Chapter 18.30


Article I. General Requirements

18.30.010    Hazardous conditions unlawful.

Article II. Standards

18.30.020    Drainage.

18.30.030    Sediment and erosion control.

18.30.040    Infrastructure.

18.30.050    Landscaping.

18.30.060    Fire hazard mitigation standards.

18.30.070    Outdoor lighting.

18.30.080    Accessory buildings.

18.30.090    Home occupations.

18.30.100    Manufactured homes.

18.30.110    Travel trailers and recreational vehicles.

18.30.120    Sidewalk, curb and gutter and/or pathways.

Article I. General Requirements

18.30.010 Hazardous conditions unlawful.

No land or building in the city of Donnelly shall be used or occupied in any manner creating dangerous, injurious, noxious, or any other objectionable conditions which could adversely affect the surrounding areas or adjoining premises. Appropriate measures shall be taken to reduce dangerous and objectionable conditions to acceptable limits as established by the following requirements:

A. Fire Hazards. Any activity involving the use or storage of flammable or explosive materials shall be protected by adequate fire fighting and fire prevention equipment and by such safety devices as are normally used in the handling of any such material. Such hazards shall be kept removed from adjacent activities to a distance which is compatible with the potential danger involved as specified in the International Fire Code.

B. Radioactivity or Electrical Disturbances. No activity shall emit harmful radioactivity or electrical disturbances.

C. Noise. Objectionable noise as determined by the commission which is due to volume, frequency, or beat shall be muffled or otherwise controlled. The commission may set standards for maximum noise levels.

D. Vibration. Vibration which can be detected without instruments of any adjoining lot or property shall be prohibited.

E. Air and Water Pollution. Air and water pollution shall be subject to the requirements and regulations established by the state of Idaho. All users shall be connected to the city of Donnelly sewer and water system and comply with the requirements for using the system.

F. Glare. No direct or reflected glare shall be permitted which is visible from any property.

G. Erosion. No erosion by man, wind or water shall be permitted which will carry objectionable substances onto neighboring properties.

H. Objectionable Odors. Improper storage or materials, garbage or impoundment of wastewater which may attract and aid the propagation of insects or rodents and/or cause an objectionable order is prohibited. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

Article II. Standards

18.30.020 Drainage.

A drainage plan and report prepared by a registered professional engineer is required for all new commercial and industrial developments and subdivisions. The plan shall comply with the city of Donnelly’s drainage plan and will be reviewed and approved by the city engineer at the owner’s expense. Drainage from all other projects within the city shall be designed in such a manner that it does not impact the neighboring properties, and shall comply with International Building Code 2006 adopted by the city of Donnelly. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.030 Sediment and erosion control.

A sediment and erosion control plan, reviewed and approved by the city engineer, is required for all construction and land disturbing activity within the city. This plan shall assure compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act and establish methods to control sediment discharges, soil erosion, fugitive dust, and tracking of debris onto the public right-of-way. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.040 Infrastructure.

A. All new structures shall be connected to a central sewer and water system if the structure is within 300 feet of the utilities. No structures or landscaping of any kind shall interfere with access to a utility easement.

B. All new development or major alteration to existing structures shall install utilities underground. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.050 Landscaping.

All areas not actually used for structures, drives, walks and improved parking shall be landscaped, unless an alternative site plan is approved by the commission. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.060 Fire hazard mitigation standards.

A. Fire hazard area is land on which there is vegetation that is prone to fire, where there is heavy fuel loading, where fuels are arranged in close continuity, where timber management slash exists, or where wildfires are likely to be difficult to suppress and become a threat to public safety.

B. In the event of a dispute whether lands should be considered to be within the fire hazard area, the decision of the fire chief shall be final.

C. In fire hazard areas, a fire-defensible zone of 30 feet wide shall be created around all dwellings and shall comply with the following standards:

1. Within that zone all grasses shall be kept at or below six inches in height.

2. Shrubs and trees are thinned to a spacing of 10 feet or more.

3. Conifers over 16 feet in height are limbed to a height of eight feet above the ground.

4. Dead and down wood is removed.

5. No tree shall be permitted to overhang a chimney.

6. All slash will be removed within 12 months of its creation. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.070 Outdoor lighting.

All exterior lighting shall use full cut-off luminaries with the light source downcast and fully shielded, with the following exceptions:

A. Luminaries that have a maximum output of 400 lumens per fixture, regardless of number of lamps (equal to one 40-watt incandescent light), may be left unshielded, provided the luminary has an opaque top or is under an opaque structure.

