CHAPTER 11 - SIGNS Revised 12/24
(Added by O-3895)
911.1.010 PURPOSE.
This Chapter provides standards for on-premises signs to safeguard life, health, property, safety, and public welfare, including aesthetics and the visual environment, while encouraging creativity, variety, compatible design, and enhancement of the City’s image. The City recognizes that the location, number, size and design of signs significantly influences the City’s visual environment and the perception of the City’s economic condition and that proper sign control is an important governmental interest. The specific purposes of this Chapter are to:
a) Provide each sign user an opportunity for effective identification while guarding against the excessive proliferation of signs by appropriately regulating the time, place, and manner under which signs may be displayed;
b) Maintain a content-neutral approach to sign regulation so as not to inhibit protected forms of freedom of expression, including noncommercial speech;
c) Preserve and enhance the community’s appearance by regulating the type, size, location, quality, design, character, scale, illumination, maintenance and number of signs according to standards consistent with the purpose of the City’s various zoning districts and the intent of the zoning regulations;
d) Enhance the safety of motorists and pedestrians by minimizing the distraction of intrusive signs, as well as to protect the life, health, property and general welfare of City residents, businesses and visitors;
e) Encourage creative, well-designed signs that contribute in a positive way to the City’s visual environment, are complementary to the buildings and uses to which they relate, are harmonious with their surroundings and help maintain an image of quality for the City;
f) Ensure the quality of the City’s visual environment and appearance by providing a review and approval process for signs to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Chapter.
911.1.020 INTENT.
By adopting this Chapter the City Council intends to regulate signs on the basis of location, relationship to land uses, illumination, motion, size, height, orientation, separation, safety of physical structures and the public need for functional information. It is the intent of this Chapter to minimize visual clutter and enhance traffic safety by ensuring that signage does not distract, obstruct or otherwise impede traffic circulation. Proper sign control also safeguards and preserves the health, property and public welfare by prohibiting, regulating and controlling the structural design, location and maintenance of signs.
911.2.005 IN GENERAL.
For the purpose of this Chapter the words and phrases set forth shall have a meaning ascribed to them as follows in this Article.
"Advertising device" means any balloon, flag, pennant, banner, propeller, oscillating, rotating, pulsating or stationary light, or other contrivance (except lawfully permitted signs) used to attract attention.
"Advertising display" means any device, contrivance, statue, or structure (other than a sign) used as a display, regardless of size and shape, for the purpose of attracting attention.
911.2.030 AERIAL SIGN.
"Aerial sign" means a sign or device that is either floating or flying in the air but is secured to a structure or to the ground by strings or cables and is primarily installed to attract attention to or advertise a business, a business location, a service, a product or an event.
"Architectural element" means an integrated component of the design of a building including walls, windows, rafters, roofs, neon bands and other physical components.
911.2.050 AREA OF SIGN.
"Area of sign" shall mean the total area within the extreme perimeter of the attraction area intended to draw attention to the sign, including all open spaces and the supports which the sign rests upon if said supports are designed to attract attention rather than be aesthetically pleasing. The area of the sign with two (2) faces, approximately opposed, shall be that of the larger face if such condition prevails; but, if the angle between the planes of the faces exceeds forty-five (45) degrees the total area of both faces shall be considered the sign area. For multi-sided or circular signs, the area shall be the total projected area as used for wind load design in the Building Code of the City.
911.2.060 BILLBOARD.
"Billboard" shall mean any sign, signboard or outdoor advertising display which is used for advertising purposes or display purposes, except advertising displays used exclusively:
a) To advertise the sale or lease of the property upon which such advertising displays are to be placed.
b) To designate the name of the owner or the occupant of the premises upon which such advertising display is placed, or to identify such premises.
c) To advertise goods manufactured, produced, or for sale or services rendered, on the property upon which such advertising display is placed.
911.2.070 BUILDING LINE.
"Building line" shall also mean a property line whose boundaries are established by a building line ordinance.
"Commercial mascot" means humans or animals used as advertising devices for commercial establishments, typically by the holding or wearing of insignia, masks or costumes associated with or advertising the commercial establishment, including sign twirlers.
"Commercial message or commercial speech" is a message displayed on a sign that proposes a commercial transaction or is related primarily to the economic interests of the speaker and its audience. Messages promoting professional services are within this definition.
911.2.100 DEVELOPMENT.
"Development" shall mean any nonresidential property improvement or properties improved as a unit with a common parking area that is contiguous to the development. A shopping center under single or multiple ownership constitutes a development.
"Electronic message center or sign" means an electronically activated changeable sign whose variable message and/or graphic presentation capability can be electronically programmed by computer from a remote location. Time and temperature displays are excluded from this definition.
"Face of building" shall mean the general outer surface not including cornices, bay windows or other ornamental trim, of any main exterior wall of the building.
911.2.130 FLASHING SIGN.
"Flashing sign" means any illuminated sign on which the artificial light is not maintained stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is in use. For the purposes of this Chapter any moving illuminated sign, except electronic message centers, must be considered a flashing sign.
911.2.140 FREEWAY.
"Freeway" shall be deemed to mean highway in respect to which the owners of abutting lands have no right or easement of access to or from their abutting lands or in respect to which such owners have only limited or restricted right or easement of access, and which is declared to be such in compliance with the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California.
"Landscaped freeway" shall be deemed to mean a section or sections of a freeway which is now or hereafter may be improved by the planting of at least one (1) side of the freeway right-of-way of lawns, trees, shrubs, flowers or other ornamental vegetation which shall require reasonable maintenance. Planting for the purpose of soil erosion control, traffic safety requirements, reduction of fire hazards, or traffic noise abatement shall not change the character of a freeway to a landscaped freeway.
"Government sign" means a sign that is constructed, placed or maintained by the Federal, State or local government or a sign that is required to be constructed, placed or maintained by the Federal, State or local government either directly or to enforce a property owner’s rights. City of Torrance signs, when sponsored by a local business and authorized by City Council or City Manager, may contain the name of said sponsor subject to the satisfaction of the City Council or City Manager.
911.2.170 GROUND SIGNS.
"Ground sign" shall mean a sign not wholly supported on a building or on a structure other than a sign structure, including monument, pole or pylon signs.
"Inflatable device" means a sign or advertising display that is an air-inflated or air-activated object, which may be of various shapes, made of flexible fabric, resting on the ground or structure and equipped with a portable blower motor that provides a constant flow of air into the device. Inflatable devices are restrained, attached or held in place by a cord, rope, cable or similar method.
"Light bulb strings" means external or internal displays within twelve (12) inches of the inside of the window which consist of light bulbs, strings of open light bulbs, LED light strips or lighted tubing.
911.2.200 MARQUEE SIGN.
"Marquee sign" shall include any hood or awning of permanent construction projecting from the wall of a building or other structure.
911.2.210 MONUMENT SIGN.
"Monument sign" means a low profile, freestanding sign with its base on the ground and designed to incorporate design and building elements which complement the architectural theme of the buildings on the premises.
911.2.220 MURAL.
"Mural" means a display or illustration within public view painted on an exterior surface of a structure that does not contain the name of the business, product or service on the premises.
"Neon or light band" means a neon or other light tube, including LED light strips, used to accent the lines of a building, features of a building, sign or window, which follows the form of the structure.
"Noncommercial speech" or "noncommercial message" is sign copy or graphics that do not relate primarily to the economic interests of the speaker or the audience, or do not propose an economic transaction or the providing of professional services.
