Title 18


18.01    Introduction

18.02    Definitions

18.03    Establishment of Zones and Zoning Map

18.10    OS-Zone Open Space

18.11    LD Zone Limited Development

18.12    A-E Zone Agricultural Estate

18.13    A-1 Zone Agricultural Low Density

18.14    A-2 Zone Agricultural

18.15    R-1 Zone Residential Single-Family

18.16    Animal-Keeping Overlay (AKO) Zone

18.17    R-3 Zone Low-Density Multiple-Family Residential

18.18    C-1 Zone Light Commercial—Deleted by Ord. 842, See new Chapter 18.29

18.19    C-2 Zone General Commercial—Deleted by Ord. 842, See new Chapter 18.29

18.20    C-3 Zone Heavy Commercial—Deleted by Ord. 842, See new Chapter 18.29

18.21    C-R Zone Commercial Recreation

18.22    C-O Zone Commercial Office

18.23    C-4 Commercial Zone

18.24    M-1 Zone Heavy Commercial/Light Manufacturing

18.25    M-2 Zone General Manufacturing

18.26    HS Zone Hillside (Agricultural/Low Density) Areas

18.27    PD Overlay Zone Planned Developments

18.28    P-E Zone Pedestrian-Equestrian Trails

18.29    C-G (Commercial General)—Replaces Chapters 18.18, 18.19 and 18.20

18.30    General Provisions—Miscellaneous

18.31    General Provisions—Yards, Setbacks, and Height Exceptions

18.32    General Provisions—Home Occupations

18.33    General Provisions—Service Stations

18.34    Vehicle Sales Facilities

18.35    General Provisions—Standards and Procedures Relating to Animal Keeping

18.36    General Provisions—Relocation of Buildings

18.37    Signs

18.38    General Provisions—Off-Street Parking and Loading

18.39    General Provisions—Non-Conforming Uses, Lots, and Structures

18.40    Site Plan Review

18.41    Architectural Review

18.42    Similar Uses Permitted by Commission Determination

18.43    Hearings and Appeals Therefrom

18.44    Variances

18.45    Conditional Use Permits

18.46    Revocation and Expiration of Permits and Variances

18.47    Amendments and Zone Changes

18.48    Enforcement, Legal Procedures and Penalties

18.49    Validity and Separability

18.50    Board of Zoning Adjustment

18.51    Special Events

18.52    Specific Plan

18.53    Adult Entertainment Establishments

18.54    Transportation Demand Management

18.55    Water Efficient Landscaping

18.56    Child Care Homes and Centers

18.57    Wireless Communications Facility Regulations

18.58    Historic Preservation Overlay Zone

18.59    Rooming and Boarding House

18.60    Regulation of Recycling Facilities

18.61    Commercial Transition Overlay (CTO) Zone

18.62    Preservation and Development Zone

18.63    Hospitality Development Zone

18.64    Housing Development Overlay (HDO) Zone

18.65    Residential Density Bonus Provisions

18.66    Emergency Shelters

18.67    Prohibition of Marijuana Cultivation and Transportation

18.68    Accessory Building Use Permits

18.69    Short-Term Rentals

18.70    Inclusionary Housing Program