Chapter 18.13
18.13.04 Sub-Zones of the A-1 Zone.
18.13.08 Uses Which May Be Permitted by Conditional Use Permit.
18.13.11 Primary Animal Keeping Area
18.13.22 Distance Between Buildings.
18.13.24 Walls, Fences, and Structures in the Setback Areas.
18.13.30 Additional Dwellings on a Lot.
18.13.34 Water Works Facilities.
18.13.42 Encroachments for Driveways.
18.13.02 Intent and Purpose.
It is hereby found and declared that the City of Norco lies in a natural setting of rural, scenic and historical beauty; that this rural environment generates a strong characteristic for development of Norco as a new equestrian focal point in southern California; that this unique rural environment and historically significant location contributes a material economic advantage to the citizens, businesses, and industries within the City and particularly to the property owners who reside therein; and that development in an orderly manner with compatible uses and appearances of structures within and between zones and with the natural rural environment is necessary to maintain such historic and economic advantage, to stabilize, protect, and maintain property values, and to encourage permanence of desirable residential areas.
This zone is intended to provide and encourage the development of agriculturally oriented low-density living areas designed to take advantage of the rural environment, as well as the outdoor recreation potential of the community by maintaining contiguous undeveloped open land on each and every residential lot. (Ord. 1019 Sec. 1, 2017; Ord. 924 Sec. 1, 2010)
18.13.04 Sub-Zones of the A-1 Zone.
This zone shall be separated into sub-zones to delineate required minimum lot size. The sub-zone shall be identified by a numerical suffix after the “A-1” designation on the zoning map; and each and every area zoned A-1 in the City of Norco shall have a numerical suffix appended thereto. Said numerical suffixes shall designate the required minimum lot size in either thousands of feet, or in number of acres. Any numerical suffix of 20 or more shall mean thousands of square feet; any numerical suffix of less than 20 shall mean acres. For example:
A-1-20 = 20,000-square-foot minimum lot size (*see note below);
A-1-2 = two-acre minimum lot size;
A-1-5 = five-acre minimum lot size; etc.
* A-1-20 shall refer to all lots created before the effective date of Ordinance No. 977, when the minimum lot size was 20,000 square feet, and to all lots created after the effective date of Ordinance No. 977 and the minimum lot size is 21,780 square feet net.
(Ord. 977 Sec. 1, 2014)
18.13.06 Permitted Uses.
The following uses are permitted and land shall be used and buildings and structures shall hereafter be erected, altered, enlarged, or otherwise modified for the following uses only:
A. Single-family detached dwellings. No more than one such dwelling shall be permitted on any lot.
B. Public parks and playgrounds.
C. Accessory Structures and Uses.
1. Accessory buildings as regulated by Chapter 18.68 subject to the lot development standards of this zone.
2. Deleted by Ord. 924.
3. Home occupation, as defined in Section 18.02.04(31) and subject to conformance to the criteria for home occupations provided in Chapter 18.32 and all the provisions thereof.
D. Agricultural Uses:
1. Farms devoted to the hatching, raising, butchering, or marketing on a commercial scale of chickens, turkeys, or other fowl or poultry and rabbits, fish, frogs, or other small animal farms of a similar nature; provided, however, that not more than 500 turkeys per acre, in addition to brooding stock, shall be kept, fed, or maintained on a parcel of less than five acres. No commercial poultry operation shall be established on a parcel containing less than nine acres or with a width of less than 300 feet, and all poultry buildings and structures shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the rear and side lines of the parcel and 50 feet from any public road or highway. Unless otherwise noted below, the provision for fowl or poultry shall not include roosters. Roosters shall be regulated as noted below:
a. The maximum number of roosters permitted, for noncommercial animal-keeping, in relation to lot size shall be determined as follows:
Lot Size |
Maximum Roosters |
10,000 but less than 19,999 sq. ft. |
4 |
20,000 but less than 24,999 sq. ft. |
16 |
25,000 but less than 29,999 sq. ft. |
17* |
30,000 but less than 34,999 sq. ft. |
34* |
35,000 but less than 39,999 sq. ft. |
43* |
40,000 or more |
55* |
*Conditional use permit required for keeping more than 16 roosters regardless of lot size. |
b. When it can be determined by appearance or crowing that a bird is a stag, it shall be included in the count regardless of the age of the stag.
