Chapter 102

Article I. In General

102-1—102-25.    Reserved.

Article II. Streets

Division 1. Generally

102-26—102-35.    Reserved.

Division 2. Grades

102-36.    Street grades established.

102-37.    Approval; record.

102-38.    Establishment of grades; restrictions.

102-39—102-50.    Reserved.

Division 3. Obstructions

102-51.    Obstructing street, sidewalk or public place prohibited; exceptions.

102-52.    Displaying goods on street or sidewalk.

102-53.    Unlawful assemblies; obstructing free passage.

102-54.    Permit for temporary obstructions; barricades and lighting.

102-55.    Removal of unauthorized obstructions or debris; closing of streets or rights-of-way.

102-56.    Damaging or removing barricades prohibited.

102-57—102-65.    Reserved.

Division 4. Vacation

102-66.    Initiation of vacation procedure.

102-67.    Contents of petition.

102-68.    Hearing and action by the planning commission.

102-69.    City council action.

102-70.    Standards and criteria.

102-71—102-90.    Reserved.

Article III. Sidewalks, Curbs and Driveways

Division 1. Generally

102-91.    Definitions.

102-92.    Compliance with article.

102-93.    Variances permitted; conditions.

102-94—102-105.    Reserved.

Division 2. Driveway Approaches

102-106.    Applicability.

102-107.    Permit required.

102-108.    Revocation of permit.

102-109.    Alteration of curbs by individuals prohibited.

102-110.    Construction of curbs by individual where no curb exists.

102-111.    Location.

102-112.    Width.

102-113.    Construction specifications.

102-114.    Approval required.

102-115.    Driveway curbing for vacant lots; methods of construction of curb cuts.

102-116—102-125.    Reserved.

Division 3. Sidewalk Construction

102-126.    Responsibility for sidewalk construction, repair and maintenance.

102-127.    Notice; duty to repair; account of city expenses; levy.

102-128.    Permit required; fee; exception.

102-129.    Licensed sidewalk builder required; exception.

102-130.    Sidewalk builder—License application; fee; term.

102-131.    Same—Bond; amount; conditions; recovery.

102-132.    Concrete required; exceptions.

102-133.    Suspension or revocation of license or permit.

102-134.    Engineer to prepare standard specifications; grade.

102-135.    Special assessment district; creation by council.

102-136.    Change of grade; cost of rebuilding.

102-137—102-155.    Reserved.

Article IV. Excavations

Division 1. Generally

102-156.    Opening newly paved streets restricted.

102-157.    Notice of improvements.

102-158.    Barricading and lighting of excavations.

102-159.    Enforcement of article.

102-160—102-170.    Reserved.

Division 2. Permit

102-171.    Required; exception for emergency.

102-172.    Application; contents.

102-173.    Public utilities; annual permit; weekly reports.

102-174.    Certificate of insurance required; coverage; notice of cancellation.

102-175.    Deposit required; use of funds; surplus; public utilities.

102-176.    Fees; exceptions.

102-177.    Issuance; contents; numbering.

102-178.    Display of permit.

102-179.    Records.

102-180.    Failure to comply with article; costs of repair.

102-181—102-190.    Reserved.

Division 3. Work Requirements and Procedure

102-191.    Conformity to division.

102-192.    Time restrictions.

102-193.    Size of excavation; permission required to enlarge.

102-194.    Obstructing travel; interference with fire apparatus and mail.

102-195.    Snow and ice removal.

102-196.    Notification prior to excavating.

102-197.    Protecting pipes during excavation; failure to comply.

102-198.    Manner of excavating; bracing; undercuts prohibited.

102-199.    Refilling excavations; temporary resurfacing.

102-200.    Restoration of street surfaces.

102-201.    Restoration of pavement.

102-202—102-220.    Reserved.

Article V. Snow and Ice Removal

102-221.    Definitions.

102-222.    Duty to remove snow and ice; violation and penalties.

102-223.    Depositing of snow and ice restricted.

102-224.    Violations; city may cause removal; liability; penalty.

102-225—102-245.    Reserved.

Article VI. Underground Vaults

102-246.    Definitions.

102-247.    License required.

102-248.    License application; investigation; report.

102-249.    Public liability insurance; amount.

102-250.    License fee; average valuation.

102-251.    Revocation of license; notice; expiration.

102-252.    Removal of vault; repairs.

102-253.    Limitation on licensing authority.

102-254—102-275.    Reserved.

Article VII. Telephone Conduits

102-276.    Compliance with city laws.

102-277.    Poles above ground restricted in certain districts.

102-278.    Removal of poles and wires by city; costs.

102-279.    Damaging streets prohibited; indemnification of city; permit required.

102-280.    Manner of laying conduits; notification of department of public works and services; supervision; skilled workers required.

102-281.    Cost of employing city agent.

102-282—102-300.    Reserved.

Article VIII. Use of Public Rights-of-Way by Telecommunications Providers

102-301.    Purpose and declaration.

102-302.    Conflict.

102-303.    Terms defined.

102-304.    Permit required.

102-305.    Issuance of permit.

102-306.    Construction/engineering permit.

102-307.    Conduit or utility poles.

102-308.    Route maps.

102-309.    Repair of damage.

102-310.    Establishment and payment of maintenance fee.

102-311.    Modification of existing fees.

102-312.    Savings clause.

102-313.    Use of funds.

102-314.    Annual report.

102-315.    Cable television operators.

102-316.    Existing rights.

102-317.    Compliance.

102-318.    Reservation of police powers.

102-319.    Severability.

102-320.    Authorized city officials.

102-321.    Municipal civil infraction.


Cross referenceBuildings and building regulations, ch. 22; cable communications, ch. 30; environment, ch. 58; fire prevention and protection, ch. 62; subdivisions, ch. 106; utilities, ch. 118.