General Provisions
52.03 Damage to or tampering of city-owned equipment
52.04 Discontinuance and renewal of service
52.05 Interruption of service or supply
52.06 Connection with private lines; general rules, regulations
52.07 Regulations relative to customer’s piping, facilities, appliances and necessary venting
52.08 Regulations concerning appliances; final tie-in
52.09 Extension of gas mains and service system
52.10 Unlawful tampering with parts of city gas system
52.12 Rules to become part of contract
Service Connections
52.20 Specifications for regular gas service connections and mains
52.31 Inspections by the gas utility
52.32 Meter reading conclusive
52.34 Separate meters for each premises
Gas Rate Schedule and Billing
52.47 Large user rate schedule
Cash Reserve Fund
52.52 Utility Improvement Fund
(A) Any person, firm or corporation desiring to make a gas tap or service connection with the natural gas system of the city, shall file a written application, to be known as “Application for Gas Service,” in the utility office. Said application shall be signed by the owner of the property, or by duly authorized agent of such owner, for which such tap or service connection is desired. Such application shall be accompanied by payment of the charges and fees hereinafter prescribed. In the event such application is made by an agent for said owner, then such application shall also be accompanied by the written authority of such owner to said agent.
(B) For all new or additional service applications/requests, each customer shall be given a buried gas line notice dated August 1, 1996, 1996, in accordance with Rule 49 CFR 192.16 of the United States Department of Transportation.
(C) Where service lines are laid on private property, an easement shall be executed by the owner thereof providing for the installation and maintenance of the proposed service lines to be installed and maintained by the city and for the extension along or across such property for making other service connections from the same service line.
(D) Upon the filing of such application, if the same is in proper form and the cost advanced as herein required, the applicant intends to immediately use gas for which an order for the installation of service pipe, tap, meter and service connections will be issued to the Gas Utility. It shall then be the Gas Utility’s responsibility to make such installation and connection without unnecessary delay, but shall not be installed more than 60 days prior to its use for service. Such order shall immediately be returned upon completion of work with an endorsement thereon signed by the Gas Utility showing the date, place and manner in which such tap or service connections were made and an itemized statement of the cost thereof. Said statement shall be immediately mailed to the customer for payment of said connection. All applications and the orders and reports issued and returned thereon, shall be appropriately numbered and kept on file in the office of the Gas Department as a permanent record.
(’73 Code, § 12-1) (Ord.10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
Statutory reference:
Authority to furnish utility service, see I.C. § 35-9-2-15
Prior to the commencement of service and making said application, all customers shall be offered the opportunity to purchase a copy of NFPA-54 “Natural Fuel Gas Code”. Said copy will provide information on how piping and equipment should be installed at the service location.
(’73 Code, § 12-2) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) Whenever a meter, regulator or other equipment of a service connection which has been installed by the gas utility or its authorized personnel/agent, is found to have been damaged for any cause whatsoever, such damage shall become the liability of the customer who shall pay the city the actual cost of removal, repairing and/or replacing of such damaged equipment.
(B) In the event such damage/tampering has caused inaccurate metering, then such gas bills shall be corrected in the manner provided for in § 52.32.
(’73 Code, § 12-3) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
For Ordinance Violation Bureau fines for violations of § 52.03, see § 34.94
(A) The city reserves the right to discontinue gas service to any premises because of nonpayment of any charges or where the owner or tenant of such premises has been found guilty of a violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. All service disconnections where the gas is shut off or stopped, whether at the owner’s/customer’s request, must be made by the gas utility or its properly authorized personnel (see § 52.42 for fees and further reference).
(B) All new or renewal services to any premises shall not be turned on without the presence of the customer at said premises by the gas utility or its authorized personnel. For safety reasons, no exceptions shall be made.
(’73 Code, § 12-4) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) The city shall have the right to discontinue the supply of gas whenever it is necessary to make repairs, improvements, enforce rules or for any operating reason. In all cases, where possible, a reasonable notice of the circumstances will be given to the customers with the exception of an emergency situation, in which case discontinuance of service may be made without notice. Such necessary repairs or work will be made by the gas utility in as timely a manner as practical. The city or gas utility shall not be held responsible or liable because of any shut-off or discontinuance of service for any direct or resultant damages to any person, company or customer.
