Chapter 5-48
5-48-040 Building regulations.
5-48-050 Temperature requirements.
5-48-010 Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
“Food” means and includes any edible or beverage used or intended for human consumption.
“Food refrigeration locker plant” means and includes any establishment wherein compartments are rented, leased or made available to other than the owner of the establishment for the refrigeration of food. (Prior code § 5-40-1)
5-48-020 License application.
No person shall operate a food refrigeration locker plant without having first secured a license therefor. Application for such license shall conform to the provisions of this code relative thereto. In addition to all other information contained in such application, it shall state the number of units maintained on the premises, and the size of each unit; and each application shall also state whether a unit is maintained in which food will be stored belonging to several individuals in addition to the separate units rented to other than the owner of the premises. (Prior code § 5-40-2)
5-48-030 Fee.
The annual fee for a food refrigeration plant license shall be as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; Ord. 3316 § 2 (part), 2015: Ord. 3221 § 17, 2009; Ord. 1921 (part), 1972; prior code § 5-40-3)
5-48-040 Building regulations.
No food refrigeration locker plant shall be operated or conducted in a building which is not constructed in full compliance with the provisions of this code; and no such plant shall be operated in a frame building, nor in any building other than one where the floors are so constructed as to bear a live load of one hundred (100) pounds per square foot. (Prior code § 5-40-4)
5-48-050 Temperature requirements.
No food shall be stored in any such plant unless such food has been frozen to a temperature of zero degrees Fahrenheit (0°F) or below before being so stored; and the lockers or compartments used for the refrigerated storage of food must be kept at all times at a temperature of below fifteen degrees Fahrenheit (15°F). (Prior code § 5-40-5)
5-48-060 Wiring.
The wiring of the refrigeration plant shall conform to the provisions of this code relative to electric wiring and to the installation of refrigeration units. (Prior code § 5-40-6)
5-48-070 Premises.
All premises used for the operation of a refrigeration locker plant shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall be thoroughly cleaned of all refuse, dust and debris at least once in every twenty-four (24) hours. It is unlawful to store or keep in such plants any unwholesome, spoiled, contaminated or adulterated food. (Prior code § 5-40-7)
5-48-080 State laws.
No license shall be issued for any food refrigeration locker plant which does not comply with the laws of the state pertaining thereto. (Prior code § 5-40-8)