Chapter 22

Article I. In General

Division 1. Generally

22-1.    Definition.

22-2.    Adoption by reference.

22-3.    Penalties for violation.

22-4.    Construction and repairing of buildings.

22-5—22-10.    Reserved.

Division 2. Construction Code Board of Appeals

22-11.    Created; purpose.

22-12.    Composition; terms; vacancies.

22-13.    Qualifications.

22-14.    Alternate members.

22-15.    Chairman.

22-16.    Disqualification of a member.

22-17.    Secretary.

22-18.    Compensation of members.

22-19.    Notice of meeting.

22-20.    Open hearings.

22-21.    Procedure.

22-22.    Postponed hearings.

22-23.    Board decision.

22-24.    Resolution; record of decisions.

22-25.    Administration.

22-26.    Appeals to State Construction Code Commission.

22-27.    Application; fees.

Division 3. Blight Violation Hearings

22-28.01.    Creation of Administrative Hearings Bureau.

22-28.02.    Blight violations.

22-28.03.    Blight Violation Hearing Officer.

22-28.04.    Initiation of proceedings.

22-28.05.    Response to violation notice.

22-28.06.    Hearings.

22-28.07.    Blight violation penalties.

22-28.08.    Default judgments.

22-28.09.    Appeal.

22-29.    Appearance tickets.

22-30.    District Court action; right to abate.

22-31.    Eminent domain.

22-32.    Supplementary nature of article.

22-33.    Conflict.

22-34.    Obstruction of Code Official; penalty.

22-35.    Reserved.

Article II. Building Code

22-36.    Purpose.

22-37.    Enforcing agency designated.

22-38.    Adoption by reference.

22-39.    Penalties for violation.

22-40.    Contractor registration.

22-41—22-60.    Reserved.

Article III. Electrical Code

Division 1. Generally

22-61.    Purpose.

22-62.    Definitions.

22-63.    Liability.

22-64.    Adoption by reference.

22-65.    Contractor registration.

22-66—22-100.    Reserved.

Division 2. Electrical Examining and Appeals Board

22-101—22-130.    Reserved.

Division 3. Licensing of Contractors

22-131—22-155.    Reserved.

Division 4. Permit

22-156—22-185.    Reserved.

Division 5. Inspection

22-186—22-200.    Reserved.

Division 6. Electrical Regulations

22-201—22-225.    Reserved.

Article IV. Plumbing Code

Division 1. Generally

22-226.    Purpose.

22-227.    Adoption by reference.

22-228.    Penalties for violation.

22-229.    Enforcing agency designated.

22-230—22-250.    Reserved.

Division 2. Sewer Installers

Subdivision I. In General

22-251—22-275.    Reserved.

Subdivision II. License

22-276—22-310.    Reserved.

Article V. Mechanical Code

Division 1. Generally

22-311.    Purpose.

22-312.    Enforcing agency designated.

22-313.    Adoption by reference.

22-314.    Penalties for violation.

22-315—22-335.    Reserved.

Division 2. Refrigeration Journeymen

Subdivision I. In General

22-336—22-355.    Reserved.

Subdivision II. License and Registration

22-356—22-410.    Reserved.

Article VI. Housing Code

Division 1. Generally

22-411.    Purpose of article.

22-412.    Adoption by reference.

22-413.    Rules of construction.

22-414.    Definitions.

22-415.    Applicability of article.

22-416.    Application of building code.

22-417.    Certificate of compliance.

22-418.    Grandfather clause.

22-419.    Existing buildings.

22-420.    Existing remedies.

22-421.    Buildings converted or altered.

22-422.    Alterations and changes of occupancy.

22-423.    Dwellings which are moved.

22-424.    Lodginghouses and tourist homes, compliance.

22-425.    Right of appeal; procedure.

22-426—22-445.    Reserved.

Division 2. Enforcement

Subdivision I. In General

22-446.    Enforcement authority.

22-447.    Coordination of enforcement.

22-448.    Administrative liability.

22-449.    Conflict with city or state laws.

22-450.    Inspection.

22-451.    Abatement and liens.

22-452.    Emergency order; vacation; compliance.

22-453.    Penalty for violation of article.

22-454.    Lis pendens.

22-455—22-475.    Reserved.

Subdivision II. Correction of Violations

22-476.    Correction notice.

22-477.    Service of notice.

22-478.    Prosecution of violation.

22-479—22-500.    Reserved.

Subdivision III. Condemnation

22-501—22-535.    Reserved.

Subdivision IV. Demolition

22-536.    Purpose.

22-537.    Permit application documentation.

22-538.    Description of demolition work.

22-539.    Protection of the public and properties.