"Nonconforming sign" means a sign that was legally erected and maintained at the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Chapter or amendment thereto, that does not currently comply with sign regulations as contained in this Code.
"Original art display" means a hand painted work of visual art that is either affixed to or painted directly on the exterior wall of a structure with the permission of the property owner. An original art display does not include: mechanically produced or computer generated prints or images, including but not limited to digitally printed vinyl, electrical or mechanical components or changing image art display.
911.2.270 POLE SIGN.
"Pole sign" means a freestanding sign directly supported by a pole with air space between the grade level and sign face.
911.2.280 PORTABLE SIGN.
"Portable sign" means any sign designed to be moved easily and not permanently affixed to the ground or to a structure or building including but not limited to an A-frame sign, "sandwich sign," a sign on wheels, bow banners, air-assisted devices or a sign which leans against a stationary object, building or structure or any sign held or supported by a person.
"Projecting sign" shall mean a sign suspended from or supported from a building or structure and projecting out therefrom more than one (1) foot.
911.2.300 PYLON SIGN.
"Pylon sign" means a sign supported by two (2) or more uprights, poles or braces, including those surrounded by a decorative cover forming one (1) sign support.
"Qualified street frontage" shall mean the width of property of a commercial or industrial development fronting on a major or secondary thoroughfare. In cases of corner or through lots, only one (1) street frontage may be used as qualified street frontage for purposes of calculating permitted sign area.
"Responsible party" means the owner of the sign, or, where ownership is not known, the owner of the property where the sign is posted. In the absence of persuasive evidence to the contrary, the person, persons or business entity who benefitted from the sign shall be presumed to be the person who was responsible for the placement of the sign.
911.2.330 ROOF SIGN.
"Roof sign" shall mean any sign supported by the roof of a building or placed above the apparent flat roof or eaves of a building as viewed from any elevation.
911.2.340 SIGN.
"Sign" shall mean a display board, screen, structure, object or part thereof, used to announce, declare, demonstrate, display or otherwise advertise and attract the attention of the public to any business, service or product provided on the premises upon which such sign is placed, other than:
a) Official notices authorized by a court, public body or public officer; and
b) Directional, warning or information signs authorized by Federal, State or municipal authority; and
c) Murals or original art displays, as defined in this Section.
911.2.350 SIGN PROGRAM.
"Sign program" means a comprehensive program intended to provide incentive, latitude and variety in order to achieve aesthetically appealing and compatible signage for shopping centers, professional office centers and industrial parks with two (2) or more occupants. A sign program may also be applicable for a single business proposing two (2) or more signs. This includes master sign programs and creative sign programs.
911.2.360 SNIPE SIGN.
"Snipe sign" means a sign tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or otherwise attached to trees, poles, stakes, fences, public benches, streetlights or other objects, or placed in the public right-of-way or on any public property or on any private property without the permission of the property owner.
"Street pole banner" means a banner suspended above a public street or sidewalk and attached to a single street pole. These signs shall not contain any commercial advertising.
"Temporary signs" shall mean a sign, banner, pennant or advertising display constructed of cloth, canvas, light fabric, cardboard, wallboard or other light material with or without frames intended to be displayed for a short period of time only.
911.2.390 VEHICLE SIGN.
"Vehicle sign" means a sign affixed to a vehicle in such a manner that the sign is used primarily as a stationary advertisement for the business on which the vehicle sits or is otherwise not incidental to the vehicle’s primary purpose.
911.2.400 WALL SIGN.
"Wall sign" shall mean any sign painted on, attached to or projecting from the wall surface of a building (including permanent window signs and signs on awnings and/or marquees). A wall sign shall not project above the apparent flat roof or eave line as viewed from all elevations.
911.2.410 WINDOW SIGN.
"Window sign" means any sign attached, painted or pasted, either permanent or temporary, on the interior or within twelve (12) inches of the interior or on the exterior of a window and intended to be viewed from the outside.
911.2.420 DIRECTOR.
"Director" shall refer to the Community Development Director, or designee.
a) To ensure compliance with the regulations contained in this Chapter, a sign permit shall be required for any person, business, or identified or presumed responsible person as defined by this Code to erect, display, enlarge, modify, relocate, or change in any way beyond general maintenance, repair, or complete removal, any permanent or temporary sign or sign structure unless such action is expressly exempted by this Chapter. Refacing of existing signs shall be included in this requirement. Sign permits are also required for signs approved through a sign program or other discretionary action.
b) No sign permit shall be issued for any additional signs or alterations to existing signs until all signs on the property or development conform to the provisions of this Chapter.
a) Nothing herein contained shall prevent the erection, construction and maintenance of official traffic, fire and police signs, signals, devices and markings of the State Department of Public Works, the City Council or other appropriate governmental authorities, nor the posting of notices required by law. Private and quasi-public signs shall be prohibited upon public property unless otherwise authorized by the City Manager or appropriate governmental authority.
b) Legal notices, telephone and other underground utility warning signs, not exceeding one (1) square foot in size and other safety signs may be erected without a permit being issued.
c) Nonadvertising, directional or informational signs less than six (6) square feet in area may be used with any "C," "M" or multiple-family use permitted in addition to all other permitted signs.
a) Application for sign permits shall be made to the Community Development Department of the City, accompanied by the filing fee, where applicable, and in the amount provided for by resolution. Applications, whether for discretionary approval or for the issuance of a permit, shall be submitted to the Community Development Department for each development on which the sign or signs are to be erected with the application to be submitted to the Planning Commission and shall contain or have attached thereto the following information:
1) Name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
2) Location of building, structure or lot to which or upon which the sign or advertising structure is to be attached or erected;
3) Position of the sign or advertising structure in relation to nearby buildings or structures;
4) Name of person, firm, corporation or association erecting or attaching structure or painting the sign;
5) Written consent of the owner of the building, structure or land to which or on which the structure is to be erected or sign to be painted when more than one (1) occupancy can or does exist;
6) Scaled renderings of all proposed signs;
7) Detailed plans of all existing signs, including photos and/or other pertinent data which will aid in the determination of the site’s conformance with this Chapter;
8) Such other information as the Community Development Director shall require to show full compliance with this and all other laws and ordinances of the City.
b) For issuance of a permit, the following shall also be required:
1) Two (2) blueprints of ink drawings of the plans and specifications and method of construction and attachment to the building or in the ground;
2) Copy of stress sheets and calculations showing the structure is designed for deadload and wind pressure in any direction in the amount required by this and all other laws and ordinances of the City;
3) Estimated sign valuation;
4) Any electrical permit required and issued for such sign;
5) In addition to the filing fee, a building permit fee shall be collected in accordance with the evaluation schedule of the City Building Code.
All applications for sign permits for signs which do not conform to the provisions of this Code or are located on the same property or development on which other signs or all the signs do not conform with the provisions of this Code shall be submitted by the Community Development Director to the Planning Commission for review in accordance with the provisions of this Code.
If it shall appear the proposed sign structure is in compliance with all the requirements of this Code and all other laws and ordinances of the City of Torrance and has received all necessary approvals, the Community Development Director shall then issue the sign permit. If the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within one hundred eighty (180) days or a proper extension granted thereto after date of issuance, the said permit shall become null and void. Issuance of the sign permit shall be conditioned upon the applicant’s acceptance of any conditions imposed thereon by the City. No sign permit issued with conditions shall be valid until all conditions have been complied with by the applicant.
a) For signing purposes, frontage on private streets that serve as public thoroughfares and not just driveways may, with Planning Commission or City Council approval, be considered as qualified street frontage. Corner commercial lots which side on local residential streets may not consider the local street frontage as qualified street frontage.
b) Total sign area allotment permitted for a development shall be two (2) square feet of sign area for each linear foot of qualified street frontage. Chargeable against the total sign area shall be all permanent signs, including wall, projecting, roof, ground, valance, and marquee signs.
c) Any one (1) development may have a choice of, but not more than, one (1) ground sign or one (1) roof sign or one (1) projecting sign and shall be subject to the exceptions contained in this Section.
