Chapter 9-44


9-44.010    Purpose and intent.

9-44.020    Applicability.

9-44.030    Site plan required.

9-44.040    General provisions.

9-44.050    Required parking.

9-44.060    Design standards for parking facilities.

9-44.070    Joint use of parking facilities.

9-44.080    Parking stall encroachment.

9-44.090    Loading facility standards.

9-44.100    Alternatives to parking and loading standards.

9-44.110    Parking structure design standards.

9-44.010 Purpose and intent.

Access and parking regulations are intended to ensure that all land uses provide safe access and on-site circulation with adequate off-street parking and loading facilities. These regulations also ensure that the use of land does not impact the safety, use, or vehicular circulation within the public right-of-way. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.010)

9-44.020 Applicability.

The standards of this chapter shall apply to all land uses, buildings, and structures. These standards shall also apply to additions, enhancements, and modifications to existing structures increasing floor area, or increases in occupancy above that approved or changes in occupancy. Additionally, at the time a building or structure is added onto, enlarged, or modified, parking and loading spaces shall be provided for both the existing units and the modified or enlarged portions to conform to provisions of this chapter. For any use not specified in this chapter the Community Development Director shall have the authority to determine the appropriate parking requirements based upon similarities between traffic or parking generation characteristics of the proposed use, modification or enlargement, with other similar uses identified in this chapter. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.020)

9-44.030 Site plan required.

A site plan shall be submitted for all required parking. The plan shall consist of a detailed layout of the existing and proposed parking facilities, including the grades, drainage, utilities, all structures, landscaping, parking stalls, drive aisles, and ingress and egress drives. The plan shall be drawn to scale. The site plan shall be submitted and reviewed in conjunction with any application for any other permit required by this development code, grading code and the city’s building code.

A parking and traffic study may be required for any new parking lot designs or modifications to an existing lot that equals or exceeds ten percent of the existing spaces.

The parking site plan shall be subject to review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit and/or building permit. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.030)

9-44.040 General provisions.

The following general provisions shall apply to development and use of parking facilities:

A.    Accessibility/Usability. All access, parking, and loading facilities shall be usable and shall be permanently maintained for access, parking, and loading for the permitted and intended use(s). Access to parking facilities shall be designed to minimize traffic flow impact and reduce driveway encroachments to arterial and secondary streets. To the extent practical, common or shared driveway locations shall be required.

B.    Nonexclusivity of Facilities. Joint use of parking and loading stalls may be allowed provided a parking use permit is approved. A portion of parking is intended to serve the general public and shall be provided on a non-exclusive basis.

C.    Fractional Parking Spaces. Whenever the computation of the number of off-street parking spaces required by this section results in a fractional parking space, one additional parking space shall be required for one-half or more fractional parking space, and any fractional space less than one-half of a parking space shall not be counted.

D.    Encroachment into Right-of-Way/Easements. Land within the right-of-way of a street or highway, or within the planned ultimate right-of-way of a street within the jurisdiction of the city, shall not be used to provide required parking and loading facilities for any use. Encroachments shall be limited to those driveway connections to streets necessary to serve the properties and as approved by the Community Development Director and City Engineer.

E.    Lighting. All parking lots, parking structures, pedestrian walkways, and loading areas shall be provided with adequate lighting to insure security and safety. Minimum lighting standards are contained in Section 9-44.060 of this chapter. Subject to a lighting plan approved by the City Engineer, these standards may be modified provided that safety shall not be impaired.

F.    Landscaping Requirements. Specific landscaping standards for parking are contained in Section 9-44.060 of this chapter. In addition to those standards, the following general provisions apply.

1.    Within all zones, at least ten percent of any common parking area shall be landscaped.

2.    Landscaping shall be spread throughout the entire parking lot. Not more than sixty (60) percent shall be included as perimeter landscape. Forty (40) percent shall be distributed interior to the parking facility.

3.    All landscaped areas shall be designed so that plant materials are protected from vehicle damage, encroachment, or overhang.