c. All properties with more than 16 roosters shall be required to obtain a conditional use permit and shall be required to have roosters contained on the property at all times, with said roosters maintained a minimum of 50 feet from the nearest adjacent residence. Any operation consisting of 55 or more roosters shall be considered a commercial operation and in addition to requiring approval of a conditional use permit, shall have the same restrictions pertaining to a commercial poultry business noted in subsection (D)(1) of this section.
d. It is unlawful and a public nuisance to keep or maintain more than 16 roosters on any property in the A-1 zone without the approval of a conditional use permit.
2. Nurseries, greenhouses, orchards, aviaries, apiaries, the raising of field crops and tree crops, berry and bush crops, and vegetable, flower, and herb gardening on a commercial scale including the drying, packing, canning, freezing, and other accepted methods of processing of fruits, nuts, vegetables, and other horticultural products where such drying, packing, canning, freezing or processing is primarily in conjunction with a farming operation and provided the permanent buildings and structures used in conjunction with such drying, packing, canning, freezing, and processing operations are not nearer than 20 feet from the boundaries of the premises. Such drying, packing, canning, freezing, or processing not in conjunction with a farming operation on the same premises may be conducted in the A-1 Zone where the minimum lot size permitted by the zone classification is five acres or more, and further provided that all such operations are kept at least 40 feet from any interior boundary and 100 feet from the centerline of any public street or highway.
3. The keeping and maintaining of horses, cattle, swine, sheep, and goats (hereinafter referred to as “keeping,” it being the intent that whenever the term “keeping” or “kept” is used in this Section it shall mean that portion of a lot upon which such animals receive food and/or water and/or shelter) shall be permitted on the basis of maximum number of adult animal units per lot.
4. Adult animal units shall be determined as follows:
Animal |
Shall Equal |
One Equine |
One Animal Unit |
One Bovine |
One Animal Unit |
One Swine |
One Animal Unit |
Two Sheep |
One Animal Unit |
Two Goats |
One Animal Unit |
Two Miniature Horses |
One Animal Unit |
Two Miniature Bovines |
One Animal Unit |
One Camel |
One Animal Unit |
One Llama |
One Animal Unit |
Two Alpacas |
One Animal Unit |
Two Emus |
One Animal Unit |
One Ostrich |
One Animal Unit |
i. Offspring of permitted adult animal units shall not be counted in determining the permitted number of adult animal units on a given lot, if such offspring do not exceed the following age limitation:
Equine, six months
Bovine, six months
Swine, 60 days
Sheep, 90 days
Goats, 90 days
Camel, eight months
Llama, six months
Alpaca, six months
Emu, six months
Ostrich, six months
ii. To facilitate enforcement of this subsection (D)(4), offspring of nonpermitted adult animal units shall be counted as adult animal units, notwithstanding their age at any particular time.
5. The maximum number of adult animal units permitted in relation to lot size shall be determined as follows:
Lot Size |
Maximum Animal |
20,000 but less than 25,000 sq. ft. |
5 Animal Units |
25,000 but less than 30,000 sq. ft. |
6 Animal Units |
30,000 but less than 35,000 sq. ft. |
7 Animal Units |
35,000 but less than 40,000 sq. ft. |
8 Animal Units |
40,000 but less than 45,000 sq. ft. |
10 Animal Units |
45,000 but less than 50,000 sq. ft. |
12 Animal Units |
50,000 but less than 55,000 sq. ft. |
14 Animal Units |
55,000 but less than 60,000 sq. ft. |
16 Animal Units |
i. One additional animal unit shall be permitted for each additional 4,000 square feet of lot area beyond 60,000 square feet.
ii. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, not more than one swine shall be allowed for each 10,000 square feet of property or any multiple thereof. However, a miniature pig shall be allowed for each 5,000 square feet of property or any multiple thereof.
