Chapter 3.50


3.50.010    Special gas tax street improvement fund created.

3.50.020    Purpose of the fund.

3.50.030    Expenditures from fund.

3.50.010 Special gas tax street improvement fund created.

In accordance with the provisions of Section 2113 of the California Streets and Highways Code, there is hereby created a special fund to be known as the city of Rancho Cordova special gas tax street improvement fund (“fund”). [Ord. 6-2003 § 1].

3.50.020 Purpose of the fund.

The purpose of the fund is to receive apportionments from the state of California pursuant to Sections 2105 through 2107.5 of the California Streets and Highways Code (the Highway Users Tax Fund), as they may be amended, for the acquisition of real property, or an interest therein; for engineering; or for the construction, maintenance or improvement of streets or highways within the city of Rancho Cordova. [Ord. 6-2003 § 2].

3.50.030 Expenditures from fund.

All revenue in the fund, and the interest earned thereon, shall be appropriated and expended exclusively for the purposes authorized by, and subject to the provisions of, Chapter 3 of Division 3 (Section 2100 et seq.) of the California Streets and Highways Code. [Ord. 6-2003 § 3].