(B) In the event of such discontinuance of gas service, the gas utility will make every attempt to safeguard the customer and service shall not be renewed until the city authorities have purged the lines and put into service all automatic controls and pilots. In no case shall the customer turn on his own service. The cost of purging the lines, relighting pilots and checking automatic controls will be borne by the city, and the customer will not be liable for any portion thereof. Where the nature of the customer’s operations are such that an interruption of service might create a hazard or large economic loss, such customer shall provide facilities for standby service if desired.
(C) Whenever mains, pipes, service connections or other facilities of the gas system are taken up, shut off or interfered with by reason of any city improvement, the city and gas utility will endeavor to maintain service so far as is reasonably possible, but will not be directly or indirectly liable for any interruption, poor pressure or damage of any kind, either to the customer adjacent or to other customers affected thereby. Direct damage to property due to such operations shall be either repaired or replaced by the city without cost to the customer.
(D) The city expressly stipulates with all customers and other persons who may be affected by the discontinuance of service that it will neither insure nor be responsible or liable in any manner, for any loss or damages, direct or indirect, by any reason of any fire, acts of God, inevitable accidents, strikes, riots or any other causes beyond the city’s control.
(’73 Code, § 12-5) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) Whenever a connection is made with a private line, such service shall be metered at the point of such connection and the customer requesting such service shall provide a satisfactory location for the placing of such metering devices, regulators and other materials and equipment required. Such private lines shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the gas utility prior to making the necessary service connections.
(B) The city shall have the right and option to demand changes, removal or replacement of any pipe, fixtures or apparatus which is considered to be faulty, inadequate or hazardous; provided, however, that this provision shall not obligate the city in any way or manner. The city shall have the right to refuse or discontinue gas service without notice to its customers if the city finds any apparatus or appliance in operation which would be detrimental to the efficient operation of the existing facilities.
(C) All persons, firms, corporations and customers are strictly forbidden to attach any electrical, telephone or CATV ground wire to any fixture or piping which is or may be connected to any gas service pipe, meter or main belonging to the city. The city will hold the owner of the premises responsible and liable for any damage to his property or injury to the employees of the city caused by such ground wire. Any and all customers, persons, firms or corporations shall remove any existing ground wires immediately, and if such ground wires are not removed after 24 hours’ written notice, the city, through its officials, may enter the property and remove such ground wires and the customer shall pay all costs.
(’73 Code, § 12-6) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) Customer piping shall be installed in accordance with the regulations of this chapter and the latest revisions of NFPA-54 and ANSI Z223.1, “National Fuel Gas Code. They are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof as and to the extent that they have been fully set forth at length herein.
(B) All general house piping shall be of rigid construction. The pipe from the outlet of the meter shall be of iron pipe of not less than one inch inside diameter and shall protrude from the house wall or be securely fastened to the wall by means of suitable metal strap or clamp at a point not more than 18 inches from the outlet connection of the meter, and if extended along the outside wall shall be strapped to the wall at intervals sufficient to make the piping rigid throughout. In instances where piping protrudes from the wall, the opposite end shall be securely fastened so that pipe will not turn when fittings at the meter are put on.
(C) The house manifold pipe shall terminate approximately six inches outside the building wall, approximately 15 inches to the right of the service line stub when facing the wall, and not less than six inches nor more than 24 inches above the ground with a one inch elbow turned down. The piping from the meter through and/or along the wall to the furnace or largest appliance shall constitute and hereinafter be called the “house pipe manifold.” The minimum size of one inch manifold will be used where the total hourly demand of a building or house is in excess of 400 cubic feet of gas per hour or less. Where the total hourly demand of a building or house is in excess of 400 cubic feet of gas per hour, the gas utility must be consulted for specifications for the house pipe manifold.