6. The nonconforming use of adult animal units on a lot of less than 20,000 square feet in area shall be determined as follows:
Lot Size |
Maximum Animal Units |
Less than 10,000 sq. ft. |
1 Animal Unit except Swine |
10,000 but less than 12,500 sq. ft. |
1 Animal Unit |
12,500 but less than 15,000 sq. ft. |
2 Animal Units |
15,000 but less than 17,500 sq. ft. |
3 Animal Units |
17,500 but less than 20,000 sq. ft. |
4 Animal Units |
Any person desiring to maintain, keep or maintain one additional animal on a lot having a size of 10,000 square feet or greater but less than 12,500 square feet in area may do so if a permit therefor has been issued by the City’s Planning Director in accordance with the procedure listed in Chapter 18.35 (Standards and Procedures Related to Animal Keeping).
7. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in subsection (D) of this section, no adult animal unit or offspring thereof, as defined in subsection (D)(4) of this section, shall be permitted on a lot, unless the lot has at least 500 contiguous square feet of land, which does not slope more than 15 degrees, for each animal unit proposed to be kept or maintained on said lot. This provision shall not apply to goats or sheep.
8. No adult animal unit or offspring thereof shall be kept or maintained at a distance less than 35 feet from a dwelling located on an adjacent lot. Except for swine, an adult animal unit or offspring thereof may be kept or maintained at a distance less than 35 feet from dwelling on an adjacent lot, if the owner of said animal unit or offspring thereof constructs a solid fence not less than six feet high on his lot in a manner that screens said adult animal unit or offspring thereof from a dwelling located on an adjacent lot. Under no circumstances shall swine be kept or maintained at a distance less than 35 feet from a dwelling on an adjacent lot.
9. If any lot is developed in such a manner as to cause an owner or occupant of a lot adjacent thereto to be in violation of this section, the developer of said lot shall provide the screening as required in this section.
10. No person, firm, corporation, or other entity shall maintain more than the maximum number of roosters and/or animal units permitted, or conditionally permitted, by this chapter. Each and every rooster and/or animal unit on a property that exceeds the maximum number of roosters and/or animal units permitted by this chapter shall constitute a separate and independent violation of this chapter.
11. A temporary or permanent stand for the display and sale of the products of any permitted use, produced upon the premises upon which such stand is located or upon lands owned or leased by the owner or occupant of such premises. Such stand shall be located not nearer than 20 feet to any street or highway line upon which such property fronts. Where the stand permitted by this paragraph is of a permanent nature, there shall be provided adequate off-street automobile storage space for use in conjunction therewith.
12. A nonlighted sign, single- or double-faced, not exceeding 12 square feet in area per face and pertaining only to the sale, lease or hire of the premises or of the products produced by the owner or occupant of the premises, including articles used in conjunction with farming or agriculture or activities or services carried on by such owner or occupant. Temporary signs of a similar nature not exceeding six square feet in area shall be permitted for seasonal use only and may be placed to the street line.
E. Child home care.
F. Trailers used by the owner of the parcel upon which the trailer is located or by persons employed in farming operations in the area, provided all of the following are met:
1. No compensation is involved in the use of the space.
2. The location and arrangement of the trailers, sanitary facilities and utilities conform with regulations of the Health Department, Department of Building and Safety and state law.
3. The area being farmed is in excess of 10 acres, or the number of laying hens in a poultry operation exceeds 15,000.
G. Other similar uses permitted by Commission determination in accordance with Chapter 18.42 (Similar Uses).
H. Shoeing horses, if said use is not being conducted at a fixed place of business, which is being operated wholly or partially for farrier purposes.
