TITLE 10. PLANNING AND ZONING Revised 3/24 Revised 6/24 Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24 Revised 11/24


Article 1.    General Provisions

10-1.101    Citation and Authority.

10-1.102    Purpose.

10-1.103    Conformity to General Plan, Specific Plans and Zoning Ordinances.

10-1.104    Application.

10-1.105    Modification of Requirements.

Article 2.    Definitions and Responsibilities

10-1.201    Definitions.

10-1.202    Responsibilities. Revised 9/24

Article 3.    Maps Required

10-1.301    General.

10-1.302    Division of Land—Five or More Parcels.

10-1.303    Division of Land—Four or Fewer Parcels. (Minor Subdivisions).

10-1.304    Plat Maps.

10-1.305    Fees and Deposits.

Article 4.    Subdivision of Five or More Parcels

10-1.401    Preliminary Maps (Deleted)

10-1.402    Tentative Maps. Revised 9/24

10-1.403    Final Maps.

Article 5.    Subdivision of Four or Fewer Parcels (Minor Subdivisions)

10-1.501    Tentative Parcel Map. Revised 9/24

10-1.502    Parcel Maps.

10-1.503    Waiver of Parcel Map Requirements.

Article 6.    Dedications and Reservations

10-1.601    Dedication of Streets, Alleys and Other Public Rights-of-way or Easements.

10-1.602    Park Land Dedication.

10-1.603    School Site Dedication.

10-1.604    Reservations.

10-1.605    Claims of Excessive Dedications.

Article 7.    Common Interest Development (Condominium) Conversion

10-1.701    Purpose.

10-1.702    Requirements and Procedures.

10-1.703    Physical Standards for Condominium Conversions.

10-1.704    Tenant Provisions.

10-1.705    Effect of Proposed Conversion on the City's Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Supply.

10-1.706    Findings.

Article 8.    Subdivision Improvements

10-1.801    General.

10-1.802    Improvements Required.

10-1.803    Deferred Improvement Agreements.

10-1.804    Design.

10-1.805    Access.

10-1.806    Improvement Plans.

10-1.807    Improvement Agreement.

10-1.808    Improvement Security.

10-1.809    Construction.

10-1.810    Construction Inspection.

10-1.811    Completion of Improvements.

10-1.812    Acceptance of Improvements.

10-1.813    Supplemental Improvement Capacity.

Article 9.    Reversions to Acreage

10-1.901    General.

10-1.902    Initiation of Proceedings.

10-1.903    Contents of Petition.

10-1.904    Submittal of Petition to City Engineer.

10-1.905    City Council Approval.

10-1.906    Filing with County Recorder.

Article 10.    Parcel Mergers

10-1.1001    Mergers not Required.

10-1.1002    Mergers Required.

10-1.1003    Notice of Intention to Determine Status.

10-1.1004    Hearing on Determination of Status.

10-1.1005    Determination of Merger.

10-1.1006    Determination When No Hearing is Requested.

10-1.1007    Request to Merge by Property Owner.

10-1.1008    Unmerged Parcels.

10-1.1009    Request for Determination by Owner.

10-1.1010    Fee for Mergers and Unmergers.

Article 11.    Correction and Amendments of Maps

10-1.1101    Requirements.

10-1.1102    Form and Contents.

10-1.1103    Submittal and Approval by the City Engineer.

10-1.1104    Filing with the County Recorder.

10-1.1105    Fee.

Article 12.    Vesting Tentative Maps

10-1.1201    Citation and Authority.

10-1.1202    Purpose and Intent.

10-1.1203    Consistency.

10-1.1204    Definitions.

10-1.1205    Application.

10-1.1206    Filing and Processing.

10-1.1207    Expiration.

10-1.1208    Vesting on Approval of Vesting Tentative Map.

10-1.1209    Development Inconsistent with Zoning—Conditional Approval.

10-1.1210    Applications Inconsistent with Current Policies.

10-1.1211    Failure to Obtain Design Review Approval.

Article 13.    Enforcement of Article Provisions

10-1.1301    Prohibition.

10-1.1302    Remedies.

10-1.1303    Certificate of Compliance.

10-1.1304    Notice of Violation.

