Chapter 12.20


12.20.010    Waterworks division.

12.20.020    Connection requirements.

12.20.030    Permits and costs.

12.20.040    Building water service line installation.

12.20.050    Water main extensions.

12.20.060    Water meters.

12.20.070    Water service charges.

12.20.010 Waterworks division.

A.    Waterworks Division Responsibility. The waterworks division shall be responsible for the water supply serving the city.

B.    Waterworks Management. The director, under the direction and control of the city manager, shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the waterworks and shall have charge of all matters concerning the water supply, enforcement of waterworks regulations, accountability for materials and the manner in which the same are used or disposed of.

C.    Rules and Regulations. The director shall recommend such rules, ordinances or regulations for adoption to the city manager as may be required to ensure safe and efficient operation of the water supply system, for a water supply sufficient to satisfy the public needs, and for water quality, by protecting the water supply from polluting or unsanitary substances and conditions. (Ord. 4-2021 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021).

12.20.020 Connection requirements.

A.    Connection Required.

1.    Connection to Water Distribution Main. The owner of any house or other building utilized for business or residence purposes which requires water-using devices situated within the city and abutting any public street, alley, right-of-way, or utility easement in which there is now located a water distribution main of the city is required, at owner’s expense, to connect such building by means of service lines to the distribution main in accordance with this chapter. The size and location of such a building/water service line shall meet the requirements of the city engineer. New buildings or lots requiring water-using devices shall be required to extend the main meeting the size and location requirements of the city engineer to serve property in accordance with GMC 12.20.050 if a water main does not abut the property in question, but is located within 400 feet of any property line of the lot or parcel of land upon which the building is to be located, unless a waiver is granted by the city council pursuant to the provisions set forth herein. For the purposes of this section, the term “property line” shall include the city of Gunnison boundary if the boundary transects a single parcel of property.

2.    Connection to Individual Well. A building or lot requiring water-using devices may connect to an individual water well in lieu of connection to a water distribution main provided all of the following conditions are met:

a.    The parcel of land upon which the well is to be constructed is not less than two acres in size and is not located within an existing subdivision as defined in Gunnison LDC, or was not created by a prior subdivision of land.

b.    The nearest water distribution main is located more than 400 feet from any property line of the parcel of land on which the individual water well is to be constructed. This requirement may be waived by the city council upon a finding that the connection to the water distribution main is not feasible for economic or physical reasons.

c.    There shall be no more than one individual water well on any parcel of land.

d.    A valid permit for the construction and use of such well shall have been issued by the Colorado Division of Water Resources.

e.    There shall not be a connection, directly or indirectly, between a well system and the city water system.

3.    Connection Required When Water Distribution Main Available. Within one year after written notification by the city that a water distribution main is available within 400 feet from any property line of the parcel of land served by an individual water well, the owner or user thereof shall connect the building utilizing said well to the water distribution main in accordance with this chapter. This requirement may be waived by the city council upon a finding that connection to the water distribution main is not feasible for economic or physical reasons.

4.    Interconnection Prohibited – Separate Service Line. Service lines shall not be connected in any manner to serve buildings or parcels of land which are not part of the site being developed, and which are not owned by the permittee. Separate buildings or accessory dwelling units on existing platted lots are required to have an individual service connection if lots can be sold separately under current zoning. In cases where service lines have been constructed from a single tap on a distribution main to parcels of land under different ownership prior to enactment of this chapter, and where a shutoff has been installed so water may be turned off to each parcel under separate ownership, and where a meter has been installed to measure the use of each parcel, these extensions shall be permitted until a distribution main is laid in a street, alley, or public right-of-way abutting these parcels of land. Within one year of notification by the city that a distribution main is available in the street, alley, or right-of-way abutting the property, any improvements thereon shall be connected thereto as required in this section. (Ord. 4-2021 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021).

12.20.030 Permits and costs.

A.    Work in Right-of-Way Permit Required.

1.    A permit is required to uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any portion of the city’s water facilities. The permit is valid for 30 days from the date of issuance. The owner or owner’s agent shall pay the required fees and acquire appropriate permit(s) prior to commencement of work. The owner or the owner’s agent shall make application in the form of a work in the right-of-way permit furnished by the city in order to gain service to the city’s water facilities. The permit application shall be supplemented by any plans, specifications or other information as required by the community development department. All applicable fees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a permit.