4.    The placement of required landscaping shall not interfere with the required security or courtesy lighting fixtures on the parcel or other structures on the parcel.

5.    The excessive pruning of, or trimming of, landscaping to solely increase the visibility of signs and or buildings on the property is prohibited.

6.    To the extent possible, structure parking facilities shall incorporate planting boxes along parapets and shall include planters upon the open roof or exposed portion of the upper level of the facility. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.040)

9-44.050 Required parking.

Required parking for generic and individual uses is identified in Table 9-44.A set out at the end of this chapter. The Community Development Director shall determine the required parking for any use not contained within the table.

The required parking shall be the total of all uses on the site. In calculating the square footage applicable, areas for restrooms, elevator shafts, utility shafts, and open patios where no service or seating occurs shall be exempted. Waiting areas shall be calculated the same as seating or service areas. Building aisles or corridors shall not be exempt.

Except as determined by a special parking and use study to permit joint or shared parking, parking for one use shall not be credited as serving any other use.

Parking for disabled persons shall be provided in the ratio required by state law. Table 9-44.B, set out at the end of this chapter provides required handicap parking levels. At least one space per required parking lot shall be provided for exclusive use of disabled or handicapped persons. Handicap parking shall be provided as close as possible to the buildings or uses served. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.050)

9-44.060 Design standards for parking facilities.

Parking facilities shall meet the design criteria as shown in Tables 9-44.C and 9-44.D, set out at the end of this chapter. The following criteria shall apply to the siting of all parking facilities, whether above or below grade in structures or at surface level.

A.    Access shall be limited as follows:

1.    Only the number of driveways necessary to provide service to the property or use will be permitted. Joint access locations are preferred.

2.    Driveway access shall not be permitted within forty (40) feet of the intersection of two public streets. On heavily traveled arterials or secondaries, access should be coincidental to street intersections or master entry driveways and access through interior reciprocal driveways or aisles provided to uses. Signalized mid-block locations are preferred for major commercial developments.

3.    Access movements for ingress and egress shall be designed to limit impacts to traffic flow and lane capacity of the servicing roadway. This can be done in part by creating a throat extension to driveways within parking lots such that on-site turn movements are limited between the property line and actual parking locations for a specified distance. This reduces on-site congestion with corresponding on-street capacity and flow improvements.

4.    Direct access to a parking lot or parking stall from a public roadway shall be prohibited, except for low-density residential uses.

5.    Pedestrian access shall be provided by a sidewalk of not less than five feet in width along one side of a public or private roadway and shall be incorporated within public parking lots to link uses to exterior walkways and provide safe travel between stalls and buildings.

Special access design is required for access to commercial centers and gated multiple-family residential uses as shown in Table 9-44.C, set out at the end of this chapter.

B.    Grades within parking facilities shall be designed to meet the standards contained in Table 9-44.E, set out at the end of this chapter.

C.    Driveway and aisle lengths and widths shall be as specified in Table 9-44.E, set out at the end of this chapter.

D.    Parking stall dimensions shall be as specified in Table 9-44.E, set out at the end of this chapter.

E.    Whenever an aisle deadends, a turn around area shall be provided, striped and signed to preclude its use for parking or storage.

F.    Loading facilities shall be located on the same site as the use or building served.

Loading facilities shall not block vehicular movement to or from a street, driveway, aisle or parking stall. Access to loading facilities shall not require maneuvering within the public right of way. Loading facilities should be located out of public view, screened to mitigate visual impacts, and shall not be located in front of the buildings or uses served. No loading facility shall be developed within twenty (20) feet of a residential use. The minimum number of required loading facilities shall be as follows:

Building Size

Minimum Number of Loading Spaces

Less than 10,000 sq. ft.

None required

10,001 — 20,000 sq. ft.

1 space

20,001 — 50,000 sq. ft.

2 spaces

50,001 sq. ft. or more

3 spaces

G.    Landscaping for parking facilities in all zones except single family use areas shall be subject to review and approval of a site plan that includes a landscape plan which adheres to the following minimum standards:

1.    All landscaping within parking lots shall be located in planter areas which are bounded by concrete curbing at least six inches high and six inches wide.