(D) From any house pipe manifold, pipe to the various appliances shall be of the same dimension or larger than the fitting on the appliance where such appliance is designed and approved for natural gas, subject to the length of the run from the manifold. Where appliances are to be converted from liquefied petroleum gas, pipe from the manifold to the appliance shall be of such size as would be approved by the American Gas Association for natural gas appliances having the same BTU input rating.
(E) From the house pipe manifold, any appliance pipe may be extended a maximum distance of 40 lineal feet unless specifically designed. For each 90 degree turn in the appliance pipe, three lineal feet shall be deducted from the maximum distance.
(F) No connection will be made with any house type manifold that has not been tested for leakage or is not rigidly connected to the building.
(’73 Code, § 12-7) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) All gas conversion burners to be installed shall be AGA approved. All design heating plans shall be AGA approved and the manufacturer’s recommendations for the installation shall be followed. Regulators should be used on refrigerators and large appliances and are recommended on all appliances for best results.
(B) The final tie-in of the gas line to the meter shall be made by the gas utility. Before the final tie-in is made, it shall be the duty of the gas utility to make a complete inspection.
(’73 Code, § 12-7) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) The city shall extend service within the city limits as provided herein, when sufficient funds are available in excess of those required for the proper operation of the system. Extension of mains and service outside of the city limits shall be subject to approval of the council and shall be subject to all of the rules, regulations and provisions as provided herein or as may be amended by the Council.
(B) The city shall, upon written request for service by a prospective customer or a group of prospective customers located in the same neighborhood, make, free of charge, an extension necessary to give service when the estimated total revenue, for a period of four years or as approved by the Council and/or its financial advisory, from the prospective customer or customers is approximately equal to the cost of the extension; provided that the patronage or demand will be of such permanency as to warrant the capital expenditure involved. Where such service requests are outside the city limits, said service and is subject to a 25% surcharge of the city’s base gas rates (refer to § 52.42 for further information).
(C) If the extension required in order to furnish service at any point within the corporate limits of the municipality, or for any adjacent suburb of the municipality, is greater than the free extension specified herein, such an extension shall be made under the following conditions. The city shall require an interest free deposit of the cost of the extension above the free limit and shall in such case, for each additional customer connected to the extension within a period of eight years from the making of such extension, refund an amount by which four times the estimated annual revenue of the new customer exceeds the cost of connecting such new customer, but at no time shall the aggregate refund made to any customer exceed the original deposit of such customer. If the extension is of such length, and the prospective business which may be developed by it is so meager as to make it doubtful whether the business from the extension would ever pay a fair return on the investment involved in such extension, or in the case of real estate development enterprises with slight or no immediate demand for service, or in the case of industrial installation requiring extensive equipment with slight or irregular service, the facts shall be reported to the municipality for investigation and determination as to the reasonableness of such extension or installation and the conditions under which it shall be made.
(D) In estimating the cost of an extension the estimate shall be based on the diameter of the pipe and type to be used; provided, however, the estimated cost to the customer shall not be based on a pipe diameter in excess of four inches, unless actual consumption estimated for the proposed customer or customers require a larger pipe.
(E) The city shall not be required to make extensions as described in this section unless those to be served by such extension shall contract to use the service for at least four years. The city may require of the prospective customer on a proposed extension a satisfactory and reasonable guarantee that he will fulfill all the obligations made by him to the city.
(F) Deposits made under the provisions of this section shall not exempt the applicant from the payment of all other charges required by the chapter.
(G) Amounts received by the city for such extensions shall be deposited in the meter deposit fund and payments for refunds shall likewise be paid from such fund. Interest shall not be paid on deposits made for construction expenditures.
(’73 Code, § 12-8) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or customer to break the seal of any meter or in any manner to make any alterations, changes or repairs on the same or to open any mains, laterals, service pipes, stop cocks, valves or any part thereof or otherwise tamper with or attempt to do any work on any of them without authority of the gas utility or its properly authorized agent. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section or who shall willfully or maliciously injure or damage any property connected with the gas system of the city shall be subject to the penalty described in § 10.99.
(’73 Code, § 12-9) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98) Penalty, see § 10.99
(A) All questions and complaints shall be made to the gas utility of the city who shall be responsible for the proper and timely investigation, and/or repair of same.