I. Farrier at a fixed place of business which is being operated wholly or partially for farrier purposes.
J. Mobile homes, on lawfully existing nonconforming lots consisting of less than 20,000 square feet. No more than one such dwelling shall be permitted on any lot, subject to all provisions of the A-1 Zone.
K. Supportive housing as defined in Chapter 18.02.
L. Transitional housing as defined in Chapter 18.02.
M. Single-resident occupancy as defined in Chapter 18.02 and regulated by Section 18.66.06.
N. Farmworker/agricultural employee housing, pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 17021.6, and subject to the standards in Chapter 18.30 (General Provisions—Miscellaneous), Section 18.30.49 (Farmworker/Agricultural Housing Development Standards Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Section 17021.6). (Ord. 1114 Sec. 1, 2024; Ord. 1109 Sec. 1, 2024; Ord. 1019 Sec. 1, 2017; Ord. 969 Sec. 1, 2014; Ord. 938 Sec. 1, 2012; Ord. 924 Sec. 1, 2010; Ord. 818, 2004; Ord. 812, 2003; Ord. 675 Sec. 2, 1993; Ord. 669 Sec. 1, 1993; Ord. 664, 1993; Ord. 624 Sec. 1, 1991; Ord. 497 Sec. 7, 1983; Ord. 471 Sec. 5, 1982; Ord. 306 Sec. 4, 1974; Ord. 278 Sec. 2 (part), 1974; Ord. 263 Sec. 2(a), 1973)
18.13.08 Uses Which May Be Permitted by Conditional Use Permit.
The following uses may be permitted, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit as provided in Chapter 18.45 (Conditional Use Permits):
A. Public schools.
B. Private schools providing education as required under the California State Education Code.
C. Day nurseries or nursery schools.
D. Public golf courses, tennis clubs, swimming clubs and other similar recreation facilities.
E. Restaurants and other related facilities only when associated with and incidental to a golf course, tennis club, or other recreational facility. In granting a permit for such activities, the Planning Commission shall ensure, through the imposition of appropriate conditions, that no interference with the conduct of nearby residential uses occurs.
F. Churches, temples or other places used exclusively for religious worship.
G. Public utility uses, both publicly and privately owned.
H. Governmental and civic uses.
I. Hospitals, sanitariums, convalescent and rest homes.
J. Clubs, museums and libraries.
K. Institutions of a philanthropic nature.
L. Athletic, sport and recreation uses.
M. Caretaker dwellings.
N. Small and large animal hospitals.
O. Planned residential developments may be approved if a PD overlay zone has been applied for pursuant to Chapter 18.27.
P. Sales yards limited to agricultural commodities, livestock and farm implements.
Q. The noncommercial keeping of more than 16 roosters regardless of lot size.
R. Additional animals in excess of the quantities allowed by the Norco Municipal Code, including animal rescues. In the case of an application for a use permit related to 4-H, Grangers and Future Farmers of America uses, no filing fee shall be required to accompany the application. Approval of an application would run with the property owner and not with the land.
S. Accessory Structures and Uses. Private garages used by persons residing on the premises, cabanas, laundry rooms, workshops, stables, barns, tack rooms, pens, corrals, and similar animal-keeping/agricultural structures that exceed 864 square feet, provided these structures shall not be used as a habitable dwelling or space, as defined by the adopted Uniform Building Code. Approval shall be through a minor conditional use permit review. (Ord. 952 Sec. 1, 2012; Ord. 938 Sec. 1, 2012; Ord. 924 Sec. 1, 2010; Ord. 812, 2003; Ord. 669, 1993; Ord. 497 Sec. 6, 1983; Ord. 278 Sec. 2(b), 1973)
18.13.10 Lot and Pad Area.
All lots in this zone shall contain a minimum lot area as prescribed by the suffix applicable thereto; provided, that there shall be at least 20,000 square feet for lots created prior to the effective date of Ordinance No. 977, on September 6, 2014. After the effective date of Ordinance No. 977, the minimum lot size shall be 21,780 net square feet in all lots created and no lot in this zone shall be reduced below this minimum. In addition, all lots created in this zone shall contain a minimum pad area of at least 19,600 square feet. A pad area shall be “flat” with a percentage of slope not to exceed four percent. (Ord. 977 Sec. 1, 2014; Ord. 793, 2002)
18.13.11 Primary Animal Keeping Area.
All subdivision lots created or developed in this zone shall contain a primary animal keeping area (PAKA).