2.    Any open areas in the interior of the parking lot shall be landscaped with appropriate plant materials and maintained in good condition.

3.    All landscaping shall be provided with permanent irrigation systems.

4.    All pedestrian walks within parking lot areas shall, to the extent possible, provide for the connection of adjacent land uses, in order to encourage pedestrian activity.

5.    Landscaped planters shall be placed at the end(s) of any parking stalls located at the end of a row of parking. Planters shall be not less than five feet in width nor less than the length of the parking stall adjacent thereto exclusive of curb width, and shall be installed in a ratio of one planter for each fifteen (15) consecutive parking stalls in order to eliminate the amount of continuous paving within a parking lot.

6.    All required planter areas shall contain at least twenty-five (25) square feet in area.

7.    Landscape planters shall be incorporated between each module of parking.

8.    A minimum of one fifteen (15) gallon tree for every six parking stalls shall be installed in the parking lot.

9.    Where a concrete curb around a planter in a parking lot functions as a wheel stop, the required length of a parking space abutting such curb may be reduced by a maximum of two feet, provided that the planter is at least five feet clear in width where vehicles overhang on one side of the planter, or at least eight feet wide where vehicles overhang on both sides of the planter. The permitted overhang shall not damage or interfere with the plant growth or the irrigation systems installed.

10.    Parking lot landscaping shall include shade trees located so as to provide for adequate shade canopies within fifteen (15) years of planting as follows:

Parking Spaces Required

% of Parking Stall Area to be Shaded

1 — 24 stalls

20% min.

26 — 50 stalls

30% min.

51 + stalls

40% min.

The Community Development Director may determine that the size of the trees to be installed should be increased. The percentage of area required to be shaded shall be based on the area of uncovered parking stalls only and shall not include driveways and interior traffic circulation aisles. Multi-level parking complexes are exempt from shading requirements.

11.    Where a parking lot abuts a residential use it shall be provided with an extensive buffer consisting of a minimum five foot wide planter and six foot high solid masonry wall/fence with screening vegetation planted in conjunction with the wall. Where the parking lot is across from a residential area, it shall be provided a landscaped berm and wall combination to screen the lot.

H.    Paving shall be required for all permanent parking, access, and loading facilities. Decorative paving, colored concrete, and asphalt surfacing materials shall be used and shall conform to the city’s adopted standards and requirements.

I.    All parking facilities except those in single-family use areas shall be provided adequate lighting meeting the standards shown in the following charts. Lighting of parking areas shall be designed and maintained in a manner to prevent glare or direct illumination from intruding into any off-site areas. The City Engineer shall have the authority to review and approve proposed lighting for compliance with security and safety requirements, and may modify the lighting standards referenced herein provided that a lighting plan prepared by a qualified engineer shall have been submitted for review and is approved by the City Engineer.

The following minimum lighting requirements should be observed in all common uncovered parking facilities:

General Use Areas

(Min. on Pavement)

Footcandles Uniformity Ratio (Aver./Min)



High Use Areas

(Aver. On Pavement)

Footcandles Uniformity Ratio (Aver./Min.)



High use areas include: vehicular entries and exits, parking accessways, pedestrian areas, passenger loading and unloading areas, areas of higher intensity vehicular movement, areas of concentrated pedestrian and vehicular movement, and where added security is desired.

Parking structure lighting shall meet the following standards:

Parking Structure Lighting Standards (in Footcandles)




General and pedestrian areas



Ramps, aisles, and corridors



Parking storage areas



Entrance areas



Elevator areas, walkways, and cashiers booths






J.    Parking area setbacks shall adhere to Table 9-44.E, set out at the end of this chapter.

K.    Striping and signage shall be provided to each parking lot, aisle, ramp and stall in such a manner that persons in vehicles can quickly identify the direction of flow, stall location, and limitations of use as appropriate.

