Chapter 18.85


18.85.010    Purpose.

18.85.020    Principal permitted uses.

18.85.030    Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.

18.85.040    Other regulations.

18.85.010 Purpose.

The agriculture general or AG district is intended to be applied in areas in which agriculture is the desirable predominant use, and rural residential uses are secondary. The following regulations shall apply in all AG districts. [Ord. 702-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 21.01, 10-22-91].

18.85.020 Principal permitted uses.

The following uses and structures are permitted in the AG district:

(1) One single-family residence, including manufactured homes.

(2) General agriculture, which includes the cultivation of food and fiber such as field and tree crops, dairying, pasturage, tree farming, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture, apiaries and animal and poultry husbandry.

(3) Accessory buildings such as barns, garages, carports, greenhouses, and garden sheds which are customarily used in conjunction with and incidental to a principal use or structure.

(4) Windmills, tank houses, buildings or shelters for farm equipment and machinery, water wells, water reservoirs, and storage tanks.

(5) Transitional and supportive housing as defined in Health and Safety Code Sections 50675.2 and 50675.14.

(6) Employee housing as defined by Health and Safety Code Section 17021.6. [Ord. 702-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 21.02, 10-22-91].

18.85.030 Uses permitted with a conditional use permit.

The following uses and structures may be permitted in the AG district only if a conditional use permit has first been secured:

(1) Commercial storage and handling of agricultural chemicals.

(2) Fertilizer manufacturing.

(3) Commercial hog and pig farming.

(4) Animal sales yards.

(5) Commercial stables and riding academies.

(6) Agricultural processing plants and facilities.

(7) Animal processing plants and rendering plants.

(8) Sales and services to farmers or farm-related activities.

(9) Kennels, animal hospitals and veterinarian offices.

(10) Injection wells, natural gas wells and commercial mineral extractions.

(11) Stands for the purpose of displaying and selling agricultural, floricultural, or farming products which are grown or produced on the premises; provided, that there shall be no more than one stand per lot or parcel of land.

(12) Any other use, in the opinion of the planning commission, which is suited to the agriculture general district and does not jeopardize the welfare of the community. [Ord. 702-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 21.03, 10-22-91].

18.85.040 Other regulations.

(1) Minimum lot area: 40 acres.

(2) Minimum yard requirements: front and rear, 30 feet; side, 20 feet.

(3) Maximum ground coverage: 35 percent.

(4) Maximum building height: 35 feet.

EXCEPTIONS: Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns, pole barns, electronic towers, antennas, and similar structures may exceed the 35-foot height, provided they do not exceed the airport height restrictions.

(5) All stables, barns, sheds, shelters, paddocks, riding stables and exercise yards for animals shall be located not less than 100 feet from all property and street right-of-way lines.

(6) The distance between any accessory building other than automobile garages and a dwelling unit shall not be less than 30 feet. [Ord. 702-11 § 1, 7-12-11; Ord. 632-91 § 21.04, 10-22-91].