10-1.1305    Penalties.

10-1.1306    Judicial Action.

Article 14.    Qualified Senate Bill 9 Subdivisions

10-1.1401    Purpose.

10-1.1402    Applicability—Ministerial Approval.

10-1.1403    Exceptions.

10-1.1404    Definitions.

10-1.1405    Urban Lot Split Requirements.



Article 1.    Title, Adoption of Provisions and Land Use Guides

10-2.1.101    Title.

10-2.1.102    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.1.103    Adoption of Zoning Provisions.

10-2.1.104    Effect of Adoption.

10-2.1.105    Adoption of Land Use Guides.

Article 2.    Establishment of Districts

10-2.1.201    Designation of Land Use Districts.

10-2.1.202    Zoning Map Adopted.

10-2.1.203    Definitions of Boundaries.

10-2.1.204    Use of Land Limited.

Article 3.    Definitions

10-2.1.301    Purpose and Applicability.

10-2.1.302    Rules for Construction of Language.

10-2.1.303    Definitions. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24 Revised 11/24

Article 4.    Use Classifications

10-2.1.401    Purpose and Applicability. Revised 9/24

10-2.1.402    Uses Not Classified.

10-2.1.403    Use Classifications. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24 Revised 11/24


Article 1.    Single Family Residential District (R)

10-2.2.101    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.102    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.103    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 11/24

Article 2.    Duplex Residential District (D-3)

10-2.2.201    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.202    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.203    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 11/24

Article 3.    Multiple Family Residential Districts (M)

10-2.2.301    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.302    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.303    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 4.    High Density Residential Planned Development District (M-H-D)

10-2.2.401    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.402    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.403    Permit Required. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.404    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 5.    Hillside Planned Development District (H-P-D)

10-2.2.501    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.502    Interim Uses. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.503    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.504    Open Space/Agriculture Land Density.

10-2.2.505    High Risk Area Density.

10-2.2.506    Land Use Regulations Table. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.507    Permit Required. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.508    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 6.    Pedestrian Retail District (P-R)

10-2.2.601    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.602    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.603    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 7.    Central Retail District (C-R)

10-2.2.701    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.702    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.703    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 8.    Office Commercial District (O-C)

10-2.2.801    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.802    Land Use Regulations. Revised 3/24 Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.803    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 9.    Mixed Use Planned Development District (M-U)

10-2.2.901    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.902    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.903    Interim Uses. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.904    Permit Required. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.905    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 10.    Automobile Sales/Service and Custom Manufacturing District (AS-CM)

10-2.2.1001    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1002    Land Use Regulations. Revised 6/24 Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.1003    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 11.    Service Commercial District (S-C)

10-2.2.1101    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1102    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.1103    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 12.    Business Park District (B-P)

10-2.2.1201    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1202    Land Use Regulations.

10-2.2.1203    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 13.    Community Commercial District (C-C)

10-2.2.1301    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1302    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.1303    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 14.    Open Space/Recreation District (O-S-R)

10-2.2.1401    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1402    Land Use Regulations.

10-2.2.1403    Property Development Regulations.

Article 15.    Community Facility District (C-F)

10-2.2.1501    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1502    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.1503    Property Development Regulations.

Article 16.    Hospital Planned Development District (HO P-D)

10-2.2.1601    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1602    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.1603    Permit Required. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.1604    Property Development Regulations.

Article 17.    Planned Development District (P-D)

10-2.2.1701    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.1702    Applicability.

10-2.2.1703    Initiation of Zone Change.

10-2.2.1704    Planned Development Permit.

10-2.2.1705    Data Required.

10-2.2.1706    Approval of Plans.

10-2.2.1707    Zoning. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.1708    Grading.

10-2.2.1709    Design Review Required.

10-2.2.1710    Private Storage Space.

10-2.2.1711    Building Height.

10-2.2.1712    Water Efficient Landscaping.

10-2.2.1713    Alcoholic Beverage Sales Ordinance.

10-2.2.1714    Private Residential Outdoor Space. Revised 9/24

10-2.2.1715    Courts. Revised 9/24

10-2.2.1716    Lighting. Revised 9/24

10-2.2.1717    Compliance With Standards. Revised 9/24

10-2.2.1718    Transfer of Duties. Revised 9/24

Article 18.    Overlay District (O)

10-2.2.1801    Purpose.

