Chapter 6.10


6.10.010    Definitions.

6.10.020    License and registration required – License fee – Contents of application.

6.10.030    Time for application for license and registration – Penalty for delinquency.

6.10.040    Proof of vaccination prerequisite to issuance of license tag.

6.10.050    Issuance of license certificate and tag – Contents of tag – Tag to be affixed to collar or harness.

6.10.060    Issuance of duplicate tag.

6.10.070    Nontransferability of license – Nonrefundability of license fee.

6.10.080    Running at large prohibited – Restraints required – Exception.

6.10.090    Committing nuisance prohibited.

6.10.100    Impounding dogs at large in violation of chapter.

6.10.110    Reclaiming of impounded dogs.

6.10.120    Disposal of unclaimed impounded dogs – Notice of impounding required.

6.10.130    Impoundment agencies and transportation facilities therefor – Alternative provisions.

6.10.140    Enforcement of provisions – Violations.

6.10.150    Penalties for violations of chapter.

Prior legislation: Ord. 421. Code 1959 §§ 3.16, 3.17, 3.20, 3.22 – 3.24 and 3.30.

6.10.010 Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter certain words and phrases are defined, and certain provisions shall be construed, as herein set out, unless it shall be apparent from their context that a different meaning is intended.

“Dog” as used herein is hereby declared and defined to include any animal of the canine family, and shall be deemed to include female as well as male dogs, except when otherwise specifically provided herein.

Owner. Any person, other than a veterinarian or an operator of a kennel, keeping or harboring a dog for at least 15 consecutive days shall be deemed to be the “owner” thereof within the meaning of this chapter.

“Unlicensed dog” as used herein is hereby defined and declared to mean a dog subject to license and registration hereunder for which the license for the current year has not been paid or to which the license tag provided for herein is not attached. [Ord. 474-69 § I(1.00 – 1.03), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-36].

6.10.020 License and registration required – License fee – Contents of application.

(1) All dogs more than six months old kept, harbored or maintained by their owners in the city of Willows shall be licensed and registered and their owners are hereby required to have them licensed and registered as herein provided.

(2) Dogs shall be registered with and dog licenses shall be issued by the city clerk’s office or other designated office, upon payment of a license fee of $3.00 for each dog for each fiscal year or fraction thereof.

(3) “Seeing eye” dogs actually being used by blind persons shall be registered and licensed as herein provided; however, no license fee shall be charged for such dogs.

(4) The owner shall state at the time the application is made for such license, and upon printed forms of application and registration provided for such purpose, his name, address, telephone number, and the name, breed, color, age and sex of each dog for which a license application is made. [Ord. 474-69 § I(2.00), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-37].

State law referenceMaximum license fee for dogs, § 38792, Gov. Code.

6.10.030 Time for application for license and registration – Penalty for delinquency.

Application for license and registration shall be made annually on or before July 31st of each year or within 31 days after the dog becomes subject to registration and licensing hereunder, whichever event occurs first. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, when application for license and registration is not made within the time herein provided, the license fee shall be double that which is otherwise herein provided. [Ord. 474-69 § I(2.01), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-38].

6.10.040 Proof of vaccination prerequisite to issuance of license tag.

No license tag shall be issued for a dog unless proof has been presented that said dog has been vaccinated against rabies at a date such that the period of time elapsing from the date of vaccination to the expiration of the registration being issued shall not exceed 30 months in the case of vaccination with chick embryo vaccine or 12 months in the case of vaccination with nerve tissue vaccine. [Ord. 474-69 § I(2.02), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-39].

State law referenceRabies control provisions, § 1900 et seq., Health and Safety Code.

6.10.050 Issuance of license certificate and tag – Contents of tag – Tag to be affixed to collar or harness.

(1) Upon payment of the license fee, a license certificate and metallic tag shall be issued to the owner for each dog so licensed.

(2) The tag shall have stamped thereon the year for which it is issued and the number corresponding with the number of the certificate.

(3) Every owner shall be required to provide each dog with a collar or harness to which the license tag must be affixed, and shall see that the collar or harness and tag are worn at all times except when the dog is in or upon the premises of the owner. [Ord. 474-69 § I(2.03), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-40].

State law referenceFor requirement, see § 439, Agric. Code.

6.10.060 Issuance of duplicate tag.

In case a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate will be issued upon presentation of a certificate showing the payment of the license fee for the current year, and the payment of a $0.50 fee for such duplicate. [Ord. 474-69 § I(2.04), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-41].

6.10.070 Nontransferability of license – Nonrefundability of license fee.

Dog tags shall not be transferable from one dog to another and no refunds shall be made on any dog license fee because of death of the dog or the owner leaving the city or the removal of the dog therefrom before expiration of the license period. [Ord. 474-69 § I(2.05), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-42].

