Chapter 17.13


17.13.010    Purpose.

17.13.020    Performance standards/architectural and design review.

17.13.030    Uses permitted.

17.13.035    Uses permitted subject to the issuance of a zoning permit.

17.13.040    Uses permitted subject to a use permit.

17.13.050    Development standards.

17.13.060    Additional design criteria.

17.13.070    Performance standards.

17.13.010 Purpose.

To provide areas for a wide variety of industrial, manufacturing, research, business park, or related facilities. (Ord. 796 Att. A(part), 1999)

17.13.020 Performance standards/architectural and design review.

All uses permitted within the "I" district shall be subject to the performance standards as set forth in Chapter 17.28 and to architectural and design review as set forth in Chapter 17.27. (Ord. 796 Att. A(part), 1999)

17.13.030 Uses permitted.

A.    Light manufacturing, assembly, packaging or processing, incidental sales (within a building) of the following finished products:

1.    Electrical instruments, computers, optical equipment, and similar uses including research and development facilities.

2.    Grains, vegetables, fruits, and other farm products.

3.    Wood, paper, or paper products.

4.    Fabrics, textiles, or similar materials.

5.    Leather products.

6.    Metals and alloy products.

7.    Glass, plastics, pottery, and rubber products.

B.    Indoor sale of large and bulky household items such as appliances, carpet and floor covering, furniture, and fireplaces and wood stoves.

C.    Commercial trade services including cleaning and dying facilities, bottling works, cabinet and carpentry shops, blacksmiths, welding and machine shops, furniture repair and upholstery shops within a building.

D.    Laundry, janitorial, or maintenance services within a building.

E.    Construction related sales and service facilities such as general and specialty contractor offices, electrical, plumbing and heating shops, and equipment rental shops with materials stored in a building.

F.    Commercial warehouses and mini-storage facilities.

G.    Administrative and general business offices and facilities when associated with a permitted or use-permitted facility.

H.    Professional construction support services such as blueprinting, duplicating, printing, drafting, engineering, surveying, planning, or architectural services.

I.    Research, development, and testing facilities within a building.

J.    Wholesale, storage, and distribution facilities within a building.

K.    Vehicle, boat, mechanical, and equipment repair within a building.

L.    Any other heavy commercial or light industrial. use, building, or structure which is of similar character as those listed herein. (Ord. 796 Att. A(part), 1999)

17.13.035 Uses permitted subject to the issuance of a zoning permit.

A.    Temporary offices.

B.    Wireless facility minor modification, collocation, small wireless facility subject to the regulations set forth in Chapter 17.41. (Ord. 923 §22, 2019; Ord. 821 §1(part), 2003)

17.13.040 Uses permitted subject to a use permit.

A.    Recycling centers.

B.    Outdoor storage, display, and sales associated with permitted uses.

C.    Boat manufacturing.

D.    Sale of ornamental rock, monuments, or other similar materials.

E.    Industrial or residential accessory uses and accessory structures.

F.    Food services that primarily serve industrial facilities.

G.    Lumber mills or other heavy milling facilities.

H.    Auto wrecking yards, salvage and dismantling yards, and junkyards.

I.    Concrete or asphalt batch plants, rock crushing and stone product yards, sand and gravel plants.

J.    Processing, slaughtering or packaging facilities for meats, fish, or foul such as a cannery, meat packing plant, or slaughterhouse.

K.    Manufacturing, mixing, or processing of chemicals.

L.    Electroplating facilities.

M.    Hazardous or toxic waste transfer operations.

N.    Manufacturing, assembly, packaging, or processing of materials involving the pulverization of clays, use of kilns, or the refining of oils or fats.

O.    Business and industrial parks.

P.    Other heavy industrial uses which are of similar character to those listed in this subsection.

Q.    Adult oriented businesses.

R.    Commercial cannabis consisting of cultivation, manufacturing with and without volatile solvents, testing, distribution and retailers activities subject to the regulations set forth in Chapter 5.34.

