Chapter 17.34


17.34.010    Purpose

17.34.020    Applicability

17.34.030    General Parking Regulations

17.34.040    Number of Parking Spaces Required

17.34.050    Accessible Parking Requirements

17.34.060    Bicycle Parking

17.34.070    Motorcycle Parking

17.34.080    Clean Air Vehicle Parking

17.34.090    Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parking

17.34.100    Reduction of Parking Requirements

17.34.110    Parking Design and Development Standards

17.34.120    Driveways and Site Access

17.34.130    Loading Space Requirements

17.34.140    Parking In-Lieu Fees

17.34.150    Parking of Other Than Passenger Vehicles

17.34.010 Purpose

The requirements of this chapter are intended to ensure that suitable off-street parking and loading facilities are provided for all uses and developments, and that the facilities are properly designed, attractive, and located to be unobtrusive while meeting the needs of the specific use.

17.34.020 Applicability

A.    Off-street parking and loading required. Each land use and structure, including a change or expansion of a land use or structure, shall provide suitable off-street parking and loading facilities in compliance with this chapter.

B.    Timing of improvements. A land use shall not be commenced and a structure shall not be occupied until the parking and loading improvements required by this chapter are completed and approved in accordance with the applicable development permit.

C.    Common, shared, or municipal provided parking. Where common or shared parking has been duly authorized or where parking can be provided through a municipal parking lot, the parking requirements required by this chapter shall not apply.

D.    Parking district. Upon recommendation of the Commission, the parking requirements required by this chapter shall not apply in those areas where a parking district has been duly established.

17.34.030 General Parking Regulations

A.    Parking and loading spaces to be permanent. Each parking and loading space shall be permanently available, marked, and maintained for parking or loading purposes for the use it is intended to serve; provided, that the approval of a Limited Term Permit (Section 17.62.040) may allow the temporary use of a parking or loading space for other purposes.

1.    Subdivision of property. No subdivision shall be approved that has the effect of reducing existing on-site parking below the minimum number of spaces required by this chapter.

2.    Lot restriping. A parking lot shall not be restriped to reduce the number of parking spaces below the minimum required by this chapter.

B.    Parking and loading to be unrestricted. A lessee, owner, tenant, or other person having control of the operation of the premises for which parking or loading spaces are required by this chapter shall not prevent, prohibit, or restrict authorized persons from using the spaces without the prior approval of the Zoning Administrator.

C.    Vehicles for sale. A vehicle may be parked or placed on private property for the purpose of displaying the vehicle for hire, rental, or sale as follows:

1.    In residential zones (single-family and multi-family), up to two vehicles are permitted to be on the property provided the registered owner of the vehicle must occupy the dwelling unit as their principal residence; and

2.    In nonresidential zones, a vendor may display vehicles for hire, sale, or rental on private property when said property is zoned and developed for such use and the vendor is licensed to transact such use at that location.

D.    Cargo/shipping containers. No cargo/shipping container (e.g., metal “Seatrain” or other similar cargo container) shall be stored within a designated parking space, loading area or residential driveway. (Ord. 1051 § 10, 2018)

17.34.040 Number of Parking Spaces Required

Each land use shall be provided the number of off-street parking spaces required by this section. See Sections 17.34.050, 17.34.060, 17.34.070, and 17.34.090 for off-street parking requirements for accessible vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, and recreational vehicles, respectively.

A.    Parking requirements by land use.

1.    Each land use shall provide the number of off-street parking spaces required by Table 3-8, except where a greater number of spaces are authorized through Minor Use Permit or Use Permit approval in compliance with Section 17.62.070 (Use Permit and Minor Use Permit) or where exceptions apply for legal nonconforming parking, in compliance with Subsection 17.72.030.C (Nonconforming Parking). Approval of excess parking spaces shall comply with Subsection F of this section (Excessive Parking).

2.    A land use not specifically listed in Table 3-8 shall provide parking as required by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall use the requirements in Table 3-8 as a guide in determining the appropriate number of off-street parking spaces required for the use.

3.    In any case where Table 3-8 expresses a parking requirement based on floor area in square feet (for example: one space for each 1,000 sf), “sf” shall mean square feet of gross interior leasable floor area, unless stated otherwise (e.g., ground area).

4.    When calculating a parking requirement for a residential use under Table 3-8, the area within an enclosed garage shall not be included as interior floor area for the purpose of establishing the parking requirement.

5.    A single land use with accessory components or a site with multiple land uses shall provide parking for each component. For example, a hotel with a gift shop shall provide the parking spaces required by Table 3-8 for a hotel (e.g., the guest rooms) and for a gift shop.

B.    Expansion of structure, change in use. When a structure is enlarged, or when a change in its use requires more off-street parking than the previous use, additional parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with this chapter. See also Chapter 17.72 (Nonconforming Uses, Structures, and Parcels) for any exceptions or exemptions regarding parking requirements for expanded structures or changes in use.

C.    Multi-tenant sites.

1.    A site with multiple tenants (e.g., two or more) shall provide the aggregate number of parking spaces required for each separate use (e.g., sum of the separate requirements for each use).

2.    When a multi-tenant center includes one or more uses that will need more parking than retail uses (e.g., a health/fitness facility, restaurant, or theater), additional parking shall be required for the non-retail use unless a parking reduction is approved in compliance with Section 17.34.100 (Reduction of Parking Requirements).

D.    Alternate use of parking areas prohibited. Off-street parking areas shall not be used for the repair, servicing, or storage of vehicles or materials, the sale of any goods or services, or any other work area that is not specifically associated with an approved development permit on the site and/or retail center.

E.    No reduction of parking facility allowed.

1.    Nonresidential use. No nonresidential off-street parking facility (covered or uncovered) shall be reduced in capacity or in area without sufficient additional capacity or additional area being provided in order to comply with the parking regulations of this chapter. See also Section 17.34.100 (Reduction of Parking Requirements) for reduced parking allowances.

2.    Residential use. No residential off-street parking facility, garage, carport, or uncovered parking space shall be reduced in capacity or in area, converted to habitable space, or modified to restrict or limit vehicle access unless additional parking of the same capacity is provided to replace the reduced area, converted garage, carport, or uncovered parking space in compliance with this Zoning Code.

F.    Excessive parking.

1.    The City discourages a land use being provided more off-street parking spaces than required by this chapter in order to avoid the inefficient use of land, unnecessary pavement, and excessive stormwater runoff from paved surfaces.

2.    The provision of off-street parking spaces in excess of 10 percent over the requirements in Table 3-8 is allowed only with Minor Use Permit approval in compliance with Section 17.62.070 (Use Permit and Minor Use Permit), and only when additional landscaping, pedestrian amenities, and necessary storm drain improvements are provided to the satisfaction of the review authority.

