Chapter 18.80


18.80.010    Purpose.

18.80.020    Permitted uses.

18.80.030    Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.

18.80.010 Purpose.

This open space or OS district is established in order to maintain compatibility of development in areas presently used for open space reserves or similar uses and to preserve the lowest possible assessments on such properties until they are changed in use in accordance with the general plan. [Ord. 632-91 § 20.01, 10-22-91].

18.80.020 Permitted uses.

The following uses are permitted in the OS district:

(1) Parks, public or private.

(2) Outdoor recreation facilities such as golf courses.

(3) Educational or charitable institutions of a predominantly open space character.

(4) Uses of open lands within subdivisions or approved land development projects, which uses are included in agreements, contracts, or permits.

(5) Uses of lands not included in subdivisions or land development projects, which lands are offered for open space classification by dedication, agreement, contract, or permit and which uses are specified therein.

(6) Uses which the planning commission determines, by written findings, are similar to the above. [Ord. 632-91 § 20.02, 10-22-91].

18.80.030 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.

The following uses and structures may be permitted in the OS district only if a conditional use permit has first been secured: all buildings. [Ord. 632-91 § 20.03, 10-22-91].