Chapter 18.135


18.135.010    Purpose.

18.135.020    Applicability.

18.135.030    Procedures.

18.135.040    Application.

18.135.050    Criteria for review.

18.135.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the design review guidelines is to preserve the historic, architectural, and neighborhood significance of the central business district; to eliminate blighted areas; to promote a pedestrian oriented community; to reduce the visual impact of parking lots; and to promote business in the district by creating a safe and comfortable place to shop and obtain services. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.135.020 Applicability.

All new construction, exterior remodels, and additions in the central business district, mixed-use district, and general commercial district, and where specified in this title, are subject to the design review process. All duplex, triplex, and other multifamily buildings, and all self-storage/mini-storage buildings, within the city, regardless of the zone in which they are proposed, and other buildings proposed for the light industrial zone are subject to design review. [Ord. 263 § 2, 2023; Ord. 234 § 1, 2017; Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.135.030 Procedures.

A. The city clerk shall transmit applications and supporting documentation to the city council for design review.

B. The city council shall review the application without a public hearing and will approve, approve with conditions or modifications, or deny the application within 15 days of the review.

C. The city clerk shall provide written notice to the applicant of the city council’s decision within 10 days following the action.

D. Design Review Consultant. At the discretion of the administrator, after consultation with the mayor, the administrator may hire a design review consultant to assist in the review of certain applications. A design review consultant may be engaged to assist with large or complex design review applications. A design review consultant may also be engaged by the city to review any proposed modifications to the city’s design review processes and standards. [Ord. 259 § 1, 2022; Ord. 234 § 1, 2017; Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.135.040 Application.

A. Applications shall be submitted to the administrator and shall contain at least the following information:

1. Name, address, and phone number of the applicant.

2. Proof of legal interest in the subject property.

3. Description of the proposed use.

4. A plan of the proposed site, drawn to scale, showing the location of all buildings, parking and loading areas, snow storage areas, traffic access and circulation, open spaces, easements, existing and proposed grade, landscaping, exterior lighting, refuse and service areas, utilities, signs, and property lines.

5. A separate plan showing all exterior elevations of the proposed structure or improvements to an existing structure.

6. A fee established by city council resolution.

7. Eight copies of the above information. The administrator may request additional copies.

B. Applications for projects that include 250 or less square feet of new construction shall be submitted a minimum of 15 working days prior to the city council meeting for which the design review will occur. Applications for projects that include 251 square feet or more of new construction shall be submitted a minimum of 30 working days prior to the city council meeting for which the design review and associated public hearing will occur. [Ord. 259 § 1, 2022; Ord. 234 § 1, 2017; Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.135.050 Criteria for review.

The city council shall use the following criteria in evaluating applications for design review:

A. The siting of proposed buildings, improvements, signs and fences, and other structures which may impact adjacent properties.

B. The proposed improvements are sited to meet the driveway and parking standards of Chapter 18.90 DCC. Unobstructed access for emergency vehicles, snow plows and similar service vehicles is provided and is appropriate for the size of the development.

C. Adequate snow storage is provided. If off-site snow storage is proposed, the designated area shall provide adequate drainage to accommodate the snow. The applicant shall provide written evidence that the snow storage will be permitted at the proposed site.

D. The siting of proposed improvements minimizes interference with natural drainage and is designed to be contained on site.

E. All proposed signs are designed and located according the standards of Article II of Chapter 18.95 DCC and are consistent with the architectural character of the structures.

F. Building design includes weather protection that prevents water from dripping or snow from sliding onto pedestrian or vehicle areas or onto adjacent properties.

G. The architectural style is that of Pioneer Victorian, according to the Donnelly comprehensive plan. Examples of the style can be found in Roseberry.

H. Building walls which are exposed to streets are designed proportionally to human scale through the use of stepped building walls, windows, balconies, mixture of materials, textures and color, or other architectural means.

I. Fences and screens are designed to be consistent with the architectural character.

J. The site plan provides for safe and uninhibited pedestrian traffic.

K. Lighting of the site and structures complies with DCC 18.30.070 and all improvements are designed to minimize light and sound emanating to other properties.

L. Areas not used for buildings, parking areas, or other improvements are landscaped.

M. Any portion of a self-storage/mini-storage building that faces a street or property line shall be prohibited from utilizing metal siding and shall utilize materials, as to be determined by the city council, that do not portray the stark utilitarian look of metal siding. [Ord. 263 § 3, 2023; Ord. 259 § 1, 2022; Ord. 230, 2016.]