G.    Rounding of calculations. If a fractional number of required parking spaces is obtained in calculations performed in compliance with this chapter, one additional parking space shall be required for a fractional unit of 0.5 or above; no additional space shall be required for a fractional unit of less than 0.5.

H.    Bench or bleacher seating. Where fixed seating is provided as benches, bleachers, pews, or similar seating, a seat shall be defined as 24 inches of bench space for the purpose of calculating the number of parking spaces required by Table 3-8.

I.    Parking based on employees. Whenever parking requirements are based on the number of employees, calculations shall be based on the largest number of employees on duty at any one time.

J.    Use of on-street parking. Available on-street parking spaces cannot be used to meet the parking requirements identified in this chapter.

1.    An exception to this provision may be granted for a nonresidential use, licensed day care facility or a preschool, subject to Minor Use Permit approval, in compliance with Section 17.62.070.

2.    The Minor Use Permit for an exception may only be issued if it meets all of the following criteria, in addition to the findings identified in Section 17.62.070:

a.    The exception shall be granted only for uses in an existing structure. It shall not be granted for any expansion of gross interior floor area to a structure or for new construction.

b.    The maximum amount of parking which is feasible shall be provided on site.

c.    The exception shall only be granted in situations where the City Engineer has determined that the exception will not result in potentially unsafe conditions for vehicles or pedestrians.

3.    Each Minor Use Permit that grants an exception to off-street parking requirements shall be reviewed on an annual basis and, if it is found that the use of on-street parking spaces by the facility is creating a nuisance, the City may initiate proceedings to revoke the Minor Use Permit in compliance with Section 17.80.060 (Permit Revocation).

K.    Nonconforming parking. See Chapter 17.72 (Nonconforming Use, Structure, and Parcels) for nonconforming parking allowances.


Land Use Type:
Manufacturing Processing and Warehousing

Vehicle Spaces Required (1)


All manufacturing, industrial, and processing uses, except the following:

1 space for each 200 sf of office area

1 space for each 500 sf of floor and/or ground area devoted to other than office use

1 space for each 5,000 sf of open storage

Media production

1 space for each 300 sf

Recycling facilities


Heavy or light processing facilities

Determined by Use Permit

Large collection facilities

Determined by Use Permit

Scrap/dismantling yards

1 space for each 300 sf, plus 1 space for each 10,000 sf of gross yard area

Small collection facilities

Determined by Minor Use Permit

Wholesaling and distribution

1 space for each 500 sf

(1) See Sections 17.34.050, 17.34.060, 17.34.070, 17.34.080, and 17.34.090 for additional parking requirements.


Land Use Type:
Recreation, Education, and Public Assembly

Vehicle Spaces Required (1)


Clubs, community centers, lodges, and meeting halls

1 space for each 4 fixed seats or 1 space for each 100 sf where there are no fixed seats

Commercial recreation facilities – Indoor, except for the following:

1 space for each 400 sf


1 space for each 200 sf

Bowling alleys

4 spaces for each alley

Pool and billiard rooms

2 spaces for each table

Commercial recreation facilities – Outdoor

Determined by Use Permit

Conference/convention and sports/entertainment facilities

1 space for each 200 sf

Equestrian facilities

1 space for each 5 horses boarded



Golf courses and country clubs

4 spaces per hole, plus as required by this table for accessory uses (e.g., banquet room, bar, pro shop, restaurant)

Golf driving range

1 space for each tee

Health/fitness facilities

1 space for each 200 sf

Library, gallery, and museum

1 space for each 300 sf

Mechanical and electronic games and game centers

1 space for each 3 machines, with a minimum of 5 spaces

Park and playground

Determined by Use Permit

Schools (private or public)


Kindergarten and nursery schools

1 space per employee plus 1 space for each 10 children

(Middle) Elementary/junior highs

1 space per employee plus 1 space for each 10 students

(Secondary) High schools

1 space per employee plus 1 space for each 10 students

Colleges and universities (including trade, business, and art/music/dancing schools)

1 space per employee plus 1 space for each 5 students

Studios (art, dance, martial arts, music, etc.)

1 space for each 200 sf

Theaters, auditoriums, and places of assembly

1 space for each 4 seats or 1 space for each 100 sf, whichever would yield more spaces

(1) See Sections 17.34.050, 17.34.060, 17.34.070, 17.34.080, and 17.34.090 for additional parking requirements.


Land Use Type:
Residential Uses

Vehicle Spaces Required


Condominiums and condominium conversions

2 covered spaces for each unit, plus 1 covered or uncovered space for each unit for guest parking

Duplex, triplex, or fourplex unit

1 covered space for each unit, plus 1 covered or uncovered space for each 2 units for guest parking

Emergency/transitional shelter

Determined by Use Permit

Live/work unit

2 spaces for each unit, one covered space for the living space and one space for the work space for use by customers or guests

Mobile home


Outside of mobile home park

1 covered space for each unit

Within a mobile home park

2 covered spaces for each mobile home (tandem parking allowed in an attached carport), plus 1 covered or uncovered guest parking space for each 4 units. Recreational vehicle parking shall be provided at the rate of 1 covered or uncovered space for every 5 units

Multi-family housing


0 – 1,800 sf

1 covered space for each unit, plus 1 covered or uncovered space for each 2 units for guest parking

1,801+ sf

2 covered spaces for each unit, plus 1 covered or uncovered space for each 2 units for guest parking

Organizational house and rooming or boarding

Determined by Use Permit

Residential care facility

1 covered space for each 2 residential units, plus 1 covered or uncovered space for each 4 units for guests and employees

Residential second unit

1 covered or uncovered parking space

Senior housing

1 covered space for each unit, plus 1 covered or uncovered guest parking space for each 10 units

Single-family dwelling with additions, attached or detached (existing) (4)


0 – 1,200 sf

No additional parking requirement

1,201 – 1,800 sf

2 spaces, at least 1 covered

1,801+ sf

2 covered spaces

Single-family dwelling, narrow lot (less than 50 feet in width)

2 spaces, at least one within a garage

Single dwelling or townhouse, attached (new construction)

2 spaces within a garage for each unit, plus 1 covered or uncovered space for each unit for guest parking

Single dwelling, detached (new construction)

2 spaces within a garage/carport

(1)    See Sections 17.34.050, 17.34.060, 17.34.070, 17.34.080, and 17.34.090 for additional parking requirements.

(2)    See Subsection 17.30.100.D.2 for limitations on required parking located within setbacks.

