Chapter 2.05
2.05.010 Rules and bylaws.
The following rules and bylaws are adopted for the guidance and control of the board of trustees and officers of the village of Donnelly, Idaho:
A. Rule I. The rules of procedure and order of business, as prescribed in the succeeding rules, shall be adhered to by the board of trustees, unless they shall suspend such rules by vote of three-fourths of all the members of said board, and on such vote the yeas and nays shall be recorded in the minutes.
B. Rule II. Regular meetings of the city council shall be held on the third Monday in each month at 6:00 p.m. of such day, at the Donnelly Community Center in Donnelly, Idaho, as may be designated by order of said city council.
C. Rule III. The chairman may on his own motion, and shall, on the written request of any three members of the board of trustees, call a special meeting of said board in the following manner. The chairman shall notify the village clerk, in writing, of the time, place and object of such special meeting and the clerk shall serve copies of such written notice upon each trustee then in the village. No business, other than that stated in such call, shall be transacted at such special meeting.
D. Rule IV. In case of the absence of the clerk from the village, or his sickness or inability to perform his duties at any meeting of the board of trustees, the chairman may appoint some member of the board of trustees as clerk pro tempore, and such clerk pro tempore shall for the time have all powers and perform all the duties of clerk.
E. Rule V. At the hour herein provided for meetings, the board of trustees shall be called to order by the chairman, and in the absence of the chairman by some other member of the board, and the clerk shall call the roll and note those present and those absent on the minutes, whereupon the chairman, or chairman pro tempore, shall announce whether or not a quorum is present. In case no quorum be present, the members present, or if no members be present, the clerk, may adjourn the meeting from day to day until a quorum is present.
F. Rule VI. If it shall appear that a quorum is present, the board of trustees shall proceed to business, which business shall be conducted in the following order:
1. Reading, correcting and approving the minutes of the preceding meeting;
2. Reading petitions, memorials, remonstrances, and other communications;
3. Receiving, reading and acting upon reports of officers;
4. Receiving, reading and acting upon reports of standing committees and commissioners;
5. Receiving, reading and action upon reports of special committees;
6. Reading and acting upon bills and claims against the village;
7. Reading and passage of ordinances;
8. Presentation of ordinances;
9. Unfinished business;
10. Motions, resolutions and miscellaneous business.
G. Rule VII. All questions relating to priority of business shall be settled by the presiding officer in accordance with the provisions of this chapter without debate by members of the board of trustees.
H. Rule VIII. All resolutions shall be reduced to writing and shall be read by the clerk.
I. Rule IX. Motions on the subject under consideration shall have precedence in the following order:
1. The previous question;
2. To lay on the table;
3. To postpone;
4. To commit;
5. To amend.
J. Rule X. Every member of the board present shall be required to vote on all questions, and any member may call for the yeas and nays, in which case the vote of each member on the question shall be recorded in the minutes.
K. Rule XI. All committees and commissioners shall be appointed by the chairman and be approved by the board of trustees.
L. Rule XII. The following commissioners shall be appointed at the first regular meeting in May of each year:
1. Streets and alleys;
2. Water and sewer;
3. Fire and judiciary.
M. Rule XIII. The clerk shall serve all notices of special meetings of the board of trustees by delivering written notice to each trustee in person or by leaving the same at his place of business, dwelling or usual place of abode.
N. Rule XIV. All claims against the village shall be itemized, showing the date when each item of services, labor or material was furnished and the price of each item, and such claim must be approved by the officer or the committee authorizing the same and also by the finance committee before being passed upon by the trustees.
O. Rule XV. In all cases not provided for by this chapter, the business of the board of trustees shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. [Ord. 224 § 1, 2014; Ord. 75 § 1, 1980; Ord. 1 § 1, 1952.]