Chapter 10.55


Article I. Licenses

10.55.010    License required.

10.55.020    Application for license – License fee – Issuance, attachment and removal of tag.

10.55.030    Duration of licenses.

10.55.040    Annual license fees – Transfer fee.

10.55.050    Seizure and sale for failure to obtain license.

10.55.060    Conditions of license.

10.55.070    Violations – Suspension of license.

Article II. Use Regulations

10.55.080    Purpose.

10.55.090    Definitions.

10.55.100    Prohibitions.

10.55.110    Designation of skateboard/skating areas.

10.55.120    Regulations within designated skateboard/skating areas.

10.55.130    Posting of signs at the skateboard/skating park.

10.55.140    Penalties.

Article I. Licenses

10.55.010 License required.

No person shall ride or propel a bicycle upon any street or other public highway in the city or upon any part thereof without first having secured and attached to such bicycle a proper license tag, as provided by this chapter. [Code 1959 § 4.1; prior code § 11-80].

10.55.020 Application for license – License fee – Issuance, attachment and removal of tag.

Application for a license to own and operate a bicycle shall be made to the police department upon a form to be approved by the city council. The application shall be accompanied by a fee of $1.00, to be paid into the city treasury upon the granting of a license. Upon receipt of such application in proper form, the police department shall provide, at the expense of the city, a proper tag, which it shall cause to be attached to the frame of the bicycle in a substantial manner. The removal of any such tag, except by proper authority, shall be a violation of this chapter. [Ord. 502-74, 1-14-74. Code 1959 § 4.2; prior code § 11-81].

10.55.030 Duration of licenses.

All licenses issued as provided in this chapter shall be issued for the calendar year, that is, from January 1st to December 31st of each year, during which such bicycle may be licensed. [Code 1959 § 4.3; prior code § 11-82].

10.55.040 Annual license fees – Transfer fee.

All bicycles licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall be relicensed annually. The annual license fee after a bicycle is first licensed shall be $1.00, payable in advance. Any such license may be transferred and a fee of $0.50 shall be paid for the registration of such transfer. [Ord. 502-74, 1-14-74. Code 1959 § 4.4; prior code § 11-83].

10.55.050 Seizure and sale for failure to obtain license.

Every fee and penalty for delinquent licenses, from the date the same became due, constitutes a lien upon the bicycle for which due, and the police department may collect such fee and any penalty by the seizure of such bicycle and by the sale of such bicycle.

The seizure and sale shall be conducted and carried out by the police department in the same manner as is provided by law for the seizure and sale of personal property by the assessor for the collection of taxes due on personal property. [Code 1959 § 4.6; prior code § 11-85].

10.55.060 Conditions of license.

Every license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be granted subject to the following conditions:

(1) No person shall ride or propel a bicycle on a street or other public highway of the city with another person on the handlebars or in any position in front of the operator.

(2) No bicycle shall be ridden faster than is reasonable and proper, but every bicycle shall be operated with reasonable regard to the safety of the operator and any person upon the streets and other highways of the city.

(3) Persons riding bicycles shall observe all traffic signs and stop at all stop signs.

(4) No bicycle shall be permitted on any sidewalk, street or other public highway of the city between 30 minutes after sunset and 30 minutes before sunrise without a headlight visible under normal atmospheric conditions from the front thereof for not less than 300 feet, indicating the approach or presence of the bicycle, firmly attached to such bicycle and properly lighted; or, without a yellow or red light or reflector attached to and visible for 200 feet from the rear thereof. The headlight shall give a clear white light.

(5) No person shall ride or propel a bicycle upon any street or other public highway in the city abreast of more than one other person riding or propelling a bicycle.

(6) Every person riding or propelling a bicycle upon any street or other public highway in the city shall observe all traffic rules and regulations applicable thereto, and shall turn only at intersections, signal for all turns, ride on right-hand side of the street or highway, pass to the left when passing overtaken vehicles and individuals that are slower moving, and shall pass vehicles to the right when meeting.

(7) No bicycle shall be ridden upon any street or other public highway in the city unless the same is in good mechanical condition, and is equipped with properly working brakes of sufficient size to afford the operator full control thereover.

(8) No bicycle shall be ridden upon any sidewalk or upon private property without the permission of the owner thereof and no bicycle shall be left parked standing or unattended, except upon private property, with permission of the owner, or in such public places as may be designated by the city council. [Code 1959 § 4.7; prior code § 11-86].

