Chapter 2.20


2.20.010    Monies received.

2.20.020    Monies paid.

2.20.030    Notify auditor.

2.20.010 Monies received.

The village treasurer shall on or before the third Monday in each month receive from each village officer who has collected any fees or other money belonging to said village all fees and money so collected by such officer, and shall receipt such officer therefor and notify the village auditor of the payment of the same. The treasurer shall keep a true and correct account of all monies received and paid out by him showing from whom and on what account received, and to whom and on what account paid out. [Ord. 3 Art. III § 1, 1952.]

2.20.020 Monies paid.

The village treasurer shall keep a separate account of each fund or appropriation and of the debits and credits belonging thereto. He shall pay from the treasury such amounts as he may be authorized to pay for warrants duly signed by the chairman and countersigned by the village clerk, provided the warrant shows on its face for what the money is appropriated, to whom payable, and on what fund drawn, and not otherwise. Such warrant shall be his voucher therefor. [Ord. 3 Art. III § 2, 1952.]

2.20.030 Notify auditor.

The village treasurer shall immediately notify the village auditor of any monies paid by said treasurer for said village, and the same shall be by said auditor charged to said treasurer. [Ord. 3 Art. III § 3, 1952.]