Chapter 18.70


18.70.010    Purpose.

18.70.020    Permitted uses.

18.70.030    Conditional uses.

18.70.040    Accessory uses.

18.70.050    Development standards.

18.70.060    Additional regulations.

18.70.070    Conflicting and prohibited uses.

18.70.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the light industrial district (LI) is to provide areas for light industrial operations and limited related (or associated) retail sales. “Limited related retail sales” is defined as restricted to retail sales clearly associated with and secondary to the permitted use and of the type not normally located in downtown business districts; e.g., the retail sale of auto parts by an auto dealership. The area is characterized by outdoor display areas, industrial and service-type traffic usage and patterns, and light manufacturing or construction-related services. The intent is to group these uses that demand similar circulation patterns and service requirements together and provide regulations to preserve the integrity of the industrial uses while ensuring the health, welfare and safety of the community. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.70.020 Permitted uses.

Permitted uses for the LI district are limited to the following:

A. Assembly and packaging firms.

B. Automobile body and fender operations.

C. Automobile sales.

D. Building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing contractors.

E. Car washing facilities.

F. Construction and building supply sales.

G. Fabrication of wood, metal, plastic or other materials.

H. Industrial laundry/dry cleaning service and distribution establishments.

I. Landscape design, installation and maintenance firms.

J. Light manufacturing.

K. Nurseries and garden centers.

L. Offices.

M. Printing and publishing establishments.

N. Processing and sales of firewood.

O. Public service, public use, and public utility facilities.

P. Rental facilities, including truck and trailer rental and contractor rental yards.

Q. Refined wood products operations.

R. Research and development.

S. Sales, rental, and servicing of trailers, mobile homes, farm implements and heavy equipment.

T. Service stations.

U. Sports equipment manufacturing.

V. Storage facilities, personal and commercial.

W. Telecommunication broadcasting studios.

X. Warehouse and storage facilities.

Y. Wholesale distributors. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.70.030 Conditional uses.

Conditional uses for the LI district are limited to the following:

A. Veterinary clinics and animal hospitals.

B. Indoor recreational facilities primarily for instruction.

C. Personal wireless service facilities or wireless communications facilities, in accordance with Chapter 18.105 DCC.

D. Temporary structures. [Ord. 238 § 1, 2018; Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.70.040 Accessory uses.

Accessory uses in the LI district are limited to the following:

A. Storage buildings.

B. All personal wireless service facilities or wireless communications facilities mounted on existing buildings or structures upon issuance of a wireless permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.105 DCC.

C. Aboveground combustible liquid tanks.

D. Aboveground flammable liquid tanks. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.70.050 Development standards.

A. Minimum lot size: 6,000 square feet.

B. Minimum lot width: 60 feet.

C. Maximum lot coverage: Not more than 75 percent of the lot shall be covered by buildings.

D. Maximum height of buildings or structures: 35 feet.

E. Minimum front yard setback: 30 feet.

F. Minimum side and rear yard setback: 10 feet, except where the subject property is located adjacent to any residential districts, in which case the side and rear yard setback shall be 25 feet.

G. Flanking street: 20 feet from any street.

H. Maximum building coverage: Buildings or structures containing an individual retail trade or a grouped retail trade shall be limited to an aggregate building coverage of 25,000 square feet. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.70.060 Additional regulations.

A. All materials, with the exception of trees and plant materials stored on the premises, and all machinery and vehicles other than those for sale or display or parked temporarily shall be stored within a building or within a wall or fence not less than five nor more than six feet in height. Subject to approval of the administrator, earth berms and landscaping with sufficient height and density may be substituted for a wall or fence.

B. Landscaping shall be provided and maintained in all required yards.

C. Landscape screening shall be provided and maintained in the required yards adjacent to any residential districts to protect these areas from undue intrusion of noise, light, odors, and other influences. Such landscaping shall, at a minimum, consist of:

1. A hedge, berm, solid wall, or solid fence not less than five or more than eight feet in height along any side or rear yards.

2. One row of deciduous or evergreen trees or a mixture of each placed no further apart than 15 feet.

3. Lawn, low-growing evergreen shrub, evergreen or ground cover on the balance of the required landscaped yards. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.70.070 Conflicting and prohibited uses.

Conflicting uses are those that are incompatible with the permitted uses in the LI district and shall be prohibited within the district and shall require buffering if adjacent to the LI district. These prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, the following:

A. Churches.

B. Heavy industry.

C. Hospitals.

D. Motels.

E. Nursing homes.

F. Residential.

G. Restaurants.

H. Schools. [Ord. 230, 2016.]