Chapter 18.25


18.25.010    Purpose.

18.25.020    Permitted uses.

18.25.030    Use variances.

18.25.040    Property development standards.

18.25.050    Outdoor storage of personal property.

18.25.060    Design standards.

18.25.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish a district in which multiple-family residential and a PUD use may take place, and to identify other compatible allowable uses, as well as use variances which may be allowed under certain circumstances and with limitations as identified hereinafter. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.25.020 Permitted uses.

The following listed uses and no others are permitted uses in an R-3 district:

(A) Any use permitted in an R-2 district, as set forth in HMC 18.20.020, except single-family residences.

(B) Multiple-family residential.

(C) Home for the aged, assisted living.

(D) Short-Term Rental Housing. Short-term rental housing shall not be permitted in this zoning district. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.25.030 Use variances.

In an R-3 district, use variances may be allowed in accordance with the limiting conditions and procedures as set forth in HMC 18.115.050. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.25.040 Property development standards.

(A) Minimum Lot Size. Minimum lot size requirements for an R-3 district are as follows:

(1) Every two-, three-, and four-family detached dwelling hereafter erected shall conform to the minimum lot size as set forth in HMC 18.20.050.

(2) Every multiple-family building hereafter erected shall have a minimum lot area of 11,700 square feet and a minimum lot width of 90 feet at the building line, and a minimum lot depth of 130 feet; provided, that a minimum lot area per dwelling unit of not less than 2,000 square feet and that a minimum lot area per efficiency dwelling unit of not less than 1,200 square feet is provided. No existing structure or building shall be converted to conflict or further conflict with the provisions of this section.

(3) The regulations governing nonresidential permitted uses minimum lot size as set forth in HMC 18.15.060(A)(3) shall apply.

(4) The regulation governing use variance minimum lot size as set forth in HMC 18.15.060(A)(1) shall apply.

(B) Accessory Buildings. All accessory buildings, excluding garages, shall not exceed a floor area of 50 square feet per dwelling unit, or 300 square feet per building. Such accessory building shall be housed in a single structure that serves the entire lot.

(C) Maximum Floor Area Ratio. In an R-3 district, the floor area ratio of all buildings and structures on a zoning lot shall not exceed 0.5.

(D) Maximum Lot Coverage. In an R-3 district, the maximum lot coverage on a zoning lot shall not exceed 35 percent. For buildings containing a minimum of four dwelling units and including attached garages that are integrated into the building design, the area of the garages may be used as a credit for the lot coverage requirements in this district; provided, that:

(1) The maximum credit that may be awarded shall be 50 percent of the maximum lot coverage area.

(2) A minimum of 50 percent of the total required parking for the lot is used in the garages, but in no case fewer than one space per unit.

(3) The lot complies with all other applicable provisions of this title.

(E) Minimum Landscape Coverage in R-3 Residence Districts. In R-3 districts, a minimum of 35 percent of the lot area shall include landscaping.

(F) Minimum Front Yards. In an R-3 district, the regulations governing front yards in R-1A and R-1 districts as set forth in HMC 18.15.060(I) shall apply.

(G) Minimum Side Yards. Minimum side yard requirements in an R-3 district are as follows:

(1) Multiple-Family Dwellings and All Other Residential Buildings. On a lot improved with a multiple-family residential building and for all other residential uses a side yard shall be provided along each side lot line. The combined width of both side yards shall be at least 20 feet or 20 percent of the lot width, whichever is greater; provided, that neither side yard shall be less than 10 feet in width.

(2) Reversed Corner Lots. The regulations governing reversed corner lots in the R-2 residence district as set forth in HMC 18.20.050(H)(2) shall apply.

(3) Required Side Yards. The required side yards shall be unobstructed from ground level to sky except as otherwise provided in HMC 18.05.060(G)(5).

(H) Minimum Rear Yards. In an R-3 district, the regulations governing required rear yards in R-1A and R-1 residence districts as set forth in HMC 18.15.060(K) shall apply.

(I) Maximum Building Height. The maximum building height requirement in an R-3 district is 35 feet.

(J) Parking. Each dwelling unit in this zoning district shall provide the following minimum parking spaces; however, in no case shall more than two parking spaces be permitted for each dwelling unit in this zoning district.

(1) Efficiency and one-bedroom units: 1.1 parking spaces.

(2) Two-bedroom units: 1.4 parking spaces.

(3) Units with more than two bedrooms: 1.7 parking spaces.

(K) No open parking lots shall be located in the front yard of the lot. Garages shall be subject to the regulations as set forth in HMC 18.15.080(L). All other off-street parking requirements for this zoning district shall be in accordance with the provisions set forth in HMC 18.80.050. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.25.050 Outdoor storage of personal property.

In an R-3 district, the regulations governing outdoor storage of personal property in R-1A and R-1 districts as set forth in HMC 18.15.070 shall apply. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.25.060 Design standards.

In an R-3 district, the design standards listed in R-1A and R-1 districts as set forth in HMC 18.15.080 shall apply, except as modified below.

(A) Residential garages shall be limited to two garage bays fronting the street. Additional garage bays may be provided in accordance with the provisions of HMC 18.15.080. All other residential garage standards shall be as prescribed in HMC 18.15.080. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].