911.4.020 GROUND SIGNS.
Ground signs are subject to the following provisions:
a) One (1) ground, monument, pylon or pole sign may be permitted with each "C" or "M" development.
b) The total area of sign permitted for a ground sign shall be measured as one (1) square foot of area of sign for each linear foot of street frontage, to a maximum area of sign of three hundred (300) square feet.
c) The maximum height of any ground sign and its supporting structure shall be twenty-five (25) feet, except that the height of a ground sign may be increased by adding one (1) foot of height for each linear foot the sign is set back from the front property line not to exceed a maximum height of fifty (50) feet to the top of the sign.
d) A minimum qualified frontage of one hundred (100) feet shall be required to erect a ground sign.
e) Permanent attachment to the ground shall be required for all ground signs.
911.4.030 ROOF SIGNS.
Roof signs permitted are subject to the following provisions:
a) One (1) roof sign may be permitted with each "C" or "M" development.
b) The maximum permitted area of roof signing shall be one (1) square foot of sign area for each linear foot of property frontage not to exceed a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet.
c) The height of a roof sign shall not exceed ten (10) feet above the apparent flat roof or eave line.
d) Roof sign supports should be architecturally attractive or screened from view.
Projecting signs permitted are subject to the following provisions:
a) One (1) projecting sign may be permitted with each "C" or "M" development.
b) Projection of sign shall not extend more than four (4) feet from any wall facing.
c) The total permitted area of a projecting sign shall be measured as one (1) square foot of sign area for each linear foot of property frontage not to exceed a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet.
Theater marquees need not be limited to projecting sign criteria, but shall be subject to Planning Commission approval.
911.4.060 WALL SIGNS.
Wall signs shall be permitted in any "C" or "M" development provided the total area of all wall signs on any one (1) wall face shall not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the exposed area of the wall on which they are located, said fifteen percent (15%) also to include valance, permanent window signs, cloth signs and banner signs. A wall sign shall not project above the apparent flat roof or eave line.
a) Wall signs, excluding projecting signs, may be used with any multiple-family residential use other than property in an R-5 zone. The area of sign shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the wall area to a maximum of forty (40) square feet for any one (1) wall face (elevation) and limited to identification only.
b) Wall signs may be used with any single-family or two-family residential use with a maximum area of sign of one (1) square foot per sign with a limit of three (3) signs for any one (1) occupancy, and may be erected without a permit being issued.
c) Projecting signs shall not be permitted in connection with a residential use.
911.5.005 WAIVER.
A waiver from the provisions of these sign regulations may be considered through the procedures set forth in this Article, including the approval of more than one (1) ground sign. However, any prohibited signs, including those listed in Section 911.6.100, shall not be approved.
This Section establishes standards and procedures for the review and approval of creative sign permits. The purposes of the creative sign permit are to:
a) Encourage signs of unique design that exhibit a high degree of imagination, inventiveness, spirit, and thoughtfulness; and
b) Provide a process for the application of sign regulations in ways that will allow creatively designed signs that make a positive visual contribution to the overall image of the City, while mitigating the impacts of large or unusually designed signs.
1) Applicability. An applicant may apply for a creative sign permit in order to request approval of development standards that differ from the provisions of this Chapter, but comply with the purpose and findings of this Section. However, the creative sign permit process shall not be used to allow any prohibited sign type or feature.
2) Application. A creative sign permit application shall include all information and materials required by the Department, and the filing fee as specified in a fee resolution as adopted by the City Council.
3) Approval Authority. An application for a creative sign permit shall be subject to review and approval or disapproval by the Planning Commission.
4) Findings. The Planning Commission shall not approve a creative sign permit unless the proposed sign meets the following design criteria:
A) Design Quality. The sign shall:
i) Constitute a substantial aesthetic improvement to the site and shall have a positive visual impact on the surrounding area;
ii) Be of unique design, and exhibit a high degree of imagination, inventiveness, spirit, and thoughtfulness; and
iii) Provide strong graphic character through the imaginative use of color, graphics, proportion, quality materials, scale, and texture.
B) Contextual Criteria. The sign shall contain at least one (1) of the following elements:
i) Classic historic design style;
ii) Creative image reflecting current or historic character of the City;
iii) Inventive representation of the logo, name, or use of the structure or business.
C) Architectural Criteria. The sign shall:
i) Utilize or enhance the architectural elements of the building; and
ii) Be placed in a logical location in relation to the overall composition of the building’s facade and not cover any key architectural features and details of the facade.
D) Impacts on Surrounding Uses. The sign shall be located and designed not to cause light and glare impacts on surrounding uses, especially residential uses.
This Section establishes standards and procedures for the review and approval of master sign programs. The purpose of a master sign program is to:
a) Ensure that all signs on a subject property are of complementary style and design, and are compatible with the architecture and theme of the property;
b) Provide a process for the review of said signs to ensure that new developments or major remodels achieve the highest quality of design by complementing the development with high-quality signs;
c) Provide for consistent and streamlined review and approval of new signs consistent with the sign program; and
d) Establish special sign criteria and standards for a given property when such additional regulation or waivers from the provisions of this Chapter are considered appropriate and beneficial.
1) Applicability. Application for a master sign program may be submitted for any development, but shall be required for the following:
A) Any sign application submittal for two (2) or more new or replacement signs (not including exempt or temporary signs) intended to be placed on a site;
B) Any new commercial, industrial or institutional building(s);
C) Any new mixed-use development with two (2) or more nonresidential tenant spaces; and
D) Any residential project consisting of five (5) or more new dwelling units.
2) Application. A master sign program application shall include all information and materials required by the Department, and the filing fee as specified in a fee resolution as adopted by the City Council.
3) Approval Authority. The Community Development Director may approve an application for a master sign program that does not increase sign area by more than thirty percent (30%) above that allowed. An application for a master sign program greater than thirty percent (30%) of allowable signage shall be subject to review and approval or disapproval by the Planning Commission. Where possible, a master sign program should be submitted for review in conjunction with the project being reviewed for approval.
4) Findings. The Community Development Director or Planning Commission shall not approve a master sign program unless the proposed master sign program meets the following design criteria:
A) All signs in the sign program are designed in such a manner so as to be internally consistent, coordinated, and whole within themselves, and harmonious with any existing signs remaining on the site.
B) Any existing signs on the site, if they are to remain, are of high quality design and materials, and complement the existing or proposed building and architecture, and will be complemented by the new signs in the sign program.
C) All signs in the sign program will complement and enhance the architectural theme of the subject property.
D) All signs in the sign program comply with the standards of this Chapter, unless specific exemptions have been granted in the interest of enhanced design and compatibility, and such exemptions are not contrary to the intent of this Chapter.
5) Waiver of Standards. A waiver from the development standards of this Chapter may be granted for signs in a master sign program if the findings are made by the Community Development Director or Planning Commission, and the waiver will achieve the specified purpose of the master sign program. However, prohibited signs shall not be approved through a master sign program.