Stalls shall be delineated by use of six inch stripes or hairpin patterns affixed to the pavement with the required stall size measured from centerline of the stripe or pattern between successive stalls.

Directional arrows shall be affixed to the pavement in the direction of flow permitted within the driveway or aisle. Where the aisle is designed for one-way traffic appropriate wording warning users of the restriction and signs shall be provided.

Signage within the parking lot or structure shall be included as part of a master sign plan. Where no master sign plan is required, parking lot plans shall incorporate detail sheets to clearly identify information, safety, handicapped, and directional signs intended for use in the lot or structure.

L.    Curbs or wheel stops shall be provided to each parking space in a parking lot or structure where the parking space abuts a wall or landscape planter. These restraints shall be at least six inches high and six inches thick and shall be spaced and securely affixed to the surface of the lot such that the vehicle will not contact building walls. Overlap to landscaping or walkways shall not exceed two feet.

(Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.060)

9-44.070 Joint use of parking facilities.

Multiple uses on multiple building sites may establish joint use parking facilities within one or more parking areas located within such multiple building sites, provided the following requirements are met:

A.    A detailed joint use parking plan shall be submitted and an application made for a parking use permit pursuant to the requirements contained in this section and the findings in Chapter 9-92 of this title. The plan shall show and explain all parking facilities, uses and structures that will use the parking, and the pedestrian access from the parking facilities to the uses and structures.

B.    The parking facilities shall be within three hundred (300) feet of the uses they are intended to serve. A pedestrian pathway is required to provide a means for pedestrian linkage between immediately adjacent land uses and uses within the parking facility.

C.    The approved plan shall be binding upon the applicant, tenants and property owners within the project location. A covenant agreement, approved by the City Attorney, shall be recorded establishing and maintaining in perpetuity the approved joint parking program.

D.    Findings for approval of a shared parking plan shall include that the shared parking plan provides a reasonable and enforceable means for all uses to share common parking and that the city’s minimum requirements assure parking demand is continually met.

E.    An applicant shall submit the joint use parking plan to the Community Development Director for review and approval. The joint use parking plan shall include:

1.    Written verification from the involved property owners and tenants acknowledging acceptance of and compliance with the requirements of the joint use parking plan;

2.    A proposed means of providing notice of the joint use plan to all future property owners, tenants, and other users;

3.    A proposed means to amend the agreement to include future users/tenants or changes based upon participant modifications to uses;

4.    A site plan showing all parking spaces, building square footage and tenant spaces within the complex or area participating;

5.    A joint use parking matrix with the following information:

a.    The number of parking stalls available on-site (parking supply),

b.    Project building and tenant addresses,

c.    Gross square footage of all building and tenant spaces,

d.    The name, type of use, and the days and hours of operation for each tenant,

e.    The number of parking stalls required by the development code for each tenant based on each tenant’s gross square footage and type of use,

f.    The hourly parking demand for all tenants on:

i.    Weekdays (M—F),

ii.    Saturday,

iii.    Sunday,

g.    A comparison between hourly parking demand and the parking supply to show that demand will not exceed parking supply,

h.    A parking use permit application pursuant to this code.

F.    Written acknowledgment from the property owner and tenants that shared parking is contingent upon the efficient implementation of the joint use parking plan by the property owner and the tenant, and that failure to adhere to the plan may result in city actions to deny issuance of tenant improvement permits or other permits for use or development on the site, or revocation of the joint use plan. The joint use covenant agreement shall contain language that incorporates the city as an interested party to the agreement with right to review, approve, suspend or revoke the agreement wholly or severably for failure to comply with terms and restrictions.

G.    Prior to signing any lease agreement with future tenants, or purchase agreement with a future owner, the owner shall submit an updated joint use parking plan to the Community Development Director for review and approval. The submittal shall indicate the new tenant or property owner, the tenant’s required parking, and knowledge of the joint use permit. The city may withhold permits of any kind for the site until the submittal and fee for review is provided, reviewed, and the updated joint use plan is found to be consistent with the joint use permit. A new joint use permit may be required if the updated joint use plan is not consistent with the existing joint use permit. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.070)

9-44.080 Parking stall encroachment.