(B) Written complaints received by the city shall be identified by the name and address of the customer, the date, nature of complaint and remedy and kept as a permanent record by the city. The gas utility shall be required to make a full report to the customer, a copy of which shall be filed with the Mayor’s office and reported by its Superintendent to the Council at the next regular meeting.
(C) Any disrespectful or unwarranted acts of the gas utility’s employees and/or its authorized agents shall be reported immediately to the Mayor and Council. All employees of the gas utility are strictly forbidden to demand or accept any tips, gratuities, or other personal compensation for any services whatsoever rendered during working, on-call or emergency duty hours. Any employee found to violate this provision or any other provisions of this chapter shall be subject to actions/penalties as hereto set forth and in the city’s current Employee’s Policies and Procedures Ordinance.
(’73 Code, § 12-10) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
All rules and regulations concerning the use of the facilities of the city municipal gas system and the consumption of gas therefrom shall become a part of the contract with every gas customer and every gas customer shall be subject thereto and bound thereby.
(’73 Code, § 12-11) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
Wherever the term “Council” or “Common Council” shall appear in this chapter, the same shall be construed to mean Municipal Utility Board.
(’73 Code, § 12-12) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
52.14 SAFETY.
(A) The gas utility shall take all reasonable and necessary steps to determine that a new hook-up or a reconnection service will not endanger public health and safety. By requesting a new hook-up or reconnect service, the customer specifically authorizes the gas utility to conduct any appropriate and necessary inspections to determine that the customer’s piping, appliances and gas connections comply with all federal, state and local standards.
(B) The gas utility is further authorized to refuse any new hook-up, reconnect service or may terminate any existing gas service if the gas utility determines that the customer’s piping, appliances, and/or gas connections pose a potential hazard to the public health and safety.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
Service shall be available to all prospective residential, commercial and other consumers in and near the city provided that service is economically feasible. The Common Council reserves the right to determine feasibility and to accept or reject, based on such determination, any application for service. The utility is specifically authorized with Common Council approval, to extend its service area. In the event the gas utility expands its service area, any such expansion shall be in compliance with all federal, state, local, regulatory commission laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) Gas service connections made to the gas mains of the distribution system of the city shall be substantially as follows.
(B) The connection at the main shall primarily consist of valved service tee for 3/4 inch I.D. field pipe or 1/2 inch or larger plastic astmd-2513. Valve tees shall be welded in a workmanlike manner to the main. Service lines shall primarily consist of 3/4 inch black iron pipe, coated and wrapped to protect it against corrosion or polyethylene plastic pipe astmd-2513, which shall be laid approximately 18 inches below the ground surface. Service lines shall be extended above the ground surface approximately one foot at or near the building to be serviced and fitted with a 3/4 inch black iron insulated stop cock. Plastic lines shall be extended above the ground surface approximately one foot at or near the building to be serviced, by use of an anodeless riser and fitted with a 3/4 inch black iron insulated stop cock. Prior to drilling the main for gas service, the aforementioned service line shall be tested at 90 pounds pressure. The regulator and meters shall be capable of handling a sufficient volume of gas to serve the needs of the customer. All materials and construction procedure shall conform to the Code of Federal Regulations—Title 49, Part 192—”Transportation of Natural Gas and Other Gas by Pipeline—Minimum Federal Safety Standards.”
(C) Wherever it is necessary for service lines to cross under high type pavements, the service line shall be installed by boring or jacking the service line through underneath the pavement from a point six feet outside of the pavement to six feet beyond the edge of the pavement, exercising due care to prevent damage to the pipe coating.
(D) All lines and fittings shall be capable of withstanding a working pressure of not less than 90 pounds P.S.I. and shall be so rated by the manufacturer.
(E) Service connections, where the gas consumption will be in excess of the capacity of specific standards of construction, “Guide for Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems”, latest edition of the AGA-Gas Piping Technology Committee is prescribed.