911.5.030 RIGHT OF APPEAL.
The decision of the Community Development Director or the Planning Commission may be appealed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5, Chapter 1, Division 1 of this Code, commencing at Section 11.5.1.
No sign shall project into any alley below a height of seventeen (17) feet above grade or more than twelve (12) inches when over seventeen (17) feet.
No sign shall be erected in such a manner that any portion of its surface or supports will interfere in any way with the free use of any fire escape, exit or standpipe, or obstruct any required ventilator, or door stairway. No sign shall obstruct the free use of any window on the same premises.
No projecting sign or ground sign may extend over any public street or private street, public sidewalk, other public property, or beyond a building line, except a distance as determined by the clearance of the bottom of the sign to the level of the sidewalk or grade immediately below as follows:
a) Clearance less than eight (8) feet, no projection.
b) Clearance of eight (8) feet, one (1) foot projection.
c) Clearance above eight (8) feet, for each additional two (2) inches clearance an additional one (1) inch projection to a maximum projection of four (4) feet.
a) No sign permit shall be issued for any sign or billboard which encroaches upon or over any City owned or controlled property unless an encroachment permit therefor is obtained from the City Manager or his designee.
b) No encroachment permit for any sign or billboard shall be issued unless in the opinion of the City Manager the erection and maintenance of said sign shall not imperil the health, safety and welfare of the public. Any such permit may be issued subject to such conditions as the City Manager deems to be reasonably necessary for the protection of the public.
No sign may project more than six (6) inches from the face of a building over private property used or intended to be used by the general public, unless there is a minimum of eight (8) feet clearance from the bottom of the sign to sidewalk or grade immediately below the sign, or a minimum of seventeen (17) feet clearance from the bottom of the sign to a vehicular trafficway immediately below the sign.
Memorial signs and historical tablets or plates commemorating a historical event or a memorial to a deceased person may be used with any building if not exceeding two (2) square feet in area and permanently fastened to the building surface; provided, however, larger signs may be permitted with approval by the Planning Commission.
911.6.070 VEHICLE SIGN.
a) Any vehicle with advertising permanently attached to it or temporarily placed upon it for the purpose of advertising a business, service or product shall not be parked on private or public property so as to serve as a billboard or sign.
b) The provisions of this Section shall not apply to signs advertising the sale of a vehicle by the owner thereof who is not an automobile dealer or an employee or agent thereof.
Bulletin boards or changeable copy signs shall be any identification sign used in conjunction with religious institutions, Y.M.C.A.s and other civic or charitable organizations, florists, movie theaters and gas stations. Bulletin boards not over twelve (12) square feet in area may be used with a public, charitable, or religious institution located in a residential use zone when such bulletin boards are located on the premises of such institution. Bulletin boards in the form of electronic message centers shall require approval by the Planning Commission and shall not exceed the designated size of twelve (12) square feet, with the exception of gas station price signs, which may be electronic without Planning Commission approval.
Nothing herein contained shall prevent the City Council from granting temporary special permits on such terms as it may deem proper, for signs advertising or pertaining to any civic, patriotic or special event of general public interest taking place within the boundaries of the City, when it is determined that the same will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare, interest or safety, nor injurious to adjacent property or improvements.
911.6.100 PROHIBITED SIGNS. Revised 12/24
(Amended by O-3939)
The following signs, sign types and locations are inconsistent with the purposes and standards of this Chapter and are, therefore, prohibited in the City:
a) Abandoned and/or dilapidated sign structures.
b) Inflatable devices.
c) Lightbulb strings or tube lighting, unless approved as part of the building design.
d) Flashing signs.
e) Snipe signs.
f) Obscene or unlawful signs.
g) Portable signs, including A-frame, T-stand, rolling signs, sandwich boards, bow banners or signs held or supported by human beings.
h) Signs emitting audible sounds, odors or particulate matter.
i) Rotating, moving, changing or blinking signs.
j) Signs emulating traffic signals or devices.
k) Mylar balloons.
No sign shall be placed on any public property, including but not limited to any City building, sidewalk, crosswalk, curb, street lamp post, hydrant, tree, shrub, tree stake or guard, railroad trestle, electric light or power or telephone or telegraph wire pole or wire appurtenance therefor or upon any fixture of the fire alarm system or upon any lighting system, street sign or traffic sign.
a) Application may be made for a temporary sign on public property and will be reviewed by Community Development and City Manager.
a) All cabinets, conductors, transformers and other equipment shall be concealed.
b) Exposed lamps, tubing, raceways, cross-overs or conduits will be permitted by Planning Commission approval only and only when an integral part of the sign design.
Any business or place of public assembly shall have, at a minimum, at least one (1) conspicuous sign setting forth the trade name of the business or the name of the place of public assembly and the street address number in Roman letters and Arabic numerals, respectively. The letters and numerals on any such sign shall be large enough to be readable from a distance of one hundred (100) feet.
a) Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person may erect a temporary sign except to advertise a business, industry or pursuit conducted on the premises on which the sign is erected or maintained; provided, however, that the provisions shall not apply to signs of a civic, political or religious nature or other noncommercial speech. Such signs shall not take the place of permanent signs beyond a period of ninety (90) days.
b) Except as otherwise provided and for special events, temporary signs affixed to buildings are limited to banner type signs not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area and fifty percent (50%) of the building frontage in width, allowing a minimum of twenty (20) square feet and a maximum of sixty (60) square feet of sign area for buildings at property line. An additional one (1) square foot of area will be allowed for each ten (10) feet the building is set back from the street to a maximum of one hundred (100) square feet.
c) Buildings with frontages on two (2) major streets or residential properties for lease on corner lots may display one (1) banner on each frontage.
d) Where feasible, banners shall be placed against the flat surface of the building wall beneath the roof line. In no case may banners be strung between posts, trees or in required landscaping areas.
e) The Community Development Director may approve additional signs such as flags, pennants, banners, etc., for special events such as grand openings, under new management, or inventory sales for a time limited to thirty (30) days per calendar year. Such time shall be counted as a part of the ninety (90) day limitation for all temporary signs.
f) Mylar-type balloons made of any electrically conductive material and portable-type signs are prohibited. Portable signs are those that are not permanently affixed to the ground but are self-supporting.
g) The length of flags representing governmental bodies may not exceed one-fourth (1/4) the height of the flag pole. A flag pole height shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet at property line. The height may be increased in height by one (1) foot with each one (1) foot in setback from the property line to a maximum of fifty (50) feet in height.
a) Except as otherwise provided, banners constructed of sturdy material may be used to advertise sales or special events for a period up to ninety (90) days during any one (1) calendar year. Extension beyond ninety (90) days is subject to CDD Director or Planning Commission approval subject to the following criteria and provided the banner is not being used to take the place of a permanent sign:
1) The extension of time will not affect the rights of adjacent property owners or tenants, or would constitute an adverse impact on them.
2) The banner remains whole, attractive, and is not faded or ripped.
3) The extension of time will not result in a material change in the concept or execution of the sign program as approved by Council, the Planning Commission, or other body or official.
4) There is a hardship to the applicant if the extension of time is not granted.
5) The extension of time will not be contrary to any established planning, zoning or sign policies of the Council, a commission, body or official for the particular project under consideration as determined by a review of the minutes or other records of the original approval.
911.7.030 PERMITS.
a) An annual temporary sign permit may be issued for signs that comply with the provisions of this Chapter that allows the applicant to tailor the duration and number of days under the permit to meet the particular needs of the establishment, provided the total number of days does not exceed ninety (90) calendar days per year and the application meets the requirements of this Section. A temporary sign permit may be issued for consecutive periods of time only.
b) The applicant for a temporary sign permit or an annual temporary sign permit must be the property owner or the lessee of the subject property with the approval of the property owner.