When the head of a parking stall abuts a landscape planter or pedestrian walkway, the depth of the stall may be reduced by up to two feet subject to the following provisions:

A.    The parking stall shall be provided with curbing that will limit vehicle encroachment to a maximum of two feet.

B.    For encroachment into landscaped areas, planting material in the encroachment area shall be of a type that does not normally grow above six inches tall with routine maintenance. The depth of encroachment should be limited so that the remaining portion of landscaped area will satisfy the minimum required planter width as required within the development code. The portion of the landscaped area that is encroached upon shall not be included in the calculation for minimum parking lot landscaping requirements.

C.    The amount of encroachment upon any walkway shall be limited so that the remaining portion of the walkway will be no less than four feet in clear width and will be of an appropriate width to provide adequate pedestrian and handicap circulation for the use. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.080)

9-44.090 Loading facility standards.

Off-street loading facilities shall be provided for all commercial, office, industrial, mixed use, and warehousing land uses. The following provisions shall apply to all required loading facilities.

A.    The minimum dimensions for any required loading space shall be ten feet wide and twenty-five (25) feet long, with fifteen (15) feet of unobstructed vertical clearance.

B.    Loading facilities for large trucks shall be designed to meet the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) recommended standards as follows:


Design Vehicle

Length in feet

Dock Angle

Clearance in feet

Berth width in feet

Apron space in feet

Total offset in feet











































































C.    Loading facilities shall not be closer than twenty (20) feet to any residential use zone. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.090)

9-44.100 Alternatives to parking and loading standards.

The city recognizes that many uses and sites are unique and that certain components of parking and loading standards may not be able to be achieved in order to maintain safe and adequate parking and loading facilities. Subject to the review and approval by the Community Development Director and City Engineer or the Planning Agency as appropriate the following alternatives may be approved.

A.    Combined Parking and Loading Facilities. Required parking facilities may be provided collectively for two or more buildings or uses located on separate contiguous lots or parcels of land, provided that the combined parking and loading facilities meet or exceed all minimum requirements for the buildings or uses and the design of the facility will not cause any vehicular impacts. Combined parking and loading facilities shall provide covenants and reciprocal easements to insure continued access and circulation. Combined facilities shall require a site development permit approval.

B.    Joint Use Parking Plans. Joint use parking plans shall be subject to a parking use permit as discussed in Section 9-44.070 of this chapter.

C.    Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Reductions. Reduction in required parking and loading spaces shall be considered based upon a transportation study indicating TDM satisfaction or by approval of a variance.

D.    Reduced Landscaping. Reduction to landscape in parking areas shall be subject to variance approval. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.100)

9-44.110 Parking structure design standards.

Parking structures, including underground or subterranean structures, shall require a parking use permit and shall be designed to meet the following guidelines in addition to standards contained in this chapter.

A.    Minimum Access Width. Any driveway providing access to a parking structure shall have a minimum width of twenty-eight (28) feet. If a toll or fee booth is located in the driveway area, the driveways on either side of the booth shall have a minimum width of fourteen (14) feet. A sidewalk with a minimum width of six feet shall be provided to link the structure to the public walkway.

B.    Location of Support Columns. The edge of structure support columns shall be located a minimum of two feet and a maximum of four feet from the parking aisle and shall not be located within the area of a parking stall.

C.    Integral Design. Parking structures should be designed as an integral component of the coordinated site plan and architectural theme.

D.    Interior Treatment. The interior treatment of a parking structure shall be of a light color. The treatment shall include a coordinated interior sign program designed to identify parking levels and locate stairwells, elevators, phones, exits, and other interior features.

E.    Ramp Transitions. All ramps shall be provided with transition zones at the top and bottom of the ramp. Ramps with a grade of ten percent or less shall have a transition zone at least eight feet in length. Ramps with a grade of greater than ten percent shall have transition zones at least twelve (12) feet in length. The grade of a transition zone shall not exceed one-half the grade of the ramp it serves.

