Chapter 18.105


18.105.010    Purpose.

18.105.020    Application.

18.105.030    Procedure.

18.105.040    Site plan review standards.

18.105.050    Information on site plan.

18.105.060    Fees.

18.105.010 Purpose.

In accordance with the comprehensive plan of Black Hawk County, it is essential that new developments and structure alterations to existing developments meet established minimum standards for the design of such developments to protect existing developments, to ensure adequate provisions for public/private utilities, such as sewer, water, and roads, and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. [Ord. 36 § 25(A), 1995. Code 2009 App. A, § 25(A).]

18.105.020 Application.

Applications for all the Board of Supervisors, Planning and Zoning Commission, or Board of Adjustment action shall require the information described in BHCC 18.105.050.

A site plan for uses other than major changes, multiple residential dwelling units, commercial, office and industrial shall accompany the “building permit application.” Major changes shall include additions to an existing building which increase the existing floor area by more than 50 percent of the floor area of the building proposed to be added on to, or new buildings with a floor area exceeding 50 percent of the floor area of all existing or approved principal buildings. The applicant shall provide a site plan in duplicate drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, existing buildings, the size, shape and location of the proposed structure to be erected, and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of this chapter. A record of application and plats shall be kept in the County Zoning Office. [Ord. 119, 2013; Ord. 36 § 25(B), 1995. Code 2009 App. A, § 25(B).]

18.105.030 Procedure.

A site plan for a proposal listed in BHCC 18.105.020 shall be filed with the Zoning Administrator, who will determine if all the information is provided and adequate for review. Once all the required information is received, the Zoning Administrator shall immediately forward copies of the site plan to the County Engineer, the County Environmental Health Officer, and the District Soil Conservationist for their review and recommendation. The Zoning Administrator will place the site plan upon the agenda of the next regular meeting.

A. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall review the site plan proposal and receive a report from the County Engineer, the County Health Officer, the District Soil Conservationist, and the Zoning Administrator. The Commission shall make its determination of conditions for approval of the site plan within 60 days of the first meeting. If no action is forthcoming within the 60 days, the site plan shall be deemed approved and a building permit may be issued, provided all other approvals have been secured.

B. The developer may appeal the conditions of the Planning and Zoning Commission placed on the proposed development by notifying in writing the Board of Supervisors. Such appeal shall be made within 30 days of the Commission’s decision and shall specify what relief is requested of the Board of Supervisors. The Board shall hear said appeal as a committee of the whole within 30 days and act upon the appeal at a regular Board meeting within 60 days of appeal receipt.

C. A building permit may only be issued after Planning and Zoning Commission approval or decision of the Board of Supervisors on appeal. [Ord. 36 § 25(C), 1995. Code 2009 App. A, § 25(C).]

18.105.040 Site plan review standards.

The standards of site design listed below are intended only as minimum requirements, so that the general development pattern in rural Black Hawk County may be adjusted to a wide variety of circumstances and topography, and to ensure reasonable and orderly growth in rural Black Hawk County.

A. All proposed developments shall conform to the land use policies of the comprehensive plan of Black Hawk County; the Black Hawk County zoning ordinance; the Black Hawk County subdivision guidelines and procedure, where applicable; such other County ordinances as may pertain to such developments; and any applicable rules and regulations of the Department of Transportation, the Department of Public Health, the Department of Natural Resources, and other agencies of the state of Iowa.

B. Internal roads and streets shall be adequately constructed to accommodate the traffic generated. Entrances and exits onto public streets shall not unduly increase congestion or traffic hazards on the public streets and the proposed site.

C. The proposed development shall be designed with appropriate regard for topography, surface drainage, soil potentials, natural drainageways and streams, wooded areas, and other naturally sensitive areas which lend themselves to protection from degradation.

D. The proposed development shall be designed with adequate water supply and sewage treatment facilities and storm water drains and structures necessary to protect the public health and welfare by not overloading existing public utilities. Runoff from development shall not be outletted into roadside drainage facilities in excess of the existing runoff prior to development.

E. The proposed development shall be designed, and the buildings and improvement shall be located within the tract or parcel in such a manner as not to unduly diminish or impair the use and enjoyment of adjoining or surrounding property. And to such end, the developer shall provide for such fences, landscaping and other improvements as are proper and necessary to buffer the proposed use from the existing or potential surrounding land uses.

F. The proposed development shall be designed not to unduly increase the public danger of fire, explosion, and other safety hazards on the general public and the persons residing or working in adjoining or surrounding property. [Amended during 2014 recodification; Ord. 36 § 25(D), 1995. Code 2009 App. A, § 25(D).]

18.105.050 Information on site plan.

The purpose of the site plan is to show the facts needed to enable the Planning and Zoning Commission to determine whether the proposed development meets the requirements of this chapter and complies with the standards listed in BHCC 18.105.040.

A. The site plan shall conform to the following specifications:

1. Location map showing relationship to surrounding roads, streams, and public facilities.

2. Scale of site plan shall not be more than one inch to equal 50 feet. Scale shall be shown in legend.

3. Name and address of landowner and developer.

4. Date, north marker, name of proposed development.

5. Existing buildings, utilities, railroads, rights-of-way, easements, location, and name of existing roads, stands of trees, and drainageways.

6. Location and name of adjoining subdivisions, subdivision lots therein, and names of the adjoining landowners.

7. Existing and proposed contour lines at intervals of two feet, with a minimum of two contours, when deemed necessary.

8. Zoning district classification; type of water supply and sewage disposal and storm sewer disposal.

9. Other information as necessary to describe how the standards in BHCC 18.105.040 will be satisfied.

10. Proposed location of buildings, parking lots, etc.

B. Above said specifications may be amended, waived, or modified by the favorable vote of at least two-thirds vote of all the members of the Commission. [Ord. 36 § 25(E), 1995. Code 2009 App. A, § 25(E).]

18.105.060 Fees.

Fees pertaining to permits and actions required by this chapter shall be in accord with the schedule of fees, as adopted by resolution by the County Board of Supervisors. A copy of the schedule of fees shall be on file in the Zoning Administrator’s office. [Ord. 36 § 25(F), 1995. Code 2009 App. A, § 25(F).]