Chapter 13.15
13.15.050 Cross connections prohibited.
13.15.060 Installation of backflow prevention device.
13.15.070 Types of backflow prevention device required.
13.15.100 Approved backflow devices.
13.15.111 New service requirements.
13.15.112 Water system survey.
13.15.113 Customer notification – Assembly installation.
13.15.114 Customer notification – Testing and maintenance.
13.15.120 Right of entry for inspections.
13.15.130 Termination of services.
13.15.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter, in conjunction with Section 1003 of the Uniform Plumbing Code and the State of California Public Health Administrative Code, Title 17, is to protect the public health by the control and prevention of actual and potential cross connection (1) by requiring the proper installation and safeguarding of service lines leading to premises where cross connections exist or are likely to occur; (2) by periodic inspecting; (3) by regulating plumbing within premises to minimize the danger of contamination to the water system on the premises or the public water system itself. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 1, 1988.]
13.15.020 Application.
This regulation applies throughout the City to all premises and the owners and occupants thereof served by the City’s water system. It applies to all systems installed prior to or after its enactment. Every owner and every occupant of premises covered by this regulation is responsible for compliance with its terms and shall be strictly liable for all damages incurring as a result of failure to comply with express terms and provisions contained herein. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 2, 1988.]
13.15.030 Enforcement.
The Director of Public Works will administer the provisions of this chapter. Any deviation, modification, changes from standard or approval of methods and material shall be by the Director. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 3, 1988.]
13.15.040 Definitions.
The following definitions will apply to interpretation of this chapter:
“Air gap separation” means the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture, or other device and the flood level diameter of the supply pipe measured vertically above the flood level rim of the vessel. In no case may the gap be less than one inch.
“Auxiliary supply” means any water source or system other than the public potable water system that may be available in the building or on the premises.
“Backflow” means the reversal of flow, other than in the intended direction into the distribution of the public water system from a service connection.
(1) “Back pressure” means the backflow caused by a pump, elevated tank, boiler, or other means that could create pressure within the system greater than the City water supply.
(2) “Back siphonage” means a form of backflow due to a negative or subatmospheric pressure within the water system.
“Backflow prevention device” means an approved device to counteract back pressure or prevent back siphonage.
“Cross connection” means any physical arrangement whereby a public water system is connected directly or indirectly with any other nonpotable water system sewer, drain, conduit, pool, storage, reservoir, plumbing fixture, or other device which contains, or may contain, contaminated water, sewage, or other waste or liquid of unknown or unsafe quality which may be capable of imparting contamination into the public water system as a result of backflow. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, moveable sections, swivel or changeover devices, or other temporary or permanent devices through which, or because of which, backflow could occur are considered to be cross connections.
“Double check valve assembly (DCVA)” means an approved assembly composed of two single, independently acting check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and suitable connections for testing the watertightness of each check valve.
“Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device (RPBD)” means an approved device incorporating two or more check valves and an automatically operating differential relief valve located between the two checks, two shutoff valves, and equipped with the necessary appurtenances for testing. The device must operate to maintain the pressure in the zone between the two check valves, less than the pressure on the public water system side of the device. At cessation of normal flow, the pressure between the check valves must be less than the supply pressure. In case of leakage of either check valve, the differential relief valve must operate to maintain the reduced pressure by discharging to the atmosphere. When the inlet pressure drops below two pounds per square inch, the relief valve must open to the atmosphere, thereby providing an atmospheric zone between the two check valves. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 4, 1988.]
13.15.050 Cross connections prohibited.
Except as provided below, all cross connections, whether or not they are controlled by automatic devices such as check valves or by hand-operated mechanisms such as gate valves or stop cocks, are prohibited.
Failure on the part of persons, firms or corporations to discontinue the use of all cross connections and to physically separate cross connections is sufficient cause for the immediate discontinuance of public water services to the premises. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 5, 1988.]
13.15.060 Installation of backflow prevention device.
Backflow prevention devices shall be installed and properly maintained at the service connection or within any premises where in the judgment of the Director of Public Works the nature and extent of activity on the premises, materials used in connection with the activities or materials stored on the premises would present an immediate or potential hazard to the public’s health should a cross connection occur, even though such cross connection does not exist at the time the backflow prevention device is required to be installed. This includes:
(1) Premises having an auxiliary water supply.
(2) Premises having internal cross connections that are not correctable, or intricate plumbing arrangements which make it impracticable to ascertain whether or not cross connections exist.
(3) Premises where entry is restricted so that inspection for cross connections cannot be made with sufficient frequency or at sufficiently short notice to ensure that cross connections do not exist.
(4) Premises having a history of cross connections being established or reestablished.
(5) Premises on which any substance is handled under pressure so as to permit entry into the public water system or where a cross connection could reasonably be expected to occur. This includes the handling of process waters and cooling waters.
(6) Premises with commercial or residential water softener units (backwash).
(7) Premises where materials of a toxic or hazardous nature are handled such that if backflow should occur, a serious health hazard may result.
(8) The following types of facilities will fall into one of the above categories where a backflow prevention device shall be installed at these facilities as set forth in the California Administrative Code, Title 17, Public Health, unless the Director of Public Works determines that no health hazard exists:
(a) Hospitals, mortuaries, clinics;
(b) Laboratories;
(c) Sewage treatment plants;
(d) Food and beverage processing plants;
(e) Chemical plants using a water process;
(f) Metal plating industries;
(g) Petroleum processing or storage plants;
(h) Radioactive material processing plants or nuclear reactors;
(i) Car washes;
(j) Any building or structure three stories or higher;
(k) Others specified by the certified cross connection specialist. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 6, 1988.]