F.    Elevators. Parking structures of two stories or more shall incorporate at least one passenger elevator meeting handicap standards. Additional elevators are required for a multi-level structure accommodating two hundred fifty (250) or more parking stalls subject to approval by the Community Development Director.

G.    Mirrors for Sight Distance. Blind corners shall be provided with viewing mirrors maintained in a position and condition to provide adequate sight distance. (Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part): prior code § 9-26.110)

Table 9-44.A 


Required Number of Stalls

Residential Uses


2 car garage (for each unit)

Fraternity, sorority or rooming house

1 stall per bedroom, plus 2 covered

Accessory dwelling unit

See Chapter 9-68

Mobile home park

1 covered and assigned stall, plus 2 visitor stall per mobile home

Multi-family units

(including timeshares):

Stalls per unit:

1 bedroom or less

2 bedrooms

3 bedrooms

more than 3 bedrooms

















(1)Covered stalls shall be assigned; uncovered stalls shall not be assigned.

(2)Plus 0.5 uncovered stall per additional bedroom in excess of 3.

Senior citizen housing complex

1 covered and assigned stall, plus 2 guest stall per dwelling unit, plus 1 stall for the resident manager

Senior congregate care facilities

1 stall per unit plus 1 for each two (2) employees

Single-family, attached

2 assigned and covered parking stalls within a garage or parking structure, plus .3 stalls unassigned per dwelling unit

Single-family, detached:

up to 4 bedrooms

over 4 bedrooms

2 in garage

2 in garage + 1 covered stall for every 2 bedrooms over 4 bedrooms

Community Uses

Church, chapel, religious facility, cemetery, mortuary, public assembly

1 stall/3 fixed seats (or 54" of bench seating), or 1 stall/35 SF-GFA within main auditorium where no seats are provided

College or university

1 stall/employee, plus 1 stall/3 students based on maximum student capacity

Convalescent hospital, rest home, or sanitarium

1 stall/3 beds, plus if employee residence facilities are provided on-site, additional parking in accordance with applicable residential requirements contained within the development code

Day care, nursery school

1 stall/2 employees, plus 1 stall/5 children, based on facility capacity

Elementary and junior high school

1.5 stalls/classroom, plus 1 stall/5 fixed seats in auditorium, gymnasium, or similar public assembly facility (35 SF=5 fixed seats)

High school

1.5 stalls/classroom, plus 1 stall/3 students based on maximum student capacity

Hospitals and medical center (providing acute care, clinical, surgical, teaching, research, and office services)

2 stalls/patient bed or 1 stall/300 SF-GFA, whichever is greater


1 stall/200 SF-GFA

Museums, art galleries

1 stall/250 SF-GFA

Public utility facilities

1 stall/2 employees in the largest shift, plus 1 stall for each vehicle used in connection with the use


Movie—multiple screen

Movie—single screen

Live performance

1 stall/4 seats, plus 10 stalls for employees

1 stall/4 seats, plus 6 stalls for employees

1 stall/4 fixed seats; without fixed seats, one space per 21 square feet of GFA

Trade school, business school, or adult education

1 stall/1.5 people based on maximum number of students and staff, or 1 stall/35 SF of GFA

Union halls, lodges, and clubs

1 stall/50 SF-GFA

Industrial Uses

General manufacturing and processing uses (not including buildings used exclusively for warehouse purposes)

1 stall/400 SF of industrial/manufacturing area, plus 1 stall/250 SF of office use, plus 1 stall/1,000 SF of warehouse area

Mini-storage warehouse

1 stall/2,000 SF-GFA

Recreational vehicle and boat storage

5 stalls (minimum) or, 1 stall/10,000 SF of storage area, whichever is greater

Recycling center

1 stall/250 SF-GFA of office area, plus 1 stall/1,000 SF of warehouse area, plus 1 stall/10,000 SF of yard area.

