Chapter 18.60


18.60.010    Purpose.

18.60.020    Permitted uses.

18.60.030    Conditional uses.

18.60.040    Accessory uses.

18.60.050    Development standards.

18.60.060    Design review standards.

18.60.070    Nonconforming buildings.

18.60.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the central business district (CBD) is to promote the health, safety, and welfare of current and future residents of the city of Donnelly; to regulate the uses permitted in this district in order to better respond to the unique conditions and circumstances of the original Donnelly town site; to encourage infill while retaining neighborhood character; to increase the compatibility and lessen the degree of nonconformity of existing structures; to create sufficient flexibility to allow for desirable development; to conserve building resources and historic structures; and to enhance neighborhoods with increased pedestrian orientation, all in accordance with the city of Donnelly comprehensive plan, for the desirable future development of the city of Donnelly. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.60.020 Permitted uses.

A. Artisan shops.

B. Banks and financial institutions.

C. Business and personal services.

D. Combination dwelling and commercial, provided the commercial use is also a permitted use.

E. Dwelling units, to include apartment houses.

F. Eating and drinking places.

G. Hotels, motels, and rooming houses (including bed and breakfast).

H. Indoor recreation.

I. Laundromats.

J. Professional offices and buildings.

K. Public parks, hiking, riding, biking, and ski trails and easements.

L. Retail stores. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.60.030 Conditional uses.

A. Drive-through businesses.

B. Dry cleaners.

C. Funeral homes.

D. Medical facilities.

E. Public service facilities.

F. Commercial parking lots.

G. Day care businesses. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.60.040 Accessory uses.

A. One attached or detached accessory dwelling unit shall be allowed as an accessory use to a single-family dwelling, or a commercial use.

B. Storage buildings.

C. Detached garages. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.60.050 Development standards.

A. Minimum lot size: none.

B. Minimum lot width: none.

C. Maximum building or structure height: 35 feet.

D. Minimum front setbacks: zero.

E. Side setback: zero where buildings are attached or a deeded maintenance agreement is provided, otherwise five feet.

F. Flanking street setback: zero.

G. Flanking alley setback: zero.

H. Accessory dwelling units shall have a minimum gross floor area of 300 square feet and a maximum gross floor area of 950 square feet.

I. Total lot coverage of all buildings on any property that includes an accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed 60 percent.

J. Single-family dwellings shall meet the development standards of the medium density residential district.

K. Required parking shall have alley access where any lot is adjacent to such alley.

L. Snow storage shall be provided either on site or off site. A minimum area not less than 10 percent of any parking lot shall be provided for snow storage.

M. Accessory structures shall be placed in the rear yard. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.60.060 Design review standards.

All new buildings and structures in the CBD are subject to design review by the Donnelly planning and zoning commission and shall meet the design review guidelines set forth in Chapter 18.135 DCC. [Ord. 230, 2016.]

18.60.070 Nonconforming buildings.

Where an existing building is nonconforming with respect to setbacks, expansion of said building within the plane of the furthest intrusion shall be permitted; provided, that the nonconformity with respect to the distance of the setback is not further increased. Such expansion shall not be considered to be increasing the degree of nonconformity pursuant to Chapter 18.85 DCC. [Ord. 230, 2016.]