10-2.2.1802    Regulations.

10-2.2.1803    Transfer of Duties. Revised 9/24

Article 19.    Summary of Use Regulations

10-2.2.1901    Summary Table of Use Regulations.

Article 20.    Single Family High-Planned Development District 1 (SFH-PD1)

10-2.2.2001    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.2002    Land Use Regulations. Revised 10/24

10-2.2.2003    Property Development Regulations.

10-2.2.2004    Additional Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 21.    Commercial Mixed Use District (MU-C)

10-2.2.2101    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.2102    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.2103    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 22.    Residential Mixed Use District (MU-R)

10-2.2.2201    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.2202    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.2203    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

Article 23.    Downtown Mixed Use District (MU-D)

10-2.2.2301    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.2.2302    Land Use Regulations. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.2.2303    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24


Article 1.    Site Regulations

10-2.3.101    Specific Purposes and Applicability.

10-2.3.102    Yards, Setbacks and Open Areas.

10-2.3.103    Accessory Structures.

10-2.3.104    Fences and Walls. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.105    Frontage.

10-2.3.106    Exclusion of Rights-of-Way.

10-2.3.107    Home Occupations.

10-2.3.108    Animals.

10-2.3.109    Bed and Breakfast Inns.

10-2.3.110    Building Projections into Yards.

10-2.3.111    Motor Homes, Trailers, Boats, Buses and Campers.

10-2.3.112    Swimming Pools.

10-2.3.113    Temporary Tract Offices.

10-2.3.114    Corner Lots.

10-2.3.115    Irregularly Shaped Lots.

10-2.3.116    Paving Requirements for Storage Lots.

10-2.3.117    Adult Businesses.

10-2.3.118    Temporary Activity Permits.

10-2.3.119    Planned Unit Developments and Condominiums.

10-2.3.120    Wireless Communication Facilities. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.121    Regulations for Outdoor Sales, Service, Display.

10-2.3.122    Service Stations; Convenience Markets With Gasoline Sales; Vehicle Equipment Repair. Revised 11/24

10-2.3.123    Offsite Distribution for Eating and Drinking Establishments and Specialty Food Shops.

10-2.3.124    Elevators.

10-2.3.125    Building Permits Required.

10-2.3.126    Private Residential Outdoor Space. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.127    Courts. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.128    Lighting. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.129    Eating and Drinking Establishments With Take-Out Services (Drive-Up). Revised 11/24

Article 2.    Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations

10-2.3.201    Purpose and Intent.

10-2.3.202    Basic Requirements for Off-Street Parking and Loading.

10-2.3.203    Provisions for Common Loading and Parking, Parking Space Reduction and Off-Site Parking.

10-2.3.204    Pedestrian Retail Zoning District Parking Regulations. Revised 9/24

10-    (Repealed)

10-2.3.205    Community Commercial Zoning District Parking Regulations.

10-2.3.206    Off-Street Parking and Loading Spaces Required. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.3.207    Parking Area Design Standards.

10-2.3.208    Additional Design Standards for Parking Lots and Structures. Revised 9/24

Article 3.    Nonconforming Uses and Structures

10-2.3.301    Purpose.

10-2.3.302    Continuation of Nonconforming Uses.

10-2.3.303    Continuation of Nonconforming Structures.

10-2.3.304    Conditional Use Permit.

10-2.3.305    Reconstruction of Nonconforming Structures.

10-2.3.306    Nonconforming Lots.

10-2.3.307    Nonconforming Lots Created by Eminent Domain.

Article 4.    Hillside Performance Standards

10-2.3.401    Purpose. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.402    Definitions. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.403    Applicability.

10-2.3.404    Approval Required. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.405    Exemptions. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.406    Permitted Densities.

10-2.3.407    Property Development Standards. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.408    Conditions of Approval.

10-2.3.409    Required Findings for Project Approval.