6.10.080 Running at large prohibited – Restraints required – Exception.

No owner or keeper of a dog shall allow or permit such dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, to be or run at large within the city of Willows in or upon any public place or premises, or in or upon any private place or premises other than those of said owner or keeper except with the consent of the person in charge of said private place or premises, unless such dog is securely restrained by a substantial leash not to exceed six feet in length and is in the charge and control of a person competent to keep such dog under effective charge and control; provided, however, nothing in this section shall prevent a dog from being used without leash in the conduct of obedience trials and training classes, or to herd, guard, gather, or otherwise work domestic animals or fowls in or upon a public place or premises so long as such dog is under the charge and control of a person competent to keep such dog under effective charge and control and so long as such dog does not wrongfully harm or damage or threaten to harm or damage any person or public or private property. For purposes of this section, any dog in or upon any vehicle shall be deemed to be on the premises of the operator thereof. [Ord. 474-69 § I(3.00), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-43].

6.10.090 Committing nuisance prohibited.

No owner or keeper or person having custody or control of any dog shall allow or permit such dog to commit a nuisance on any public property or any improved private property other than that of the owner or keeper or person who has accepted custody or control of such dog; provided, that the foregoing shall not apply to street gutters outside of pedestrian ways. It shall be the duty of all persons having control of such dog to curb said dog in order to carry out the intent of this section. [Ord. 474-69 § I(3.01), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-44].

6.10.100 Impounding dogs at large in violation of chapter.

It shall be the duty of the police department of the city of Willows or other designated agency to apprehend or cause to be apprehended any dog found running at large contrary to the provisions of this chapter. Such dog shall be impounded in the city pound or other suitable place designated for such purpose. Upon receipt of any dog for impounding, a complete registry shall be made entering the breed, color and sex of the dog and whether licensed or unlicensed. If licensed, the name and address of the owner, and the number of the license tag shall also be entered. Licensed dogs shall be separated from unlicensed dogs. [Ord. 474-69 § I(4.00), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-45].

6.10.110 Reclaiming of impounded dogs.

(1) Any unlicensed dog may be claimed at the pound, if the owner registers the dog and pays the city clerk $2.00 per day or more or less as the council from time to time may determine for care and board, with a minimum charge for board and care of $3.00, and paying a full year’s license fee for such dog, to expire on the following June 30th. The owner of any licensed dog which has been impounded under this chapter shall pay to the city clerk the same rate for board and care as for an unlicensed dog.

(2) No dog shall be released to the owner unless proof of vaccination is given as more specifically given in WMC 6.10.040.

(3) An owner shall pay an additional fee based on the number of times said dog has been impounded as follows: $2.00 for the first time; $5.00 for the second time within one year; and $10.00 for each time after the second time within one year. [Ord. 474-69 § I(4.01), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-46].

6.10.120 Disposal of unclaimed impounded dogs – Notice of impounding required.

(1) Any impounded and unlicensed dog not claimed by the owner after 72 hours may be humanely destroyed, sold at public or private sale, or given away as a pet.

(2) Any impounded but licensed dog not claimed by the owner within 96 hours after notice may be humanely destroyed, sold at public or private sale, or given away as a pet.

(3) The poundmaster shall be required to properly dispose of dead or destroyed dogs.

(4) An owner, if known, must be notified of the impounding in writing not later than two days after the impounding, either by delivery to him personally or by deposit in the United States mail properly addressed and postage prepaid. Notice by mail shall be deemed complete two days following deposit in mail. [Ord. 474-69 § I(4.02), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-47].

6.10.130 Impoundment agencies and transportation facilities therefor – Alternative provisions.

The city council may construct and maintain pounds and arrange for transportation facilities or the city council may contract for either or both of these services. The city council may require a faithful performance bond. The fees for collection, impounding and disposing of dogs may be determined by negotiation, and shall be stipulated in any contract signed by the city council. If a city agency provides these services, the city shall determine the fees. [Ord. 474-69 § I(4.03), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-48].

6.10.140 Enforcement of provisions – Violations.

It shall be unlawful to interfere with, oppose or resist any authorized person who is collecting or impounding dogs under the provisions of this chapter, and such authorized person may go upon private property for the purpose of enforcing this chapter or collecting or impounding dogs. Any such authorized person, other than a peace officer, shall wear a badge. [Ord. 474-69 § I(5.00), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-49].

6.10.150 Penalties for violations of chapter.

Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $25.00 or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period of not more than 10 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. [Ord. 474-69 § I(5.01), 6-9-69. Prior code § 3-50].