Chapter 10-62
10-62-010 Designation of residential permit parking zone.
10-62-020 Residential permit parking sticker.
10-62-030 Visitor permit parking pass.
10-62-040 One (1) day permit parking pass.
10-62-050 Zone designations—Residential permit parking zones.
10-62-100 Unlawful use of permit parking sticker or pass.
10-62-010 Designation of residential permit parking zone.
A. The city council may on its own initiative, or upon presentation of a petition in support of a residential permit parking zone signed by residents representing no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the dwelling units within a proposed zone, designate certain streets where residential permit parking is authorized.
B. Upon the designation of a residential permit parking zone, residential permit parking shall be in effect every day during the hours of six p.m. and six a.m. (Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-020 Residential permit parking sticker.
A. The city clerk shall issue an annual “residential permit parking sticker” to every resident that resides in a residential permit parking zone whose vehicle displays a current city vehicle sticker and holds a valid state vehicle registration.
B. Every residential permit parking sticker shall be affixed, in accordance with the instructions printed thereon and without the use of supplemental adhesives, at the driver’s side of the inside of the glass portion of the windshield of a vehicle, directly above the city vehicle sticker.
C. The residential permit parking sticker shall not guarantee or reserve any parking space, nor shall it exempt the holder from the observance of any traffic or parking regulation.
D. The annual period for every residential permit parking sticker shall begin on August 1st and end on July 31st of the following year. (Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-030 Visitor permit parking pass.
A. The city shall issue one (1) “visitor permit parking pass” to every dwelling unit within a residential permit parking zone that qualifies for a residential permit parking sticker. A visitor permit parking pass is limited to the time that the person driving the visiting vehicle is actually in the dwelling unit or on the property being visited.
B. The visitor permit parking pass shall be placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle so the face of the pass may be seen through the windshield of the vehicle.
C. The visitor permit parking pass shall not guarantee or reserve any parking space, nor shall it exempt the holder from the observance of any traffic or parking regulation.
D. The annual period for every visitor permit parking pass shall begin on August 1st and end on July 31st of the following year. (Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-040 One (1) day permit parking pass.
A. A “one (1) day permit parking pass” may be issued to any resident within a residential permit parking zone for the use of nonresidents who are temporary visitors. A one (1) day permit parking pass may be purchased only in a group of ten (10) one (1) day permit parking passes. Any resident in a residential permit parking zone shall be limited to the purchase of one (1) group of ten (10) one (1) day permit parking passes per month. A one (1) day permit parking pass is limited to the time that a person driving the visiting vehicle is actually in the dwelling unit or on the property being visited.
B. A one (1) day permit parking pass shall be placed on the rearview mirror of the vehicle so the face of the pass may be seen through the windshield of the vehicle. Before use of a one (1) day permit parking pass, it must be validated by printing the date and time of day legibly on its face in the space provided therein.
C. A one (1) day permit parking pass shall not guarantee or reserve any parking space, nor shall it exempt the holder from the observance of any traffic or parking regulation.
D. A one (1) day permit parking pass is defined as twenty-four (24) hours from the date and time indicated on the pass. An undated pass or a pass that fails to indicate a time of day will be invalid. (Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-050 Zone designations—Residential permit parking zones.
A. The residential permit parking zones shall be designated by the city engineer and appropriate signs shall be posted.
B. A residential permit parking zone shall be clearly indicated on every residential permit parking sticker, visitor permit parking pass and one (1) day permit parking pass.
C. Parking in a residential permit parking zone shall be limited to vehicles displaying a valid permit parking sticker or pass displayed in the manner described in Sections 10-62-020, 10-62-030, and 10-62-040 of this code. (Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-060 Signage.
The city shall erect signs in every residential permit parking zone, which shall substantially read as follows:
Residential Permit Parking Only between the hours of 7:00 p.m.—6:00 a.m. Violators are subject to fines and towing fees.
(Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-070 Fees.
A. There is no fee for a residential permit parking sticker.
B. There is no fee for a visitor permit parking pass.
C. One (1) day permit parking passes shall be issued as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements,
D. If a residential permit parking zone is in effect at the dwelling unit of an owner with a disability who is using a restricted parking space created pursuant to Section 10-60-100, such owner shall be exempt from any fee set forth in this section. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-080 Exceptions.
The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any service or delivery vehicle when used to provide services or to make deliveries to a dwelling unit within a residential parking permit zone; provided, that the parking of such vehicle does not exceed the time services are being performed or deliveries are being made. (Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-090 Replacement.
A. Replacement of a residential permit parking sticker will be issued without cost upon receipt of an identifiable portion of the removed sticker and a receipt for a current city vehicle sticker.
B. Replacement of any residential permit parking sticker, visitor permit parking pass or one (1) day permit parking pass which is lost or destroyed will be made at a cost as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-100 Unlawful use of permit parking sticker or pass.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to affix, cause to be affixed or otherwise display any residential permit parking sticker, visitor permit parking pass or one (1) day permit parking pass to any vehicle other than the vehicle to which the sticker or pass was intended to be affixed or displayed at the time of issuance by the city.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person other than the city to sell, offer for sale, acquire for the purpose of sale or produce any residential permit parking sticker, visitor permit parking pass or one (1) day permit parking pass.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to purchase any residential permit parking sticker, visitor permit parking pass or one (1) day permit parking pass from any person other than the city.
D. Any misuse of a residential permit parking sticker, visitor permit parking pass or one (1) day permit parking pass shall render the same invalid and no sticker or pass shall be issued to the person or dwelling unit which originally held the same. (Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)
10-62-110 Penalty.
A. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be fined as laid out in Chapter 3-01, Fees, Fines, Insurance and Guarantee Requirements. Each day such a violation continues shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. Every vehicle that fails to display a permit parking sticker, visitor permit parking pass or one (1) day permit parking pass in violation of this chapter shall be subject to towing, at the owner’s expense, by the city or any company retained or contracted by the city to perform towing services.
B. Proceedings to enforce violations of this chapter may be initiated and conducted in accordance with and pursuant to the provisions of the municipal code of the city providing for administrative adjudication of code violations or by any other means provided by law. (Ord. 3494 § 2(B), 2024; Ord. 3440 § 1, 2021)