Chapter 15.15


15.15.010    Adoption of California Fire Codes.

15.15.020    Establishment and duties of fire prevention division.

15.15.030    Repeal of conflicting ordinances.

15.15.040    Jurisdictions.

15.15.050    California Fire Code – Appeals.

15.15.060    Penalties.

15.15.070    Enforcement – Citation authority.

15.15.080    Validity.

15.15.090    Fire apparatus access roads.

15.15.100    Premises identification.

15.15.110    Sprinkler systems.

15.15.120    Repealed.

15.15.130    Key boxes.

15.15.140    Problematic and unreliable fire alarms.

15.15.150    Self inspections.

15.15.160    Hazardous material.

15.15.170    Burning.

15.15.180    Fireworks.

15.15.190    Weed abatement.

15.15.200    Establishment of limits – Class I and II flammable liquids.

15.15.210    Establishment of limits – Class I and II flammable liquids job sites.

15.15.220    Establishment of limits – Bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas.

15.15.230    Schedule of fees and charges.

15.15.010 Adoption of California Fire Codes.

The following publications are hereby adopted as the California Fire Code of the city of Willows and included in and made a part of this code as though set forth at length herein; for the purpose of prescribing regulations governing conditions hazardous to life and property from fire, hazardous materials or explosion, except as expressly amended or superseded by the provisions of this chapter:

The 2022 California Fire Code, Title 24, Part 9 of the California Code of Regulations, including appendices and amendments; the 2022 California Building Code Standards with amendments; and the current International Fire Code and Standards; additionally, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 10, 13, 13R, 13D, 25 with California amendments, and NFPA 72 with the most recent editions are adopted. [Ord. 758-22 § 1, 11-8-22; Ord. 747-19 § 1, 12-10-19; Ord. 728-16 § 1, 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 §§ 7-5, 7.16, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-16].

15.15.020 Establishment and duties of fire prevention division.

The California Fire Code, California Building Code, International Fire Code, and National Fire Protection Association Standards, as adopted and amended herein, shall be enforced by the fire prevention division in the fire department of the city which is hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the fire chief or the designee in charge of the fire prevention division. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.17, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-17].

15.15.030 Repeal of conflicting ordinances.

All former ordinances or parts thereof conflicting or inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, the California Fire Code or standards hereby adopted are hereby repealed. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.18, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-18].

15.15.040 Jurisdictions.

Whenever the word “jurisdiction” is used in the California Fire Code, it is city of Willows. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.19, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-19].

15.15.050 California Fire Code – Appeals.

Chapter 1, Section 108.1 of the California Fire Code is amended to read as follows:

Whenever the Fire Chief or his/her representative disapproves an application or refuses to grant a permit applied for or when it is claimed that the provisions of the code do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the code have been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal the decision of the Fire Chief to the City Council within 30 days from the date of the decision appealed.

The decision of the City Council shall be final. The council shall render all decisions and findings in writing to the Fire Chief with a conclusion of the hearing.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.20, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-20].

15.15.060 Penalties.

Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the California Fire Code or standards hereby adopted or amended, or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fails to comply with any order made thereunder, or who shall build or construct in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, and from which no appeal has been taken, or who shall fail to comply with an order as affirmed or modified by the fire department or by a court of competent jurisdiction, within the required time, shall severally for each and every violation and noncompliance, respectively, be guilty of an infraction and/or misdemeanor, punished by a fine up to $1,000 and/or including imprisonment. The imposition of one penalty for any violation shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue and all persons shall be required to correct or remedy the violations or defects within a reasonable time. When not otherwise specified, each seven days that prohibited conditions are maintained shall constitute a separate offense. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.21, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-21].

15.15.070 Enforcement – Citation authority.

The fire chief, fire inspectors or designated officials are authorized to issue field citations to any person whenever a designated official has reasonable cause to believe that the person has committed a violation of:

(1) The California or International Fire Code as adopted by WMC 15.15.010, and the provisions of this chapter that concern issues of fire prevention or fire control.

(2) Provisions of the California Building Code which concern issues of fire prevention or fire control or life safety.

(3) Any state statute addressing fire prevention or fire control in his or her presence.

(4) Designated officials are authorized to exercise the authority provided by Penal Code Sections 19.7, 830.37, and 836.5. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.22, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-22].