2.    A work in the right-of-way permit shall be secured before any person or contractor may make a connection to the city’s water facilities or expand the size of an existing building/water service line. Work shall be performed by the city or by a contractor prequalified by the public works director to complete work on city water infrastructure. Buildings destroyed and razed or rebuilt or expanded shall be given credit for up to three years for the tap size associated with the building/water service line that previously served the structure. Any increase in the quantity of flow or size of the building/water service line shall be subject to the current utility investment fee and fees associated with work in the right-of-way in effect on the day the increased building/water service line is installed, less the applicable credit. A credit is only applicable when the old building/water service line is appropriately abandoned and/or replaced. A separate utility investment fee and work in the right-of-way permit shall be required for each physical connection to the city’s water facilities and/or increases in size of the building/water service tap. The cost of a connection will be determined on the basis of the size of the building/water service line as outlined in the water system utility investment fee schedule. Abandonment of an existing tap shall be completed at the physical connection to the main in accordance with the city of Gunnison construction standards.

3.    There are three fee components associated with the use of the city’s water system. Those fees are (a) the utility investment fee; (b) the connection fee; and (c) work in the right-of-way permit fee, as applicable (GMC 9.10.010). All are required prior to issuance of a right-of-way permit required for work within any city right-of-way or easement that will result in connection to the city’s wastewater collection and treatment system.

B.    Connection Permit – Issuance – Requirements.

1.    A connection permit will not be issued nor will fees therefor be accepted until: (a) a need exists; or (b) a building permit and/or state plumbing permit has been issued.

2.    The physical installation and connection of the service line and/or water-using devices for existing and new structures shall be completed within 180 days of acquiring the connection permit.

3.    One extension of the preceding time limits may be granted by the community development department for undue and unforeseen delays caused by circumstances beyond the control of the permittee.

4.    If the permittee fails to complete the physical connections within the prescribed time limit, the connection permit shall become null and void, permit fees shall be refunded less administration fees as defined in the city of Gunnison fee table, and a reapplication for a permit will be necessary. Prior to issuance of a connection permit, all fees shall be paid. (Ord. 8-2023 § 3; Ord. 4-2021 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021).

12.20.040 Building water service line installation.

A.    General. New water service lines/buildings shall not serve properties that are not owned by the permittee.

1.    Subdivisions or sales of land that will create situations where a water service line/building could serve properties under different ownerships shall require the installation of a separate water service line/city and water service line/building to serve each of the new parcels. Original abandoned water service line/building must be disconnected. Each water service line/building requires its own isolation curb valve.

2.    Size and location of service line connections to the water distribution main must be approved by the public works department, and as-built locations of water service lines shall be furnished to the department after connection. No water service line/building which is located underneath a building in separate ownership or any improvements located on property in separate ownership shall be approved.

3.    City/water service line installation within the city right-of-way, including excavation, bedding, compaction, and backfill, shall be done by authorized agents of the city. A licensed plumber in the state of Colorado shall install water service line/buildings, including meter installation on private property, except that a homeowner may do the installation of a water service line/building on private property on which is placed a single dwelling unit of which that person is a resident. Unauthorized persons doing water service line/building installation shall be deemed in violation of this chapter.

B.    Water Service Line Specifications.

1.    All service line materials and construction shall be in accordance with the city of Gunnison construction standards.

2.    All service lines meeting the size requirements of the city engineer shall be connected to a curb stop located at the property line and such stop shall be protected by an adjustable iron box or cylinder which shall be adjusted to be level with the adjacent ground surface.

3.    In the instance of multiple valves on a service line, the curb stop valve closest to the city water main will act as the city’s curb stop and may not be at property line. In all instances with ductal iron pipe service lines the valve closest to the city water main that is supplying the service line will act as the city curb stop and may not be at property line.

4.    Service lines for commercial buildings shall be designed by a professional engineer licensed and in good standing in the state of Colorado.

C.    Costs. Construction costs for water service line installation within the city right-of-way, including material, labor, hardware, equipment use, and surface replacement (due to excavation) shall be paid by the permittee.

D.    Inspection – Tests. The permittee shall make arrangements for inspections of the service line, giving a minimum of 48 hours for the inspector to schedule same. The following inspections must be accomplished:

1.    Service line, curb stop, and adjustable cylinder (before backfill).

2.    Inspection of the service line piping from the curb stop to the exterior wall of the building in a manner approved by a duly authorized city representative. The service line shall be tested for leaks in the presence of the duly authorized city representative (prior to backfill).

3.    Bedding, compaction, and backfill (during backfill).

E.    Maintenance Responsibility.

1.    The city shall be responsible for any problems beyond the warranty period with the service line from the city water main to the curb stop.

2.    Service lines are generally intended to connect a private or commercial building to the city’s water main and are considered to be a private service connection from the curb stop to the building, not maintained by the city. The property owner shall bear all responsibility for ongoing maintenance and general upkeep of the service line and excavation from the curb stop to their building.

F.    Abandonment of Service Lines. The public works department shall determine the means for abandonment of a service line. If the city deems that a water service is no longer necessary or is to be permanently abandoned, the cost to formally abandon the line shall be borne by the owner. (Ord. 4-2021 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021).