Article 5.    Accessory Dwelling Units

10-2.3.501    Purpose. Revised 9/24 Revised 11/24

10-2.3.502    Density Exemption. Revised 11/24

10-2.3.503    Number of Units Permitted. Revised 9/24 Revised 11/24

10-2.3.504    Property Development Standards for Accessory Dwelling Units. Revised 11/24

10-2.3.505    General Regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units. Revised 11/24

10-2.3.506    Property Development Standards for Junior Accessory Dwelling Units. Revised 11/24

10-2.3.507    Application Processing and Review Times. Revised 11/24

Article 6.    Child Day Care Facilities

10-2.3.601    Purpose.

10-2.3.602    Exclusions.

10-2.3.603    Small Family Day Care Homes.

10-2.3.604    Large Family Day Care Homes.

10-2.3.605    Large Family Day Care Home - Permits. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.606    Day Care Center.

Article 7.    Recycling Facilities

10-2.3.701    Purpose.

10-2.3.702    Definitions.

10-2.3.703    Exemptions.

10-2.3.704    Permits Required. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.705    Criteria, Standards, and Procedure for Small Facilities. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.706    Criteria, Standards and Procedure for Larger Facilities.

10-2.3.707    Responsibilities of Property Owners and Supermarkets.

10-2.3.708    Modifications to Facility. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.709    Appeals. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.710    Modification or Revocation. Revised 9/24

Article 8.    Concurrent Sales of Gasoline and Alcoholic Beverages

10-2.3.801    Purpose.

10-2.3.802    Conditional Use Permit Required.

10-2.3.803    Procedures.

Article 9.    Inclusionary Housing

10-2.3.901    Purpose.

10-2.3.902    Definitions.

10-2.3.903    Inclusionary Units or Fee Required.

10-2.3.904    Number of Inclusionary Units.

10-2.3.905    Affordable Housing In-Lieu Fees.

10-2.3.906    Alternatives.

10-2.3.907    Credit for Additional Affordable Units.

10-2.3.908    Inclusionary Unit Standards.

10-2.3.909    Inclusionary Housing Agreement.

10-2.3.910    Adjustments.

10-2.3.911    Use of Funds.

Article 10.    Density Bonus Ordinance

10-2.3.1001    Purpose. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1002    Title. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1003    Density Bonus Entitlement and Incentives. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1004    Waiver or Modification of Development Standards. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1005    Density Bonus for Child Care Facilities. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1006    Density Bonus for Qualifying Commercial Projects. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1007    Floor Area Ratio Bonus for Qualifying Transit-Adjacent Projects. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1008    Revised Parking Standards. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1009    Affordability Requirements. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1010    Development Standards and Limitations. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1011    Density Bonus Application Procedure. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1012    City Review of Density Bonus Application. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1013    Density Bonus Housing Agreement. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1014    Restricted Units Occupancy and Management. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1015    Severability. Revised 9/24

Article 11.    Water Efficient Landscaping

10-2.3.1101    Purpose.

10-2.3.1102    Applicability.

10-2.3.1103    Landscape Plan Required. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1104    Irrigation Plan Required. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1105    Soil Analysis Required.

10-2.3.1106    Development Standards.

10-2.3.1107    Maximum Water Use. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1108    Operation and Maintenance.

10-2.3.1109    Self-Certification. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1110    Existing Landscaping.

10-2.3.1111    Local Agency Responsibilities.

Article 12.    Alcoholic Beverage Sales

10-2.3.1201    Title.

10-2.3.1202    Findings.

10-2.3.1203    Purpose.

10-2.3.1204    Applicability of Regulations.

10-2.3.1205    Administration. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1206    Administrative Use Permit and Conditional Use Permit.

10-2.3.1207    Application for Administrative and Conditional Use Permit—Form and Content. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1208    Action on Application for an Administrative Use Permit. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1209    Administrative Use Permit Compliance Checklist Conditions of Approval. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1210    Action on Application for a Conditional Use Permit.

10-2.3.1211    Conditional Use Permit Conditions of Approval.

10-2.3.1212    Appeals. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1213    Expiration. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1214    Failure to Comply with Conditions.

10-2.3.1215    Existing Uses Deemed Approved.

10-2.3.1216    Notification to Owners. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1217    Change in Liquor License; Substantial Change in Mode or Character of Operation.

10-2.3.1218    Deemed Approved Performance Standards.

