Chapter 3-55
3-55-010 Generally.
3-55-020 Purpose.
3-55-030 Site specifications.
3-55-040 Site development regulations.
3-55-050 Lot specifications.
3-55-060 Lot development regulations.
3-55-070 Conditional use permit.
3-55-080 Time limit.
3-55-010 Generally.
Within the residential zoning districts, subject to approval of a conditional use permit, townhouse development of single-family residences may be permitted. For purposes of this section, “townhouse development” shall be defined as the subdivision and development on a site of attached or detached single-family dwellings on individual lots for purposes of lease, rental or sale, which lots may have no frontage on a public street, may have access drives in common, and may have common recreation, open space, and off-street parking areas. (Ord. 1297, 1989; Ord. 442 § 21.90)
3-55-020 Purpose.
It is the purpose of this chapter to (A) encourage an additional type of residential development; (B) provide a way to develop parcels which are not able to be subdivided in accordance with city standards due to size and shape; (C) provide for multifamily residential use of single parcels to be compatible with adjacent single-family residences; and/or (D) preserve open space through density transfer and/or clustering of dwellings on a site. (Ord. 1297, 1989; Ord. 442 § 21.91)
3-55-030 Site specifications.
A site for a townhouse development shall conform to applicable zoning district regulations with respect to site area and dimensions, plus the following additional regulations:
A. Minimum Site Area. One acre.
B. Maximum Site Area. None, except that the city may limit size of a site proposed for development through the requirement of streets found necessary to provide access to the site and to serve the general circulation needs of the neighborhood.
C. Maximum Site Depth. Four hundred feet. May be increased to 800 feet where street frontage is provided on two opposite sides.
D. Minimum Site Depth. One hundred feet.
E. Minimum Site Width. As set forth for the zoning district in which the site is located.
F. Minimum Street Frontage Required. As set forth for the zoning district in which the site is located. (Ord. 442 § 21.92)
3-55-040 Site development regulations.
A total townhouse development site shall conform to applicable zoning district regulations with respect to setbacks, height limits, etc., plus the following additional regulations:
A. Maximum Dwelling Units Permitted. As set forth for the zoning district in which the parcel is located.
B. Minimum Driveway Improvement. Shall be improved with the provision of paving and a six-inch high concrete curb and gutter on each side of the driveway. Improvement shall be in conformance with the City of Livermore Standard Street Section for Traffic Index 4.5. To prevent overhang of open space, retainers or tire stops shall be required for all parking stalls facing an open space area.
C. Minimum Driveway Width. All driveways shall conform to the following minimum requirements:
1. Fifteen feet for one-way driveways that do not have any parking on the driveway or any access to adjacent parking.
2. Twenty-six feet for two-way driveways that do not have any parking on the driveway.
3. Nineteen feet shall be added for each row of parking when the driveway includes diagonal or perpendicular parking.
4. Seven feet shall be added for each row of parking when the driveway includes parallel parking.
D. Minimum Distance between Buildings. As set forth in LPZC 3-05-160, except that buildings having a front-to-front orientation within twenty degrees of parallel shall be separated a distance of not less than 50 feet.
E. Maximum Dwellings Per Building. Eight dwellings.
F. Fencing. A six-foot high solid wood fence or masonry wall shall be erected on all property lines common with any planned or existing residential, commercial, or industrial area or zone.
G. Fire Lanes. Fire lanes shall be designated, posted, and recorded as fire lanes and shall at no time be obstructed in a manner that will prohibit vehicular access through the fire lane system.
H. Fire Protection Facilities. Fire protection facilities, including hydrants, shall be installed by the developer as required by the city.
I. Maximum Site Coverage. Twenty-five percent.
J. Exterior TV Antennas. Exterior TV antennas shall be limited to one for each building within the development.
K. Landscaping. Open areas shall be landscaped or otherwise maintained in a dust-free and fire-safe condition. Landscaping shall include at least 16 shade trees per acre of the site and shall be installed concurrent with the development of the site or any of its stages.
L. Maintenance. Provision shall be made for perpetual maintenance of all common open space and facilities, including easements, recreation areas, yards, sewer lines, storm drains, driveways, buildings, parking lots, and similar features, through establishment of a maintenance assessment district or other method satisfactory to the city for purposes of securing revenue for such purpose. In addition, any facility deemed by the city to be of direct benefit to the public could be accepted for maintenance by the city upon dedication.
M. Lighting. All driveways and common parking areas shall be illuminated with a maintained minimum of one footcandle of light at the driveway and parking lot surface. Lighting fixtures shall be so arranged as to disseminate light uniformly over the driveway and parking area surface.
N. Sidewalks and Pedestrian Pathways. Sidewalks and pedestrian pathways shall be constructed as follows:
1. They shall be constructed along one side of the driveway within the building setback area; and
2. They shall provide access to all building entrances, parking, and open space areas; and
3. These sidewalks and pathways shall have a minimum unobstructed width of five feet. (Ord. 1297, 1989; Ord. 1250, 1987; Ord. 1018, 1980; Ord. 442 § 21.93)
3-55-050 Lot specifications.
The following specifications are applicable to individual lots within a total townhouse complex:
A. Minimum Lot Area. None.
B. Minimum Lot Depth. None.
C. Minimum Lot Width. None.
D. Minimum Street Frontage Required. The street frontage requirements may be waived for individual lots within the development; provided, comparable frontage is provided on driveways found by the city to provide safe and adequate vehicular and pedestrian access. (Ord. 1297, 1989; Ord. 442 § 21.94)
3-55-060 Lot development regulations.
Development of individual lots within a townhouse complex shall conform to applicable zoning district regulations, except where modified as follows:
A. Minimum Side Yard. Zero feet, except when adjacent to a driveway or parking lot.
B. Maximum Building Height. As set forth for the district in which the site is located.
C. Minimum Setback from Driveways or Parking Lots. All structures shall be set back at least 10 feet from all driveways and parking lots. When a garage faces a driveway, the setback shall be increased to 20 feet.
D. Usable Open Space Required.
1. There shall be provided usable open space of not less than 1,000 square feet for each dwelling lot that is reduced below 6,000 square feet in area.
2. For purposes of this section, “usable open space” is defined as greens and/or recreation facilities and areas all common with other property owners. “Usable open space” does not include yards or other areas having a width of 15 feet or less, private patios, required front yards for the total site, or areas devoted to automobile access or storage.
3. Usable open space described herein or dedicated through any density transfer shall not be credited to prerequisite park dedication. (Ord. 1297, 1989; Ord. 442 § 21.95)
3-55-070 Conditional use permit.
A conditional use permit shall be required as set forth in Chapter 4-20 LPZC. In addition to the findings prescribed by Chapter 4-20 LPZC, the city shall also find:
A. That the design of a proposed development shows variety in:
1. Building height;
2. Number of stories; and
3. Number of dwellings in a building.
B. That buildings and dwelling units properly relate to each other and to common open space within the building site, so as to avoid visual monotony and minimize anticipated problems of noise and vehicular traffic, thereby assuring as much as possible a suitable living environment.
C. That development will not preclude the subdivision of adjacent property or the provision of streets necessary to handle local traffic needs. (Ord. 442 § 21.96)
3-55-080 Time limit.
As a condition to approval of any conditional use permit, the city shall establish time limits for project commencement and completion commensurate with the size of the project, but not longer than three years. A project shall be considered to be completed within the time limit where all on-site improvements are installed and 50 percent of the approved dwellings have been constructed. (Ord. 442 § 21.97)