130.03 Water control detention ponds to be fenced
(A) It shall be unlawful for any person to use within the corporate limits of the city an air rifle, slingshot, bow gun, bow and arrow or other device used for the purpose of casting a bullet, arrow or other missile, and it shall be unlawful for any person, while without the corporate limits of the city to shoot across any of the boundaries of the city with any such air rifle, slingshot, bow gun or bow and arrow. (’73 Code, § 17-1) (Ord. 191, passed - - )
(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any gun, pistol, air gun or other firearm within the city, except at a public shooting gallery operated under a license issued according to the provisions of this code or other ordinances of the city. (’73 Code, § 17-3) (Ord. 62, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 130.99
It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership, association, firm or corporation to manufacture, process or store anhydrous ammonia within the corporate limits of the city.
(’73 Code, § 17-2) (Ord. 2-54A, passed - - ) Penalty, see § 130.99
(A) All water control detention ponds shall be fenced by a fence appropriate to the facility in order to prevent intrusion by children and others when the facility contains water.
(B) This section may be enforced by any adjoining landowner or other affected citizen, and such person shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and costs should such violation be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to have occurred.
(Ord. 16-87, passed 12-14-87) Penalty, see § 110.99
130.04 CURFEW.
(A) It is a curfew violation for a child 17 years of age or younger to be in a public place after 11 p.m. or before 5 a.m on any day of the week.
(B) The provisions of division (A) above does not apply to a child who is:
(1) Accompanied by a parent, guardian, or custodian;
(2) Accompanied by an adult specified by his/her parent, guardian, or custodian; or
(3) Participating in, going to, or returning from:
(a) Lawful employment;
(b) A school-sanctioned activity; or
(c) A religious event.
(Ord. 18-93, passed 7-26-93) Penalty, see § 130.99
130.99 PENALTY.
(A) Whoever violates any provision of this chapter for which another penalty is not provided shall be subject to the penalty provisions of § 10.99.
(B) Any person, organization or entity in violation of § 130.03 may be fined in an amount not to exceed $100 per day each day § 130.03 is not complied with, each day being a separate and distinct offense subject to an additional penalty up to the sum of $100 per day. (Ord. 16-87, passed 12-14-87)
(C) Pursuant to I.C. 31-6-4-1, a child who violates § 130.04 commits a delinquent act if, before attaining the age of 18 years, the child commits a curfew violation.
(D) For Ordinance Violation Bureau fines for violations of § 130.01 and 130.04, see § 34.94.
(Ord. 18-93, passed 7-26-93)