(3)    Existing parking spaces may be used to satisfy these requirements. The area within an enclosed garage shall not be included in the floor area for the purpose of establishing the minimum number of parking spaces for a residential land use.

(4)    An existing garage shall not be converted unless the replacement parking is provided within a garage.


Land Use Type:

Retail and Service Commercial

Vehicle Spaces Required(1)


Parking Requirements. In an effort to simplify the calculation of parking demand and to anticipate future tenants, the list of nonresidential (e.g., retail and service commercial) off-street parking requirements shall be broken down into the following four distinct categories based on the anticipated level of parking demands. See also the parking requirements for other specific retail and service uses on the following page.

Group One: Uses with “low parking demand.” Examples include appliance, carpet, fabric, furniture, and tile stores; book, card, and stationery stores; camera, dry cleaning and laundry, flower, gift, glass, hardware, heating and electrical, jewelry, paint, pet, plumbing, wallpaper stores; home improvement stores; photography studios, print shops; supermarkets; and other retail and light industrial uses determined to be similar by the Zoning Administrator.

1 space for each 500 sf or less, with a minimum requirement of 4 spaces

Group Two: Uses with “medium parking demand.” Examples include bakeries, banks, barber shops, beauty shops, business and professional offices, convenience stores, department stores, donut and ice cream shops, liquor stores, secondhand stores, wine tasting and other retail, and professional business services uses determined to be similar by the Zoning Administrator.

1 space for each 300 sf or less, with a minimum requirement of 5 spaces

Group Three: Uses with “high parking demand.” Examples include bars, coffee houses, dental and medical offices and clinics, health clubs, laundromats, restaurants (take-away or counter service without seats), and other intense uses determined to be similar by the Zoning Administrator.

1 space for each 200 sf

Group Four: Uses with “unique parking demands.” Examples include auto repair, auto sales, contractor’s yards, funeral homes, gas stations, hotels and motels, large day care facilities (e.g., child care and seniors), large group homes, mini-warehouse, self-service car wash, theaters, and other uses determined to be similar by the Zoning Administrator.

Auto and vehicle repair/service

4 spaces for each service or wash bay, plus spaces for any office as required by this section for offices

Auto and vehicle sales and rental

1 space for each 400 sf of floor area for the showroom and offices, plus 1 space for each 2,000 sf of outdoor display area, plus spaces as required by this section for parts sales and vehicle repair/service

(1)    See Sections 17.34.050, 17.34.060, 17.34.070, 17.34.080, and 17.34.090 for additional parking requirements.


Land Use Type:

Retail and Service Commercial

Vehicle Spaces Required


Big box retail

Determined by Use Permit

Building and landscape materials sales – Outdoor

1 space for each 3,000 sf of lot area, plus spaces for any office as required by this section for offices

Contractor’s storage yards

1 space for each 3,000 sf of lot area, plus spaces for any office as required by this section for offices

Gas stations without repair services

0.25 space for each gas pump, plus 2 spaces for each gasoline pump island, plus spaces as required by this section for convenience goods sales

Large day care facilities

1 space for each staff person, plus 1 space for each 3 occupants

Lodging – hotels and motels

1 space for each unit, plus 2 spaces for the manager or owner, plus required spaces for all accessory uses (e.g., conference center, restaurant, spa, or other recreational facilities)

Mortuary, funeral homes

1 space for each 300 sf of floor area within the facility or 1 space for each 4 seats in the sanctuary, whichever would yield more spaces

Personal storage (mini-warehouses)

4 spaces for the manager’s office

Restaurant (sit-down or table service)

1 space for each 3 seats

Self-service car washes

1 space for each wash bay

Shopping center

Determined by Use Permit

Speculative building

1 space for each 300 sf

Theaters (e.g., movie)

1 space for each 4 seats

(1)    See Sections 17.34.050, 17.34.060, 17.34.070, 17.34.080, and 17.34.090 for additional parking requirements.

(Ord. 1025 § 14, 2015)

17.34.050 Accessible Parking Requirements

A.    Number of spaces required.

1.    One accessible parking space shall be provided within a parking lot with up to 25 spaces.

2.    Parking lots with 25 or more spaces shall include additional accessible spaces as required by state or federal law.

3.    Required accessible parking spaces shall count toward the minimum number of off-street parking spaces required by this chapter.

B.    Minimum space width. Each accessible parking space shall have a minimum width of 14 feet. When a van accessible parking space is required by the California Building Code, the minimum width shall be 17 feet. Accessible parking space design and location shall conform to state or federal law.

C.    All accessible spaces shall be located so that:

1.    The spaces provide easy access from the closest parking area to the major entrances of the use for which they are provided;

2.    The disabled individual is not compelled to wheel or walk behind parked cars other than his or her own; and

3.    A pedestrian way accessible to physically disabled persons shall be provided from each parking space to related facilities including curb cuts and/or ramps.

D.    Approval. All designated disabled parking spaces shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Official.

17.34.060 Bicycle Parking

Each multi-family project and nonresidential land use shall provide bicycle parking in compliance with this section.

A.    Number of bicycle spaces required.

1.    Short-term bicycle parking space. If a land use or project is anticipated to generate visitor traffic, the project must provide permanently anchored bicycle racks within 200 feet of the visitors’ entrance. To enhance security and visibility, the bicycle racks shall be readily visible to passers-by. The bicycle capacity of the racks must equal an amount equivalent to five percent of all required off-street vehicle parking. There shall be a minimum of one rack with capacity for two bicycles.

2.    Long-term bicycle parking. Buildings with over 10 tenant-occupants (e.g., multi-family tenants, owners, employees) shall provide secure bicycle parking for five percent of all required off-street vehicle parking spaces. There shall be a minimum of one long-term bicycle parking space. Acceptable parking facilities shall be convenient from the street and include one or a combination of the following:

a.    Covered, lockable enclosures with permanently anchored racks for bicycles.

b.    Lockable bicycle rooms with permanently anchored racks.

c.    Lockable, permanently anchored bicycle lockers.

In the case of residential development, a standard garage is sufficient, if available.

B.    Bicycle parking design. Each bicycle parking space shall include a stationary parking facility to adequately secure the required number of bicycle spaces. Each bicycle parking space shall be a minimum of two feet in width and six feet in length, with a minimum of seven feet of overhead clearance, and shall be conveniently located and generally within proximity to the main entrance of a structure. No portion of a required bicycle parking space shall encroach onto the public right-of-way, designated vehicle or pedestrian travel ways, or other internal circulation areas, nor be obstructed in any way to hinder safe and easy access for bicycle users.

