Chapter 5.25
5.25.010 Definitions. Revised 2/25
5.25.020 Permitted location for a natural medicine healing center. Revised 2/25
5.25.030 Permitted location for other natural medicine businesses. Revised 2/25
5.25.040 No distance restrictions from schools. Revised 2/25
5.25.050 Hours of operation – Natural medicine healing centers. Revised 2/25
5.25.060 Storage of natural medicine at businesses. Revised 2/25
5.25.070 Odor from natural medicine businesses. Revised 2/25
5.25.080 Natural medicine businesses secure disposal. Revised 2/25
5.25.090 Processing of natural medicine. Revised 2/25
5.25.100 Nuisance. Revised 2/25
5.25.010 Definitions. Revised 2/25
For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
“Natural medicine” means psilocybin or psilocyn and other substances described as “natural medicine” in the Colorado Natural Medicine Code, as codified in §§ 44-50-101 through 44-50-904, C.R.S. (the “Regulatory Act”).
“Natural medicine business” means any of the following entities licensed under the Regulatory Act: a natural medicine healing center, a natural medicine cultivation facility, a natural medicine products manufacturer, or a natural medicine testing facility or another licensed entity created by the state licensing authority.
“Natural medicine healing center” means a facility where an entity is licensed by the state licensing authority that permits a facilitator, as defined by the Regulatory Act, to provide and supervise natural medicine services for a participant, as defined by the Regulatory Act, which includes a participant consuming and experiencing the effects of regulated natural medicine or regulated natural medicine products under the supervision of a facilitator.
“Natural medicine product” means a product infused with natural medicine that is intended for consumption, as provided by the Regulatory Act.
“Natural medicine services” mean a preparation session, administrative session, or integration session, as provided by the Regulatory Act.
“Participant” means an individual who is 21 years of age or older who receives natural medicine services prescribed by and under the supervision of a facilitator, as provided by the Regulatory Act.
“Regulated natural medicine” means natural medicine that is cultivated, manufactured, tested, stored, distributed, transported, or dispensed, as provided by the Regulatory Act.
“Regulated natural medicine product” means a natural medicine product that is cultivated, manufactured, tested, stored, distributed, transported, or dispensed, as provided by the Regulatory Act.
“State licensing authority” means the authority created under the Regulatory Act for the purpose of regulating and controlling the licensing of the cultivation, manufacturing, testing, storing, distribution, transfer, and dispensation of regulated natural medicine and regulated natural medicine products, as provided by the Regulatory Act. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.020 Permitted location for a natural medicine healing center. Revised 2/25
Natural medicine healing center is a use permitted by right in the Central Business and Highway General Business zone districts, subject to the time, place and manner requirements contained in GMC 5.25.050 through 5.25.100. Natural medicine healing centers are prohibited in all other zone districts in the town. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.030 Permitted location for other natural medicine businesses. Revised 2/25
Natural medicine cultivation facility, natural medicine products manufacturer, natural medicine testing facility, and other licensed entity created by the state licensing authority (collectively the “licensed facilities”) are uses permitted by right in the industrial zone district and uses permitted conditionally in the highway general business zone district, subject to the time, place and manner requirements contained in GMC 5.25.060 through 5.25.100. Licensed facilities are prohibited in all other zone districts of the town. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.040 No distance restrictions from schools. Revised 2/25
All distance restrictions imposed by § 44-50-302(1)(d)(I), C.R.S., are hereby eliminated. A building where natural medicine services are provided may be immediately adjacent to a child care center; preschool; elementary, middle, junior, or high school; or a residential child care facility (collectively “school”). [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.050 Hours of operation – Natural medicine healing centers. Revised 2/25
Natural medicine healing centers may only operate between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Sunday. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.060 Storage of natural medicine at businesses. Revised 2/25
All storage for natural medicine businesses shall be located within a permanent building that is locked when not occupied. Natural medicine may not be stored within any trailer, tent, or motor vehicle. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.070 Odor from natural medicine businesses. Revised 2/25
Natural medicine businesses shall use an air filtration and ventilation system ensuring that the odors from natural medicine and natural medicine products are confined to the premises and are not detectable beyond the property boundaries on which the business is located. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.080 Natural medicine businesses secure disposal. Revised 2/25
Natural medicine businesses shall provide secure disposal of natural medicine and natural medicine product remnants or by-products. Natural medicine and natural medicine product remnants or by-products shall not be placed within the businesses’ exterior refuse container. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.090 Processing of natural medicine. Revised 2/25
(a) The processing of natural medicine that includes the use of hazardous materials, including without limitation, and by way of example, flammable and combustible liquids, carbon dioxide, and liquefied petroleum gases, such as butane, is prohibited.
(b) Nonhazardous materials used to process natural medicine shall be stored in a manner so as to mitigate and ensure odors are not detectable beyond the property boundaries on which the processing facility is located or the exterior walls of the processing facility associated with the processing of natural medicine.
(c) The processing of natural medicine shall meet the requirements of all adopted town building and life/safety codes.
(d) The processing of natural medicine shall meet all of the requirements of all adopted sewer regulations promulgated by Granby Sanitation District. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].
5.25.100 Nuisance. Revised 2/25
It is unlawful and deemed a nuisance under Chapter 8.05 GMC to dispose of, discharge out of or from, or permit to flow from any facility associated with natural medicine, any foul or noxious liquid or substance of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, by-products of the natural medicine or natural medicine processes, into or upon any adjacent ground or lot, into any street, alley or public place, or into any municipal storm sewer and/or system in the town. [Ord. 1016 § 2, 2024].