13.15.070 Types of backflow prevention device required.
The type of prevention device required by the City of Rio Dell depends on the degree of hazard which exists, as follows:
(1) An air gap separation or reduced pressure backflow prevention device shall be installed where the water supply may be contaminated by sewage, industrial waste of a toxic nature, or other contaminant which would cause a health hazard.
(2) In the case of a substance which may be objectionable but not hazardous to health, a double check valve assembly, air gap separation or reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device shall be installed.
(3) Pressure type vacuum breaker units (spring loaded) are the approved units for City-supplied irrigation systems. The unit must be installed at least 12 inches above the highest fixture point of water usage and in such a manner that drainage will preclude back pressure. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 7, 1988.]
13.15.080 Location.
Backflow prevention devices required by this chapter must be installed at the meter, at the property line of the premises when meters are not used or at a location designated by the Director of Public Works. The device must be located so as to be readily accessible for maintenance and testing, and where part of the device will not be submerged or hidden from proper inspection. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 8, 1988.]
13.15.090 Installation.
Backflow prevention devices required by this chapter must be installed under the supervision of the DPW. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 9, 1988.]
13.15.100 Approved backflow devices.
Any protective device required by this chapter must be a model approved by a hydraulics testing laboratory recognized by the State Department of Health Services, such as the University of Southern California Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research, as specified in their latest approved list of backflow devices. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 10, 1988.]
13.15.110 Inspections.
Backflow prevention devices must be inspected and tested annually or more often when inspections indicate any occasion of failure. The device must be repaired, overhauled, or replaced whenever it is found to be defective. Inspections and tests must be made by a certified cross connection specialist and the device tagged. Inspections, testing, maintenance and repairs will be at the expense of the owner or occupant. The City of Rio Dell will maintain a list of locally available qualified backflow prevention device testers and will provide the list to customers that are required to test backflow prevention devices. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 11, 1988.]
13.15.111 New service requirements.
The City shall review all requests for new services to determine if backflow protection is needed. Plans and specifications must be submitted to the City upon request for review of possible cross connection hazards as a condition of service for new service connections. If it is determined that a backflow prevention assembly is necessary to protect the public water system, the required assembly must be installed before services will be granted. [Ord. 288, 2012.]
13.15.112 Water system survey.
The City of Rio Dell will periodically conduct necessary surveys of water users to evaluate the degree of potential health hazards. The City of Rio Dell shall notify users when backflow prevention assemblies are required to be installed (RDMC 13.15.113). The City of Rio Dell shall notify users when backflow prevention assemblies are required to be tested (RDMC 13.15.114). [Ord. 288, 2012.]
13.15.113 Customer notification – Assembly installation.
The City will notify the water user of the survey findings, listing the corrective actions to be taken if any are required. A period of 60 days will be given to complete all corrective actions required including installation of backflow prevention assemblies.
A second notice will be sent to each water user who does not take the required corrective actions prescribed in the first notice within the 60-day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user a two-week period to take the required corrective action. If no action is taken within the two-week period the City may terminate water service to the affected water user until the required corrective actions are taken. [Ord. 288, 2012.]
13.15.114 Customer notification – Testing and maintenance.
The City will notify each affected water user when it is time for the backflow prevention assembly installed on their service connection to be tested. This written notice shall give the water user 30 days to have the assembly tested and supply the water user with the necessary form to be completed and resubmitted to the City.
A second notice shall be sent to each water user who does not have their backflow prevention assembly tested as prescribed in the first notice within the 30-day period allowed. The second notice will give the water user a two-week period to have his/her backflow prevention assembly tested. If no action is taken within the two-week period the City may terminate water service to the affected water user until the subject assembly is tested.
Backflow preventers shall be tested immediately after they are installed, relocated or repaired and not placed in service unless they are functioning as required. [Ord. 288, 2012.]
13.15.120 Right of entry for inspections.
An authorized employee of the City shall have reasonable access to any premises supplied with water for the purpose of making inspections for cross connection control, inspections of the water system and water meters upon such premises. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 12, 1988.]
13.15.130 Termination of services.
When the City of Rio Dell encounters water uses that represent a clear and immediate hazard to the potable water supply that cannot be immediately abated, the procedure for terminating water service shall be instituted. Conditions or water use that create a basis for water service termination shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Refusal to install or to test a backflow prevention assembly, or to repair or replace a faulty backflow prevention assembly.
(2) Direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a sewer line.
(3) Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and a system or equipment containing contaminants.
(4) Unprotected direct or indirect connection between the public water system and an auxiliary water system.
For condition 1 above, the City of Rio Dell will terminate service to a water user’s premises after proper notification has been sent. If no action is taken within the allowed time period, water service shall be terminated.
For conditions 2, 3, or 4 above, the City of Rio Dell shall take the following steps:
(1) Make reasonable effort to advise the water user of the intention to terminate water service; and
(2) Terminate water service and lock service valve. The water service shall remain inactive until correction of the violations has been approved by the City of Rio Dell. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 13, 1988.]
13.15.140 Rates.
Rates will be established or amended, whenever necessary, by resolution of the City Council. [Ord. 288, 2012; Ord. 286, 2012; Ord. 196 § 14, 1988.]