Figure 3-10 – Bicycle Parking Requirements and Dimensions

17.34.070 Motorcycle Parking

A parking lot with 50 or more vehicle parking spaces shall provide motorcycle parking spaces conveniently located near the main entrance to the primary structure and accessed by the same access aisles that serve the vehicle parking spaces in the parking lot.

A.    Number of spaces required. A minimum of one motorcycle parking space shall be provided for each 50 vehicle spaces or fraction thereof.

B.    Space dimensions. Motorcycle spaces shall have minimum dimensions of four feet by seven feet.

17.34.080 Clean Air Vehicle Parking

Table 3-9 specifies the required number of off-street parking spaces to be provided for all nonresidential uses. These spaces should be designated parking spaces for any combination of low-emitting, fuel-efficient, and carpool/vanpool vehicles (including electric vehicles). There are no requirements for residential uses.

Table 3-9 – Clean Air Parking Spaces for Nonresidential Uses 

Total Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces
(as identified in Section 17.34.080)

Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces to Be Clean Air Vehicle Parking Spaces


0 – 9


10 – 25


26 – 50


51 – 75


76 – 100


101 – 150


151 – 200


201 and over

At least 8 percent of total

A.    Parking stall marking. Clean air vehicle parking space shall be striped with cross hatching and signed identifying the parking stall as “Parking for clean emission vehicles only.” (Ord. 1025 § 15, 2015)

17.34.090 Recreational Vehicle (RV) Parking

A.    Recreational vehicle (RV) parking spaces. Off-street recreational vehicle (RV) parking spaces shall be provided as follows for retail uses, shopping centers, and visitor attractions that are required by this chapter to provide 40 or more off-street parking spaces.

1.    Number of RV spaces required. RV parking spaces shall be provided at a minimum ratio of one RV space for each 40 off-street vehicle parking spaces, or fraction thereof, required by this chapter.

2.    RV stall dimensions. Each RV parking space shall be designed as a pull-through space with a minimum width of 12 feet and a minimum length of 40 feet, with 16 feet of vertical clearance.

3.    Modifications by Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator may modify the provisions of this subsection through a Minor Use Permit granted in compliance with Section 17.62.070 (Use Permit and Minor Use Permit).

B.    Recreational vehicle (RV) storage in residential zones.

1.    The storage (parking for any period longer than 72 hours) of a recreational vehicle and/or boat within a residential zone shall be allowed only when all portions of the vehicle or boat are located entirely within the property boundaries and do not extend into the public right-of-way.

2.    Parking within setback areas shall comply with Subsection 17.30.100.D (Setback Requirements and Exceptions – Limitations on the use of setbacks) and Section 17.34.150 (Parking of Other Than Passenger Vehicles).

17.34.100 Reduction of Parking Requirements

A.    Shared on-site parking.

1.    Where two or more nonresidential uses located within the same multi-tenant site and/or with a shared parking lot have distinct and differing peak parking usage periods (e.g., a theater and a bank), a reduction in the required number of parking spaces may be allowed through Minor Use Permit approval granted in compliance with Section 17.62.070 (Use Permit and Minor Use Permit).

2.    Approval shall also require a recorded covenant running with the land, recorded by the owner of the parking lot, guaranteeing that the shared parking will be maintained exclusively for the use served for the duration of the use.

B.    Reduction of required parking. The Planning Commission may reduce the number of parking spaces required by Section 17.34.040 (Number of Parking Spaces Required), through the granting of a Use Permit, in compliance with Section 17.62.070 (Use Permit and Minor Use Permit), after making the following findings, in addition to those required by Section 17.62.070:

1.    A structure with nonconforming parking is proposed for rehabilitation and the existing structure’s location, underlying parcel size or topography, or public safety concerns render the applicable parking requirement unreasonable.

2.    An applicant is able to provide quantitative information that documents the need for fewer spaces (e.g., sales receipts, documentation of customer frequency).

17.34.110 Parking Design and Development Standards

Required parking areas shall be designed, constructed, and properly maintained in compliance with the following requirements. Except where otherwise noted, the Planning Commission may modify the requirements of this section through Use Permit approval (Section 17.62.070, Use Permit and Minor Use Permit) in compliance with Subsection N of this section (Deviation from standards requires a detailed study approved by the Commission).

A.    Access to parking. Access to parking areas shall be provided as follows for all parking areas other than garages for single-family dwelling units or garages that serve individual dwelling units as part of a multi-family residential project.

1.    Parking areas shall provide suitable maneuvering area so that vehicles enter from and exit to a public street in a forward direction only. This requirement does not apply to alleys, unless so specified in a specific zone.

2.    Parking lots shall be designed to prevent access at any point other than at designated access drives.

3.    A nonresidential development that provides 50 or more parking spaces shall have access driveways that are not intersected by a parking aisle, parking space, or another access driveway for a minimum distance of 20 feet from the street right-of-way, to provide a queuing or stacking area for vehicles entering and exiting the parking area (see Figure 3-11).

4.    A minimum unobstructed clearance height of 16 feet shall be maintained above areas accessible to vehicles within nonresidential developments.

B.    Access to adjacent sites.

1.    Nonresidential developments.

a.    Applicants for nonresidential developments are encouraged to provide on-site vehicle access to parking areas on adjacent nonresidential properties to provide for convenience, safety, and efficient circulation.

b.    A joint access agreement running with the land shall be recorded by the owners of the abutting properties, as approved to form by the City Attorney, guaranteeing the continued availability and maintenance of the shared access between the properties.

2.    Multi-family residential developments. Shared pedestrian access between adjacent multi-family residential developments is also strongly encouraged.

C.    Location of parking. Parking areas shall be located as follows:

1.    Residential. Residential parking shall be located on the same parcel as the uses served. See Subsection 17.30.100.D.2 (Limitations on the use of setbacks) for limitations on the location of residential parking with respect to required setback areas.

2.    Nonresidential. Nonresidential parking shall be located on the same parcel as the uses served or within 300 feet of the parcel if shared parking or public parking facilities are used to meet parking requirements. A greater distance may be authorized by the Commission through Use Permit approval. Parking spaces shall be separated from the side or rear property line by a minimum five-foot-wide landscaped area.

D.    Parking stall and lot dimensions.

1.    Minimum parking space and driveway dimensions. Each parking stall, driveway, and other parking lot features shall comply with the minimum dimension requirements in Tables 3-10 and 3-11, and as illustrated in Figures 3-12 and 3-13. Parking space widths shall be measured from the centerline of each of the painted markings for a space, and parking space lengths shall be measured along the full unobstructed area accessible to a vehicle.


