Chapter 15.30


15.30.010    Concrete washout activities. Revised 2/25

15.30.010 Concrete washout activities. Revised 2/25

(a) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants from concrete washout activities to watershed areas, devices, systems or storm drains and to protect the health and safety of persons, property, wildlife and the environment. This section is designed to enforce best management practices during construction or other activities.

(1) Concrete washout water is the water that is left over after cement work is completed and the equipment utilized has been washed with water. It shall be unlawful for concrete washout water to enter any sewer, catch basin, ditch, drain, gutter or body of water or to leach into the ground. Rinsing operations and concrete washout water containers shall not be located within 30 feet of any sewer, drain, catch basin, ditch, gutter, or body of water.

(2) Collection and Containment. All concrete washout water shall be collected and contained in or on the concrete mixer truck or in pre-manufactured or constructed watertight containers specifically designed and fabricated for the purpose of collecting and containing concrete washout water on site. Such containers shall be of sufficient quantity and size to accommodate all rinsing operations required on site and shall be protected from breach or overflow at all times. It shall be unlawful to conduct concrete washout operations without a container or containment on site and shall be considered a violation of this section.

(b) Disposal. Collected concrete washout water shall be transported off site for treatment and disposal or contained on site until completely evaporated. Any hardened concrete remaining after evaporation shall be properly disposed of, reused or recycled.

(c) Violations and Noncompliance. The town may take immediate action to address violations of this section, including but not limited to issuing a cease and desist order or a stop work order or suspending an inspection or issuance of a permit until compliance is achieved. All costs incurred by the town in such cases will be billed to and the responsibility of the violating party.

(d) Penalties. Any person or entity found in violation of any provision of this section may be fined $500.00 for the first offense. For each additional offense thereafter, any person or entity found in violation of any provision of this section may be issued a summons and complaint and be subject to a fine not exceeding the maximum penalty set forth in GMC 1.05.090. In addition to the penalties provided herein, an individual or entity responsible for a violation shall bear the cost of repairing or cleaning any town infrastructure including but not limited to roads, sidewalks, drainage systems, and other related facilities damaged or affected by the improper washout activities. [Ord. 1007 § 1 (Exh. A), 2024].