Chapter 2.25


2.25.010    Created.

2.25.020    Composition – Duties.

2.25.030    Fire chief – Responsibility.

2.25.040    Powers.

2.25.010 Created.

There is hereby created the fire department, the purpose of which shall be the prevention and suppression of fire and the protection of life and property from hazards resulting from fire or other disaster within the limits of the city. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.1, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-1].

2.25.020 Composition – Duties.

The fire department shall be headed by the fire chief and shall consist of as many other officers and firefighters as may be deemed necessary for the effective operation of the department and as are authorized from time to time by the city council.

The functions of the fire department shall include:

(1) Protect life and property by preventing and eliminating fire hazards and by controlling and extinguishing fires;

(2) Enforce laws and ordinances relating to the preventing and extinguishing of fires and handling of potentially dangerous combustibles and explosives;

(3) Conduct investigations into the causes of all fires (in all cases where there is reason to believe that any fire is the result of a crime or that a crime was committed in connection therewith, the cooperation and coordination of the police department shall be obtained);

(4) Maintain in efficient operable condition those firefighting and fire prevention systems and facilities assigned to the fire department;

(5) Subject to the provisions of this code relating to personnel, recruit and train firefighters or other volunteer and auxiliary personnel as may reasonably be required to augment regular fire department personnel; and

(6) Perform other duties that do not detract from the primary purpose of fire suppression and prevention as the city manager may direct. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.2, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-2].

2.25.030 Fire chief – Responsibility.

The fire chief shall develop, maintain and enforce an up-to-date comprehensive set of rules and regulations governing the discipline, training and operation of the fire department. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.3, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-3].

2.25.040 Powers.

The fire chief shall be the chief executive officer of the fire department and shall be invested with the following powers:

(1) To make an annual report to the city manager at the end of each fiscal year concerning the fire department in general, giving a description of the condition of the department, telling of the activities of the department during the year;

(2) To have direct control, management and direction of all officers and personnel of the fire department and the power to detail any of them to the public service as he/she may see fit, looking to the best interests and efficiency of the department;

(3) To carry out strictly the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the department and be able to suspend or remove from service any officer or firefighter in a manner as provided in these regulations;

(4) To exercise supreme command over the department at fires and over all resources belonging to it;

(5) To cause to be extinguished all fires with the least possible danger to life and property and prevent unnecessary damage at fires;

(6) To see that the premises upon which fires occur are left in a condition that they will not rekindle and cause further damage to life and property;

(7) To see that all equipment and apparatus be maintained in the best possible working condition;

(8) To make a complete investigation of each fire, keeping a record of each fire and its determining cause, amount of loss to buildings and contents, the number and description of each building destroyed together with the names of the owner and occupants;

(9) To designate an official(s) to exercise the authority provided by Penal Code Sections 19.7, 830.37 and 836.5. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.4, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-4].