Construction trade signs shall be constructed of plywood or similar material and shall not exceed a total sign area of sixty-four (64) square feet. These signs may be displayed without permit at the discretion of the Community Development Director to advertise the various construction trades on a construction site. Trade construction signs shall be removed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
a) Signs advertising commercial properties for rent or sale shall be constructed of plywood or sheet metal material and shall not exceed a total sign area of thirty-two (32) square feet for properties less than one hundred (100) feet in frontage. Properties with one hundred (100) feet or more of frontage may have a sign not to exceed sixty-four (64) square feet and may be displayed without permit at the discretion of the Community Development Director.
b) Commercial leasing signs may only be displayed when there is an available unit of space to be sold or rented and shall not be permanently attached to the property.
c) Properties having more than one (1) frontage may display a sign on each frontage.
a) Real estate signs for one (1) to four (4) units shall be subject to the following criteria:
1) One (1) additional sign not to exceed twelve (12) square feet, six (6) feet high, with five (5) flags, located not less than five (5) feet from property line of the lot upon which such sign is placed, and pertaining only to the rental, lease or sale of the building or property upon which such sign is located will be permitted without the issuance of a sign permit in any of the residential zones.
2) Six (6) unlighted directional open house signs, leading to the site of the sale, not to exceed six (6) square feet, four (4) feet high, with one (1) pennant per sign, may be placed on private property, with consent of owner, during daylight hours only, and shall be permitted without the issuance of a sign permit; provided, however, that such signs shall not be located at any location or driveway so as to interfere with the view of traffic at any intersection or driveway. Such placement of signs or pennants shall not allow the use of more than one (1) sign and one (1) pennant at any one (1) location to any one (1) real estate broker or owner.
b) A sign program for on-site and off-site directional signs for five (5) or more residential units shall be approved by the Community Development Director and shall adhere to the following guidelines, not excluding other conditions, as approved by the Community Development Director:
1) On-Site Signs.
A) On-site signs may consist of a subdivision sign plus one (1) fifteen (15) square foot flag for every fifty (50) feet of frontage to a maximum of five (5) flags for each street frontage.
B) A provision shall be made in the conditions, covenants and restrictions concerning the control of signs for the resale of units.
2) Off-Site Directional Signs.
A) Off-site directional signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet and shall be limited to one (1) sign for each location.
B) Such sign shall be displayed only during daylight hours and when the property is open for inspection.
C) Signs may not be placed on any public property and may be placed on private property only with the consent of the property owner.
D) Signs shall not be placed in street medians, tree walls and parkways, including those that have received special surface treatment, such as rock, asphalt, concrete, etc., or any other public property; nor shall any portion of the ground or right-of-way of parks, libraries, schools or other public buildings or grounds be used for such signs.
E) Directional signs staked to the ground shall not be attached to any street tree, traffic signal/information sign, utility pole or appurtenance or other structure, nor shall they be located on public property.
F) The placement of such signs shall not create any sight obstruction or safety hazard for traffic or pedestrians.
G) The number of directional signs shall be limited to provide directional information only.
H) Placement of signs on private property must require approval of the property owner.
Ground signs advertising a subdivision for sale, rent or lease may be permitted upon approval of the Planning Commission, subject to the following criteria:
a) Maximum area per sign to be three hundred (300) square feet.
b) Minimum distance of five hundred (500) linear feet between signs.
c) Signs to be located on subdivision parcel.
d) A maximum of one (1) sign may be permitted for each street facing.
a) Any sign designating a candidate for a political office to be voted on by the electors of Torrance is a political candidate sign. Political candidate signs may be placed on private property with the consent of the owner of the property in any use zone from the date the candidate files an official declaration of candidacy and shall be removed not later than fourteen (14) days after the election.
b) Any sign advertising a ballot issue to be voted on by the electors of Torrance is a political issue sign. Political issue signs may be placed on private property with the consent of the owner of the property in any use zone from the date the issue is authorized to be placed on the ballot by resolution of the State, county, City, school district, special district or other public entity affected thereby and shall be removed not later than fourteen (14) days after the election.
c) No permit, bond or fee shall be required to post a political sign.
d) All political signs shall be maintained in a state of security, safety and good repair and shall be subject to the design and construction specifications for temporary signs set forth in this Article. If the Director shall find that any political sign is unsafe, insecure or a menace to the public safety or fails to meet the design and construction specifications for temporary signs, the owner of such sign (or the owner of the property who has permitted such sign to be posted on his premises) shall be given written notice thereof and shall be required to remove it or alter it to comply with the standards set forth in this Article no later than twenty-four (24) hours after he is so notified. The Community Development Director may cause the sign to be removed or altered to so comply upon failure to do so by the owner within twenty-tour (24) hours; provided, however, that the Community Development Director may cause any political sign which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily and without notice.
Temporary window signs, in commercial areas only, shall not be governed by the sign area regulations for wall signs described in this Article. Temporary window signs shall not exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the window area and shall not require a permit if signs meet the requirements of this Chapter. String lights and/or light tubes may not be used in windows unless previously approved as part of the building architecture. Temporary window signs shall not be permitted in residential and industrial land use areas.
Temporary civic and religious signs may be used without the issuance of a permit and shall not be subject to the regulations for wall, roof, ground or projecting signs as described in this Chapter.
a) Service stations shall be allowed signs as provided in the Code requirements.
b) In addition to permanent permitted signs, price signs shall be allowed as follows: All prices shall be displayed in compliance with State requirements. Price signs must be attached to the existing ground sign. If the existing sign will not allow any attachment, a pole sign not exceeding six (6) feet in height may be used to display price signs.
1) Properties with one (1) street frontage may have one (1) price sign not to exceed fifteen (15) square feet, attached to a ground sign.
2) Properties with two (2) street frontages may have two (2) double-face, fifteen (15) square feet signs attached to ground signs.
3) Changeable electronic signs may be used for service station price signs without requiring Commission approval.
c) All other temporary signs are prohibited except as provided for in this Code or State regulations.
a) Car dealerships shall be allowed signs as provided in the sign code requirements.
b) Banners which are to be attached to walls shall be limited as provided in this Article except that one (1) additional banner may be allowed for the used car sales section of the car dealership property.
c) In addition, car dealerships shall be allowed to display pole banners (two (2) sided) not to exceed a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet; and one (1) fifteen (15) square foot flag per pole, to a maximum of ten (10) per property.
d) Temporary signs may be permitted for up to ninety (90) days per permit but must be removed for a minimum of ninety (90) days before another permit may be issued.
No advertising or temporary type sign shall be placed upon any utility pole or appurtenance thereto, street light, street tree, traffic or directional/information type sign on public property, nor shall any sign be placed on public property, including sidewalks, parkways, streets, medians or any other public property, including parks, libraries, schools or other public facilities.
No persons shall erect, place, suspend, attach or maintain over any public street or other public way or place any sign or banner for any purpose whatsoever; provided, however, permits for such signs may be granted by the City Manager, and provided such signs are concerned with the announcing of a matter of general City-wide importance; but in no event shall a permit be granted which in any way promotes any individual or product. The installation shall be approved by the Community Development Director.
911.7.150 DECORATIONS.
Seasonal signs, lights and decorations with no commercial message may be displayed for one (1) continuous period not to exceed ninety (90) days per year, provided they are not prohibited signs.