(F) All work shall be completed in accordance with O&M Manual existing for the gas utility and with 49 Part 192 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
(’73 Code, § 12-14) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
All meters shall be so placed and installed so as to render such accessible at all times for the purpose of reading and repairing. All meters shall be set outside of the buildings whenever practical. Indoor installations must be vented with an adequate vent extending to the outside and may only be made with prior approval of the gas utility.
(’73 Code, § 12-15) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) At all reasonable hours, meter, regulators, fittings, fixtures and appurtenances connected to the system and located on private property shall be open for inspection by the gas utility, authorized city employees or agents thereof.
(B) Any part found to be defective or not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter shall be immediately repaired or corrected. Service may be discontinued without notice at any time when conditions of the privately owned facilities create danger or hazard (refer further to §§ 52.05(B) and 52.14.
(’73 Code, § 12-16) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) All customers shall be liable for the gas consumption as shown by the meter. Waste, leakage or other causes, not the liability of the gas utility (city), shall be included under such liability. The meter reading shall be conclusive, provided that when a meter is found to have a positive average error, i.e., is fast in excess of 2% in tests made at the request of the customer, the gas utility shall refund to the customer an amount equal to the excess charged for the gas incorrectly metered, for a period equal to one-half of the time elapsed since the previous test, but not to exceed six months.
(B) When a meter is found to have a negative average error, i.e. is slow in excess of 2% in tests made at the request of the customer, the gas utility may make a charge to the customer for the gas incorrectly metered for a period equal to one-half of the time elapsed since the previous test, but not to exceed six months. If a meter is found not to register for any period, the gas utility shall estimate the charge for the gas used by averaging the amounts registered over similar periods, preceding or subsequent thereto, or over corresponding periods in previous years. Such action shall be taken only in cases of an unusual situation where the gas utility is not at fault for allowing the incorrect meter to be in service.
(’73 Code, § 12-17) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
(A) Any customer may request the gas utility to make a test of the accuracy of the meter in use on their premises. Such tests will be made by the gas utility without charge, provided that such meter has not been tested within one year preceding such a request. In case a consumer requests an accuracy test of a meter which has been previously tested within one year, the consumer shall be required to deposit with the city the sum of $100 to cover the cost of removing, testing and replacing such meter prior to the making of such test.
(B) In the event such meter is found, by testing, to register incorrectly at 20% full capacity, by more than 2%, then another accurate meter shall be substituted and the test deposit shall be refunded. Past gas bills shall be adjusted by refund or credit of such percentage of the amount of the gas bills for a period of not more than six months previous to such test as prescribed in § 52.32 of this chapter.
(C) In the event that the meter is found to be registering correctly the consumer shall forfeit the test deposit and such funds shall be deposited in the gas operating funds of the city.
(’73 Code, § 12-18) (Ord. 10-61, passed - -61; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
Gas shall be supplied only through meters and the meters shall be read monthly by the city. A separate meter shall be required for each consumer and for each dwelling unit, provided that a single industry with multiple meters shall be considered as one consumer, with the exception of the customers qualifying under § 52.43 and provided the Common Council reserves the right to establish special service connections as may be necessary or desired for industrial or special use customers. No gas shall be purchased for resale.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)
A minimum meter deposit of $25 residential and $50 commercial will be required for users being served. Property owners wishing to have services automatically transferred when rental property is vacated shall also be required to have a deposit with the gas utility. The meter deposit, less amount of any bill owing at termination of service, shall be refunded to the customer making such deposit. Deposits may be returned after being held by the City of Rensselaer for 365 days or longer upon condition that the customer furnishing the deposit, as set forth in the records of the city, demands same and the account has been current and in good standing for one continuous year at the same residence.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98; Am. Ord. 4-00, passed 6-12-00; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021)
52.40 GAS RATES.
(A) City rates.
(1) There shall be and there are hereby established for the use of gas rendered by the gas utility of the City of Rensselaer, the following rates and charges for customers within the city limits of the City of Rensselaer, Indiana, and for those customers who are to be known as city rates for established customers as of May 24, 1993. The following rates and charges are to be known as the city rates for established customers:
Usage |
Charges |
(Cubic Feet) |
(Per CCF) |
First 800 |
$0.9003 |
Next 1,200 |
0.9103 |
Next 4,000 |
1.1620 |
Next 494,000 |
1.0752 |
All over 500,000 |
1.0516 |
Monthly customer charge |
$8.05 |
Rates effective following the passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter on January 1, 2023.
