Chapter 12.20


12.20.010    Portland cement concrete or equivalent required.

12.20.020    Conformance to established street grades.

12.20.030    Specification and standards of curbs and gutters generally.

12.20.040    Subgrade.

12.20.050    Depth and width of sidewalks.

12.20.060    Expansion joint – Blocking of sidewalk – Filling of stake holes, construction defects, etc.

12.20.070    Distance of sidewalks from private property line.

12.20.080    Notice to superintendent of streets – Consent of superintendent prior to beginning work.

12.20.090    Requiring curbs, gutters and sidewalks.

12.20.100    Building inspector’s duties.

12.20.110    Exceptions.

12.20.120    General terms.

12.20.010 Portland cement concrete or equivalent required.

All sidewalks, curbs and gutters constructed hereafter within the city shall be constructed of portland cement concrete or equivalent. [Code 1959 § 16.14; prior code § 13-47].

12.20.020 Conformance to established street grades.

All curbs, gutters and sidewalks constructed hereafter within the city shall be constructed to grade in accordance with the official grade of the city as established by Ordinance No. 171 and recorded maps. [Code 1959 § 16.15; prior code § 13-48].

12.20.030 Specification and standards of curbs and gutters generally.

All curbs or integral curbs and gutters constructed hereafter in the city shall conform to the following standards:

(1) Curb. Five inches wide at top with two-inch radius on front, six and one-fourth inches wide at gutter line, six inches in height above gutter;

(2) Gutter. Sixteen inches wide and six inches thick, with one-and-one-half-inch slope to curb.

Rolled-type gutters may be constructed at variance with the above specifications only upon written consent of the city council.

All concrete for curbs and gutters shall be comprised of a ratio of five sacks of cement to one cubic yard of clean aggregate. [Code 1959 § 16.16; prior code § 13-49].

12.20.040 Subgrade.

Grading for curbs, gutters and sidewalks shall conform to the subgrade of the concrete. Mud, vegetable matter or other soft materials below subgrade shall be taken out and the space refilled with good earth or gravel thoroughly rolled and compacted. All forms and subgrade shall be thoroughly wetted with water just before the placing of the concrete. [Code 1959 § 16.17; prior code § 13-50].

12.20.050 Depth and width of sidewalks.

All sidewalks shall be not less than four inches in thickness with floated and brushed surface, and shall be four feet wide, except when otherwise permitted by written consent of the city council. [Code 1959 § 16.18; prior code § 13-51].

12.20.060 Expansion joint – Blocking of sidewalk – Filling of stake holes, construction defects, etc.

All sidewalks, curbs and gutters constructed hereafter shall have expansion joints at least one-half inch in width at intervals of not more than 25 feet, such joints to be filled with flexible bituminous material, or equivalent, and such sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall have construction joints at intervals of not more than 12.5 feet. All sidewalks shall be blocked into squares.

Upon completion of such construction all stake holes and other construction defects shall be filled with concrete and properly leveled. [Code 1959 § 16.19; prior code § 13-52].

12.20.070 Distance of sidewalks from private property line.

All sidewalks shall be constructed one foot from the private property line, except when otherwise permitted by written consent of the city council. [Code 1959 § 16.20; prior code § 13-53].

12.20.080 Notice to superintendent of streets – Consent of superintendent prior to beginning work.

No sidewalk, curb or gutter shall be constructed within the city until and unless the person intending to do the work shall have given to the superintendent of streets at least five days’ written notice of intention to do the work and no work shall be performed without the consent of the superintendent. [Code 1959 § 16.21; prior code § 13-54].

12.20.090 Requiring curbs, gutters and sidewalks.

Any person who constructs or causes to be constructed any building or dwelling in the city of Willows shall construct curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in accordance with the city of Willows standards. Any person who causes improvements to be made to an existing building, dwelling, or lot which exceed 50 percent of the value of such building, dwelling, or lot over a 12-month period shall construct curbs, gutters, and sidewalks in accordance with city standards. Such curbs, gutters, and sidewalks shall extend the distance of the property which borders on a street. Whether or not adequate curbs, gutters and sidewalks already exist shall be determined in each instance by the public works department of the city of Willows, and an endorsement to that effect shall be made upon each building permit at the time it is issued. [Ord. 516-75, 8-11-75. Prior code § 13-55].

12.20.100 Building inspector’s duties.

The building inspector shall deny final approval acceptance, and shall refuse to allow final public utility connections to any such building, dwelling or improvement unless said curbs, gutters, and sidewalks exist, are constructed, or unless money or a bond to guarantee their construction is deposited with the city of Willows in a sum equal to the estimated cost of the construction of said improvements as determined by the public works department of the city of Willows. [Ord. 516-75, 8-11-75. Prior code § 13-56].

12.20.110 Exceptions.

It is recognized that situations may arise wherein it may prove to be impractical or impossible or unfair or oppressive to the owner to require literal compliance with all of the requirements of this chapter for the installation of curbs, gutters, and sidewalks and that certain flexibility is necessary. Therefore, any person dissatisfied with any decision of the public works department made in connection with WMC 12.20.090 may appeal to the city council. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall state the specific relief desired. The decision of the city council is final; no appeal shall be made after a building permit has been issued. [Ord. 516-75, 8-11-75. Prior code § 13-57].

12.20.120 General terms.

“Improvement” shall mean the addition, alteration, and repairs of a building, dwelling, or lot.

“Person” shall mean and include any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind. [Ord. 516-75, 8-11-75. Prior code § 13-58].