Chapter 18.35


18.35.010    Use and bulk regulations.

18.35.020    Purpose.

18.35.030    Limitations of use.

18.35.040    Permitted uses.

18.35.050    Use variances.

18.35.060    Property development standards.

18.35.070    Design standards.

18.35.010 Use and bulk regulations.

Use and bulk regulations applying specifically to all business districts are set forth in this chapter. Also applying to business districts are additional regulations set forth in other chapters and sections of this title as follows:

(A) HMC 18.05.040, Zoning districts – Establishment and application.

(B) HMC 18.05.050, Rules of interpretation of district boundaries.

(C) HMC 18.05.060, Interpretation and application – Supplementary district regulation.

(D) HMC 18.05.070, Miscellaneous business regulations.

(E) Article II of Chapter 18.05 HMC, Definitions.

(F) Chapter 18.70 HMC, Planned Unit Development Districts.

(G) Chapter 18.75 HMC, Landscape Regulations

(H) Chapter 18.80 HMC, Off-Street Parking and Loading.

(I) Chapter 18.85 HMC, Signs.

(J) Chapter 18.90 HMC, Nonconforming Uses and Nonconforming Buildings.

(K) Chapter 18.110 HMC, Administration.

(L) HMC 18.115.050, Use variances. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.35.020 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish a district designed and intended to accommodate retail, service, office and other miscellaneous uses and use variances which are most compatible with uses typically found in residential neighborhoods. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.35.030 Limitations of use.

Permitted uses in the B-1 district are subject to the following additional general limitations:

(A) All business establishments shall be retail or service establishments dealing directly with consumers.

(B) Business establishments classified as retail and service hereinafter are restricted to a maximum gross floor area of 12,500 square feet each, exclusive of any floor area devoted to off-street parking or loading facilities.

(C) All permitted uses in this district shall be conducted in completely enclosed buildings, except for off-street parking and loading, and shall not include the storage of materials or goods outside of the completely enclosed building.

(D) Establishments of a drive-in type offering goods or services directly to customers waiting in parked motor vehicles are not permitted, except for such services which are clearly incidental to a principal permitted use.

(E) Where approved repair services are provided for a business, such repair uses shall only be located in the rear portion of the building, so as not to be visible from any public street or entrance. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.35.040 Permitted uses.

The following listed uses and no others are permitted uses in a B-1 district:

(A) Retail and service uses as follows:

(1) Antique shops.

(2) Apparel stores.

(3) Art and school supply stores.

(4) Art galleries.

(5) Bakeries.

(6) Banks and financial institutions.

(7) Book and stationery stores.

(8) Camera and photographic supply stores.

(9) China and glassware stores.

(10) Coin and philatelic stores.

(11) Convenience printing establishments, including blueprinting and photostatting.

(12) Convenience stores.

(13) Craft production and repair, limited to art, needlework and hand weaving, jewelry and watches, dentures, optical lenses, and other similar craft and professional services.

(14) Dairy, ice cream and candy shops.

(15) Delicatessens.

(16) Drug stores or convenience pharmacy.

(17) Dry cleaning and laundry receiving stations (retail only, no plant).

(18) Electronics stores, including computer, cellular phone, and consumer satellite dish sales.

(19) Employment agencies.

(20) Fitness centers, including fieldhouses, exercise studios, and karate/judo studios, not to exceed 2,000 square feet.

(21) Florist shops and conservatories.

(22) Gift shops and variety stores.

(23) Grocery stores.

(24) Health food stores.

(25) Hobby stores.

(26) Interior decorating shops and supplies, including paint, wallpaper, fixtures, etc.

(27) Jewelry stores, including watch repairs.

(28) Laundries and dry cleaners, automatic, self-service coin-operated.

(29) Leather goods and luggage stores.

(30) Liquor stores, package goods only, not for consumption on premises.

(31) Locksmith shops.

(32) Medical and dental clinics.

(33) Minor repair facilities, including appliances, electronics, plumbing, handyman, and similar services.

(34) Musical instrument stores, including servicing.

(35) Office supply stores.

(36) Optician shops.

(37) Personal care services, including barber shops, hair salons, nail and beauty parlors, tanning studios, and similar uses.

(38) Planned unit developments, business.

(39) Restaurants, including coffee shops and cafes.

(40) Schools, including music, dance, or business.

(41) Sewing machine stores, household machines only.

(42) Sporting goods stores.

