Chapter 10-60
10-60-010 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited.
10-60-020 Stopping, standing or parking in alleys.
10-60-030 Parking near theater buildings.
10-60-040 Parking adjacent to schools and playgrounds.
10-60-050 Parking on public property.
10-60-060 Parking of trucks restricted.
10-60-070 Limited night and winter parking.
10-60-080 Parking limited during snow removal.
10-60-090 Limited winter parking on boulevards.
10-60-100 Handicapped parking.
10-60-010 Stopping, standing or parking prohibited.
It is unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to stop, stand or park such vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with directions of a police officer or official traffic sign or signal:
A. Within an intersection;
B. On a crosswalk;
C. Upon any bridge, or viaduct, or in any subway and the approaches thereto;
D. Between a safety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty (30) feet of a point on the curb immediately opposite the end of a safety zone;
E. Within thirty (30) feet of an official traffic signal or stop sign on the approaching side;
F. Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an intersection;
G. At any curb within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant
H. At any place within twenty (20) feet of the entrance to any fire station, and on the side of any street opposite the entrance to any fire station within seventy-five (75) feet of said entrance;
I. At any place where the standing of any vehicle will block the use of any driveway;
J. On any sidewalk;
K. Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when such stopping, standing or parking would obstruct traffic;
L. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a street;
M. At any place where official traffic signs have been erected prohibiting stopping, standing or parking;
N. Within fifty (50) feet of the nearest rail of a railroad crossing;
O. Along the curb for a distance of a minimum of twenty (20) feet at an official bus stop;
P. In an alley within twenty (20) feet of the inner sidewalk line projected across such alley;
Q. Under the lowest portion of any fire escape;
R. Upon a railroad track or between any railroad and a line parallel with and ten feet distant from the outer rail thereof;
S. Upon any parkway except in case of emergency. (Ord. 1668 § 13.1, 1964)
10-60-020 Stopping, standing or parking in alleys.
A. No persons shall stop, stand or park any vehicle in any alley for a period of time longer than is necessary for the reasonable expeditious loading or unloading of such vehicle.
B. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in such a manner or under such conditions as to leave available less than ten feet of the width of the roadway for the free movement of vehicular traffic.
C. No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in such position as to block the driveway or entrance to any abutting property. (Ord. 1668 § 13.2, 1964)
10-60-030 Parking near theater buildings.
The operator of a vehicle shall not park such vehicle on the same side of the street with and in front of any entrance or exit of any theater building nor in any public way, in which such theater building is located, during the hours such theater is open to the public, for the uses permitted therein. (Ord. 1668 § 13.3, 1964)
10-60-040 Parking adjacent to schools and playgrounds.
A. The superintendent of public works is authorized to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side of any street adjacent to any school property or playground when such parking would, in his opinion, interfere with traffic or create a hazardous situation.
B. When official signs are erected indicating no parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school property or playground, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. (Ord. 1668 § 13.4, 1964)
10-60-050 Parking on public property.
It is unlawful for any person to park a vehicle upon any property owned by the city and used for the transaction of public business where such parking is prohibited by order of the custodian of such property. This section shall not apply to city-owned vehicles or to other vehicles whose operation is useful or essential to the proper functioning of the department, board or commission occupying the property. The custodian of the property shall post “No Parking” signs indicating the foregoing prohibition. (Ord. 1668 § 13.5, 1964)
10-60-060 Parking of trucks restricted.
A. No person shall stand or park any truck, tractor, semi-trailer, trailer, or bus on any residential street for a longer period than is necessary for the reasonably expeditious loading or unloading of such vehicle, except that a driver of a bus may park such bus in a designated bus stand as is provided elsewhere in this title.
B. No person shall stand or park any truck, tractor, semi-trailer, trailer or bus on any business street in the city for a longer period than sixty (60) minutes or for such time as is necessary for the reasonably expeditious loading or unloading of such vehicle, except that a driver of a bus may park such bus in a designated bus stand as is provided elsewhere in this title.
C. Any vehicle parked in violation of this section is declared to be a nuisance which may be abated by any police officer by removing such vehicle to the city vehicle pound or to an authorized garage. (Ord. 1668 § 14.2, 1964)
10-60-070 Limited night and winter parking.