Manually changeable copy signs shall be allowed subject to the following:
a) Changeable copy signs are limited to the following users as designated in Article 9, Billboards: churches, florists, public schools, public colleges and universities, and may be converted to electronic messaging with Planning Commission approval.
b) Size. Changeable copy displays may be installed on freestanding, monument, and wall signs. The area of the changeable copy display shall be counted toward the allowable sign area for the type of sign upon which the changeable copy is installed. When converted to electronic messaging, they may not exceed the twelve (12) square feet allowed for bulletin boards.
Electronic message center signs (abbreviated EMCS) are permitted subject to the following standards:
a) Conditional Use Permit Required. The City recognizes that an electronic message center sign, if not carefully regulated and designed, has the potential to cause significant adverse effects upon its surrounding visual environment, and to negatively impact the perception of the environment and condition of its neighborhood. Therefore, to ensure that a process for adequate review is provided for these signs, each EMCS shall require an application for a conditional use permit, shall be part of a master sign program, and additionally shall be subject to the findings specified in electronic message center signs.
Electronic message center signs are subject to the following site restrictions:
a) Lot or Building Minimum Size. Electronic message center signs are allowed only at a business or shopping center or institutional use that is located upon one (1) or more acres of land. The one (1) or more acres must consist of one (1) contiguous group of parcels or lots. Alternately, an EMCS may be permitted for a single building consisting of one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet or more in gross floor area. Such building must be located on one (1) contiguous parcel or group of lots.
b) Zones Permitted. EMCS shall be allowed only in commercial, industrial and public use zones.
c) Street Types Permitted. EMCS shall be allowed only on a street or highway classified as a major arterial, or regional corridor.
The following requirements shall apply regarding the number, spacing, and form of electronic message center signs, as well as substitution for other sign types and removal of other sign types:
a) Number. One (1) EMCS shall be allowed for each six hundred feet (600) of total street frontage on a qualifying site (the total may include street frontage on more than one (1) street for sites bounded by multiple streets).
b) Location.
1) Upon Subject Site. No electronic message center sign shall be located closer to any interior side property line than twenty-five (25) feet. Lots adjoining freeway or railroad right-of-way may locate an EMCS on the property line adjoining such right-of-way.
2) Distance from Residential. All EMCS shall have a minimum separation of two hundred (200) feet from a residential property.
c) Spacing.
1) Between EMCS on Same Frontage. A radius of three hundred (300) feet shall be required between each EMCS on the same property, on the same street frontage.
2) Between EMCS on Different Frontage. No EMCS shall be located less than one hundred (100) feet from another EMCS on a different street frontage (for example, an EMCS on each frontage of a corner lot) on the same property or site.
3) Between EMCS and Freestanding/Monument Signs. The minimum distance required between a freestanding/monument sign and an electronic message center sign shall be one hundred (100) feet.
4) Between EMCS on Different Properties. No EMCS shall be located less than three hundred (300) feet from another EMCS on a different property or site.
5) Freeway-Oriented EMCS. A radius of six hundred sixty (660) feet shall be required between all freeway-oriented electronic message center signs. For freeway-oriented EMCS, and EMCS located adjacent to other State highways, if the requirements of the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) are more restrictive, those requirements shall control.
d) Sign Form. An EMCS may take the form or style of a freestanding sign, monument sign, or wall sign only. Other forms are prohibited.
The following design standards shall apply to electronic message center signs:
a) Bare metal structural supports are prohibited; all supports shall have an architectural covering or treatment.
b) A freestanding EMCS shall have an architectural base and support(s) totaling at least half the width of the sign face.
c) High-quality materials shall be used in the sign overall. Use of metal backgrounds and cabinets is strongly encouraged.
d) The overall design, form, and structure of the EMCS shall be architecturally interesting and creative, and shall be harmonious with itself and the surrounding land uses. The design should complement the building(s) of the site for which it is emplaced, and, where appropriate, bear a strong architectural relationship to those buildings.
a) Height and Area. The height and area of an EMCS shall not exceed the limits set forth for ground signs.
b) Projection and Clearance.
1) No portion of an electronic message center sign shall project into any right-of-way.
2) The vertical clearance from grade to the lowest point of the sign is eight (8) feet for pedestrian use and seventeen (17) feet for vehicular use.
The following requirements establish the standards for the display face and copy and messages to be displayed on an electronic message center sign:
a) Brightness. The following brightness standards and limitations shall apply:
1) Dawn to dusk: unlimited;
2) Dusk to dawn: the display surface shall not produce luminance in excess of 0.3 foot-candles above ambient light conditions, or the level recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) for the specific size and location of the sign, whichever is less;
3) The display brightness shall be controlled by a photocell or light sensor that adjusts the brightness to the required dusk-to-dawn level based on ambient light conditions without the need for human input. Use of other brightness adjustment methods, such as timer- or calendar-based systems, shall only be used as a backup system;
4) The display shall be factory-certified as capable of complying with the above brightness standards. Such certification shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director; and
5) The sign owner shall provide to the City, upon request, certification by an independent contractor that the brightness levels of the sign are in compliance with the requirements of this Section.
b) Display Message. The following standards and limitations shall apply to the message shown on the display surface:
1) The message shown on the EMCS display shall not flash, shimmer, glitter, or give the appearance of flashing, shimmering, or glittering.
2) The EMCS display shall have no message or illumination which moves, or is in continuous motion, or which appears to be in continuous motion. Display of full-motion video and video-like sequences is prohibited.
3) The display message shall not change at a rate faster than one (1) message every eight (8) seconds.
4) There shall be a direct change from each message to the next, with no transition effect, and no blank or dark interval in between, to avoid a flashing or blinking effect.
5) The intensity of illumination shall not change, except as required to comply with the dusk-to-dawn brightness standards.
6) All messages shall be limited to on-site advertising of goods or services, or noncommercial messages (i.e., time, temperature, or public service announcements). All off-site advertising messages are prohibited (see Article 9, Billboards); this includes messages by or for sponsors, patrons, brands, and other similar off-site parties or entities.
c) Fixed Copy. Fixed/permanent sign copy on each face of an electronic message center sign shall be limited to the identification of the business, shopping or convention center name or icon and two (2) major tenants or products or services. The fixed/permanent sign copy shall not flash, shimmer, glitter, or give the appearance of flashing, shimmering, or glittering, and shall be included in the overall sign area.
a) All electronic message center signs shall be adequately shielded and properly oriented and aimed so as to prevent the intrusion of light and glare upon residential land uses, including those in mixed-use districts.
b) Exemptions:
1) Electronic signs used solely to display prices for gasoline sales at gas stations shall not be required to obtain a conditional use permit. These signs shall be subject to all other applicable requirements.
2) Electronic message center signs and other similar signs that are not visible from the public right-of-way and any other public or private property shall be exempt from the requirements of this division, except that such a sign or display shall be adequately covered or shielded, and properly oriented and aimed, so as to prevent the emission or generation of light and glare from the sign location. All building and electrical permits shall be obtained as required by the municipal code.