Minimum Standard Stall Requirements

Width (in feet)

Length (in feet)


9 ft

19 ft




Stall Width

Stall Depth*

Stall Length

Aisle Width





9 ft

9 ft

22 ft

12 ft

24 ft


9 ft

18 ft

20 ft

12 ft



9 ft

20 ft 6 in

20 ft

14 ft



9 ft

22 ft

20 ft

18 ft



9 ft

19 ft

19 ft

24 ft

24 ft

* Measured perpendicular to aisle

2.    Space width abutting a column, fence, or wall. When the length of a parking space abuts a column, fence, wall, or other obstruction, the required width of the entire parking space shall be increased by at least one foot.

3.    Obstructions within a parking space. Permanent obstructions are not allowed to encroach into the minimum required parking stall dimension as required by this chapter, including, but not limited to, furnaces, washing machines, workshop benches, mechanical or electrical equipment, stair steps, etc.

4.    Vehicle overhanging landscaped area or walkway prohibited. The required length of a parking space shall not provide for a vehicle overhanging a landscaped area or walkway (see Subsection J of this section). The entire length of a parking space shall be composed of a surfacing material in compliance with Subsection H of this section.

5.    Use of compact vehicle spaces. The minimum off-street parking dimensions for compact vehicle spaces shall be as identified in Table 3-12.

a.    Allowable use of compact vehicle spaces.

(1)    The first 25 spaces of any project shall be standard sized spaces.

(2)    In multi-family residential projects, up to 20 percent of the required uncovered parking spaces may be compact spaces.

(3)    For nonresidential projects, up to 20 percent of the required parking spaces may be compact spaces.

b.    Compact spaces shall be clearly labeled for compact cars.

c.    Compact spaces shall be grouped together in one or more locations or at regular intervals so that only compact vehicles can easily maneuver into the space(s).

d.    Existing commercial developments that wish to utilize this subsection to create additional parking spaces shall apply to the Commission for Use Permit approval, in compliance with Section 17.62.070 (Use Permit and Minor Use Permit).

e.    For each compact vehicle space provided as allowed by this subsection, 50 square feet of landscaped area shall be provided within the parking lot area.

f.    Design techniques (e.g., use of lampposts, wheel stops, and/or extra landscaped areas at the front of compact spaces) shall be incorporated into the parking lot plan to preclude the parking of standard size vehicles in compact vehicle spaces.


Minimum Standard Stall Requirements

Width (in feet)

Length (in feet)



8 ft

16 ft




Stall Width

Stall Depth*

Stall Length

Aisle Width





8 ft

8 ft

18 ft

12 ft

24 ft


8 ft

15 ft 6 in

16 ft

12 ft



8 ft

17 ft

16 ft

14 ft



8 ft

18 ft

16 ft

18 ft



8 ft

16 ft

16 ft

24 ft

24 ft

* Measured perpendicular to aisle

Figure 3-14 – Parking Space Dimensions

g.    When the length of a compact parking space abuts a column, fence, wall, or other obstruction, the required width of the entire parking space shall be increased by a least one foot.

6.    Minimum entrance and back-up distance. Parking lots having perpendicular parking spaces shall reserve the following areas for safe maneuverability:

(1)    Where the entrance to the parking lot is from a collector or arterial street, the first parking spaces parallel to the street on either side of the entrance shall be located no less than five feet from the property line or no less than 10 feet from the existing or proposed face of curb.

(2)    Where the parking lot does not provide a continuous circulation for vehicles, a reserve back-up area with a minimum depth of eight feet for a standard space and five feet for a compact space at the end of the dead-end aisle.

E.    Landscaping of parking lots. Parking lots shall be landscaped as follows:

1.    Landscape materials. Landscaping shall be provided throughout the parking lot as a combination of ground cover, shrubs, and trees.

2.    Curbing. Areas containing plant materials shall be bordered by a minimum six-inch-high concrete curb, except adjacent to bicycle paths, or where otherwise deemed unnecessary by the Zoning Administrator.

3.    Perimeter landscaping. All surface parking areas shall be screened from streets and adjoining properties, and the open areas between the property line and the public street right-of-way shall be landscaped.

a.    Adjacent to streets.

(1)    A parking area for a nonresidential use adjoining a public street shall be designed to provide a landscaped planting strip between the street right-of-way and parking area equal in depth to the setback required by the applicable zone or eight feet, whichever is greater; except that the required width of the landscape strip may be reduced by the Board of Architectural Review, where the Board determines that the overall site area is insufficient to accommodate allowable structures and required parking along with a landscape strip of the required width.

(2)    A parking area for a residential use, except for a single dwelling, shall be designed to provide a landscaped planting strip between the street right-of-way and parking area with a minimum width of five feet.

(3)    Landscaping shall be designed and maintained to screen cars from view from the street to a minimum height of three feet, but shall not exceed the maximum allowable height within a traffic safety visibility area in compliance with Subsection 17.30.030.E (Height limit within traffic safety visibility areas). However, where the finished elevation of the parking area is lower at the boundary line than the abutting property elevation, the change in elevation may be used in lieu of, or in combination with, additional screening to satisfy this requirement.

(4)    Screening materials may include a combination of plant materials, earth berms, raised planters, solid decorative masonry walls, or other screening devices which meet the intent of this requirement.

(5)    Shade trees shall be provided at a minimum rate of one for every 25 linear feet of landscaped area, or other spacing as determined by the review authority to be appropriate to the site and surrounding development.

(6)    Any plant materials, signs, or structures within a traffic safety visibility area shall comply with Subsection 17.30.030.E (Height limit within traffic safety visibility areas).

b.    Adjacent to side or rear property lines. Parking areas for nonresidential uses shall provide a perimeter landscape strip at least eight feet wide (inside dimension) where the parking area adjoins a side or rear property line.

(1)    Exception: The required width of the landscape strip may be reduced by the Board of Architectural Review where it determines that overall site area is insufficient to accommodate allowable structures and required parking along with a landscape strip of the otherwise required width.

(2)    The requirement for a landscape strip may be satisfied by a setback or buffer area that is otherwise required equal or greater to eight feet (inside dimension).

(3)    Trees shall be provided at the rate of one for each 25 linear feet of landscaped area, or other spacing as determined by the review authority to be appropriate to the site and surrounding development.

c.    Adjacent to structures. When a parking area is located adjacent to a nonresidential structure, a minimum eight-foot-wide (inside dimension) landscape strip shall be provided adjacent to the structure, inclusive of any building entries, or areas immediately adjacent to the wall of the structure that serve as pedestrian access ways. The required width of the landscape strip may be reduced by the review authority where it determines that overall site area is insufficient to accommodate allowable structures and required parking along with a landscape strip of the otherwise required width.

d.    Adjacent to residential use. A parking area for a nonresidential use adjoining a residential use shall provide a landscaped setback with a minimum 10-foot width between the parking area and the common property line bordering the residential use (see Subsection 17.30.020.G, Screening requirements).

