9-11.01 Policy and Purpose.

Voluntary weatherization of existing residential dwellings saves energy, promotes the economic and general welfare of the City and protects the public health. The purpose of this chapter is to encourage the voluntary weatherization of residential dwellings by requiring that sellers of residential dwellings provide prospective buyers with information on the existence of specific energy-saving weatherization devices within such dwellings. (§1, Ord. 1584, eff. December 15, 1983)

9-11.02 Weatherization Disclosure Requirements.

Every seller of a residential dwelling building containing one through four dwelling units shall provide to all prospective buyers of the dwelling, on an approved standardized form, written information on whether all of the following energy-saving devices exist on or in each dwelling unit:

1. All accessible attic space above living area is insulated and if known, the thermal resistance (R) value (as defined in Section 2-5302 of Title 24 of the California Administrative Code, as amended or recodified from time-to-time) of the insulation material.

2. All doors and windows leading to unheated areas are weatherstripped.

3. Hot water heater tanks are fitted with an insulation blanket or other insulation material.

4. All accessible shower heads have flow restrictors or low-flow shower heads.

5. All accessible heating and cooling ducts in unheated areas are insulated.

6. All major joints and openings to the dwelling's exterior, including switchplates and wall outlets are caulked or sealed. (§1, Ord. 1584, eff. December 15, 1983)

9-11.03 Acknowledgment By Buyer.

Every buyer of a residential dwelling containing one through four dwelling units shall submit written acknowledgment, of receipt of the information required by Section 9-11.02, to the Community Development Department Director, within 14 days after close of escrow or transfer of title to the property. (§1, Ord. 1584, eff. December 15, 1983)

9-11.04 Standardized Form.

The Community Development Department Director shall establish a standardized form to be used by sellers and buyers to comply with the requirements of this division. (§1, Ord. 1584, eff. December 15, 1983)

9-11.05 Non-Compliance: Effect on Transfer.

Failure of the seller and/or buyer to comply with the provisions of this chapter shall not affect the validity of the transfer of the property. (§1, Ord. 1584, eff. December 15, 1983)

9-11.06 Use of Information.

Information obtained pursuant to this chapter may be used for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, compilation of statistics to evaluate and monitor the effectiveness of this chapter. (§1, Ord. 1584, eff. December 15, 1983)