B. Luminaries that have a maximum output of 1,000 lumens per fixture, regardless of number of lamps (equal to one 60-watt incandescent light) may be partially shielded, provided the lamp is not visible and the luminary has an opaque top or is under an opaque structure.

C. Floodlights with external shielding shall be angled; provided, that no light is directed above a 25-degree angle measured from the vertical line from the center of the light extended to the ground, and only if the luminary does not cause glare or light to shine on adjacent property or public rights-of-way.

D. Holiday lighting.

E. Sensor-activated luminary, provided it is located in such a manner as to prevent glare and lighting onto properties of others or into a public right-of-way.

F. Vehicular lights and all temporary emergency lighting needed by the fire and police departments, or other emergency services.

G. Uplighting for flags provided the flag is of a government and the maximum lumen output is 1,300 lumens. Flags are encouraged to be taken down at sunset to avoid the need for lighting.

H. Lighting of radio communication towers provided the owner or occupant demonstrates that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations can only be met through the use of lighting that does not comply with this title.

I. Airport Lighting. Lighting at Donald D. Coski Memorial Airport, provided the owner or occupant demonstrates that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations can only be met through the use of lighting that does not comply with this chapter.

J. Neon Lights. Neon lights permitted pursuant to Article II of Chapter 18.95 DCC.

K. Luminaries used for playing fields shall be exempt from the height restriction provided all other provisions of this chapter are met and the light is used only while the field is in use. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.080 Accessory buildings.

A. Detached accessory buildings which do not require a building permit may be located within the side and/or rear yard setback, providing that a minimum three-foot clear space is maintained between said accessory building and any other structure on the property, and a three-foot clear space is maintained between said accessory building and any property line.

B. Detached accessory buildings which do not require a building permit and are located within the side and/or rear yard setback shall have a maximum bearing wall height of eight feet and a maximum building height of 12 feet.

C. In the case where an alley is located along the side or rear lot line of the property, a two-foot setback is required for any accessory building. A six-foot horizontal separation between any accessory building and a water meter shall be maintained. (Water meter and water service line locations may be moved at the property owner’s expense, subject to notification and approval by the city.) [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.090 Home occupations.

Home occupations, where permitted, shall meet the following requirements:

A. The home occupation shall not change the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood.

B. Exterior advertising shall be limited to one sign not to exceed six square feet in size.

C. There shall be no sale or rental of stocks, supplies, or products conducted on the premises.

D. There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of material or equipment associated with the home occupation.

E. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odors, heat, or glare noticeable at or beyond the property lines.

F. The home occupation shall not create the need for additional parking.

G. There shall be no significant increase in traffic in the vicinity of the dwelling as a result of the home occupation.

H. Storage of explosive, combustible or hazardous materials shall conform to the regulations and restrictions adopted by the city in the International Building Code. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.100 Manufactured homes.

Manufactured homes, not located in manufactured/mobile home parks, shall meet the following minimum requirements:

A. Shall have a minimum floor area of 690 square feet;

B. The manufactured home shall be multi-sectional;

C. The manufactured home shall be placed on a permanent foundation that meets the Idaho Manufactured Homes Installation Standard, July 1, 2000, as amended;

D. The manufactured home shall have exterior roofing and siding which is similar in material, texture and color to material commonly used throughout the neighborhood or subdivision in which the manufactured home is to be located. Determinations on appropriateness of material shall be made by the administrator;

E. For the purposes of the flood hazard overlay a manufactured home shall be subject to all residential restrictions imposed;

F. Any changes or additions made to a manufactured home shall meet the International Building Code as adopted by the city of Donnelly. All changes and additions require a city of Donnelly building permit;

G. For all zoning districts, manufactured homes are subject to all restrictions applicable to single family dwellings in that district, and all applicable subdivision and planned unit development covenants. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.110 Travel trailers and recreational vehicles.

A. Camping in tents or recreational vehicles is prohibited on undeveloped lots except where camping serves as temporary housing for the owners or construction workers during actual construction of a building on the lot pursuant to an issued building permit. In no case shall the camping be permitted for a longer period of time than that required for construction of the building. The use shall meet all health requirements, including potable water, sewer services and garbage collection service.

B. Nothing in this section shall prevent a homeowner from allowing guests to camp on the homeowner’s property for up to 14 days out of every 30-day period. Camping in excess of 14 days is prohibited. Each day of camping in excess of the 14 days is a separate violation of this title. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.30.120 Sidewalk, curb and gutter and/or pathways.

Sidewalks, curbs and gutters and/or pathways shall be required in keeping with the city of Donnelly’s master transportation plan and/or city of Donnelly’s downtown master plan. [Ord. 230, 2016.]