A. The size of the PAKA shall be a minimum 2,728 square foot PAKA for a pad area less than 20,000 square feet and a 3,304 square foot PAKA for a pad area greater than 20,000 square feet.
B. All PAKAs shall be located in the rear yard area and shall be flat usable land with a slope of no greater than four percent.
C. All PAKAs shall have a minimum width of 30 feet and be rectangular in shape.
D. All PAKAs shall have a 35-foot minimum setback from a habitable structure located on an adjacent lot.
E. PAKAs that are developed at a grade different than the pad where the residence is constructed shall have an access ramp with a slope no greater than 25 percent, and a minimum travel width of 12 feet.
F. No non-animal-related structure shall be allowed in the PAKA. Animal-related structures located within the PAKA shall not exceed 40 percent of the PAKA without prior approval of the City Council.
G. The dedicated PAKA shall be recorded on each lot and included within the project’s CC&Rs if applicable.
H. Each lot shall be designed to have a minimum 15-foot flat, clear, and direct vehicular access to the PAKA as measured from the eave line. Overhead covers or roofs are prohibited. Access gates minimally 12 feet wide shall be permitted to cross the PAKA access. (Ord. 891 Sec. 1, 2008; Ord. 858, 2006; Ord. 793, 2002)
18.13.12 Lot Dimensions.
All lots shall maintain the following minimum standards:
(1) |
Width and Frontage: |
Minimum width of 80 feet. |
(2) |
Cul-de-Sac Lots: |
Minimum average width of 80 feet and minimum frontage of not less than 50 feet. |
(3) |
Depth: |
Minimum depth of 200 feet. All lots that met the minimum lot depth requirement of 150 feet upon the effective date of Ordinance 695 (February 17, 1995) shall be considered to be in conformance with the minimum depth requirements of this zone. |
(Ord. 977 Sec. 1, 2014; Ord. 695, 1995; Ord. 364 Sec. 1(b), 1976)
18.13.16 Yard Spaces.
Subject to Section 18.14.24, the following shall apply:
A. Front Yard. Minimum of 25 feet from the right-of-way line as determined by the Master Plan of streets and highways.
B. Side Yard.
1. Interior. All lots on which dwellings or buildings are located shall have side yards on each side of the dwelling or building, and the width of one side yard shall be no less than five feet and the width of the other side yard shall have such a dimension that the sum of the widths of the two yards shall be no less than 20 feet; provided, however, the width of the other yard shall not be less than 12 feet for any lot with an existing residence upon the effective date of Ordinance No. 785.
For all lots not developed with a primary residence upon the effective date of Ordinance No. 785, the side yard setbacks shall be not less than five feet and 15 feet. This 15-foot side yard setback shall be graded for vehicular access to the rear yard, be free and clear of all obstructions from the eave line to the property line, and have a vertical clearance of at least 16 feet.
2. Corner Side. A side yard on the street side of 20 percent of the lot width but no more than 15 feet need be provided.
C. Rear Yard. A minimum of 60 feet for any lot with an existing residence upon the effective date of Ordinance 753. For all lots not developed with a primary residence upon the effective date of Ordinance 753, the rear yard setback shall be 100 feet. (Ord. 785, 2001; Ord. 753 § 1, 2000; Ord. 609 Sec. 1, 1990; Ord. 286 Sec. 2 (part), 1974; Ord. 264 Sec. 2 (part), 1973)
18.13.18 Permitted Heights.
The maximum height of any building shall be two and one-half stories or 35 feet, whichever is less. The maximum height of an accessory building shall be per the regulations of Chapter 18.68. (Ord. 1109 Sec. 1, 2024; Ord. 1019 Sec. 1, 2017; Ord. 924 Sec. 1, 2010)
18.13.20 Permitted Coverage.
For lots that do not have a primary animal-keeping area, the maximum lot coverage of all structures shall be not more than 40 percent of the total lot area.