(1)    A solid decorative masonry wall or fence, except for approved pedestrian access, and landscape buffer shall be provided along the property line to address land use compatibility issues (e.g., light/glare and nuisance noise) as determined by the review authority (see Subsection 17.30.020.G, Screening requirements).

(2)    Trees shall be provided at the rate of one for each 25 linear feet of landscaped area, or other spacing as determined by the review authority to be appropriate to the site and surrounding development.

4.    Interior parking lot landscaping.

a.    Amount of landscaping. Multi-family residential and nonresidential uses shall provide landscaping areas within each outdoor parking area at a minimum ratio of 10 percent of the gross area of the parking lot.

(1)    The review authority may grant an exception for small, infill parking lots where compliance with this standard is not feasible without significantly reducing the number of parking spaces.

(2)    Trees not less than six feet in planted height and 24-gallon container in size shall be planted throughout the parcel and along any street frontage.

(3)    At a minimum, one shade tree shall be provided for every five parking spaces.

b.    Location of landscaping. Landscaping shall be evenly dispersed throughout the parking area, as follows:

(1)    Orchard-style planting (the placement of trees in uniformly spaced rows) is encouraged for larger parking areas.

(2)    Parking lots with more than 50 spaces shall provide a concentration of landscape elements at primary entrances, including, at a minimum, specimen trees, flowering plants, enhanced paving, and project identification.

(3)    Landscaping shall be located so that pedestrians are not required to cross unpaved landscaped areas to reach building entrances from parked cars. This shall be achieved through proper orientation of the landscaped fingers and islands, and by providing pedestrian access through landscaped areas that would otherwise block direct pedestrian routes.

c.    Groundwater recharge. The design of parking lot landscape areas shall consider, and may, where appropriate, be required to include provisions for the on-site detention of stormwater runoff, pollutant cleansing, and groundwater recharge. Curbing may be eliminated where landscaping is designed for groundwater recharge.

F.    Lighting. Parking lot lighting shall be provided in compliance with Section 17.30.070 (Outdoor Lighting).

G.    Striping and identification.

1.    Parking spaces shall be clearly outlined with four-inch-wide lines painted on the parking surface.

2.    The striping shall be continuously maintained in a clear and visible manner in compliance with the approved plans.

3.    The restriping of any parking space or lot for the purpose of reconfiguration of parking spaces shall require the prior approval of a restriping plan by the City Engineer as well as by the original review authority for the project, if applicable.

H.    Proper grading, surfacing, and maintenance of parking lots required.

1.    All grading plans relating to the parking facilities shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer before any work can commence.

a.    All off-street parking facilities shall be properly graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water accumulated within the area of the parking lot.

b.    In no instance shall a storm drainage facility be designed to allow the flow of water into abutting property.

2.    All parking spaces and maneuvering areas, except those identified in Subsection H.3 of this section, shall be properly surfaced with two inches of asphaltic concrete over a five-inch aggregate base, or comparable material as determined by the City Engineer.

3.    Required parking areas in the RS-8 and RS-12 (Single-Family Residential) zones may be surfaced with gravel, decomposed granite, or other all-weather surface as determined to be appropriate by the City Engineer.

I.    Tandem parking. Use of tandem parking (when one space is located directly behind another) shall not be allowed to satisfy the off-street parking requirements of this chapter, except that tandem parking may be permitted in the following instances, when compliant with all other applicable development standards for required parking spaces:

1.    For all conforming single-family residential dwellings, one tandem parking space may be provided in order to meet the minimum required parking on the property subject to the tandem space not being located within a required front yard setback or street side yard setback. When a single-family residential property is able to support a residential second unit, in compliance with Section 17.52.230 (Residential Second Units), the required parking space for the residential second unit may not be configured in tandem with any required parking spaces for the primary residence.

2.    For all conforming two- or three-unit multi-family residential developments, one tandem parking space may be provided in order to meet the minimum required parking on the property, where the tandem space is designated for the same unit as that located directly behind it and the tandem parking space would not interfere with on-site circulation movements.

3.    The Zoning Administrator may not modify this prohibition. Modifications to this provision shall require review and approval by the Traffic Advisory Committee and Planning Commission.

J.    Vehicle overhang and wheel stops/curbing.

1.    Continuous concrete curbing at least six inches high and six inches in depth shall be provided for parking spaces located adjacent to fences, walls, walkways, property lines, landscaped areas, and structures.

2.    Single- or double-tire wheel stops shall be installed, in addition to continuous curbing, where parking spaces abut landscaped areas, property lines, or walkways in order to avoid vehicle overhang into such areas.

3.    Wheel stops may be provided in lieu of continuous curbing only when the parking space is adjacent to a landscaped area and the drainage is directed to the landscaped area.

4.    When provided, wheel stops shall be placed to allow for two feet of vehicle overhang area within the dimension of the parking space in order to avoid overhang onto walkways, property lines, and landscaped areas.

K.    Continuous curb cuts prohibited. Access to an off-street parking lot shall not be allowed to occur through the use of a continuous curb cut.

L.    Parking areas within a commercial structure. No parking area located within a commercial structure may be counted in meeting the off-street parking requirements of this chapter, except as follows:

1.    When located within a public or private parking garage;

2.    When allowed by Use Permit approval in compliance with Section 17.62.070 (Use Permit and Minor Use Permit).

M.    Entrance or exits adjacent to side properly line prohibited. No entrance or exit, including driveways, to off-street parking areas shall be situated closer than three feet from a side property line.

N.    Deviation from standards requires a detailed study approved by the Commission. No proposed parking layout that deviates from the standards identified in this section and which could create a safety hazard(s) shall be allowed unless the developer provides a detailed, stamped report or study prepared by a registered transportation engineer which demonstrates to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the Zoning Administrator, and the Commission that the parking layout is a viable alternative and is consistent with the purpose of this chapter.

17.34.120 Driveways and Site Access

Each driveway providing site access from a street, alley, or other public right-of-way shall be designed, constructed, and properly maintained in compliance with the following. The Zoning Administrator may modify the requirements of this section through Minor Use Permit approval (Section 17.62.070) in consultation with the City Engineer.