10.55.070 Violations – Suspension of license.

Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and in addition to other penalties, the court may suspend the bicycle license for a period of not more than 30 days. [Code 1959 § 4.8; prior code § 11-87].

Article II. Use Regulations

10.55.080 Purpose.

The city council finds that the operation of skateboards upon certain public property and upon private property used by public purposes to be hazardous to pedestrians, motorists, and to persons operating skateboards. [Ord. 620-89, 6-27-89. Prior code § 11-90].

10.55.090 Definitions.

As used in this chapter:

“Motorized skateboard” is the same as a skateboard in all respects except that it is designed to be or can be self-propelled by motorized power.

“Private road or driveway,” as defined in the California Vehicle Code, Section 490, is a way or place in private ownership and used for vehicular travel by the owner and those having expressed or implied permission from the owner but not other members of the public. These roads are generally open to the public for purposes of vehicular traffic to serve commercial establishments.

“Roadway,” as defined in the California Vehicle Code, Section 530, is that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel.

“Skateboard” is a vehicle, device, or conveyance with any number of wheels, with a riding surface of any design and specifically includes roller skates, upon which a person may place one or more feet, and which is designed to be or can be propelled by a human, and which is not classified as a bicycle. [Ord. 620-89, 6-27-89. Prior code § 11-91].

10.55.100 Prohibitions.

No person shall:

(1) While riding any bicycle, motorcycle, coaster, skateboard, motorized skateboard, roller skates or any toy vehicle, attach the same or himself to any moving vehicle or shall permit the same to be done;

(2) Ride a bicycle or skateboard upon the sidewalk within a business district, as that term is defined in the California Vehicle Code, Sections 235 and 240, or as may be defined by ordinance of the city council. Whenever any person is riding a bicycle or skateboard upon a sidewalk other than in a business district or in any other public place, such person shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian;

(3) Ride any skateboard or motorized skateboard in, on, over, or upon any roadway as that term is defined in the California Vehicle Code or in this code;

(4) Ride any skateboard or motorized skateboard in, on, over, or upon any private roads as defined in WMC 10.55.090 and the California Vehicle Code. [Ord. 620-89, 6-27-89. Prior code § 11-92].

10.55.110 Designation of skateboard/skating areas.

The city council may designate by resolution specific areas within the city as skateboard/skating areas. [Ord. 661-99, 3-23-99. Prior code § 11-93].

10.55.120 Regulations within designated skateboard/skating areas.

(1) No person shall skate or skateboard at any time other than those established as the hours of operation. The hours of operation shall be daylight hours only from dawn until dusk;

(2) No person shall use the skateboard/skating areas for uses other than for skateboarding, in-line skating, and roller skating;

(3) No person shall use the designated skateboard/skating areas unless they wear proper safety equipment including a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads suitable to provide protection in the event of falls or collisions;

(4) No person shall ride or cause bicycles to be on the skating surface of the skateboard/skating area;

(5) No person shall cause additional obstacles or other materials such as ramps or jumps to be brought into the designated skateboard/skating area;

(6) No person shall use alcohol or drugs in the designated skateboard/skating area;

(7) All persons using the skateboard/skating area must place trash in cans provided by the city or such persons shall be removed from the designated skateboard/skating areas;

(8) No person shall cause graffiti or tagging on the skateboard/skating areas;

(9) No food or drink is allowed on skating surface;

(10) No person shall skate on the curbs and driveways of the city-owned area surrounding the skateboard/skating areas. [Ord. 661-99, 3-23-99. Prior code § 11-94].

10.55.130 Posting of signs at the skateboard/skating park.

Signs shall be posted at the skateboard/skating park giving notice that any person using the skateboard/skating park must wear a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads, and that any person failing to do so will be subject to a citation. Signs shall also be posted setting rules for use of the skateboard/skating park as set from time to time by resolution. [Ord. 661-99, 3-23-99. Prior code § 11-95].

10.55.140 Penalties.

Violation of any provision of this article shall subject the violator to suit for either civil remedy or criminal penalty, or both. The criminal penalty for a first or second offense shall be punishable as an infraction as defined by the California Penal Code, as amended from time to time. The criminal penalty for a third offense or more shall be punishable as a misdemeanor as defined by the California Penal Code, as amended from time to time. The term “offense” shall mean a judgment by a court that the provisions of this article have been violated as a matter of criminal law. [Ord. 661-99, 3-23-99. Prior code § 11-96].