S.    Wireless facility, wireless facility substantial modification subject to the regulations set forth in Chapter 17.41. (Ord. 923 §23, 2019; Ord. 915 §5, 2018; Ord. 821 §1(part), 2003; Ord. 796 Att. A(part), 1999)

17.13.050 Development standards.

A.    Minimum Lot Size. Twelve thousand square feet minimum or as determined through the parcel or subdivision map process.

B.    Minimum Average Lot Width.

1.    Interior lots: one hundred feet.

2.    Corner lots: one hundred twenty feet.

C.    Minimum Lot Length. Eighty feet.

D.    Maximum Length to Width Ratio. Three to one.

E.    Maximum Lot Coverage. Fifty percent.

F.    Floor Area Ratio: .35.

G.    Minimum Yards.

1.    Front yard: fifteen feet from the front property line.

2.    Rear yard: ten feet, or thirty feet from the lot line when contiguous to any residential or commercial zoning district.

3.    Side lot line: ten feet, or thirty feet from any lot line when contiguous to a residential or commercial zoning district.

H.    Maximum Height of Structures: forty-five feet.

I.    Parking. Parking standards as set forth in Chapter 17.23.

J.    Signs. All signs shall conform to the provisions of the sign ordinance. (Ord. 821 §1(part), 2003; Ord. 796 Att. A(part), 1999)

17.13.060 Additional design criteria.

The following design criteria shall apply to business park or industrial park development.

A.    A master plan of development shall be submitted to the planning commission for approval. The business park or industrial park shall be developed in accordance with the master plan which shall include plans for roads, landscaping, utilities, lighting, service areas, parking, building, and storage areas.

B.    Facades of buildings shall be decorative and architecturally pleasing. At a minimum, all buildings shall be designed so that the exterior walls are of metal, wood, or masonry. Roofing materials shall be composed of composite materials, tile, shake, shingles, tar and gravel, or an architectural metal roof sheeting with factory applied color coating.

C.    Colors, materials, and finishes are to be coordinated on all exterior elevations of the building to achieve a total continuity of design that is visually pleasing and harmonious with adjacent development and/or the surrounding area.

D.    Roof-mounted mechanical equipment or duct work which project vertically more than one foot above the roof or parapet line, and which are visible from adjoining street, shall be screened with an enclosure that is architecturally consistent with the building.

E.    Mechanical equipment, except for emergency equipment or air conditioning equipment, exposed on the wall surface of a building shall be screened by an enclosure which is consistent with the architectural style of the building.

F.    Plans for blowers and tanks, etc., shall be reviewed at the time of development review to determine design integration with the buildings of adjacent areas.

G.    All gutters, downspouts, fences, louvers, exposed metal flashing, or overhead doors shall be painted to blend with or match the surface colors of the buildings to which they are attached. (Ord. 796 Att. A(part), 1999)

17.13.070 Performance standards.

A.    Landscape, Screening, and Outdoor Storage. All development projects proposed in an industrial zoning district shall be provided with landscaping, screening, or outdoor storage facilities as appropriate in order to minimize the visual impact either from adjoining properties or from the adjoining traveled roadways. Screening shall be completed with solid fencing, chain link fencing with slats, landscaping, or a combination.

B.    Public Safety. All proposed development projects in industrial zones shall comply with the following public safety requirements:

1.    Emergency access to the rear portion of the lot shall be provided when deemed necessary or where required by the Lakeport fire department.

2.    Adequate lighting of parking lot and buildings shall be provided.

3.    Clearly marked street numbers with lighting for night visibility shall be provided.

4.    Required landscaping shall not totally shield a security officer’s view of doors, windows, or entrance areas

5.    Industrial facilities allowed under a use permit are subject to an increased level of review. Uses found to create potentially detrimental impacts as a result of their operation may not be allowed. Consideration will be given to the production of noise, offensive odors, smoke, dust, lighting, vibration, traffic, handling of explosives, or dangerous or toxic materials related to a proposed use. (Ord. 796 Att. A(part), 1999)