It is unlawful to park any vehicle for a period of time longer than three minutes for loading or unloading of passengers or thirty (30) minutes for loading and unloading of property at any place, whether designated as a loading zone or not so designated, on any through street or any street upon which a motor bus line is operated, between the hours of six a.m. and nine a.m. of any day of each year, or at any time after snow begins to fall and for a period of eight hours after snow stops falling, if the snow on the streets exceeds one inch in depth, provided that said eight-hour parking restriction shall continue during snow removal operations until completed. The superintendent of public works has power, subject to the approval of the city council, to designate by appropriate signs any place on any other street where no parking is permitted during the hours and under the conditions described in this section. (Ord. 1668 § 14.3, 1964)
10-60-080 Parking limited during snow removal.
It is unlawful to park any vehicle for a period of time longer than three minutes for loading and unloading of passengers, or thirty (30) minutes for loading and unloading of property in any place, whether designated as a loading zone or not so designated, at any time after snow begins to fall and for a period of eight hours after snow stops falling, if the snow on the street exceeds one inch in depth, provided that said eight-hour parking restriction shall continue during snow removal operations until completed. (Ord. 1668 § 14.4, 1964)
10-60-090 Limited winter parking on boulevards.
It is unlawful to park any vehicle for a period of time longer than three minutes for loading and unloading of passengers, or thirty (30) minutes for loading and unloading of property at any place, whether designated as a loading zone or not so designated, on any boulevard upon which a motor bus line is operated, between the hours of one a.m. and seven am. after the fifteenth day of November and before the first day of April of each year or at any time after snow begins to fall and for a period of eight hours after snow stops falling, if the snow on the street exceeds one inch in depth, provided said eight-hour parking restriction shall continue during snow removal operations until completed. (Ord. 1668 § 14.5, 1964)
10-60-100 Handicapped parking.
A. Handicapped parking spaces are established. Upon recommendation by the director of planning and development, the city council may designate such space or spaces as may be required for handicapped parking within the city. All spaces designated for handicapped parking shall be identified by a parking sign indicating that the space is reserved for handicapped parking.
B. Decals for Handicapped Parking.
1. The city clerk is authorized to issue a decal to any handicapped person requesting the provision of such decal.
2. The fee for the issuance of such decal shall be as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements.
3. Such decal shall be affixed to the upper left-hand corner (driver’s side) of the rear window of the vehicle in which the handicapped person is transported.
C. A motor vehicle bearing registration plates issued to a handicapped person or to a disabled veteran or a special decal or device issued by local authorities or a motor vehicle registered in another jurisdiction upon which is displayed a registration plate, special decal or device issued by the other jurisdiction designating the vehicle is operated by or for a handicapped person shall be exempt from the payment of parking meter fees and exempt from any statute or ordinance imposing time limitations on parking, except limitations of one-half hour or less, on any street or highway zone, or any parking lot or parking place which is owned, leased or owned and leased by the city; but such vehicle shall be subject to the laws which prohibit parking in “no stopping” and “no standing” zones in front of or near fire hydrants, driveways, public building entrances and exits, bus stops and loading areas, and is prohibited from parking where the motor vehicle constitutes a traffic hazard, whereby such vehicle shall be moved at the instruction and request of a law enforcement officer to a location designated by the officer. Any motor vehicle bearing registration plates specified in this section or such decals issued by local authorities as evidence that the vehicle is operated by or for a handicapped person or disabled veteran may park, in addition to any other lawful place, in any parking place specifically reserved for such vehicles, by the posting of an official sign as provided herein. Parking privileges granted by this section are strictly limited to the person to whom the special registration plates, special decal or device were issued and to qualified operators acting under his express direction while the disabled person is present.
No person shall use any area for the parking of any motor vehicle where an official sign controlling such area expressly prohibits parking at any time or during certain hours.
D. It is unlawful and a violation of this section to park any motor vehicle in a space designated for handicapped parking without a handicapped identification plate, decal or device.
E. The fine for violation of this section shall be as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements.
F. The following parking spaces are designated as “Handicapped Parking Only”:
Four parking spaces in each of the two city commuter parking lots, on Clinton and on Commercial, in the city. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; Ord. 2421 §§ 1, 2, 1985)