Chapter 5-106


5-106-010    Definitions.

5-106-020    License required.

5-106-030    License application.

5-106-040    Location.

5-106-050    Occupancy limited.

5-106-060    Conformance to other codes.

5-106-070    Number of licenses.

5-106-080    Inspection.

5-106-090    License fee.

5-106-100    Existing sheltered care homes.

5-106-010 Definitions.

For the purposes of this chapter

“Maintenance” means food, shelter and laundry.

“Other homes or agencies eliminated,” for the purpose of this chapter, the following are specifically eliminated as “sheltered care homes,” to-wit:

1.    A home, institution or other place operated by the federal government or agency thereof, or by the state of Illinois;

2.    A hospital, sanitarium, or other institution whose principal activity or business is the care and treatment of persons suffering from mental or nervous diseases;

3.    A hospital, sanitarium or other institution whose principal activity or business is the diagnosis, care and treatment of human illness through the maintenance and operation of organized facilities therefor

4.    Any child welfare agency, maternity hospital or lying-in home required to be licensed by the state;

5.    A nursing home licensed by the city;

6.    Any facility for child care as defined in the “Child Care Act” of the state of Illinois, approved July 10, 1957, as amended.

“Personal care” means assistance with meals, dressing, movement, bathing or other personal needs or general supervision and overseeing of the physical well being of an individual exclusive of nursing who, because of age, physical incapacity or imperfection, or deterioration of mentality, is incapable of maintaining a private, independent residence, or who is incapable of managing his person, whether or not a conservator has been appointed for such individual care.

“Sheltered care” means maintenance and personal care.

“Sheltered care home” means any private boarding home, institution, building, residence or other place, whether operated for profit or nonprofit, licensed under this chapter which, through its ownership or management provides shelter care to a minimum of three but not more than sixteen adult persons who are not related to the applicant or owner by blood or marriage who, by reason of physical infirmity, require personal care. (Ord. 2910 § 5 (Par. D.), 1995; prior code § 5-56-1)

5-106-020 License required.

No person shall open, conduct, manage, maintain or operate a sheltered care home without first obtaining a license therefor as hereinafter provided. (Prior code § 5-56-2)

5-106-030 License application.

Any person desiring such license shall make application in writing to the clerk. Such application in writing shall conform to the general provisions of this chapter relating to applications for licenses and shall state the location of the proposed site for the sheltered care home, its purpose; the manner in which it is to be conducted, maintained and operated; the accommodations available for the residents thereof; the nature and kind of care; and any and all other pertinent information required to administer the sheltered care home for which a license is requested. (Prior code § 5-56-3)

5-106-040 Location.

Any sheltered care home, licensed hereunder shall be restricted to areas zoned for two-family residences, shall not be located within three-fourths of one mile of a duly licensed shelter care home, and shall not be located on a site which fronts upon or is adjacent to an arterial street. (Prior code § 5-56-4)

5-106-050 Occupancy limited.

No sheltered care homes shall serve more than sixteen adult persons, and, if two or more homes are physically connected by a passageway for the convenience of the occupants thereof, the occupancy of any one of the homes so connected shall not exceed sixteen adult persons. (Prior code § 5-56-5)

5-106-060 Conformance to other codes.

Each sheltered care home licensed hereunder shall conform to all codes and/or ordinances of the city. (Prior code § 5-56-6).

5-106-070 Number of licenses.

The city council deems it in the best interests of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare that the number of licenses to be issued hereunder for sheltered care homes shall be limited to seven in number, until the further consideration of the council. (Prior code § 5-56-7)

5-106-080 Inspection.

It shall be the duty of the health officer, the building inspector and the fire chief upon presentation of such application to make or cause to be made an inspection of the premises where the proposed sheltered care home shall be located. (Prior code § 5-56-8)

5-106-090 License fee.

The license fee to be paid annually for a sheltered care home shall be based on the number of employees as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; Ord. 3221 § 28, 2009; Ord. 1921 (part), 1972; prior code § 5-56-9)

5-106-100 Existing sheltered care homes.

Any sheltered care home as defined in Section 5-106-010, now operating in the city, upon effective date of this chapter, under a rooming house or boarding home license shall be entitled to the issuance of a sheltered care home license. Any such sheltered care home shall continue to operate on the basis of a nonconforming use established as of the effective date of this chapter. In the event any sheltered care home under this section shall cease to operate or attempt to expand, or alter its operation in any respect whatsoever, said sheltered care home will be required to conform in every respect to the conditions and requirements of this chapter. (Prior code § 5-56-10)