12.20.050 Water main extensions.

A.    General – Applicability. These water main regulations apply to those portions of the city that have been legally subdivided and platted prior to the effective date of these regulations. Any portion of the city which has not been platted prior to enactment of this chapter shall comply with the requirements stated in the subdivision regulations.

B.    Length and Location of Extended Mains.

1.    All new water main extensions shall extend the full length of the property being served or developed and continue to the next adjoining property.

2.    For properties that develop in a phased plan, the internal water system shall be completed with the approved phasing and shall extend to adjacent properties within platted roadway alignments.

3.    Water mains shall be located in a public right-of-way, tract and/or easement and the location shall be approved by the director.

C.    Engineering and Design.

1.    The permittee or developer shall provide the engineering and design work completed by a professional engineer licensed and in good standing in the state of Colorado, at its cost, for extensions of water mains that will be located in developed rights-of-way, tracts and/or easements that have been previously platted and accepted.

2.    In those instances where the streets, alleys, or rights-of-way have not been opened for public use (in platted areas), the developer shall furnish engineering data and plans conforming to city regulations and construction standards. All plans shall require approval of the city engineer.

D.    Excavation and Installation of City Water Mains.

1.    The developer shall be responsible for installation of the main in accordance with the city of Gunnison construction standards and shall secure all permits and inspections as required by this chapter.

2.    Before any work is commenced or permits awarded, approval of the director must be secured.

3.    Upon completion of the water line improvements, and prior to dedicating the line to the city, the developer shall furnish as-built plans stamped by a professional engineer licensed by the state of Colorado to the public works department. The plans shall show materials, location, elevations and profiles of all components of the new water improvements, including GIS coordinates of all the major components of the new water system. Water components include but are not limited to valves, fire hydrants, bends, tees, corporation stop, curb stop, service line at right-of-way line where service enters the lot, well pump station floor, and any other notable components of the improvements.

4.    The developer’s engineer must provide a statement that any modification and/or change to the plans and specifications have been approved by the city engineer as depicted on the final as-built drawings certified as true and correct by the professional engineer on record to be submitted prior to initial acceptance of the improvements.

5.    Inspections are required as provided below:

a.    All contracted excavations for main line extension shall be installed and inspected to meet city specifications. Work shall not be covered until approved by the director.

b.    Inspections shall be required before and during the bedding of the water main. The developer must notify the duly authorized city representative for inspection a minimum of 48 hours prior to backfill placement.

c.    A pressure test, with a duly authorized city representative present, must be conducted after the water main trench is backfilled.

E.    Testing and Disinfection of Mains. Testing and disinfection of water mains and service connections shall be accomplished in accordance with the city of Gunnison construction standards.

F.    Costs – Responsibility Of.

1.    Costs of materials for water main extensions including pipe, manholes, labor and testing shall be borne by the developer. In cases where main lines will benefit multiple land owners or properties, the use of assessment districts (local improvements) is encouraged in order that the costs can be shared by all of those who benefit from the new infrastructure. Local improvements can be initiated by either the city or by petition of land owners and are addressed in Chapter 10.10 GMC.

2.    If the city requires a main to be installed which is larger than six inches and which is larger than required to serve or provide fire protection to a subdivision, if in the best interest of the city, the city shall bear the difference in cost of the hardware.

G.    Dedication of Mains to City.

1.    Upon completion of the extended main to the satisfaction of the public works department, the developer for which the water main was extended shall convey said water main to the city, relinquishing all ownership rights. This dedication will be prepared by the developer and approved by the city attorney.

2.    Upon acceptance by and conveyance to the city, the developer shall warrant the materials and workmanship of the conveyed facilities for a period of one year from date of acceptance. Upon the expiration of the warranty period, the city shall assume all responsibilities of ownership and maintenance of the main. Until the main is conveyed, the responsibility and maintenance shall be borne by the developer.

3.    No water shall be turned on to the user’s premises except for testing purposes until ownership of the main has been conveyed to the city.

H.    Extension of Mains Outside City Limits. Extension of water distribution mains to areas outside the corporate limits of the city shall require city council approval. (Ord. 4-2021 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021).

12.20.060 Water meters.

A.    General.

1.    Each city water user shall install a water meter in compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

2.    The location, size and type of every meter shall be approved by the public works department or duly authorized city employee and shall be located within three feet of an access opening which measures at least 22 inches by 24 inches in area. This opening must provide direct and immediate access to the water meter. Water meters shall be located so as to provide a clear area one foot above the meter, nine inches below and three feet in front of the meter to provide space for removal or changing of the meter. Water meters must be kept immediately accessible to city personnel for reading and maintenance and access shall be kept clear from obstructions.