15.15.080 Validity.

The city hereby declares that should any section, division, sentence or word of the ordinance codified in this chapter or of the California Fire Code, as adopted and amended herein, be declared for any reason to be invalid, it is the intent of the city that it would have passed all other portions of the ordinance codified in this chapter independent of the elimination therefrom of any portion as may be declared invalid. [Ord. 678-07 § 7.23, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-23].

15.15.090 Fire apparatus access roads.

The California Fire Code is amended and changed in the following respects. There is added to Chapter 5, Section 501.4 the following:

An all weather driving surface capable of supporting imposed loads up to 70,000 pounds shall be maintained during all phases of construction.

Fire hydrant(s) capable of meeting minimum fire flows of 1,000 gallons per minute shall be charged and available to all sites under construction prior to the stacking of combustible materials on site. Fire hydrants shall be located within 500’ of the furthest most point of construction; use of an existing hydrant shall not interfere the daily routine traffic patterns of City residents.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.24, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-24].

15.15.100 Premises identification.

The California Fire Code is amended in the following respects. There is added to Section 505.1 the following:

Approved numbers for premises identification shall be placed on all new and existing buildings near the doorway or in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or access fronting the property during both day and night hours.

Address numbers shall be illuminated for buildings constructed after January 1, 2008. Light sources used to comply with this section shall be controlled by a photoelectric device or by a circuit supplied by a house meter which is used to provide other required lighting during hours of darkness. No switch or other similar device shall be installed. Buildings constructed prior to this date shall comply with all other address requirements.

Address signs shall be internally or externally illuminated. When the luminance or the face of a sign is from an external source, it shall have an intensity of not less than 5.0 foot-candles. Internally illuminated signs shall provide equivalent luminance.

All properties that are served by a rear access shall install approved numbers for premises identification in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the access. Exception: Single family dwelling.

Number shall be contrasting in color to their background.

The minimum size and dimension of the numbers shall be 6 inches in height with 1-inch stroke width or larger readily visible and legible from the adjacent street. Single Family dwelling shall have a minimum size of 4 inches in heights with 1-inch stroke width or larger.

Where a building is set back from the street or road fronting the property and where addresses may not be clearly identifiable due to distance from the street or roadway, landscape, vegetation and/or architectural appendages, or other obstructions, address posting shall be required both at the street, road or driveway serving such building and on the building. Street or roadside address posting shall be on a weather resistant sign, permanently mounted to a post, and highly visible from all directions of traffic flow. Where unusual circumstances exist a direction indicator may be required to show specific direction of building(s).

Condominiums, apartment complexes, townhouses, mobile home parks, and multiple commercial buildings shall have installed, at points of entry, an illuminated directory in accordance with Fire Department standards. The directory sign shall consist of the following:

(A) A plot plan showing private drives.

(B) Access roads.

(C) Building locations(s) with individual numbers and addresses.

(D) Fire hydrant locations.

(E) Name of the complex.

(F) A reference point on the plot plan indicating the location of the directory.

(G) A north direction indicator.

(H) Key box location.

(I) Hazardous materials information and storage location(s).

All numbering shall be in sequence as approved by the Planning and Fire Departments.

The developer or property owner shall submit to the Fire Department and Building Department detailed plans for review and approval showing size, materials, method of construction, electrical components and wiring diagram, and location of the installation.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.25, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-25].

15.15.110 Sprinkler systems.

The California Fire Code is amended in the following respects. There is added to the requirements of Section 903.2 the following:

All Commercial and Industrial occupancies required by the 2022 California Fire Code to have an automatic sprinkler system shall have a Fire Department Connection (FDC) identified, accessible, and placed within 50' of a City standard hydrant.

[Ord. 758-22 § 2, 11-8-22; Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.26, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-26].

15.15.120 Alarm signaling.

Repealed by Ord. 728-2016. [Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.27, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-27].

15.15.130 Key boxes.

The California Fire Code is amended in the following respects. There is added to Section 506.1 the following:

A key box shall be installed on all new commercial, industrial and R occupancies excluding R-3. The key box shall be an approved type and contain those keys necessary to gain access. Placement shall be approved by Fire chief or designee.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.28, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-28].

