Chapter 3-50
3-50-010 Airports, heliports and landing strips.
3-50-020 Commercial amusement facilities.
3-50-030 Churches.
3-50-040 Gun ranges and shooting clubs.
3-50-050 Golf courses, country clubs.
3-50-060 Golf driving range.
3-50-070 Outdoor theaters.
3-50-080 Private swim clubs or recreation centers.
3-50-090 Social halls, lodges, fraternal organizations and clubs.
3-50-100 Swimming pools.
3-50-110 Private streets.
3-50-010 Airports, heliports and landing strips.
Airports or heliports or landing strips (public or private) for aircraft shall be located with runways not closer than 600 feet from any barn or stable or residential district; shall provide runways so oriented that aircraft landing and taking off do not pass less than 500 feet directly over barns or stables or residential districts or commercial districts; shall be located so that air or land traffic shall not constitute a nuisance to residential areas or neighboring farms; shall show when required that performance standards have been met; and shall provide for approach hazard zones. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.81)
3-50-020 Commercial amusement facilities.
Commercial amusement centers or facilities and similar places of amusement or recreation, involving assemblages of people and automobiles, or where entertainers are provided, shall not be established closer than 200 feet to the boundary of any residential district or zone, shall provide parking with ingress and egress designed so as to minimize traffic congestion, shall not be less than 20 feet from any property line, shall provide a six-foot solid board fence or masonry wall on all property lines abutting a residential district except in required front yard, and when required shall show that performance standards have been met. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.82.A)
3-50-030 Churches.
Churches or similar religious or eleemosynary institutions shall be permitted in any zoning district, subject to obtaining a conditional use permit, and shall be subject to other applicable provisions of this code and the following site requirements:
A. Minimum Street Frontage. Thirty-five feet.
B. Minimum Yard, Street Frontage. That of the zoning district in which the church is located, except, when adjacent to a C district, the minimum yard may be that of the district to which the church abuts.
C. Minimum Yard, Non-Street Frontage. Ten feet or a distance equal to the height of exterior walls, whichever is greater, except, when adjacent to a C district, the minimum yard may be that of the district to which the church abuts.
D. Off-Street Parking. To be provided in conformance with Chapter 3-20 LPZC.
E. Erection and maintenance, except in required front yard, of a six-foot high solid board fence or masonry wall on all property lines which abut a residential district.
F. Maintenance of all open areas in a dust-free condition. Minimum site requirements shall not pertain to the conduct of services in rented multi-purpose halls and auditoriums or to occasional conduct of services in private homes. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.82.B)
3-50-040 Gun ranges and shooting clubs.
Gun ranges or shooting clubs shall not be located within one mile of any developed residential, commercial or industrial area, or place of public assembly. A temporary zoning use permit may be granted, to be in force for one year only, which may be resumed for a period of one year at the expiration, provided above requirements are met. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.83.A)
3-50-050 Golf courses, country clubs.
A golf course, country club shall not allow any building to be located within 200 feet of any property lines; shall permit such facilities as restaurants and bars when conducted and entered from within the building; and shall locate all accessory facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, and similar accessory uses, not less than 25 feet from any property line. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.83.B)
3-50-060 Golf driving range.
A golf driving range shall be located with reasonable access to streets, highways, or frontage roads. Flood lights used to illuminate such use shall be so directed and shielded as to not be an annoyance to any developed residential property. The golf driving platform shall not be less then 200 feet from any adjacent R district or existing dwelling. A temporary zoning use permit may be granted to be in force for one year only, which permit may be renewed for a period of one year at the expiration, provided all requirements of this code have been and can continue to be compiled with. Whenever such use is incorporated within or abuts any R district, protective fencing or shielding may be required at the discretion of the planning commission. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.83.C)
3-50-070 Outdoor theaters.
Outdoor theaters shall be located only on major streets, shall provide ingress and egress so designed as to minimize traffic congestion, shall be located at least 400 feet distant from any developed dwelling or residential district, and shall be so screened that any noise shall not disturb residents, and shall maintain lighted signs and other lights only in such a way as not to cause glare to neighborhood residents. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.84)
3-50-080 Private swim clubs or recreation centers.
Private swim clubs or recreation centers shall be permitted in any C or I district, and in any R district subject to obtaining a conditional use permit. Private swim and recreation centers shall conform to regulations governing social halls and similar uses, shall provide parking in conformance to LPZC 3-20-070, and shall provide a six-foot high board fence, masonry wall, or screened chainlink fence on property lines, in conformance with LPZC 3-05-190 and other zoning district regulations. A permit shall be issued for a period not to exceed one year but shall become permanent upon completion of construction of a swim club or recreation center. (Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.85)
3-50-090 Social halls, lodges, fraternal organizations and clubs.
