Title 18
18.05 General Provisions Revised 8/24
18.10 Definitions Revised 8/24
18.15 Establishment of Districts and District Boundaries Revised 8/24
18.20 Use Regulation for “A” Agricultural District
18.25 Use Regulation for “A-L” Agricultural-Limited District
18.30 Use Regulation for “A-R” Agricultural-Residential District
18.35 Use Regulation for “R-S” Residential-Suburban District
18.40 Use Regulation for “R-M” Residential-Multiple District
18.45 Use Regulation for “C” Commercial District
18.50 Use Regulation for “C-M” Commercial-Manufacturing District
18.55 General Regulations and Provisions of the “E-S” Environmentally Sensitive Overlay District Revised 8/24
18.60 Use Regulation for “E-S” Environmentally Sensitive Overlay District Revised 8/24
18.65 Agricultural Land Preservation Area Overlay
18.67 Airport Land Use and Height Overlay
18.70 General Regulations and Provisions
18.80 Natural Resource Protection and Preservation
18.90 Provisions for Automobile Parking
18.95 Requirements for Location of Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
18.100 Outdoor Advertising Signs and Billboards
18.110 Building Permits Revised 8/24
18.120 Exceptions and Variations of the Use, Height, and Area Regulations
18.125 Additions, Corrections and Amendments