A.    Number of driveways. The number and placement of driveways shall be limited as follows; provided, that second driveways or additional curb cuts may be approved by the Traffic Advisory Committee:

1.    Single dwellings and duplexes. A single dwelling or duplex shall be allowed one driveway, except that:

a.    A circular driveway may be allowed on a parcel with 70 feet or more of street frontage; and

b.    A parcel within the RS-8 or RS-12 zones with a frontage of 200 feet or more may have two separate driveways; provided, that they are separated by a minimum of 100 feet, or lesser distance as approved by the City Engineer based on considerations of site topography and traffic safety.

c.    A driveway accessible from an alley shall not be included when determining the maximum number of driveways on a single-family or duplex parcel, provided the driveway complies with all other standards of this Zoning Code regarding surfacing, distance, maximum area of hardscape on a parcel, etc.

d.    In the event a covered parking space has been converted or removed, the driveway and drive approach serving the covered space that has been converted or removed must be removed within the area located in the required front yard setback. The drive approach must be removed and replaced with standard curb, gutter and sidewalk. The driveway and drive approach may remain if the driveway can be used to provide access to a legal uncovered parking space.

2.    Multi-family and nonresidential projects.

a.    A multi-family or nonresidential development project on a parcel of two acres or less shall be limited to a maximum of two driveways, unless the City Engineer determines that more than two driveways are required to accommodate the traffic for the project.

b.    Whenever a property has access to more than one street, access shall be generally limited to the lowest volume street where the impact of a new access will be minimized.

B.    Distance from street corners. Each driveway shall be separated from the nearest street intersection as follows, except where the City Engineer allows a lesser separation.

1.    A minimum of 150 feet from the nearest intersection, as measured from the centerline of the driveway to the centerline of the nearest travel lane of the intersecting street; and

2.    For parcels with frontages less than 150 feet, the minimum distance shall be 100 feet.

C.    Driveway spacing. Driveways shall be separated along a street frontage as follows:

1.    Single-family and duplex residential developments. Driveways on abutting properties shall be separated by at least six feet, unless the City Engineer approves a shared, single driveway. The six-foot separation shall not include the transition or wing sections on each side of the driveway.

2.    Multi-family and nonresidential developments. Where two or more driveways serve the same or adjacent multi-family or nonresidential development, the centerline of the driveways shall be separated by a minimum of 50 feet. The City Engineer may approve exceptions to this standard.

D.    Driveway dimensions.

1.    Single dwelling. Each single dwelling shall provide a driveway leading to an off-street parking space(s) with a minimum width of 12 feet for a one-car garage/carport and 16-feet for a two-car garage/carport and a minimum length of 20 feet, as measured from the property line of the public street from the property line from which the driveway initiates. See Subsection H.3 of this section for exceptions for detached garages.

2.    Multi-family and nonresidential development.

a.    A driveway for a multi-family or nonresidential development shall have a minimum paved width of 13 feet for a one-way driveway and 26 feet for a two-way driveway.

b.    The maximum driveway width shall be 35 feet, exclusive of any area provided for a median divider.

E.    Clearance from obstructions.

1.    The nearest edge of a driveway curb cut shall be at least three feet from the nearest property line, the centerline of a fire hydrant, light standard, traffic signal, utility pole, or other similar facility.

2.    Street trees shall be a minimum of 10 feet from the driveway access, measured at the trunk.

3.    A driveway shall have an overhead clearance of 14 feet in height except within a parking structure, which may be reduced to seven feet, six inches.

F.    Traffic safety visibility areas. See Subsection 17.30.030.E (Height limit within traffic safety visibility areas).

G.    Surfacing.

1.    Within the multi-family and nonresidential zones, driveways shall be paved and permanently maintained with asphalt, concrete, or other approved paving units as allowed by the City Engineer.

2.    Within other zones (e.g., RS-8 or RS-12), driveways may be constructed with the use of other all-weather surfacing as determined to be appropriate by the City Engineer, where it is first determined that a surface other than asphalt or concrete is consistent with the driveways of similar properties in the vicinity and that the alternate surface will not impair accessibility for emergency vehicles.

3.    Minimum paved length. Except where any portion of a driveway is allowed to be unpaved by this Zoning Ordinance, the City Engineer, or a review authority, each driveway shall be paved with a hard, durable surface for a minimum length of 20 feet from the public right-of-way.

4.    A driveway with a slope of 15 percent or more shall be paved with asphalt or concrete in all cases.

5.    Maximum amount of single-family hardscape paving allowed for parking area.

a.    Single-family front setback areas shall only be used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles. Storage of vehicles in these areas or use as designated required parking spaces shall not be allowed.

b.    No vehicles shall be parked in the front and/or street side setback areas other than on a paved driveway.

c.    Paved driveways shall be limited to no more than 50 percent of the front or street side setback area in order to limit the amount of hardscape paving in these areas.

d.    No parking shall be allowed in the landscaped areas. Vegetated or pervious pavers may be used for temporary or designated off-street parking when designed for vehicle parking.

e.    Increases to the maximum amount of allowable hardscape paving may be approved by the Zoning Administrator if necessary to provide safe ingress and egress for the site.

H.    Access to off-street parking.

1.    Access to off-street parking spaces shall be maintained free and clear of obstructions at all times.

2.    Driveways shall not be altered, reduced beyond the required minimum dimensions, or temporarily blocked to prevent access from the public right-of-way to the off-street parking space(s).

3.    Garage access from an alley. An attached garage or detached garage accessible to vehicles from an alley shall be located a minimum of 29 feet from the opposite side of the alley.

17.34.130 Loading Space Requirements

Off-street loading spaces shall be provided as required by this section. The Zoning Administrator may modify these requirements through Minor Use Permit approval (Section 17.62.070), where the Zoning Administrator first determines that the operating, shipping, and delivery characteristics of the use do not require the number or type of loading spaces required by this section.

A.    Number of loading spaces required. Nonresidential uses shall provide off-street loading spaces in compliance with Table 3-14.

1.    A land use not specifically listed in this section shall provide loading spaces as required by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall use the requirements in Table 3-14 as a guide in determining the appropriate number of off-street loading spaces required for the use.

2.    In any case where Table 3-14 expresses a loading requirement based on floor area in square feet (for example: 5,000 to 10,000 sf), “sf” shall mean square feet of gross leasable floor area, unless stated otherwise.

3.    Loading docks instead of loading spaces shall be required at big-box stores, home improvement centers, and large shopping centers, as determined by the Zoning Administrator.

4.    Loading spaces, rather than loading docks, shall be required for convenience stores, offices, restaurants, and small shopping centers where truck deliveries occur on a regular basis, but where the Zoning Administrator determines that a loading dock is not necessary.