Social halls, lodges, fraternal organizations and clubs shall locate all buildings, except in CB districts, not less than 20 feet from side lot lines, and not less than 20 feet from the rear lot line, and shall not be permitted to indicate any external evidence of any gainful activity, however incidental, nor any access to any space used for gainful activity other than from within the building, and shall be located with ready access to a major street or frontage road, or be able to provide access without causing heavy traffic on a local residential street. (Ord. 1736 § 6, 2004; Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.86)
3-50-100 Swimming pools.
A “swimming pool,” as regulated herein, shall be defined as any pool, pond, lake, open tank, or any outside body of water, created by artificial means, designed or used for swimming or other immersion purposes, and situated above or below grade level, located within or outside of a building, and containing, or normally capable of containing, water to a depth at any point greater than one and one-half feet. The following regulations shall be applicable to swimming pools:
A. Site Location and Setbacks.
1. Single-Family Dwellings and Duplexes. Swimming pools shall be located a distance of at least five feet from any building, and a side or a rear lot line, except that lesser distances may be permitted between a swimming pool and a building if the swimming pool is found by the city to be so designed as to maintain the structural integrity of any building involved. In the case of a spa, hot tub, or similar small pool having a maximum dimension of nine feet at the water line, the setback from a side or rear property line shall be three feet.
2. Multiple-Family Dwellings, Motels, Hotels, and Mobile Home Parks. Swimming pools shall be located a distance of at least 10 feet from side and rear property lines. Where adjacent to an RL or RS zoning district, setback shall be 25 feet.
3. Private Golf Courses, Country Clubs, Swim Clubs and Recreation Centers. Swimming pools shall be located 50 feet from the property line of an RL or RS zoning district.
4. Commercial, Public, and Quasi-Public Recreational Facilities. Swimming pools shall be located 100 feet from the property line of an RL or RS zoning district.
5. Bed and Breakfast Use. Swimming pools or spas for guest use shall meet all Alameda County environmental health department requirements. Swimming pools or spas not for guest use shall be sign posted as such. The operator shall be responsible for enforcement of signs. Swimming pools and spas shall be located and prescribed by the zoning district.
B. Placement of Mechanical Equipment. Mechanical equipment shall be located so as to minimize the noise and lessen the nuisance to occupants of nearby residences. (Ord. 1377, 1992; Ord. 1175, 1985; Ord. 1083, 1981; Ord. 649 § 15, 1968; Ord. 442 § 21.88)
3-50-110 Private streets.
Within the residential zoning districts lots for dwelling units without frontage on a public street, private streets may be permitted subject to approval of a conditional use permit and in conformance with the following requirements:
A. Minimum Setback. All structures shall be set back at least 30 feet from the curb of the private street.
B. Private Street Width. All private streets shall conform to the following minimum width requirements:
1. Thirty-three feet, including the parallel parking along one side of the private street.
2. Nineteen feet shall be added for each row of parking when the private street includes diagonal or perpendicular parking.
3. Seven feet shall be added for each row of parking when the private street includes parallel parking.
C. Frontage on Private Street. Minimum lot frontage width shall be 50 feet. A reduction in this width can be approved, provided the following findings can be made:
1. The reduction in lot frontage width is necessary or desirable because of the topography or other physical features that prevent reasonable utilization of the undeveloped site.
2. The amount of parking on the residential lots will be increased as required in LPZC 3-20-050(A)(1) to replace the reduction of the on-street parking.
3. The reduction in lot frontage width will not result in a significant reduction in the amount of landscaping visible from the public street.
D. Sidewalks and Pedestrian Pathways. Sidewalks and pedestrian pathways shall conform to the following requirements:
1. They shall be constructed along both sides of the private street within the building setback area;
2. They shall provide access to all building entrances, parking, and open space areas;
3. These sidewalks and pathways shall have a minimum unobstructed width of five feet.
E. Lighting. All private streets shall be illuminated with a maintained minimum of one footcandle of light at the street surface. Lighting fixtures shall be so arranged as to disseminate light uniformly over the street surface.
F. Minimum Improvements. All private streets shall be improved with the provision of paving and a six-inch high concrete curb and gutter on each side of the driveway. Improvement shall be in conformance with the City of Livermore Standard Street Sections for Traffic Index 4.5.
G. Maintenance. Provision shall be made for perpetual maintenance of all facilities utilized in common, including easements, sewer lines, storm drains, driveways, buildings, lighting fixtures, parking lots, and similar features, through establishment of a maintenance assessment district or other method satisfactory to the city for purposes of securing revenue for such purpose.
H. Development Standards. The development of the private street projects shall not preclude the subdivision of adjacent properties, shall not preclude the development of streets necessary to handle local traffic needs, and shall be adequate to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the city. (Ord. 1297, 1989; Ord. 442 § 21.89)