Chapter 10.25
10.25.010 Enumeration of reasonable and safe prima facie speed limits on certain streets.
10.25.020 Erection of signs upon certain streets giving notice of prima facie speed limits.
10.25.010 Enumeration of reasonable and safe prima facie speed limits on certain streets.
The city council does hereby determine upon the basis of engineering and traffic investigations duly ordered and made, that the prima facie speed limit presently obtaining on those certain portions of the streets and avenues within the city mentioned in this chapter is more than is reasonable and safe upon such portions of the streets, and that the city council does hereby determine and declare that the reasonable and safe prima facie speed limits listed in this chapter shall be effective when appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the following streets:
(1) The declared prima facie speed limit for Tehama Street from French Street on the north to County Road 53 on the south shall be 35 miles per hour.
(2) The declared prima facie speed limit for Tehama Street from County Road 53 on the north to the southerly boundary of the city shall be 55 miles per hour.
(3) Wood Street from the west city limits to the east city limits, 35 miles per hour.
(4) All other streets and alleys shall be as fixed by Section 22352 of the California Vehicle Code. [Ord. 668-01, 10-9-01. Code 1959 § 11.60; prior code § 16-89].
10.25.020 Erection of signs upon certain streets giving notice of prima facie speed limits.
The chief of police is authorized and instructed to cause appropriate signs, giving notice of the respective prima facie speed limits in this chapter determined, declared and fixed to be posted upon the respective portions of the respective streets to which they respectively apply. [Code 1959 § 11.61; prior code § 16-90].