Total Gross Floor Area

Loading Spaces Required


Under 15,000 sf

None required; except grocery store greater than 5,000 sf requires 1 space

15,000 to 50,000 sf

1 space

Over 50,000 sf

2 spaces

Figure 3-15 – Dimensions for Loading Spaces

B.    Standards for off-street loading areas. Off-street loading areas comply with the following standards:

1.    Dimensions. Loading spaces shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width and 40 feet in length, with 14 feet of vertical clearance.

2.    Lighting. Loading areas shall have lighting capable of providing adequate illumination for security and safety; lighting shall also comply with the requirements of Section 17.30.070 (Outdoor Lighting).

3.    Location. Loading spaces shall be:

a.    As near as possible to the main structure and limited to the rear two-thirds of the parcel, if feasible.

b.    Situated to ensure that the loading facility is screened from adjacent streets.

c.    Situated to ensure that loading and unloading takes place on site and in no case faces a public street, or is located within a required front or street side setback, adjacent public right-of-way, or other on-site traffic circulation areas.

d.    Situated to ensure that all vehicular maneuvers occur on site. The loading areas shall allow vehicles to enter from and exit to a public street in a forward motion only.

e.    Situated to avoid adverse impacts upon neighboring residential properties. The review authority may restrict times allowed for loading and deliveries for loading spaces that are located closer than 100 feet to a residential zone.

4.    Loading ramps. Plans for loading ramps or truck wells shall be accompanied by a profile drawing showing the ramp, ramp transitions, and overhead clearances.

5.    Screening. Loading areas shall be screened from abutting parcels and streets with a combination of dense landscaping and solid masonry walls with a minimum height of six feet.

6.    Striping.

a.    Loading spaces shall be striped and identified for “loading only.”

b.    The striping and “loading only” notations shall be continuously maintained in a clear and visible manner in compliance with the approved plans.

7.    Surfacing.

a.    All loading areas shall be surfaced with asphalt, concrete pavement, or comparable material as determined by the City Engineer and shall be graded to dispose of all surface water to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.

b.    All grading plans relating to the loading facilities shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer before any work can commence.

17.34.140 Parking In-Lieu Fees

A.    Monetary payment to the City. Where it is neither feasible nor desirable to provide some or all of the off-street parking spaces required by Section 17.34.030 (General Parking Regulations), an owner of commercial land shall be allowed, subject to the approval of the Commission, to make a monetary in-lieu payment to the City in an amount which is equal to the value of the required off-street parking on a per-parking-space basis. Projects within adopted specific plan areas or parking districts and previously approved redevelopment projects are exempt from Commission approval, when parking in-lieu fees are approved in conjunction with such projects.

B.    Criteria for determining amount of payment. In addition to the costs associated with land acquisition, the projected costs of providing all of the following services and improvements, based upon 350 square feet of site area for each parking space, shall be used in determining the amount of the required in-lieu payment:

1.    Asphalt surfacing;

2.    Drainage;

3.    Engineering, inspection, and contingencies;

4.    Grading;

5.    Landscaping/screening;

6.    Sand and grease traps;

7.    Striping and wheel stops; and

8.    The cost of maintaining the space for 10 years.

C.    Council establishment of value of off-street parking facilities. At least once every two years, the Council shall establish, by resolution, the value of off-street parking facilities in the City on a per-parking-space basis. Initially, the in-lieu fee shall be $3,000 for each parking space. Funds collected by the City from the payments shall be deposited into a special fund and shall be used by the City only for the purpose of acquiring and/or developing future off-street parking facilities.

D.    Municipal parking lot plan. A parking in-lieu fee may be accepted by the City only after it has been determined that payment of a fee will lead to the provision of conveniently located off-street parking facilities which are consistent with a currently adopted municipal parking lot plan. The plan shall determine, at a minimum, areas of need, potential parking lot locations, and proposed parking capacities.

E.    Parking facilities which are provided by the City. All off-street parking facilities which are provided by the City shall, in addition to benefiting the employees, guests, and/or patrons of the subject property, be made available for use by members of the general public. In no instance shall a publicly developed parking facility provide parking for less than eight to 10 vehicles.

F.    Optional forms of financing. When it has been determined that parking in-lieu fees are unable to generate the revenues necessary to provide adequate off-street parking facilities in both a timely fashion and in a manner which contributes to the alleviation of traffic congestion, the City may choose to sell bonds or provide other forms of financing as an added means of providing the required moneys.

G.    Five-year capital improvements program. The City shall provide for the establishment of parking lot facilities through the adoption and/or amendment of a five-year capital improvements program.

17.34.150 Parking of Other Than Passenger Vehicles

A.    Other than passenger vehicles. This category of vehicles covered by this section includes barbecue trailers, buses, camper trailers, catering trucks, commercial trucks, concrete trucks, concrete or cement pumps, dump trucks, flatbed trucks, golf carts, mail trucks, milk trucks, motor homes, pleasure and commercial boats, recreational vehicles, truck rigs, utility trailers, and similar vehicles that are not passenger vehicles or standard pickup trucks.

B.    No parking within street setbacks. None of the vehicles identified in Subsection A of this section may be parked permanently within any required front or street side setback in a residential district.

C.    Loading and unloading only. Pickups with campers, pleasure boats, recreational vehicles, and similar vehicles may park in the required front setback in a residential district for the purpose of loading or unloading, not to exceed 24 hours within a seven-day period.

D.    Parking in rear and side setbacks. Operative boats and large pickup campers, motor homes, recreation vehicles, utility trailers, and vacation trailers shall be allowed to be parked or stored in a required rear or side setback in a residential district only if screened on the side and front by a six-foot-high fence. In these instances, the provision of adequate light and air to a neighbor’s window shall not be obstructed.

E.    Not for living purposes. Passenger vehicles, pickup trucks, and those identified in Subsection A of this section shall not be used for living or sleeping purposes when parked or stored on private property except when licensed and parked within an approved safe parking area.

F.    Normal vehicle maintenance. With the exception of performing normal vehicle maintenance on passenger vehicles or standard pickup trucks, no vehicle or appurtenances shall be dismantled within any residential area of the City. Residential and incidental vehicle maintenance shall be limited to battery changing, oil changes, and tuneups, and other operations generally referred to as normal preventive maintenance. Residential vehicle maintenance may only occur within a garage or carport of the residence.

G.    California license plates and/or tags. Vehicles identified in Subsection A of this section, whether used for storage or transportation purposes, shall be required to have current California license plates and/or tags. (Ord. 1070 § 2, 2019)