10-2.3.1219    Violations and Penalties.

10-2.3.1220    Procedure for Consideration of Violations of Performance Standards.

10-2.3.1221    Training Requirements.

10-2.3.1222    Transfer or Revocation of ABC Licenses.

10-2.3.1223    Illegal Activity.

10-2.3.1224    Remedies Cumulative.

10-2.3.1225    Severability.

Article 13.    Reasonable Accommodation for Residential Uses

10-2.3.1301    Purpose.

10-2.3.1302    Applicability.

Article 14.    Personal and Commercial Cannabis Activities

10-2.3.1401    Title.

10-2.3.1402    Findings.

10-2.3.1403    Purpose.

10-2.3.1404    Definitions.

10-2.3.1405    Applicability of Regulations.

10-2.3.1406    Administration.

10-2.3.1407    Prohibited Activities.

10-2.3.1408    Personal Cannabis Cultivation Permitted.

10-2.3.1409    Cannabis Delivery-Only Operations Permitted.

10-2.3.1410    Operator Permit Required.

10-2.3.1411    Application for Operator Permit—Form and Content.

10-2.3.1412    Action on Application for Operator Permit.

10-2.3.1413    Conditional Use Permit Required.

10-2.3.1414    Application for Conditional Use Permit—Form and Content.

10-2.3.1415    Additional Findings for Action on Application for Conditional Use Permit.

10-2.3.1416    Conditional Use Permit Conditions of Approval.

10-2.3.1417    Appeals.

10-2.3.1418    Operator Permit Term/CUP Expiration.

10-2.3.1419    Conditional Use Permit Modification and/or Revocation.

10-2.3.1420    Violations and Penalties.

10-2.3.1421    Remedies Cumulative.

10-2.3.1422    Severability.

Article 15.    Qualified Senate Bill 9 Properties

10-2.3.1501    Purpose.

10-2.3.1502    Applicability.

10-2.3.1503    Exceptions.

10-2.3.1504    Land Use Regulations.

10-2.3.1505    Property Development Regulations. Revised 9/24

10-2.3.1506    Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations.

10-2.3.1507    Exceptions due to Physical Preclusion.

10-2.3.1508    Additional Requirements.

Article 16.    Objective Standards for Emergency Shelters and Navigation Centers

10-2.3.1601    Purpose. Revised 10/24

10-2.3.1602    Applicability. Revised 10/24

10-2.3.1603    Standards. Revised 10/24

10-2.3.1604    Guidelines. Revised 10/24

Article 17.    Ministerial Reviews Pursuant to State Law

10-2.3.1701    Purpose. Revised 10/24

10-2.3.1702    Ministerial Review Required. Revised 10/24


Article 1.    Planning Agency

10-2.4.101    Composition of Planning Agency. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.102    Responsibilities of City Council.

10-2.4.103    Responsibilities of Planning Commission. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.104    Responsibilities of Design Review Commission. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.105    Creation and Responsibilities of Zoning Administrator. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.106    Responsibilities of the Community Development Director. Revised 9/24

Article 2.    Applications

10-2.4.201    Application Form. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.202    Application Fee.

10-2.4.203    Required Data. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.204    Determination of Complete Application. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.205    Environmental Review. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.206    Hearing Schedule. Revised 9/24

Article 3.    Notices and Hearings

10-2.4.301    Public Hearings. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.302    Notice of Public Hearings. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.303    Written Request for Notice. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.304    Contents of Notice.

10-2.4.305    Conduct of Hearings.

Article 4.    Decisions and Permit Review, Modification and Revocation

10-2.4.401    Time for Taking Action. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.402    Decision. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.403    Findings. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.404    Improvements for Traffic.

10-2.4.405    Refiling After Denial. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.406    Effective Date.

10-2.4.407    Lapse of Approval.

10-2.4.408    Transfer to Planning Commission.

10-2.4.409    Transfer to City Council.

10-2.4.410    Transfer to Planning Commission.

10-2.4.411    Request for Modification of Discretionary Permits or Entitlements. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.412    City-Initiated Review, Modification or Revocation of Discretionary Permits or Entitlements. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.413    (Repealed)

Article 5.    Appeals

10-2.4.501    Standards for Appeals.