(2) However, if an established customer relocates to an area designated as being outside the city limits of the City of Rensselaer after May 24, 1993, the customer will not be considered an established customer of the area of his new residence. Thus, the customer will be charged in accordance to the rates and charges shown in division (B) of this section.
(B) Rural rates. There will be and there are hereby established for the use of gas rendered by the Gas Utility of the City of Rensselaer, the following rates and charges for all customers outside the city limits of the City of Rensselaer, Indiana, who were not established customers as of May 24, 1993, of any area outside the city limits. These rates and charges are to be known as rural rates and be subject to a 25% surcharge as shown below:
Usage |
Charges |
(Cubic Feet) |
(Per CCF) |
First 800 |
$1.1255 |
Next 1,200 |
1.1379 |
Next 4,000 |
1.4525 |
Next 494,000 |
1.3441 |
All over 500,000 |
1.3144 |
Monthly customer charge |
$10.06 |
Rates effective following the passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter on January 1, 2023.
(Ord. 10-93, 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 1-96, passed 1-22-96; Am. Ord. 14-98, passed 8-24-98; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 28-07, passed 9-24-07; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
The foregoing rates are sufficient to compensate the city for taxes that would have been paid on utility property were it privately owned. These funds in lieu of taxes shall be transferred to the city General Fund pursuant to appropriate and all applicable Indiana laws. The rates also provide for a return on investment in the plant as provided by law.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 14-98, passed 8-24-98; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
(A) Residential. There shall be a connection fee for new residential customers in the amount of $500 which shall include 100 feet of service line from the main with all necessary fittings, valves, meter and regulator. There shall be an additional charge of $5 per lineal foot of service line required in excess of 100 feet from the main.
(B) Commercial, municipal, small firm industrial. There shall be a connection fee for commercial customers in an amount equal to the actual cost of installation and materials, including pipe, fittings, valves, meter and regulator, and in no event shall such connection fee be less than $500.
(C) Large firm industrial, interruptible, industrial transportation. There shall be a connection fee for large city firm industrial customers requiring an oversized service line in an amount equal to the actual cost of installation and materials, including pipe, fittings, valves, meter and regulator, and in no event shall such connection fee be less than $500.
(Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
No free service of the gas utility shall be furnished to any person, firm, organization or corporation, public or private, and all rates and charges shall be nondiscriminatory; provided, that the Common Council reserves the right to impose special rates and charges in cases where particular circumstances render the regular rates inadequate or unjust. If the city should elect to supply itself with gas for any purpose, regular rates therefor shall be charged against the city.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 12-13-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
Bills for gas service shall be rendered monthly and shall be delinquent 15 days after their billing. Bills unpaid after 15 days following the billing date as stated on the bill shall be subject to a collection charge of 10% of the first $3 of unpaid billings and 3% on the balance of unpaid billings in excess of $3. If any bills shall remain delinquent for a period of seven days, except the months of December, January and February which shall be 14 days, their gas service shall be disconnected and shall not be reconnected except upon payment of all delinquent bills, together with a reconnection charge of $25 during business hours (Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.), $100 after business hours. In the case of a change of occupancy of any premises, the new occupant shall not be charged with the delinquency of the prior occupant, but the gas shall be reconnected upon the payment of a service deposit. Any request for refunds due to mistakes or meter readings shall be made within five days of receiving the bill.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 14-98, passed 8-24-98; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 28-07, passed 9-24-07; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018)
The above rates are subject to purchased gas cost adjustment tracking factor. The tracking factor shall be adjusted monthly to recognize the monthly change in purchased gas expense. The rate adjustment shall be on the basis of purchased gas cost adjustment tracking factor, occasioned solely by changes in the cost of purchased gas. The applicable monthly rate adjustment to the rate schedule shall be calculated monthly and shall be made available for public inspection at the office of the Rensselaer Clerk-Treasurer, City Office Building, 124 South Van Rensselaer Street, Rensselaer, Indiana.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 14-98, passed 8-24-98; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 28-07, passed 9-24-07; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
52.46 FUNDS.
All monies received as charge for the service of the gas system shall be deposited in such banks as are authorized by the Board of Finance of the City of Rensselaer. Said funds shall be administered and allocated in strict accordance with the provisions of all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.
