Chapter 18.65


18.65.010    Purpose.

18.65.020    Permitted uses.

18.65.030    Conditional uses.

18.65.040    Accessory uses.

18.65.050    Development standards.

18.65.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the general commercial district (C) is to provide areas for general business and commercial activities, areas of employment, and a limited number of residential uses. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.65.020 Permitted uses.

In addition to all uses listed in the CBD, the following are permitted uses in the C district:

A. Automobile sales and service.

B. Car washing facility.

C. Day care businesses.

D. Department stores.

E. Hybrid production facilities.

F. Offices not requiring outside storage.

G. Medical facilities.

H. Nurseries and garden centers.

I. Rental facilities, tools and small equipment.

J. Service stations.

K. Storage facilities, enclosed, personal, and commercial.

L. Supply yards.

M. Theaters. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.65.030 Conditional uses.

Conditional uses for the C district are limited to the following:

A. Public service, public use, and public utility facilities.

B. Outpatient animal services or kennels.

C. Churches.

D. Personal wireless service facilities or wireless communications facilities, excluding freestanding towers, in accordance with Chapter 18.105 DCC (freestanding towers are prohibited).

E. Aboveground flammable liquid tanks utilized by a public use.

F. Temporary structures.

G. Seasonal trailer parks. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.65.040 Accessory uses.

Accessory uses for the C district are limited to the following:

A. Storage buildings.

B. Detached garages.

C. All personal wireless service facilities or wireless communications facilities mounted on existing buildings or structures upon issuance of a wireless permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.105 DCC.

D. Aboveground combustible liquid tanks. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.65.050 Development standards.

A. Minimum lot size: none.

B. Minimum lot width: none.

C. Maximum building or structure height: 35 feet.

D. Maximum building coverage: no more than 60 percent of the lot shall be covered with buildings.

E. Front setback: 30 feet.

F. Side setback: zero where buildings are attached or a maintenance agreement is provided, otherwise 10 feet.

G. Flanking street: five feet.

H. Rear setback: five feet where there is an alley, otherwise 20 feet.

I. Flanking alley: five feet.

J. Accessory structures shall be placed in the rear yard.

K. Seasonal recreational vehicle (RV) parks shall meet the following minimum requirements:

1. Minimum park width: 100 feet.

2. Minimum front yard setback for the park: 25 feet.

3. Minimum side and rear yard setbacks for the park: 25 feet.

4. Maximum building height: 30 feet.

5. Every RV space shall be connected to the water and sewer systems.

6. Every RV space shall have a concrete pad.

7. Usable open space at a minimum of 25 percent of the total lot area, excluding paved areas.

8. Sanitary service building connection to city sewer and water and a method for refuse disposal.

9. A minimum of 10 feet of clear space shall be provided between each RV. [Ord. 230, 2016.]