Chapter 15.24


15.24.010    Definitions.

15.24.020    Paid parking zones established.

15.24.030    Installation and maintenance of paid parking devices.

15.24.040    Sign placement.

15.24.050    Lines or markings on curb or street.

15.24.060    Paid parking device adjustment.

15.24.070    Payment required.

15.24.080    Paid parking zones hours of operation and hourly rates.

15.24.090    Daily rental of paid parking spaces.

15.24.100    Special events.

15.24.110    Improper use of paid parking devices.

15.24.120    Time limits, overtime parking and reparking.

15.24.130    Citation for parking violation.

15.24.140    Penalty for violation.

15.24.010 Definitions.

A. Wherever any term is defined in this chapter it shall be deemed and construed to have the meaning ascribed to it in this section.

B. The definition of any term used in this chapter not otherwise defined herein shall be the same as such term is defined and described in the Vehicle Code of the State and amendments thereto.

C. When used in this chapter:

1. “Park” or “parking” means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, otherwise than temporarily, for the purpose of, and while actually engaged in, loading or unloading passengers or merchandise.

2. “Vehicle” means any device in, upon or by which any person or property may be transported upon a street or highway, except those operated upon rails or tracks.

3. “Paid parking space” means a parking space of sufficient size to permit the parking of one vehicle within a paid parking zone.

4. “Paid parking zone” means City lots and streets, or portions thereof, described and established by City Council as zones within which the parking of vehicles shall be controlled, regulated and inspected with the aid of timing devices or meters, herein referred to as paid parking devices.

5. “Paid parking device” means any parking meter, pay station, web application, or other device, that when a City-approved method of payment is used to purchase time for parking, the parking time for one or more vehicles is registered. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.020 Paid parking zones established.

A. Pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 22508, the City Council establishes the following paid parking zones on the following streets or portions thereof to aid in the regulation, control, and inspection of the parking of vehicles and/or to increase utilization and turnover to support local businesses and economic development:

1. Along the northwesterly curb line of Bridgeway Boulevard from a point approximately 150 feet west of Anchor Street to Litho Street;

2. Along the southeasterly curb line of Bridgeway Boulevard from Litho Street to Caledonia Street;

3. Along the southwesterly curb line of Johnson Street from a point approximately 150 feet southwest of Bridgeway Boulevard to Caledonia Street;

4. Along the northeasterly curb line of Johnson Street from a point approximately 60 feet northeast of Bridgeway Boulevard to Humboldt Avenue, excepting therefrom the curb cut-out driveway access area;

5. Along the southeasterly curb line of Bridgeway Boulevard from a point approximately 150 feet southeast of Caledonia Street to a point approximately 300 feet north of Bay Street;

6. Along the northeasterly curb line of Ensign Street from Bridgeway Boulevard 80 feet northeast;

7. Along the southerly curb line of Bay Street from Humboldt Avenue to Bridgeway Boulevard;

8. Along both curb lines of Princess Street from Bridgeway Boulevard to a point approximately 250 feet southwest of Bridgeway Boulevard;

9. Along the southeasterly curb line of Bridgeway Boulevard from a point approximately 200 feet south of Princess Street to a point approximately 100 feet south of Tiffany Park.

B. Persons with valid permits issued under any preferential parking program established by the City Council under California Vehicle Code Section 22507 shall be exempt from the payment and parking restrictions established under this chapter with respect to those restrictions that exist within the applicable permit zone for such permit; provided, that (1) such permits are properly displayed, and (2) such persons are parked in compliance with the preferential parking program requirements. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.030 Installation and maintenance of paid parking devices.

The City Manager or their designated representative is authorized and directed to install, maintain and operate the necessary paid parking devices in all paid parking zones described herein, for the purpose of, and in such numbers, and at such places, and for such days and hours, as to provide for the efficient control and regulation of the parking of vehicles therein, and the installation and existence of a paid parking device shall designate its location as a paid parking zone for the purposes of this chapter. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.040 Sign placement.

The City Manager or their designated representative is authorized to erect or cause to have erected signs within the paid parking zones described in SMC 15.24.020 which fulfill the requirements of the ordinances and resolutions of the city pertaining thereto and according to the specifications set forth in the California Vehicle Code. The regulation of traffic by paid parking device and the use of any City-approved method of payment in such paid parking device shall become effective upon the installation of appropriate paid parking devices and signs thereon, giving notice of such paid parking regulation and hourly rate. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.050 Lines or markings on curb or street.

The City Engineer or a designated representative appointed by the City Manager shall have lines or markings painted or placed upon the curb or street designating one or more parking spaces within paid parking zones. It is unlawful to park any vehicles across any such line or marking or to park a vehicle in such a position that the same shall not be entirely within the space designated by such lines or markings. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.060 Paid parking device adjustment.

Paid parking devices, when installed and properly operated, shall be so adjusted that legal parking time is registered and accumulated upon such paid parking devices; provided, however, that no paid parking device shall be adjusted to show or register any period of parking time in excess of the maximum legal parking time limit, designated by appropriate signs located on such paid parking devices or in the paid parking zone wherein any such paid parking device is installed or operated. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.070 Payment required.

