Chapter 8.58


8.58.010    Purpose and intent.

8.58.020    Definitions.

8.58.030    Restrictions.

8.58.040    Exemptions.

8.58.050    Enforcement.

8.58.060    Violation.

8.58.070    Severability.

8.58.010 Purpose and intent.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide local regulations for the use of the public lands within the Cotoni-Coast Dairies Unit of the California Coastal National Monument in Santa Cruz County, prevent resource damage and user conflicts, and provide greater safety to the visiting public. [Ord. 5460 § 1, 2024].

8.58.020 Definitions.

The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall have the meanings defined herein:

(A)    “Designated roads and trails” means any road or trail that the Bureau of Land Management has posted as open for public use.

(B)    “Pet” means any domestic animal that is not classified as a “service animal.”

(C)    “Public lands” means any lands or interest in lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management.

(D)    “Public road” means any road, dirt or otherwise, on which public motorized vehicular traffic is permitted.

(E)    “Recreational target shooting” means shooting a weapon for recreational purposes when game is not being legally pursued. “Weapon” includes any firearm, cross bow, bow and arrow, paint gun, fireworks, or explosive device capable of propelling a projectile either by means of an explosion or by string or spring.

(F)    “Service animal” means a dog, or other animal, that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.

(G)    “Traffic control devices” means markers, signs, and signal devices used to inform, guide, and control traffic, including pedestrians, motorists, cyclists, or electronic mobility products.

(H)    “Unattended pet” means any pet that is unaccompanied by an owner or handler, even if on a tether, within a crate, or within an unoccupied motor vehicle.

(I)    “Unmanned aircraft system” means any aircraft without a human pilot on board (e.g., drones). [Ord. 5460 § 1, 2024].

8.58.030 Restrictions.

(A)    The following sets forth restrictions on public lands in the Cotoni-Coast Dairies Unit of the California Coastal National Monument:

(1)    All public use is restricted to designated roads and trails.

(2)    Bicycles and bicycle riding are prohibited except on designated roads and trails that are posted as open for bicycle and bicycle riding use.

(3)    Electric bicycles, as defined in 43 CFR 8340.0-5(j), are prohibited except on roads designated for such use in accordance with applicable law. All other electric mobility products are prohibited except within established parking areas and public roads, and in accordance with applicable law.

(4)    Horseback riding is prohibited except on designated roads and trails that are posted as open for horseback riding use.

(5)    Violating any posted sign, rule, or notification, including any traffic control device, is prohibited.

(6)    Members of the public are prohibited from leaving the Cotoni-Coast Dairies Unit of the California Coastal National Monument while their vehicle is parked in Bureau of Land Management-managed parking areas.

(7)    Use and occupancy of all lands within the Cotoni-Coast Dairies are prohibited from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.

(8)    Pets are prohibited except on designated roads and trails that are posted as open for their use. Service animals are exempt from this rule.

(9)    All pets must be physically restrained, or on a leash or cord not to exceed six feet in length, at all times.

(10)    Visitors are prohibited from leaving a pet unattended.

(11)    It is unlawful for the owner or person having custody of any pet to allow pet feces to remain on the Cotoni-Coast Dairies property, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care or control, other than within trash receptacles provided for such purposes.

(12)    Fires of any kind are prohibited, including open fire, wood, charcoal, and gas.

(13)    Abandoning property or leaving property unattended for more than 24 hours is prohibited. The Bureau of Land Management may remove and appropriately dispose of unattended property.

(14)    Construction or building of any structure, including trails, is prohibited.

(15)    Placing flagging, markings, or signs of any kind is prohibited.

(16)    Possession or use of a mineral or metal detector, magnetometer, side scan sonar, other metal detecting device, or sub-bottom profiler is prohibited.

(17)    The taking of wildlife, except for authorized hunting activities in accordance with California Department of Fish and Wildlife regulations, and possessing unlawfully taken wildlife or portions thereof, is prohibited.

(18)    Knowingly or willfully disturbing wildlife with audio devices, including speakers, air horns, and musical instruments, is prohibited.

(19)    Taking off or landing of aircraft, including unmanned aircraft systems, is prohibited.

(20)    Taking off or landings of a paraglider, hang-glider, or similar recreational equipment is prohibited within the Cotoni-Coast Dairies Unit of the California Coastal National Monument.

(21)    Recreational target shooting is prohibited. [Ord. 5460 § 1, 2024].

8.58.040 Exemptions.

The following persons are exempt from the prohibitions set forth in SCCC 8.58.030(A)(1) through (A)(21): any Federal, State, or local officer or employee while acting in the scope of their duties; members of any organized law enforcement, rescue, or firefighting force in performance of an official duty; and any person whose activities are authorized in writing by the Bureau of Land Management. [Ord. 5460 § 1, 2024].

8.58.050 Enforcement.

This chapter may be enforced by a Federal or State law enforcement or peace officer, Bureau of Land Management law enforcement officer, and/or any peace officer employed by the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Office. [Ord. 5460 § 1, 2024].

8.58.060 Violation.

Any person violating, or causing or permitting the violation of, this chapter shall be deemed guilty of an infraction and shall be punished in accordance with SCCC 1.12.040(C). [Ord. 5460 § 1, 2024].

8.58.070 Severability.

The provisions of this chapter are severable. If any section, paragraph, sentence, phrase or word of this chapter is declared invalid for any reason, that decision shall not affect any other portion of this chapter, which shall remain in full force and effect. [Ord. 5460 § 1, 2024].