Chapter 13.06
13.06.050 Irrigation system operation and repair.
13.06.060 Exemptions by permit.
13.06.070 Fountains and waterfalls.
13.06.080 Washing of vehicles.
13.06.090 Washing of impervious surfaces.
13.06.100 Outdoor misting devices.
13.06.110 Food and lodging establishments.
13.06.120 Enforcement of drought restrictions.
13.06.150 Payment of charges during appeal.
13.06.170 Application of this chapter.
13.06.010 Adopted.
The city hereby adopts the water restrictions imposed by Denver and as set forth in this chapter. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 1)
13.06.020 Restrictions.
All owners and/or occupants of property in the city shall comply with the following watering restrictions:
A. Watering shall be limited to two (2) days a week in accordance with the following schedule between April 1, 2013, and September 30, 2013:
1. No watering is allowed on Monday, except for irrigators operating under water budget agreements.
2. Addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) may water on Sunday and Thursday.
3. Addresses ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) may water Wednesday and Saturday.
4. All other properties (HOA, multifamily, commercial, industrial, government) may water Tuesday and Friday.
B. Irrigation may occur for no more than three (3) hours in total on the designated day and may not occur between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 2)
13.06.030 Watering calendars.
Copies of the watering calendar shall be made widely available. They shall be posted on the city bulletin board, on Glendale’s website, and made available through any other means designed to notify the public. Watering calendars shall be distributed to new customers. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 3)
13.06.040 Hand watering.
The watering restrictions in this chapter shall not apply to hand watering of vegetable and flower gardens, trees and shrubs, so long as hand watering of lawns and water waste does not occur. For the purposes of this chapter, hand watering means holding in the hand a hose with attached positive shutoff nozzle and does not include operating a hose with a sprinkler or manually operating an irrigation controller. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 4)
13.06.050 Irrigation system operation and repair.
An irrigation system may be operated outside the watering schedule set forth in this chapter for repair or reasonable maintenance, so long as water waste does not occur. Repairs to leaking sprinkler systems must occur within ten (10) days. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 5)
13.06.060 Exemptions by permit.
Upon payment of an administrative fee in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), customers may apply for permits to the city for:
A. New turf sod application for up to three (3) weeks;
B. New grass seed application for up to four (4) weeks. However, the city strongly discourages new grass seed between June 15th and September 15th;
C. Landscape in large common or public areas that, because of irrigation system limitations, cannot be sustained by following the mandatory drought restrictions in this chapter; or
D. Exceptional hardship due to individual circumstances. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 6)
13.06.070 Fountains and waterfalls.
Customers are prohibited from operating any existing outdoor fountain or waterfall that sprays water into the air. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 7)
13.06.080 Washing of vehicles.
A. Personal vehicles shall be washed only with a bucket or a hand-held hose equipped with a positive shutoff nozzle.
B. Vehicles contained in commercial operations or fleets may be washed no more often than once a week. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 8)
13.06.090 Washing of impervious surfaces.
Power washing by individuals: Cleaning with water, except for immediate health or safety reasons, may occur only on assigned water days and not between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Water may only be used for beneficial purposes and must not be wasted. Commercial power washing: Commercial enterprises for whom cleaning with water is an essential element of their business are not subject to day-of-the-week or time-of-day restrictions but must use only high-efficiency equipment and assure water waste does not occur. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 9)
13.06.100 Outdoor misting devices.
All outdoor misting devices, such as those positioned around outdoor eating and drinking areas, shall be prohibited. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 10)
13.06.110 Food and lodging establishments.
Restaurants shall not serve water automatically with meals but may serve water upon the customer’s request. Restaurants must comply with Denver Water’s signage program. Lodging establishments must not change sheets more often than every four (4) days for guests staying more than one (1) night, except for health or safety reasons. Sheets may be changed at a customer’s request. Food service operations in lodging establishments may not serve water automatically with meals, but may serve water upon the customer’s request. Lodging establishments must comply with Denver Water’s signage program. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 11)
13.06.120 Enforcement of drought restrictions.
Owners and/or occupants of property in the city shall be responsible for complying with the drought restrictions set forth in this chapter. Those who violate any of these drought restrictions will be subject to the penalties herein:
A. First violation: written warning.
B. Second violation: two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) on the next water bill for single-family residential; up to five hundred dollars ($500.00) for all other accounts.
C. Third violation: five hundred dollars ($500.00) on the next water bill for single-family residential; up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) for all other accounts.
D. Fourth violation: one thousand dollars ($1,000) on the next water bill for single-family residential; up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) for all other accounts. In addition, the city may install a flow restrictor on the service line that will remain in place during the irrigation season or may suspend service temporarily until the cause of the violation is corrected and all outstanding penalty and water service charges have been paid or take any other action reasonable that the City Council deems appropriate. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 12)
13.06.130 Appeal process.
Any person subject to a charge for violation of a provision of this chapter or whose application for a permit is denied may appeal in writing to the City Manager. Such appeal must be received by the City Manager at 950 South Birch Street, Glendale, Colorado 80246 within fifteen (15) days of the date of the violation notice or the application denial. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 13)
13.06.140 Denial of appeal.
If the City Manager denies the appeal, the owner and/or occupant may submit another appeal in writing to the City Council at 950 South Birch Street, Glendale, Colorado 80246. The decision of the City Council on the matter shall be final. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 14)
13.06.150 Payment of charges during appeal.
The customer must pay the water bill, including the penalty imposed under Section 13.06.120, by the due date of the water bill. If the customer’s appeal is approved, the disputed charge will be credited on the next water bill. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 15)
13.06.160 Water waste.
Water shall be used only for beneficial purposes and shall not be wasted. Water waste is:
A. Allowing water to pool or flow across the ground or into any drainage way, such as gutters, streets, alleys or storm drains.
B. Applying water intended for irrigation to an impervious surface, such as a street, parking lot, alley, sidewalk or driveway.
C. Failing to repair, for a period of more than ten (10) days after notice, leaking or damaged irrigation components.
D. Using water to clean sidewalks, parking lots, driveways or other impervious surfaces, except in cases where no other means can eradicate a public health or safety hazard.
E. Watering landscaped areas during rain or high wind. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 16)
13.06.170 Application of this chapter.
The appeal procedures established herein shall apply to all complaints concerning the interpretation, application, or enforcement of this chapter. (Ord. 2013-2 (part): Ord. 2002-6 § 17)