15.15.140 Problematic and unreliable fire alarms.

The California Fire Code is amended in the following respects. There is added to Section 901.6.1.1:

The Fire chief or designee may determine a fire alarm to be unreliable upon receipt of more than four false alarms within a twelve month period. Upon making such finding, the chief may order the following:

(A) Upon the fourth (4th) false alarm from the system within a twelve (12) month period, the system owner shall pay a mitigation fee to the fire department of $150.00 plus the costs of the response for each false alarm.

(B) Upon the sixth (6th) false alarm from the system within a twelve (12) month period, the system owner shall pay a mitigation fee to the fire department of $300.00 plus the costs of the response for each false alarm.

(C) Upon the eight (8th) and each subsequent false alarm, from the system within a twelve (12) month period, the system owner shall pay a mitigation fee to the fire department of $500.00 plus the cost of the response, as specified in the fire department’s approved fee schedule for each occurrence. In addition, the chief may require the system owner to provide standby personnel or take such measures as he/she deems appropriate. Persons or activities required by the chief shall remain in place until a fire department approved fire alarm maintenance firm certifies in writing to the chief that the alarm system has been restored in a reliable condition. The chief may require such tests as he deems necessary to demonstrate the adequacy of the system.

[Ord. 758-22 § 3, 11-8-22; Ord. 747-19 § 1, 12-10-19; Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.29, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-29].

15.15.150 Self inspections.

The California Fire Code is amended and changed in the following respects. There is added to Appendix Chapter 1, Section 106.2 the following:

For the purpose of providing and maintaining functions necessary for the prevention of fire and for the protection of life and property from fire and panic, the Willows Fire Department does establish a Self-Inspection Program, assuring that applicable “B” and “M” occupancies within the city are inspected on an annual basis for fire safety.

Definition. The following words and phrases, with this code, shall be defined as follows:

(A) “B” Occupancies: Those building for professional or service-type transactions offices, including storage of records and accounts.

(B) “M” Occupancies: Building for the display and sale of merchandise, and involving stocks of goods, wares or merchandise, as defined in Section 202 of the California Fire Code.

(C) Function of Self-Inspection Program. The Willows Fire Department shall deliver, by hand or by mail, its current “Self-Inspection Worksheet” and “Confidential Business Occupancy Information” forms to each “B” and “M” occupancy within the city on a bi-annual basis.

(D) Failure to Comply: Failure of the business owner, property owner, or person responsible for the property to comply with the requirement to return the Self-Inspection Worksheet duly completed; or fails to correct the deficiencies noted within 14 days shall be issued one warning letter extending the inspection period by seven (7) days. Failure to complete and return the Self-Inspection Worksheet shall result in an inspection of the delinquent occupancy by Willows Fire Department personnel, for which the business owner will be charged as provided in the City of Willows Schedule of Fees and Charges for City Services.

(E) Further, failure of the business owner or property owner to correct deficiencies found, shall be an infraction; and the city may cause to issue a citation to the business owner or property owner for violation of the terms of this section.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.30, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-30].

15.15.160 Hazardous material.

The California Fire Code is amended in the following respects. There is added to Chapter 50 the following:

Added to Section 5002, Definitions:

For the purpose of this section “hazardous materials” shall be defined as any substances or materials in a quantity or from which, in the determination of the fire chief or his authorized representative, poses an unreasonable and imminent risk to the life, health, or safety of persons or property or to the ecological balance of the environment, and shall include, but not limited to, such substances and explosives, radioactive materials, petroleum or petroleum products or gases, poisons, etiologic (biologic) agents, flammable and corrosives.

For the purposes of this section, “costs incurred by the fire department” shall include, but shall not necessarily be limited to, the following: Actual labor costs of city personnel either for actual clean up or standby time at the scene of the deposit, including worker’s compensation benefits, fringe benefits, administrative overhead; cost of equipment operation, cost of materials obtained directly by the city; and costs of any contract labor and materials.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.31, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-31].

15.15.170 Burning.

The California Fire Code Section 307 is amended in the following respects:

The Fire Chief, Air Pollution Control Officer, or their authorized representative is authorized to require that open burning be immediately discontinued if he/she determines that smoke emissions are offensive to occupants of surrounding property or if the open burning is determined by the Fire Chief, his or her designee, to constitute a hazardous condition.

The Fire Chief is authorized to enforce a ban on all open burning during periods of critical fire danger.