Research and development

1 stall/250 SF-GFA

Towing facilities – indoor vehicle impound and indoor towing service business – (indoor only)

5 stalls (minimum) or 1 stall/10,000 SF of storage area, whichever is greater

Warehouses (used exclusively for storage)

1 stall/1,500 SF of warehouse area, plus 1 stall/250 SF of office use

Office Uses

Business and professional office (except medical)

1 stall/300 SF-GFA

Financial services (banks, savings and loans, credit unions)

1 stall/250 SF-GFA

Medical and dental office

1 stall/150 SF-GFA, except that chiropractic, acupuncture, optometry, physical therapy, and psychotherapy offices shall provide 1 stall/300 SF-GFA

Veterinary office

1 stall/200 SF-GFA

Commercial Uses—Retail and Service

Art galleries

1 stall/500 SF-GFA

Automobile/truck/RV sales

1 stall/400 SF indoor GFA plus 1 stall/4,000 SF outdoor retail area

Automotive service and repair

2 stalls, plus 3 stalls/service bay (service bays do not count as stalls) or 1 stall/500 SF gross floor area when no bays are defined

Bed and breakfast

2 covered and assigned stalls, plus 1 stall/guest room

Car wash

6 stalls per tunnel (plus additional stacking and drying areas as necessary to match capacity)

Furniture stores and home furnishing showrooms (only where items are ordered primarily for home delivery or installation, such as carpet/flooring, window coverings and windows)

1 stall/500 SF-GFA

Gas station

2 stalls, plus additional parking as required for convenience store or auto service/repair uses. The gas station convenience store parking requirement shall be 1 stall/800 SF-GFA. Parking spaces abutting air and water service shall not be included in the total number of parking spaces.

General retail

1 stall/200 SF-GFA

1If restaurant space occupies more than 10% of total GFA, or if an individual restaurant contains more than 1,000 SF, then additional parking stalls shall be provided for excess restaurant space beyond the 10% or 1,000 SF. The additional parking shall be calculated at the restaurant rate


1 stall/200 SF-GFA

Outdoor sales, including lumber yards and salvage yards

1 stall/1,000 SF gross outdoor retail area, plus additional parking as required for indoor sales area, service facilities, and other uses

Plant nurseries

1 stall/1,000 SF indoor GFA, plus 1 stall/2,000 SF gross outdoor retail areas

Resorts, hotels, and motels

1 stall/guest room plus additional parking as required for other accessory uses


Dine-in (< 4,000 SF-GFA):

4,000 SF-GFA +:

Fast food:


Outdoor dining areas in excess of 16 seats:

1 stall/100 SF-GFA

40 stalls, plus 1 stall/50 SF-GFA above 4,000 SF-GFA

10 stalls, or 1 stall/50 SF-GFA, whichever is greater

1 stall/250 SF-GFA

1 stall for 150 SF of entire outdoor dining area (Note: Outdoor seating areas with 16 or less seats need not provide additional parking)

Self-service car wash

2.5 stalls/wash bay (wash bays do not count as stalls)

Commercial Uses—Personal Services

Animal boarding/grooming

1 stall/400 SF-GFA

Barber shop

2 stalls/barber chair

Beauty/nail salon

3 stalls/beautician chair

Dry cleaner

1 stall/400 SF-GFA

Massage establishment

3 stalls/massage station

Shoe repair

1 stall/400 SF-GFA


1 stall/400 SF-GFA

Commercial Recreation Uses

Arcades, pool halls, and bingo halls

1 stall/150 SF-GFA

Bowling alley

4 stalls/lane, plus other uses calculated separately

Commercial stables

1 stall/5 horses

Dance halls

1 stall/7 SF dance floor

Driving range

1 stall/tee, plus other uses calculated separately

Golf courses—(regulation and pitch and putt)