(43) Ticket agencies and travel bureaus.

(44) Tobacco shops.

(45) Toy stores, including video game sales.

(46) Upholstering shops.

(B) Offices, business and professional.

(C) Miscellaneous uses, as follows:

(1) Clubs and lodges (nonprofit), fraternal or religious institutions.

(2) Electric and gas utilities.

(3) Post offices.

(4) Public libraries.

(5) Radio and television broadcasting.

(6) Signs, as classified and regulated in HMC 18.85.080.

(D) Uses incidental to principal permitted uses, as follows:

(1) Accessory uses.

(E) Temporary construction buildings. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.35.050 Use variances.

In a B-1 district, use variances may be allowed in accordance with the limiting conditions and procedures as set forth in HMC 18.115.050. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.35.060 Property development standards.

(A) Floor Area Ratio. In a B-1 district, the minimum FAR shall be 0.5. The maximum FAR shall be set as follows:

(1) For developments along local or collector streets: 1.0.

(2) For developments along all other streets: 2.0.

(B) Maximum Lot Coverage.

(1) Not more than 80 percent of the area of any lot shall be occupied by the combination of buildings, drives, sidewalks and parking area, except where green roofs and/or solar panels are provided. In such case, the allowable lot coverage may be proportionally increased according to Chapter 18.75 HMC.

(2) The maximum allowable floor area per lot shall be 15,000 square feet.

Exhibit 11 – B-1 District Development Example

(C) Maximum Building Height.

(1) The maximum building height in a B-1 district is 45 feet but not to exceed three stories.

(2) All commercial floor space provided on the ground floor of a mixed-use building must have a minimum floor-to-ceiling height of 12 feet.

(D) Minimum Lot Size in a B-1 District. Minimum lot size requirements for a B-1 district are as follows:

(1) Every interior lot containing a building shall have, at minimum, a lot width of 50 feet at the building line, a lot depth of 125 feet, and a lot area of 6,250 square feet.

(2) Every corner lot containing a building shall have, at minimum, a lot width of 60 feet at the building line, a lot depth of 125 feet, and a lot area of 7,500 square feet.

(E) Yards.

(1) Front Yard. In a B-1 district, the minimum front yard shall be 10 feet, but shall not exceed 25 feet. A minimum of 50 percent of the front yard shall be dedicated for approved public space.

(2) Side Yard. In a B-1 district, side yards shall be provided as follows:

(a) Where abutting lots have buildings or other structures, employing a common party wall, no side yard is required.

(b) All interior lots shall have two side yards, each having a width of not less than five feet, except where party walls are used or adjoining uses are similar in character and use. In such case, no side yard shall be required.

(c) On each corner lot, the front yard and the side yard abutting the public street shall be equal in size, but in no case more than 10 feet.

(d) Where any side lot line in this zoning district adjoins a residential zoning district within the same lot, a minimum five-foot buffer shall be provided. In addition, there shall be an effective screening of the abutting lot extending from the front building line to the rear lot line. This screening shall include landscaping that complies with Chapter 18.75 HMC.

(3) Minimum Rear Yard. In a B-1 district, rear yards shall be provided as follows.

(a) There shall be a rear yard on each lot, the depth of which shall not be less than 20 feet from the rear lot line.

(b) Where any rear lot line in this zoning district abuts a residential zoning district, a minimum 15-foot buffer shall be provided. In addition, there shall be an effective screening of the abutting lot along the rear lot line in accordance with Chapter 18.75 HMC.

(4) Yards shall be unobstructed from ground level to sky except as otherwise provided in HMC 18.05.060(G)(5), Permitted Obstructions in Required Yards.

(F) Landscape Plan. A landscape plan shall be prepared, submitted, and approved in accordance with the provisions set forth in Chapter 18.75 HMC.

(G) Off-Street Parking.

(1) Off-street parking requirements shall be in accordance with the regulations set forth in Chapter 18.80 HMC.

(2) Where two or more developments abut each other on the side lots, said developments shall be required to share and/or access a common driveway and parking lot, with curb cuts limited to one for every 100 linear feet along the front or side lot line.

(3) For all corner lots in this zoning district, curb cuts shall only be permitted from the side lot line, and in no case less than 75 feet from the street intersection. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].

18.35.070 Design standards.

In a B-1 district, the design standards listed in PB districts as set forth in HMC 18.30.070 shall apply. [Ord. 1659 § 1, 2017].