Open burning / residential:

(A) Is not allowed in the City Limits of Willows.

(B) To include Burn Barrels, Litter, Brush, Leaves, Debris, Weeds or any other substance.

Special Event Burning:

Special event burning is authorized when a permit is obtained for a warming fire or cooking with the following criteria:

(A) Pit location must be inspected prior to digging;

(B) Twenty-foot clearance of all vegetation around pit and structures;

(C) Pit shall be in attendance of an adult at all times;

(D) Pit shall have a mesh wire top;

(E) Only unprocessed wood or barbecue charcoal shall be burned in pit.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.32, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-32].

15.15.180 Fireworks.

The California Fire Code is amended in the following respects. There is added to Chapter 56 the following:

Safe and Sane fireworks are authorized to be sold that bears the seal of approval of the California State Fire Marshal’s Office, provided that a permit is first obtained from the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief may only issue ten (10) permits, permitting the sale of fireworks. Safe and Sane fireworks are only authorized to be sold to patrons 16 or older. The sell and firing of fireworks are only permitted between June 28th and July 6th.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.33, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-33].

15.15.190 Weed abatement.

The California Fire Code is amended and changed in the following respects. In case of conflict between this section and the International Fire Code this section shall prevail and be used. There is added to Section 304.1.2 the following:

General Persons owning, leasing, renting, in legal control of the property; and operating or maintaining buildings or structures in, upon or adjoining hazardous fire areas, and persons, owning, leasing, or controlling land adjacent to such building or structures shall at all times maintain an effective fire break as stipulated with this code. When property lines are adjacent to roadways the hazard shall be cleared to the center of the roadway.

(A) Definitions. The following words and phrases, with this code, shall be defined as follows:

(1) Compost Pile: A mixture of decayed organic matter (pine needles, leaves, grass clippings etc.) compiled together with the intention to convert compost to fertilizer.

(2) Continuous Fuel: Combustible vegetation whether, living or dead that is adjacent to other similar vegetation without a break.

(3) Debris: Shall mean waste matter, dry grass, dead trees, cut limbs or branches, piles or pine needles or leaves that when dry may become a fire hazard.

(4) Developed Lot: Structure(s) present on property.

(5) Disking: Shall mean to cultivate with an implement (as a harrow or plow) that turns and loosens the soil as with a series of disks.

(6) Fire Hazard: Anything or act which increases or may cause an increase of the hazard or menace of fire or explosion to a degree greater than that customarily recognized as normal by persons in the public service or preventing, suppressing, or extinguishing fires; or which may obstruct, delay, or hinder, or may become the cause of an obstruction, delay or hindrance to the prevention, suppression or extinguishment of the fire.

(7) Lot: All land within the property lines set forth in the assessor’s parcel map or as established by a recorded map or record.

(8) Mowing: To cut with a scythe or machine.

(9) Pasture: Land use for the grazing of livestock.

(10) Rubble: Shall mean any rubble, residue, structure or part of portions of a structure, remaining after fire damage to or the demolition or partial demolition of any building or structure in the city.

(11) Vacant Lot: Void of any structures.

(12) Weeds: When mature, bear seeds of downy or wingy nature or dry overgrown grass, etc. Sagebrush, chaparral, scotch broom, trench broom, Manzanita, or any other brush or weeds which attain such large growth as to become, when dry, a fire hazard to property and structures.

(B) Abatement of Hazard – Clearance of rubble, brush, or vegetative growth for Vacant and Developed Lots.

(1) A cleared space around all buildings 30 feet wide at a minimum. The Chief may require cleared space to be larger if a potential fire hazard exists.

(2) A cleared space (fire break) 50 feet wide minimum completely around the perimeter of the property to the street or sidewalk and cross breaks 30-feet wide minimum, every 50 feet maximum. The Chief may require cleared space to be larger if a potential fire hazard exists.

(3) A cleared space extending 30 feet minimum beyond the foliage of any group of trees. The Chief may require cleared space to be larger if a potential fire hazard exists.

The Fire Chief, Fire Inspectors or designated officials may find it necessary to have all weeds, debris, and rubble that could be expected to burn or may cause a life or safety hazard to be removed from the Entire lot, vacant lot, or developed lot.

[Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.34, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-34].

Cross reference—Weeds and rubbish removal, Chapter 8.05 WMC, Article III.

