Chapter 9.16


9.16.010    Limited-access thoroughfare defined.

9.16.020    Designated limited-access thoroughfares. Amended Ord. 5465

9.16.030    Motor vehicle operation prohibited.

9.16.040    Exemptions from SCCC 9.16.030.

9.16.010 Limited-access thoroughfare defined.

For purposes of this chapter only, the term “limited-access thoroughfare” means any road or passageway which is used by or available to any public agency or member of the public for a limited purpose, such as a maintenance access road or a bicycle path, and is not designed or intended for vehicular travel by the general public. [Ord. 2246, 1976; prior code § 10.66.010].

9.16.020 Designated limited-access thoroughfares. Amended Ord. 5465

The following roads or passageways shall be limited-access thoroughfares:

(A)    Ben Lomond Toll Road. The portion of Ben Lomond Toll Road (also known as Old County Road) from the intersection of Brooks Road north to 9550 Ben Lomond Toll Road shall be restricted to pedestrian, equestrian and bicycle use, and for emergency and utility vehicle access.

(B)    Buena Vista-Calabasas Bikepath. The designated portion of the southerly side of Buena Vista Drive from Memorial Avenue to Calabasas Road, and the designated portion of the southerly side of Calabasas Road from Buena Vista Drive to Bradford Road;

(C)    Buzzard Lagoon Road (Pedestrian and Equestrian Way During Winter Months). The portion of Buzzard Lagoon Road between its intersection with Highland Way and a point 100 yards north of Vaca Del Sol shall be restricted to pedestrian and equestrian traffic between October 15th and April 15th of each year, except during such limited periods as the Area Manager of the State Department of Parks and Recreation determines the road can be opened for motor vehicle traffic without damage to the road or to surrounding property, and except for persons with a legal right-of-way on Buzzard Lagoon Road who are given keys by the Director of the Department of Public Works for vehicle access through the locked gates on the road.

(D)    Freedom Boulevard Bikepath. The designated portion of the easterly side of Freedom Boulevard, from Highway 1 to Valencia Road;

(E)    Green Valley Road Bikepath. The designated portion of the westerly side of Green Valley Road from the entrance to Pinto Lake Park to Dalton Lane, and the designated portion of the easterly side of Green Valley Road from Dalton Lane to Mesa Verde Drive;

(F)    Loma Prieta Avenue Bikepath. The designated 10-foot right-of-way from the intersection of Airport Road and Holly Drive to Loma Prieta Avenue;

(G)    Pajaro Bikepath. The top of the northerly levee along the Pajaro River, between Main Street in Watsonville and Watsonville Slough;

(H)    Rio Del Mar Bikepath. The designated portion of the northerly side of Rio Del Mar Boulevard, from Clubhouse Drive to Beach Pines Drive;

(I)    Summit Road Bikepath. The designated portion of the northerly side of Summit Road, from Loma Prieta Road to Del Monte Way. [Ord. 5316 § 2, 2019; Ord. 4323 § 1, 1994; Ord. 3180 § 1, 1981; Ord. 2246, 1976; prior code § 10.66.020].

9.16.030 Motor vehicle operation prohibited.

It is unlawful to operate any motorized vehicle on, over, upon or across any limited-access thoroughfare. [Ord. 2246, 1976; prior code § 10.66.030].

9.16.040 Exemptions from SCCC 9.16.030.

The provisions of SCCC 9.16.030 shall not apply to:

(A)    Any employee of a public agency acting within the scope of their employment;

(B)    Any person crossing a limited-access thoroughfare which is adjacent to a public road from such road to an access drive or roadway, or from an access drive or roadway to such road; or

(C)    Any person using a limited-access thoroughfare which is not adjacent to a public road for access purposes with the permission, whether express or implied, of an adjoining property owner who has a legal right to use the thoroughfare. [Ord. 5316 § 2, 2019; Ord. 2246, 1976; prior code § 10.66.040].