9 stalls/hole, plus other uses calculated separately

Gyms, spas and health clubs

1 stall/100 SF-GFA

Handball and racquetball courts

3 stalls/court, plus other uses calculated separately

Miniature golf

1.5 stalls/hole, plus other uses calculated separately

Skating rink—ice or roller

1 stall/100 SF of rink, plus other uses calculated separately

Swimming pool—commercial

10 stalls, or 1 stall/150 SF of water surface area plus 1 stall/2 employees

Tennis courts

3 stalls/court plus other uses calculated separately

(Ord. 2023-1 § 3; Ord. 2018-7 § 10; Ord. 2017-5 § 5; Ord. 2017-4 § 8; Ord. 2003-5 Exh. A § B; Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part))

Table 9-44.B

Total Number of Parking Stalls
in Parking Lot or Garage

Minimum Number of Required
Handicapped Parking Stalls

1 — 40


41 — 80


81 — 120


121 — 160


161 — 300


301 — 400


401 — 500


over 500

2% of total stalls

(Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part))


Table 9-44.C 


# Spaces Served

Min. Throat Length

Min. Throat Width

Min. # Lanes Req.

Max. Throat Length

Max. Throat Width

Open and covered


20 ft.

24 ft.


50 ft.

36 ft.


30 ft.

24 ft.


50 ft.

36 ft.

250 +

50 ft.

24 ft.


50 ft.

36 ft.



24 ft.

28 ft.


50 ft.

36 ft.


# Spaces Served

Min. Throat Length

Min. Throat Width

Min. # Lanes Req.

Max. Throat Length

Max. Throat Width

Open and covered


30 ft.

24 ft.


130 ft.

36 ft.


40 ft.

36 ft.

2 in/1 out

190 ft.

48 ft.


100 ft.

48 ft.

2 in/2 out

250 ft.

56 ft.



30 ft.

28 ft.


50 ft.

36 ft.


36 ft.

28 ft.


50 ft.

36 ft.

250 +

40 ft.

28 ft.


50 ft.

36 ft.

(Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part))

Table 9-44.D

Parking Aisle Widths

Parking Stall Orientation to Drive Aisle



Parallel (0°)

14 ft.

24 ft.


14 ft.

24 ft.


15 ft.

24 ft.


16 ft.

24 ft.


18 ft.

24 ft.


20 ft.

24 ft.


24 ft.

24 ft.

Parking Stall Dimensions

Location of Stalls and Orientation

Standard Stall Size

Handicapped Stall Size

Open Lots:


8' x 22'

14' x 22'

30—90 degree

9' x 18'

14' x 18'


All degrees

10' x 20'

14' x 20'

Parking Structure:


9' x 22'

14' x 22'

30—90 degrees

9' x 18'

14' x 18'

Table 9-44.D (continued)

Unobstructed Vertical Clearances

Parking Facility


Handicap Van



7.5 ft.

8.5 ft.

15 ft.


9 ft.

10 ft.

15 ft.

Parking structure

7 ft.

8 ft., 2 in.


Loading dock

15 ft.

15 ft.

15 ft.

Note:    Clearance measured from drive surface to lowest part of structure immediately above the drive including pipe, or ceiling, whichever is lowest. Minor deviations from the unobstructed vertical clearances standards may be granted, if the approving body finds that the deviation is consistent with current building and safety codes.

Permissible Grades for Drives and Aisles

Type of Access

Open Lot


Parking Structure




15% straight/
12% circular













Table 9-44.D (continued)

Permissible Driveway and Aisle Lengths





300 ft. max.

150 ft. max.


300 ft. max.

100 ft. max.

(Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part))

Table 9-44.E

Type of Parking Area

Minimum Setback


a. Residential

b. Nonresidential

20 ft. front; 3 ft. int. side, 5 ft. rear; 10 ft. street side

10 ft. from all property lines abutting public right-of-way or residential use; otherwise 5 ft. min.


a. Residential

b. Nonresidential

Same as building setback requirement

20 ft. from street; otherwise building setback requirement


a. Residential

1. Straight in approach

2. Right angle to street

b. Nonresidential

20 ft.

15 ft.

20 ft. from streets; otherwise building setback requirement


a. Residential

b. Nonresidential

10 ft. front and side street side; 5 ft. side and rear

10 ft. streets; 5 ft. side and rear

(Ord. 98-8 § 2 (part))