15.15.200 Establishment of limits – Class I and II flammable liquids.

The limits referred to in Section 5704. of the California Fire Code in which storage of flammable liquids in outside above ground tanks is prohibited in R zones means zones R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-P as defined in Chapters 18.30 through 18.45 WMC that are located within the incorporated limits of the city of Willows, California. [Ord. 758-22 § 4, 11-8-22; Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.35, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-35].

15.15.210 Establishment of limits – Class I and II flammable liquids job sites.

The limits referred to in Section 5706.2.4.4 of the California Fire Code in which storage of flammable liquids in outside above ground tanks is prohibited in R zones means the incorporated limits of the city of Willows. [Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.36, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-36].

15.15.220 Establishment of limits – Bulk storage of liquefied petroleum gas.

The California Fire Code is amended in the following respects. There is added to Section 6104.2 the following:

(A) In the residential incorporated limits of the City of Willows, up to five hundred gallons of combustible liquid meaning LPG may be stored in an above ground or inground tank meeting requirements of sections 6104 of the California Fire Code. Minimum distance must be maintained per table 6104.3 of the California Fire Code. Tank base must be secured per NFIP (1993) Technical bulletin 7-93. Written notice of having an above ground or inground tank will be placed in the main electrical panel for notification to emergency personnel.

[Ord. 758-22 § 5, 11-8-22; Ord. 747-19 § 1, 12-10-19; Ord. 728-16 § 1 (Exh. A), 10-25-16; Ord. 707-13 § 1, 10-22-13; Ord. 691-10 § 1, 11-23-10; Ord. 678-07 § 7.37, 12-11-07. Prior code § 7-37].

15.15.230 Schedule of fees and charges.



Inspection – Fireworks stand/booth


File search (special request for assistance)


Life safety report (1 – 4 pages $8.00, $0.50 each page after)


Inspection – Temporary membrane structures, tent, canopy


Twice failed annual fire inspection fee


Hydrant flow testing (existing hydrants)


Afterhours hydrant flow testing (existing hydrants)


Reinspection fee


Plan Check Fees


Fire sprinkler systems

(1 – 20 appliances) per floor or system


Fire sprinkler systems

(21 – 100 appliances) per floor or system


Fire sprinkler systems

(101 – 200 appliances) per floor or system


Fire sprinkler systems

(201 – 350 appliances) per floor or system


Fire sprinkler systems

(351+ appliances) for each additional 25


Fire Sprinkler Tenant Improvements


1 – 7 appliances (nonengineered plans)

per floor or system


1 – 7 appliances (engineered plans)

per floor or system


8 – 100 appliances per floor or system


100+ appliances

for each additional 25 devices


Additional Fire Sprinkler Review Items


Underground water plan check and inspection (each)


Antifreeze system (per system)


Dry chemical system (each)


Wet chemical system/kitchen hood (each)


Foam systems (each)


Fire Pumps


Fire pump (each)


Hazardous materials review (fuel system) per hour


Fire Standpipe System


Class I, II, III and Article 81 (per outlet)


Additional per hour


Fire Alarm Systems


0 – 15 devices (per system)


16 – 50 devices (per system)


51 – 100 devices (per system)


101 – 500 devices (per system)


For each additional 25 devices

(up to 1,000) per system


Nurse call (per station)


Aboveground Hazardous Material Flammable/Combustible Liquid Tank


60 – 500 gallons (each)


501 – 2,000 gallons (each)


Underground Hazardous Material Flammable/Combustible Liquid Tank


1 – 2 tanks (each tank)


3 or more tanks (each tank)


Miscellaneous Items


Emergency generator with fuel tank(s)


Paint spray booth inspection


Propane exchange rack


Propane tank(s) install/modify


Vehicle access gate (including Opticom and Knox-Box)


Other hazardous materials related plan reviews and inspection (per hour)


Annual Fire Inspection Program


Miscellaneous fire code permits

(allowed by fire code)


Fire plans examiner special (per hour)


Reinspection fee (per hour)


[Ord. 678-07 Exh. B, 12-11-07].


Cross reference—Removal of weed and rubbish by fire chief, WMC 8.05.130.

State law references—State regulations, § 13000 et seq., Health and Safety Code; punishment for tampering with the fire alarm system, see § 625a, Pen. Code.