3.    Meters relocated for remodeling must adhere to the rules for installation of new meters as directed by this chapter.

4.    If the water meter is not equipped with a remote reading device for normal monthly meter reading, any access means shall be kept clear of snow, ice, and debris. If the city determines that the meter access is obstructed, the city may request by mail that the user remedy the problem within 48 hours after receipt of the letter or the user’s water bill shall be estimated.

B.    Size and Maintenance of Water Meters.

1.    Water users shall pay the city for the initial supply and installation of a water meter pursuant to the fee schedule established by resolution of the city council.

2.    The city shall supply, install, maintain all meters and retain ownership of all water meters.

3.    The location, size and type of every meter shall be approved by the public works department or duly authorized city employee and shall be located within three feet of an access opening which measures at least 22 inches by 24 inches in area. This opening must provide direct and immediate access to the water meter. Water meters shall be located so as to provide a clear area one foot above the meter, nine inches below and three feet in front of the meter to provide space for removal or changing of the meter. Water meters must be kept immediately accessible to city personnel for reading and maintenance and access shall be kept clear from obstructions.

4.    Water meter installations shall be conducted in accordance with the city of Gunnison construction standards. Valves installed in the water service line on both sides of the water meter within three feet of the water meter shall be at the expense of the water user.

5.    Water meters may be removed by the city at any time for service and repair at the discretion of the city.

6.    Meters may be replaced as necessary at no cost to the user, unless replacement is due to action or inaction of the user.

C.    Water Meter Installation. Water meter installations shall be conducted in accordance with the city of Gunnison construction standards. Valves installed in the water service line on both sides of the water meter within three feet of the water meter shall be at the expense of the water user.

D.    Pit Meters.

1.    Pit meters shall be allowed only when it has been determined by the director that an inside installation is or would be impractical.

2.    When pit meters are allowed, they shall be located as near the property line as practical and be kept free from any obstructions.

3.    The pit and meter shall be installed in accordance with the city construction standards for pit meters.

E.    Protection Against Freezing.

1.    Individual dwelling unit water systems shall be capable of having the water shut off and drained independently of other dwelling units’ systems, if a multi-unit configuration.

2.    Any water user who has an individually metered service shall notify the city at least five working days prior to vacating the premises during the colder months and make arrangements for the city to remove the water meter and turn the water off at the curb valve. When the user intends to reoccupy the premises, he or she should make arrangements with the city to have the water meter reinstalled, giving the city a minimum of 48 hours to schedule same.

3.    It is the responsibility of the user to prevent the meter from freezing by adequate protection. If the water user fails to have the water meter removed prior to vacating the premises, the user shall be liable for any damage to the meter caused by freezing.

4.    The city assumes no liability for pipes, meters, or other appurtenances on private property.

F.    Safety. Water meter locations, entrances, and accesses to water meters shall be such as to provide safe entrance for city personnel to the meter for removal, repair, or monthly readings.

G.    Failure of Water Meter. If a water meter shall fail to register in any month, the user shall be charged according to the average quantity of water used in a similar period when the meter was in order. The preceding also applies to meters inaccessible due to failure to meet safety requirements of subsection (E) of this section. If access is not reasonably made available to the city for maintenance or replacement, the water meter failure fee shall be applicable. Should the owner fail to allow the city access for installation of a smart meter an additional monthly fee shall be charged for manual reading of the meter. (Ord. 10-2024 § 1; Ord. 4-2021 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021).

12.20.070 Water service charges.

A.    User Charge. The user charge shall generate adequate annual revenues to pay costs of annual operation and maintenance, including replacement, of other related waterworks system costs which the city may determine by ordinance to be paid by the user charge. User charges are outlined in the city of Gunnison fee table.

B.    Review of User Charge System. The city will review the user charge system periodically and revise user charge rates as necessary to ensure that the system generates adequate revenues to pay the costs of operation and maintenance, including replacement, and that the system continues to provide for the proportional distribution of operation and maintenance, including replacement costs, among users and user classes.

C.    Charges for Pipe Thawing and Turning On Water.

1.    If it becomes necessary to have the service line between the distribution main and the curb stop thawed, the city will provide this service at no cost to the customer.

2.    The city will not thaw pipes on private property.

3.    It shall be unlawful for anyone other than authorized city personnel to turn off or turn on water to a premises at the curb stop unless the person doing so is expressly authorized by the director to do so.

D.    Emergency Water Provisions. Whenever there is a shortage of water, and in the opinion of the city council an emergency exists, the council shall have the power to regulate watering hours or ration water use by resolution. Such resolution shall be published at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, and such power shall continue until such time as the council voids the resolution. Water usage contrary to the emergency regulations may warrant water shutoff by the city. (Ord. 4-2021 § 1 (Exh. A), 2021).