Chapter 10.68


10.68.010    Definitions.

10.68.020    New development.

10.68.030    Existing development.

10.68.040    Voluntary plans and programs.

10.68.010 Definitions.

“Alternate work schedules” shall mean a variation from the traditional five-day/40-hour work week to either a four-day/40-hour or nine-day/80-hour work schedule.

“Applicable development” shall mean any new or existing development that meets or exceeds the employment threshold identified in LEMC 10.68.020.

“Flextime” shall mean allowing employees to determine their own starting and quitting times by either extending the work day in the morning or evening or both.

“Parking management” shall mean an action taken to alter the supply, operation and/or demand of parking facilities to force shift from the single-occupant vehicle to carpool, vanpool or other transportation mode.

“Rideshare” shall mean a transportation mode with multiple occupants per vehicle.

“Telecommuting” shall mean the employee forgoes a trip to the normal worksite and instead works from home or from a satellite office near home. [Ord. 941 § 1, 1992].

10.68.020 New development.

A. Applicability. This section is applicable to new employment generating developments that could employ 100 or more persons based upon the following methodology:



Retail Commercial

500 square feet/employee


300 square feet/employee


500 square feet/employee


1,000 square feet/employee


0.5 employees/guest room


300 square feet/employee

For mixed use developments, the project employment factor shall be based upon the proportion of the development devoted to each land use.

B. Standards. All applicable developments shall incorporate facilities and/or programs in their development plans sufficient to attain a 12 percent work-related trip reduction from the expected number of trips related to the project as indicated in the Trip Generation Handbook published by the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE). Trip reductions shall be calculated in accordance with standards established by Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and/or the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD).

C. Facilities. Facilities provided in accordance with the provisions of this section may include but are not limited to:

1. Preferential parking for carpool vehicles;

2. Bicycle parking and shower facilities;

3. Information center for transportation alternatives;

4. Rideshare vehicle loading areas;

5. Vanpool vehicle accessibility;

6. Bus stop improvements;

7. On-site child care facilities;

8. Local TSM and road improvements;

9. Facilities to encourage telecommuting;

10. Contributions to support regional facilities designed to reduce vehicle trips and miles traveled;

11. On-site amenities such as cafeterias and restaurants, automated teller machines, and other services that would eliminate the need for additional trips.

D. Trip Reduction Plan Option. Proponents for new development proposals may submit trip reduction plans and/or design features specified in LEMC 10.68.030 to achieve trip reduction requirements of this section. Said plan shall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to the issue of occupancy permits. Agreements to secure implementation of such plans shall become a condition of development and shall be recorded with the deed of trust for the property. [Ord. 941 § 2, 1992].

10.68.030 Existing development.

A. Applicability. This section is applicable to all employers that employ 100 or more persons.

B. Trip Reduction Plans. All applicable developments or businesses shall submit a trip reduction plan to reduce work-related vehicle trips by 12 percent. Said plan shall be submitted and approved by the City Traffic Engineer within 120 days from the issuance and/or renewal of the business license.

C. Trip Reduction Methods. Any combination of the following methods may be utilized to achieve the required vehicle trip reduction:

1. Alternative Work Schedules/Flextime.

a. Office/Professional, Industrial, Manufacturing, Warehouse. Incorporate alternate work schedules and flex-time programs (adoption of nine-day/80-hour work schedule for all employees would account for a 10 percent reduction in vehicle trips).

b. Hospital. Incorporate alternate work schedules and flextime programs for employees that normally work between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

2. Telecommuting.

a. Office/Professional.

(1) Office facilities 25,000 square feet or larger may preserve five percent of the gross floor area for telecommuting purposes to allow tenants with multiple facilities to establish satellite work centers.

(2) Establish telecommuting or work at home programs to allow employees to work at a home or a satellite work center either one day per week or one day every two weeks.

(3) Through the telecommuting or work at home program, provide incentives or offset employee costs in acquiring the needed equipment and supplies for telecommuting.

b. All Other Uses. Establish telecommuting or work at home programs for selected employees (i.e., certain clerical or administrative employees).

3. Through the telecommuting or work at home program provide incentives or offset employee costs in acquiring the needed equipment and supplies for telecommuting.

4. Bicycle Facilities – All Uses.

a. Provide bicycle parking facilities equivalent to five percent of the total required automobile parking spaces.

b. Preserve two percent of the gross floor area for employee locker and shower facilities.

5. Parking Management – All Uses.

a. Designate with signs, in lieu of painted pavement, 10 percent of employee parking for carpools and vanpools as an incentive.

b. Offer financial or other incentives to employees who participate in ride-sharing or an alternative mode of transportation other than the single-occupant vehicle.

6. Mass Transit Facility Usage – All Uses. Provide incentives to employees to use mass transit facilities. Incentives could include provision of a bus pass, additional pay, flextime or any other incentive which encourages employees to use mass transit in lieu of the single-occupant vehicle.

D. Other Measures. Any other method or measure which can exhibit a reduction in vehicle trips shall be credited toward attaining the requirements of this chapter.

E. Enforcement. Upon approval of the applicable trip reduction plan, if there is future noncompliance with this chapter or exhibited failure to implement the trip reduction plan, one or more of the following provisions shall apply:

1. Exercise a lien, based upon the terms of the agreement, on the subject property.

2. A monetary penalty compounded on a monthly basis upon the length of time of noncompliance equal to the business license renewal fee.

F. Fee. A trip reduction plan review fee of $400.00 payable at the time of annual review shall be required. This fee shall be used to defray the costs of processing and reviewing each individual trip reduction plan.

G. Compliance with AQMD Regulation XV. Initial trip reduction plans approved by the City under the provisions of this chapter for new employers shall constitute compliance with Regulation XV provided such programs have been determined sufficient to meet AVR targets of one and one-half. Monitoring and annual reporting requirements shall continue to be the responsibility of AQMD and individual employers in accordance with rules and procedures established by the South Coast Air Quality Management District. [Ord. 941 § 3, 1992].

10.68.040 Voluntary plans and programs.

A. Employers which employ fewer than 100 people will be encouraged by the City to submit trip reduction plans on a voluntary basis to achieve an overall trip reduction within the City of 12 percent.

B. The City Traffic Engineer shall be responsible for developing effective incentive programs which promote voluntary programs to reduce vehicle trips and miles traveled. [Ord. 941 § 4, 1992].