10-2.4.502    Appeals of Zoning Administrator Decisions. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.503    Appeals of Design Review Commission Decisions.

10-2.4.504    Appeals of Planning Commission Decisions. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.505    Appeals of Community Development Director Decisions. Revised 9/24

Article 6.    Conditional Use Permits

10-2.4.601    Purpose.

10-2.4.602    Application.

10-2.4.603    Comments by Design Review Commission.

10-2.4.604    Notice and Public Hearing.

10-2.4.605    Findings.

10-2.4.606    Decision.

10-2.4.607    Appeal.

10-2.4.608    Modification or Revocation.

Article 7.    Special Use Permits

10-2.4.701    Purpose.

10-2.4.702    Findings.

10-2.4.703    Conditions.

10-2.4.704    Special Uses.

10-2.4.705    Procedures.

Article 8.    Minor Use Permits

10-2.4.801    Purpose.

10-2.4.802    Application.

10-2.4.803    Notice and Public Hearing.

10-2.4.804    Findings.

10-2.4.805    Decision.

10-2.4.806    Appeal.

Article 9.    Variances

10-2.4.901    Purpose.

10-2.4.902    Application.

10-2.4.903    Notice and Public Hearing.

10-2.4.904    Findings.

10-2.4.905    Decision.

10-2.4.906    Appeal.

Article 10.    Planned Development (P-D) Permits

10-2.4.1001    Purpose.

10-2.4.1002    Application. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1003    Comments by Design Review Commission. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1004    Notice and Public Hearing by Planning Commission.

10-2.4.1005    Findings.

10-2.4.1006    Recommendation by Planning Commission. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1007    Notice and Public Hearing by City Council.

10-2.4.1008    Decision.

10-2.4.1009    Permit Amendments. Revised 9/24

Article 11.    Hillside Planned Development (H-P-D) Permit

10-2.4.1101    Purpose.

10-2.4.1102    Definitions.

10-2.4.1103    Application. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1104    Procedures.

10-2.4.1105    Findings.

10-2.4.1106    Conditions.

10-2.4.1107    Density.

10-2.4.1108    Percentage Open.

10-2.4.1109    Grading Control.

10-2.4.1110    Open Space/Agriculture Land Density.

10-2.4.1111    High Risk Area Density.

Article 12.    Design Review

10-2.4.1201    Purpose. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1202    Applicability. Revised 9/24 Revised 10/24

10-2.4.1203    Application. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1204    Notice and Public Hearing. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1205    Project Scope for Purposes of Design Review Authority. Revised 9/24 Revised 11/24

10-2.4.1206    Design Review Authority. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1207    Ministerial Design Review. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1208    Objective Design Review. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1209    Discretionary Design Review. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1210    Appeal. Revised 9/24

Article 13.    Amendments (Rezoning)

10-2.4.1301    Purpose.

10-2.4.1302    Initiation of Amendment Proposal. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1303    Notice and Public Hearing.

10-2.4.1304    Recommendation by Planning Commission.

10-2.4.1305    Transfer to City Council.

10-2.4.1306    Notice and Public Hearing by City Council.

10-2.4.1307    Decision by City Council.

10-2.4.1308    Prezoning.

10-2.4.1309    Interim Ordinances.

Article 14.    Development Agreements

10-2.4.1401    Purpose.

10-2.4.1402    Procedures and Requirements.

Article 15.    Enforcement

10-2.4.1501    Conformance with Chapter.

10-2.4.1502    Enforcement Responsibility and Authority. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1503    Penalty for Violation.

10-2.4.1504    Public Nuisance.

10-2.4.1505    Injunction.

10-2.4.1506    Revocation.

10-2.4.1507    Cumulative Remedies.

10-2.4.1508    Enforcement of Conditions; Fee.

10-2.4.1509    Interpretation, Purpose and Conflicts.

10-2.4.1510    Judicial Review.

Article 16.    Reasonable Accommodation Application

10-2.4.1601    Purpose.

10-2.4.1602    Application. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1603    Notice and Public Hearing.

10-2.4.1604    Findings.

10-2.4.1605    Review with Other Discretionary Permits.