It is the intent of this Section to recognize that the eventual elimination of existing electronic message center signs that do not conform to this Chapter is as important to City-wide aesthetic and health, safety and welfare as is the prohibition of new signs that would violate the provisions of this Chapter. It is also recognized that electronic message center signs typically require a much higher initial investment than other classes of signs, and do not recycle with the frequency of other classes of signs. Consequently, separate regulations for nonconforming EMCS are necessary to ensure that legal nonconforming EMCS are addressed as fairly as possible in a manner that avoids any unreasonable invasion of established property rights. Therefore, existing, legally established electronic message center signs may be used and maintained as legal nonconforming signs, subject to the following restrictions:
a) A nonconforming EMCS shall not be:
1) Enlarged or otherwise altered to increase its display area;
2) Increased in height;
3) Changed to another type of nonconforming sign;
4) Structurally altered to extend its useful life;
5) Converted to a billboard (electronic/digital or otherwise); or
6) Reestablished after damage or destruction of more than fifty percent (50%) of the value of the sign at the time of such damage or destruction.
b) The display surface and fixed sign copy of a nonconforming EMCS may be altered and upgraded without affecting the nonconforming status of the sign; provided, that such alterations comply with the requirements regarding brightness, display, copy, and message.
c) Upon change of the primary land use for which the EMCS was constructed, the new owner or operator shall be required to obtain a new conditional use permit in order to maintain the EMCS at the site. The Planning Commission may, at its discretion, require upgrades to the display surface, fixed copy, and other elements of the nonconforming EMCS to bring it into compliance with the requirements of this Section. If a new conditional use permit is not obtained, the EMCS shall be removed immediately.
911.9.010 PURPOSE.
Billboards are recognized as a legitimate form of commercial use in the City. However, the size, number, location and illumination of billboards can have significant influence on the City’s visual environment, and can, without adequate control, create or contribute to blighted conditions. The purpose of this Article is to provide reasonable billboard control, recognizing that community appearance is an important factor in ensuring the general community welfare. Additionally, it is the purpose of this Article to eventually eliminate nonconforming billboards from the City.
a) No billboard may be constructed without an approved conditional use permit and unless a sign permit therefor has been issued. Any type, style, or location of billboard development not specifically permitted by this Article shall be prohibited.
b) In making its determination, the Planning Commission shall consider, among other factors:
1) If the approval will be materially detrimental to the public welfare;
2) If the approval will substantially interfere with the orderly development of the City as provided for in the land use element of the General Plan and the Zoning Code;
3) If the proposed billboard will be compatible with the development of property of other persons located in the vicinity thereof;
4) Whether the size of the proposed billboard will be out of context with its visual environment, or be visually disruptive to neighboring properties and structures;
5) Whether adequate spacing will exist between the proposed billboard and any existing or proposed billboards in the vicinity, such that negative visual and aesthetic impacts upon the neighborhood and surrounding land uses shall be avoided;
6) If the applicant has demonstrated technically, through a light study or similar study, that the billboard will not cause light and glare to intrude upon residential land uses, including those in mixed-use districts;
7) Whether the proposed billboard will comply with all provisions of this Chapter;
8) Approval of this permit is consistent with the intent of this Section, which is, primarily, to provide reasonable billboard control and to cause the eventual elimination of nonconforming billboards from the City.
911.9.030 MAXIMUM AREA.
a) No single-faced billboard shall be larger than seven hundred (700) square feet in area.
b) No one face of a double-faced or V-shaped billboard shall exceed seven hundred (700) square feet in area.
a) The maximum height of billboards shall be forty-two (42) feet measured from the ground to the overall top; provided, however, that no billboard shall be located on the roof of a building.
b) A billboard intended to be seen from a freeway may be approved by the Planning Commission to extend up to thirty-five (35) feet above the grade of the outermost lane of travel should circumstances warrant.
The following provisions shall apply to billboards which have as their subject matter the location of a subdivision with improvements for sale:
a) The applicant for a sign permit and for approval of the Planning Commission must be the owner of, or the agent of the owner of, such subdivision improvements.
b) The subdivision must be located within the City of Torrance.
c) Such billboards shall not exceed more than ten (10) feet in height and twenty (20) feet in width.
d) The billboard shall be removed at the end of a period no longer than six (6) months following the completion of the subdivision improvements being advertised for sale.
a) A billboard which is situated in a commercial or industrial zone shall not be located closer than two hundred (200) feet from any building used for residential purposes.
b) A billboard shall not be located closer than two hundred (200) feet from any public recreation area, public or parochial school, public library or church.
911.9.070 ZONING.
A billboard may be placed only in commercial, industrial or public use zones.
No billboard may be placed so as to block the view of prior existing signs which advertise the businesses on adjacent property.
911.9.090 STRUCTURE.
a) Billboards shall be provided with no more than one (1) support, and the support shall be constructed of steel. The support shall be architecturally treated to the satisfaction of the Planning Commission. At a minimum, unpainted steel structural supports and wood structural supports shall be prohibited.
b) All billboards shall comply structurally to the City’s Building Code.
c) All back or rear portions of single-faced and V-type billboards visible from a public right-of-way or other public or private property shall be screened. The screening shall cover all structural members of the sign, not including the pole supports, and shall additionally cover all electrical equipment and other appurtenances.
A minimum distance of five hundred (500) feet shall be maintained between any two (2) billboards located on either side of the same street frontage; provided, however, that no more than three (3) billboards shall be located within a fifteen hundred (1,500) foot frontage on the same side of the street.
a) Any illumination used on a billboard shall be of an indirect type and shall not face toward any residential building.
b) No flashing or intermittent lights shall be used to illuminate a billboard.
No portion of any billboard shall project over or encroach upon any public property.
a) No billboard shall be placed or maintained on property adjacent to a section of the freeway which has been or hereafter may be landscaped as defined herein, if the billboard is designed to be viewed primarily by persons traveling on such landscaped section of the freeway.
b) Any billboard which hereafter may be in violation of provisions of this Section shall be removed within three (3) years from the date when the project for the landscaping of a section or sections of a freeway shall have been completed or accepted and the character of said section or sections shall have been changed from a freeway to a landscaped freeway, whichever is later.
The City hereby declares that the vested rights held by existing billboards, whether conforming or nonconforming to this Article, do not allow conversion of said billboards to electronic billboards as a matter of right. No existing billboard shall be converted to an electronic billboard.
a) Letters, figures, characters or representations in cutout or irregular form may be maintained in conjunction with, attached to or superimposed upon any billboard, but shall not extend more than five and one-half (5-1/2) feet above the top of the upper ornamental molding.
b) The total surface area of the solid portion of such letters, figures, characters or representations in cutout or irregular form extending above the top molding of the billboard shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total area of the surface sign space of the billboard.
c) The total surface area of the solid portion of any one (1) individual letter, figure, character or representation in cutout or irregular form extending above the top molding of the billboard shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total area of the surface sign space of the billboard.
d) The total surface area of the solid portion of such letters, figures, characters or representations in cutout or irregular form extending between the base line of the billboard and the surface of the ground shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total area of the surface sign space of the billboard.
e) The total surface area of the solid portion of any one (1) individual letter, figure, character or representation in cutout or irregular form extending between the base line of the billboard and the surface of the ground shall not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total area of the surface sign space of the billboard.
f) When the letters, figures, characters or representations in cutout or irregular form maintained in conjunction with, attached to, or superimposed upon any billboard extended above the top of the upper ornamental molding and also between the base line of the billboard and the surface of the ground, then the combined total surface of the solid portions of such letters, figures, characters or representations in cutout or irregular form extending above the top of the upper ornamental molding of the billboard and between the base line of the billboard and the surface of the ground shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total area of the surface sign space of the billboard.