During the hours of operation, when any vehicle is parked in any space designated as a paid parking space, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, the operator of the vehicle upon so parking shall immediately satisfy the payment required to park in said paid parking space utilizing a City-approved method of payment; it is unlawful for the operator of the vehicle so parked to fail to do so and/or to allow the vehicle to remain parked following the expiration of the purchased time; the citation and penalty provisions of SMC 15.24.120 and 15.24.130 shall apply to any vehicle parked in a space beyond the expiry of legal parking time. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.080 Paid parking zones hours of operation and hourly rates.

A. The City Council hereby establishes an acceptable range of hours of operation and hourly rates for paid parking zones or portions thereof. The City Manager or their designated representative is authorized to adjust hours of operation and/or hourly rates within these ranges in an effort to achieve a target utilization rate of 85 percent occupancy of paid parking spaces. Hours of operation and hourly rates may vary based upon the time of year, time of week, or time of day.

1. Hours of operation will range from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day.

2. Hourly rates will range from $0.25 per hour to $10.00 per hour.

3. Vehicles displaying distinguishing placards or permits for specified permit parking zones may be exempted from payment requirements, based on permit parking zone policies.

B. The City Manager or their designated representative is authorized and directed to establish maximum time limits for both fee and non-fee parking spaces located within paid parking zones in order to facilitate long- and short-term visitor access to destinations within the City.

C. Days and hours of operation, hourly rates, and maximum time limits shall become effective when such paid parking regulation and hourly rates are displayed upon appropriate signs installed within such paid parking zone or are affixed to, located on, or displayed by a paid parking device located within such paid parking zones. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.090 Daily rental of paid parking spaces.

A. For purposes of construction, remodeling, moving or similarly infrequent activities, paid parking space or spaces in the general vicinity of such activity may be rented for a designated vehicle or vehicles, or a debris box, on a daily basis at the discretion of the City Manager or their designated representative. Renting such a space does not reserve any particular space in the vicinity. Ability to utilize the rental privilege is on an “as available” basis when the renter attempts to find a paid parking space in the vicinity of the activity.

B. The renter shall pay in advance for the number of anticipated days of use. The rate for such rental shall be a flat amount per day per paid parking space, or portion thereof, calculated as follows:

1. Daily rental rate equals hourly rate times number of hours of controlled parking.

C. Failure to pay daily rent for use of any rented paid parking space, occupancy of a rented paid parking space by more than one vehicle or debris box, or by parking an undesignated vehicle in a rented paid parking space shall constitute an infraction punishable by a fine. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.100 Special events.

Notwithstanding SMC 15.24.090(B), the City Manager or their designated representative is authorized to set special event parking meter rates between $0.25 per hour and $20.00 per hour within designated paid parking zones. The hourly parking rate cannot be greater than double that of the standard hourly parking rate charged within the paid parking zone. A flat daily rate may be offered in lieu of an hourly rate so long as the flat daily rate does not exceed double that of the standard total daily charge according to the parking meter operating hours. The rates may be set during, and/or up to four hours prior to, special events as designated by the City Manager or their designated representative in order to manage excessive parking demand, congestion, and traffic circling near those special events. For purposes of this section, a “special event” shall include athletic events, concerts, conventions, parades, street festivals, entertainment or cultural exhibitions or shows, or any other similar event that is expected to generate a significant short-term demand for parking. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.110 Improper use of paid parking devices.

It is unlawful to deposit or cause to be deposited in any paid parking devices any slug, device or any other material other than lawful currency, or to deface, injure, tamper with, open, willfully break, remove, destroy, circumvent, or impair the usefulness of such paid parking devices installed pursuant to this chapter. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.120 Time limits, overtime parking and reparking.

A. It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle in any paid parking zone, area, or paid parking space for a period of time in excess of parking time limits prescribed and established by or pursuant to any provisions of this chapter.

B. It is unlawful to purchase parking time from any paid parking device using any City-approved method of payment for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the legal parking time which has been established for the paid parking space or paid parking zone wherein said paid parking device is installed.

C. It is unlawful for any person to park or leave standing any vehicle within the same block after the expiration of the maximum time limit indicated on posted signage or upon the paid parking device. A block is defined as the block in which the vehicle is parked, bordered by an intersection at each end. A vehicle may not return to the same block face sooner than three hours following the expiration of their initial time period or the posted maximum time limit allowed in such paid parking zone, whichever is greater. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.130 Citation for parking violation.

It shall be the duty of each police officer or employee of the Police Department as designated by the Police Chief, and any City employee or contracted entity, or employee thereof, assigned to enforce parking laws and regulations, to observe any vehicles that are parked in violation of this chapter or the California Vehicle Code, and to issue and attach to such vehicles a citation for parking violation as provided by law. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]

15.24.140 Penalty for violation.

Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine in an amount established by resolution adopted from time to time by the City Council, except that a violation of SMC 15.24.110 shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $500.00, or by imprisonment in the County jail for a period not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [Ord. 06-2023 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023.]