10-2.4.1606    Decisions.

10-2.4.1607    Appeals.

10-2.4.1608    Nonconforming Status.

10-2.4.1609    Confidentiality.

10-2.4.1610    Urgent, Temporary and Unforeseen Need.

Article 17.    Community Benefit Agreements

10-2.4.1701    Purpose.

10-2.4.1702    Applicability.

10-2.4.1703    Application. Revised 9/24

10-2.4.1704    Findings Required for Approval.

10-2.4.1705    Procedure and Criteria for Review.

10-2.4.1706    Notice and Public Hearing.

10-2.4.1707    Decision.

10-2.4.1708    Appeal.

10-2.4.1709    Timing.

10-2.4.1710    Modification or Revocation.


Article 1.    Street Names

10-3.101    Changing Street Names.

10-3.102    New Street Names.

10-3.103    Street Naming Committee.

10-3.104    New Addresses.

10-3.105    Address Changes.

10-3.106    Duties of City Clerk.


    (See Sec. 10-2.4.104 - Administration, Design Review) Revised 9/24


Article 1.    General Provisions

10-5.101    Purpose.

10-5.102    Citywide Traffic Fee to Help Mitigate Future Traffic Impacts.

10-5.103    Limited Use of Fees.

10-5.104    Developer Construction of Facilities.

10-5.105    Fee Adjustments.


10-6.101    Adoption-by-reference of County's Approved Water Supply Systems Ordinance.

10-6.102    Penalties.


10-7.101    Definitions.

10-7.102    Sewer Connection Required.

10-7.103    Prohibitions.

10-7.104    Subdivisions.

10-7.105    Building Permits.

10-7.106    Approval of Individual Systems.

10-7.107    Fees.

10-7.108    Authority of Health Officer.

10-7.109    Penalties.


10-8.101    Intent and Purpose.

10-8.102    Definitions. Revised 11/24

10-8.103    Review and Permit Required.

10-8.104    General Regulations.

10-8.105    Special Provisions.

10-8.106    Exempt Signs.

10-8.107    Prohibited Signs.

10-8.108    Temporary Signs.

10-8.109    Master Sign Programs.

10-8.110    Illumination.

10-8.111    Exceptions.

10-8.112    Non-Conforming Signs.

10-8.113    Enforcement.


10-9.101    Purpose.

10-9.102    Contents of General Plan.

10-9.103    Contents of Specific Plan.

10-9.104    Initiation of Amendment.

10-9.105    Preliminary Review by City Council.

10-9.106    Referral to Public Entities.

10-9.107    Notice and Public Hearing.

10-9.108    Recommendation by Planning Commission.

10-9.109    Transfer to City Council.

10-9.110    Notice and Public Hearing by City Council.

10-9.111    Decision by City Council.

10-9.112    Delivery to Public.

10-9.113    Limitation on Amendments.

10-9.114    Administration of General Plan.

10-9.115    Specific Plan Administration.


10-10.100    Purpose and Goals.

10-10.101    Definitions.

10-10.102    Applicability.

10-10.103    Public Art Requirement.

10-10.104    On-Site Public Art.

10-10.105    Contribution to Public Art Fund.

10-10.106    Use of Public Art Fund.

10-10.107    Appeal of Arts Commission Decision.

10-10.108    Maintenance and Removal of Works of Art.

10-10.109    Waiver.


10-11.101    Purpose and Intent.

10-11.102    Special Charges—Established; When Payable.

10-11.103    Special Charges—Facilities to Which Applicable.

10-11.104    Special Charges—Amounts.

10-11.105    Special Charges—Lands to Which Applicable.

10-11.106    Identification of Reimbursable Agreements or Resolutions.


10-12.100    Purpose and Intent.

10-12.101    Imposition of Dedication Requirement.

10-12.102    Use of the Land or Fee.

10-12.103    Collection of the Fee.


10-13.101    Purpose.

10-13.102    Definitions.

10-13.103    Commercial Development Project Housing Impact Fee.

10-13.104    Adjustments.

10-13.105    Mixed Use Projects.

10-13.106    Conversions.

10-13.107    Use of Funds.

10-13.108    Alternative to Payment of a Housing Impact Fee.