The maximum pad coverage of all structures on the pad shall be not more than 40 percent of the total pad area. The pad area is defined as the “flat” part of the lot (four percent grade or less).
For determining structural coverage on the lot in question:
A. When a sloped area that is greater than four percent is graded to be four percent or less, the additional graded area is considered part of the pad if the new graded area meets the minimum primary animal-keeping area (PAKA) criteria established in this chapter.
B. All site plans submitted for review of accessory structures as required in Sections 18.13.06(C) and 18.13.08(S) shall show all existing structures, the flat pad area, and the location of contiguous animal areas.
C. A contiguous open animal-keeping area shall be rectangular in shape, with minimum dimensions and size prescribed by the table below. The contiguous open animal-keeping areas shall be free of any structures that require a building permit. Structures that are exempt from the requirements of a building permit are allowed in the open animal-keeping area, provided they are animal-keeping shelters. On lots one acre or less, the contiguous open area shall be one contiguous area.
Lot Size |
Min. Open Animal-Keeping Area Dimension |
Min. Open Animal-Keeping Area Size |
Less than 20,000 sq. ft. |
24' on any side |
Total number of AUs × 576 SF |
20,000 but less than 25,000 sq. ft. |
30' on any side |
25,000 but less than 30,000 sq. ft. |
35' on any side |
30,000 but less than 35,000 sq. ft. |
40' on any side |
35,000 but less than 40,000 sq. ft. |
45' on any side |
40,000 but less than 45,000 sq. ft. |
50' on any side |
45,000 but less than 50,000 sq. ft. |
55' on any side |
50,000 but less than 55,000 sq. ft. |
60' on any side |
55,000 sq. ft and above |
65' on any side |
D. All in-ground pools and spas along with a five-foot coping area around the perimeter of said structures shall be included in the building coverage calculations. (Ord. 1126 Sec. 1, 2024; Ord. 988 Sec. 1, 2015; Ord. 924 Sec. 1, 2010; Ord. 903 Sec. 1, 2008; Ord. 741, 1998; Ord. 499 Sec. 4, 1983)
18.13.22 Distance Between Buildings.
The minimum space between separate buildings on the same lot shall be 10 feet.
18.13.24 Walls, Fences, and Structures in the Setback Areas.
The provisions of Section 18.31.08 (Walls, Fences, and Structures in the Setback Areas) shall apply.
18.13.26 Off-Street Parking.
The provisions of Chapter 18.38 (Off-Street Parking) shall apply. No required front or corner side yard shall be used for parking.
18.13.28 Size of Dwellings.
Every single-family dwelling having two bedrooms or less shall have a floor area of not less than 1,100 square feet, exclusive of porches and garages. All other single-family dwellings shall have a minimum floor area of not less than 1,300 square feet, exclusive of porches and garages. The architecture and general appearance of such building shall be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and such as not to be detrimental to the general welfare of the community in which it is located.
18.13.30 Additional Dwellings on a Lot.
The provisions of Section 18.30.46 (Additional Dwellings on a Lot) shall apply.
18.13.32 Signs.
The provisions of Chapter 18.37 (Signs) shall apply.
18.13.34 Water Works Facilities.
Water works facilities, both public and private, for the production and distribution of water for primarily irrigation purposes shall not be subject to any of the provisions of this chapter.
18.13.42 Encroachments for Driveways.
Deleted by Ord. 701. (Ord. 639 Sec. 1, 1991; Ord. 400 Secs. 1—3 (part), 1977; Ord. 294 Sec. 2(a) (part), 1974)