(Added by O-3939)
a) The term “electronic/digital billboard” shall be defined here as any electronic billboard consisting of digital display such as an LED panel mounted adjacent to a freeway, at least 40' minimum above the nearest freeway lane and within 100 feet from the edge of the nearest freeway right of way should circumstances warrant.
b) The electronic/digital billboard shall be included as part of a development agreement, lease agreement or other agreement with the City or its related agencies. Such agreement shall contain performance standards, one-time fees, public benefits, and ongoing revenue provisions that allow the city or related agencies to undertake projects, programs, or other activities that improve the visual environment.
a) Electronic/digital billboards shall be allowed only on City-owned property zoned C “Commercial” or M “Manufacturing”.
b) Minimum of half mile spacing between electronic/digital billboards shall be observed, except as may be approved in a development agreement.
c) Electronic/digital billboards shall be a minimum 200' from residential property lines.
d) Electronic/digital billboards shall be a maximum height of 80' with a 40' minimum above the nearest freeway lane.
e) No one face of a double-faced or V-shaped billboard shall exceed 1,000 square feet in area and shall include screen face and all decorative elements.
f) No electronic/digital billboard shall have more than two faces. A face shall be considered the display surface upon which an advertising message is displayed.
g) No advertising display may be placed that is so illuminated or contains a digital display that it interferes with the effectiveness of or obscures any official traffic sign, device, or signal or violates any applicable law; nor shall any advertising display include any digital display or be illuminated in a manner that includes flashing, intermittent, or moving lights as further prohibited by the provisions of the Business and Professions Code; nor shall any advertising display cause beams or rays of light to be directed at the traveled ways if the light is of an intensity or brilliance as to cause glare or to impair the vision of any driver, or to interfere with any driver’s operation of a motor vehicle.
h) No advertising display shall be placed or maintained in violation of the outdoor advertising act, Chapter 2 (commencing with section 5200) of Division 3 of the California Business and Professions Code, or any other applicable state, federal, or local law.
i) Unless otherwise specified in this section, the general sign requirements set forth in the Business and Professions Code shall apply to plans and materials for and to design, construction, street address numbers, identification and maintenance of outdoor advertising displays approved under this section.
j) All back or rear portions of single-faced and V-type billboards visible from a public right-of-way or other public or private property shall be screened. The screening shall cover all structural members of the sign, not including the pole supports, and shall additionally cover all electrical or electronic display equipment, and any associated antennas, cables, and other appurtenances.
k) The following restrictions also shall apply:
1. The duration of each message displayed shall be at least eight seconds;
2. No message shall move, flash, shimmer, glitter, or give the appearance of moving, flashing, shimmering or glittering;
3. There shall be a direct change from each message to the next, with no blank or dark interval in between, to avoid a flashing or blinking effect;
4. Display of any form of motion or apparent motion within the message, and any form of video, are prohibited;
5. The brightness of the display surface shall be limited as follows:
i. Dawn to dusk: unlimited;
ii. Dusk to dawn: the display surface shall not produce luminance in excess of 0.3 foot-candles above ambient light conditions, or the level recommended by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) for the specific size and location of the billboard, whichever is less. Measurement of luminance shall be carried out in accordance with established scientific methods and industry standards, specifically IESNA TM-11-00, or a successive IESNA technical publication.
6. The display brightness shall be controlled by a photocell or light sensor that adjusts the brightness to the required dusk-to-dawn level based on ambient light conditions without the need for human input. Use of other brightness adjustment methods, such as timer- or calendar-based systems, shall only be used as a backup system;
7. The display shall be factory certified as capable of complying with the above brightness standards. Such certification shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director;
8. The electronic/digital billboard owner shall provide to the City, upon request, certification by an independent contractor that the brightness levels of the electronic billboard are in compliance with the requirements of this Section;
9. All electronic/digital billboards shall be oriented, and adequately shielded if necessary, so as to prevent the trespass of light and glare upon any residential land uses, including those in mixed-use districts, as existed on the date of building permit issuance; and
10. All electronic/digital billboards shall be equipped with a control system that, in the event of a display or control malfunction, “freezes” the display on either a single, unchanging message, or a blank screen.
l) Minimum of 10% of ad space shall be dedicated to civic and non-profit advertisements.
m) When an advertising display is defaced with graffiti, the display owner shall remove the graffiti within 48-hours after telephonic notice by city.
n) Prior to issuance of a building permit for any billboard project subject to the requirements of this Chapter, the applicant shall provide the following:
1. The telephone number of a maintenance service, to be available 24-hours a day and an e-mail address, to be contacted in the event that a billboard becomes dilapidated or damaged, or malfunctions in the case of electronic billboards; and
2. Proof of lease demonstrating a right to install the billboard on the subject property.
o) All billboard structures shall be maintained in a neat, clean, and orderly condition. Any structure which is highly rusted, has peeling paint or sign copy, or in any other way appears unattractive or in disrepair shall be deemed in violation of this Chapter and shall be removed or repaired in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter. Any structure which the City Engineer, Building Official or designee, identifies as an immediate threat to public safety may be removed by the City Engineer or Building Official, or his designee, without notice to the property owner and at the property owner’s expense. Mandatory refurbishment shall be performed every 25 years at cost to the owner.
911.11.010 ENFORCEMENT. Revised 12/24
(Added by O-3939. Formerly 911.10.010)
It shall be the duty of the Community Development Director to enforce the provisions of this Chapter. The Chief of Police and all officers charged with the enforcement of the law shall assist the Community Development Director in the enforcement of this Chapter.
911.11.020 Repealed by O-3939. Revised 12/24
(Added by O-3939. Formerly 911.10.030)
a) A period of 10 years subsequent to the date of the adoption of this Chapter is hereby established for the abatement of signs legally existing prior to said date but which signs become nonconforming as a result of regulations contained herein. This provision applies to signs previously permitted by variance or other zoning exception as well as to signs otherwise established. Illegally erected signs are subject to immediate abatement.
b) Nonconforming, painted, wall signs are subject, in addition to the abatement procedures set forth, to immediate abatement when the business occupying the premises changes to a different business or different owner necessitating repainting of the signs.
c) Abatement periods established herein are subject to appeal before the Planning Commission and City Council.
911.11.040 UNSAFE AND UNLAWFUL SIGNS. Revised 12/24
(Added by O-3939. Formerly 911.10.040)
a) Signs and sign structures shall be maintained at all times in a state of good repair, safe and secure with all braces, bolts, clips, supporting frame and fastenings free from deterioration, termite infestation, rot, rust or loosening, able to withstand at all times the wind pressure for which they were originally designed.
b) No person maintaining any sign, sign structure or billboard shall fail to keep the ground space within eight feet from the base of said sign, signboard, billboard or advertising structure free and clear of weeds, rubbish and other flammable waste material.
c) If the Community Development Director shall find that any sign or other advertising structure regulated herein is unsafe or insecure, or has been constructed or erected or is being maintained in violation of the provisions of this Section, the permittee or owner thereof shall be given written notice. If the permittee or owner fails to remove or alter the structure so as to comply with the standards herein set forth within 30 days after such notice, such sign or advertising structure may be removed or altered to comply by the Community Development Director at the expense of the permittee or owner of the property upon which it is located. The Community Development Director shall refuse to issue any subsequent building, electrical, plumbing or mechanical permits for the property on which the offending sign was located if any owner or permittee shall refuse to pay costs so assessed. The Community Development Director may cause any sign or other advertising structure which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed summarily and without notice.
d) The Community Development Director may cause any illegal temporary sign in the public right-of-way or public property, including flags, pennants, banners and temporary window signs to be removed within a 24-hour period.