed use as specified in Chapter 17.10 (Residential Zones);

B.    The deferment is applied for prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy by an owner-builder with the intent of personally occupying the residence;

C.    The owner(s) deposits with the city a security deposit of five hundred dollars or as may be established by subsection D of this section; and

D.    The owner(s) pays the deferred landscape agreement fee set pursuant to Section 17.72.030 (Fees). (Ord. 24-01 §2(Exh. A-1)).