(Ord. 10-93, passed 7-12-93; Am. Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
The following rates and charges are hereby established for all qualifying gas utility customers:
(A) New loads requesting this rate schedule shall be given a six-month trial period to begin bringing on the load. After that period, the projected use shall be reviewed. To continue on this rate, the user’s average monthly consumption for the previous three months must be 1,500,000 cubic feet. Users not qualifying for the large user rate schedule shall be billed as defined in § 52.40. Billing shall continue as defined in § 52.40 until the user, for a three-month period, averages 1,700,000 cubic feet.
(B) The customers consuming 20,000,000 cubic feet or more annually qualify for the large user rate schedule. Users wishing to qualify for the large user rate schedule shall provide the gas utility with an estimate of consumption for the projected year in a format prescribed by the gas utility. The initial projection shall be provided to the gas utility six weeks prior to commencing services. Updated projections of usage shall be provided to the gas utility annually on July 1.
(C) Planned variations from the large user’s annual projections shall be provided to the gas utility at a minimum of 72 hours prior to the variation. Variations caused by unforeseen events or emergencies shall be relayed to the city as soon as variations are known.
(D) Gas services shall be metered through one metering point, of the proper size as determined by the gas utility and the gas utility’s consulting engineer, for each qualifying large user consumer.
(E) Other types of services, in conjunction with the large user rate schedule, may be furnished at the discretion of the gas utility. Additional costs associated with the initial installation of said service(s) shall be paid by the consumer.
(F) The large user rate schedule shall be at $1.0516 plus the current tracking charge detailed in § 52.45 per 100 cubic feet.
Rates effective following the passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter on January 1, 2023.
(Ord. 14-98, passed 8-24-98; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 28-07, passed 9-24-07; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
When an established customer adds an additional appliance(s) (for example, a generator, pool heater, building, etc.) that may exceed the capacity of the existing meter then the gas utility will calculate the estimated total BTU content of the property. The estimated total BTU will determine if a service upgrade is required. If required, the gas utility will provide customer a quote to upgrade the service, including installation and materials.
(Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
A cash reserve fund is hereby continued for the Rensselaer gas utility. Existing balances at the time of approval of Ordinance 09-2018 may continue to be used in accordance with surplus earnings requirements as defined by I.C. 8-1.5-3-11. Future deposits shall be limited so long as the bonds approved in Ordinance 09-2018 are outstanding.
(’73 Code, § 12-23) (Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
The fund shall be created as of the fourteenth day of July 1980 and surplus earnings as defined by I.C. 8-1.5-3-11 shall be transferred to said cash reserve account on a monthly basis.
(’73 Code, § 12-24) (Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10)
The utility improvement fund may be funded with net revenues after all deposits are made in the operation and maintenance fund, bond and interest fund and debt service reserve fund as required in Ordinance 09-2018.
(’73 Code, § 12-25) (Ord. 11-80, passed - -80; Am. Ord. 10-04, passed 6-14-04; Am. Ord. 28-07, passed 9-24-07; Am. Ord. 01-2009, passed 1-26-09; Am. Ord. 19-2010, passed 10-7-10; Am. Ord. 07-2018, passed 3-26-2018; Am. Ord. 22-2021, passed 11-22-2021; Am. Ord. 22-2022, passed 12-19-2022; Am. Ord. 01-2023, passed 1-9-2023)
52.99 PENALTY.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to a fine as hereto set. This chapter is not intended to in any way waive or modify any rights the gas utility shall have against the offending customer under the Laws and Criminal Code of this state pertaining to the offense of Illegal Diversion. A customer may be fined by a fine not to exceed the sum of $2,500.
(Ord. 6-98, passed 4-13-98)