22-540.    Special conditions and maintenance bonds.

22-541.    Maintenance and completion bonds.

22-542.    Vacating of buildings.

22-543.    Permits, fees and bonds.

22-544.    Demolition schedule.

22-545.    Salvage of demolition materials.

22-546.    Demolition and removals.

22-547.    Well plugging and abandonment.

22-548.    Disposal of demolition debris and solid waste.

22-549.    Backfill, grading, and cleanup.

22-550.    Sanitary sewer and water service disconnections.

22-551.    Safety and fencing.

22-552.    Seeding.

22-553.    Authorized workers.

22-554.    Daily cleanup of right-of-way and private property.

22-555.    Variances.

22-556—22-565.    Reserved.

Subdivision V. Disclosure Requirements For Condemned or Demolished Residential Property

22-566.    Obligation of seller to disclose condemnation or demolition status.

22-567.    Applicability of disclosure requirement.

22-568.    Conditions inherent in disclosure requirement.

22-569—22-575.    Reserved.

Division 3. Environmental Requirements

22-576.    Scope of division.

22-577.    Compliance with exterior property areas standards.

22-578.    Sanitation.

22-579.    Grading and drainage.

22-580.    Noxious weeds.

22-581.    Insect and rodent harborage.

22-582.    Accessory structures.

22-583.    Compliance with exterior of structures requirements.

22-584.    Walls and roof surfaces.

22-585.    Foundations.

22-586.    Exterior walls and trim.

22-587.    Roofs.

22-588.    Stairs, porches and railings.

22-589.    Outside porches.

22-590.    Fire escapes.

22-591.    Structural safety of stairs and porches.

22-592.    Handrails.

22-593.    Windows, doors and hatchways generally.

22-594.    Windows.

22-595.    Doors.

22-596.    Windows and door frames; wall fit.

22-597.    Basement hatchways.

22-598.    Means of egress.

22-599.    Screens.

22-600.    Guards for basement windows.

22-601.    Insect screening; exception.

22-602.    Compliance with interior structure requirements.

22-603.    Freedom from dampness.

22-604.    Structural members.

22-605.    Interior stairs and railings.

22-606.    Maintenance of stairs.

22-607.    Maintenance of interior.

22-608.    Handrails and balustrades.

22-609.    Bathroom and kitchen floors.

22-610.    Sanitation of interior.

22-611.    Insect and rodent harborage.

22-612.    Extermination of buildings.

22-613.    Extermination of single dwelling units.

22-614.    Rodentproof condition; owner’s responsibility.

22-615—22-635.    Reserved.

Division 4. Space and Occupancy Requirements

22-636.    Scope of division.

22-637.    Sanitary facilities standards.

22-638.    Bathrooms.

22-639.    Bathtub or shower.

22-640.    Kitchen facilities and equipment.

22-641.    Water and plumbing facilities.

22-642.    Water heating facilities.

22-643.    Heating facilities.

22-644.    Heating facilities and incinerators, operation.

22-645.    Rubbish storage facilities.

22-646.    Garbage storage or disposal facilities.

22-647.    Compliance with installation and maintenance requirements.

22-648.    Facilities and equipment.

22-649.    Clean and sanitary maintenance.

22-650.    Plumbing fixtures.

22-651.    Heating equipment.

22-652.    Electrical outlets and fixtures.

22-653.    Defective electrical system; correction.

22-654.    Compliance with occupancy requirements.

22-655.    Minimum ceiling height.

22-656.    Required space in dwelling unit.

22-657.    Required space in sleeping rooms.

22-658.    Limited access, dwelling unit to commercial use.

22-659.    Bath and sleeping rooms; location.

22-660.    Unrelated occupants.

22-661.    Dwelling units below grade; occupancy.

22-662.    Compliance with light and ventilation requirements.

22-663.    Natural light in habitable rooms.

22-664.    Light in nonhabitable work space.

22-665.    Light in common halls and stairways.

22-666.    Electric outlets required.

22-667.    Adequate ventilation.

22-668.    Ventilation and light in bathroom and water closet.

22-669.    Minimum fire safety requirements; compliance.

22-670.    Flammable liquids, storage prohibited.

22-671.    Cooking and heating equipment.

22-672.    Storage space in multiple dwellings.

22-673—22-700.    Reserved.

Division 5. Responsibilities of Owners and Occupants

22-701.    Scope of division.

22-702.    Responsibilities of owners.

22-703.    Cleanliness.

22-704.    Rubbish disposal.

22-705.    Garbage disposal.

22-706.    Disposal facilities for multiple dwellings.

22-707.    Furnished plumbing fixtures; use.

22-708.    Extermination of insects.

22-709.    Shared or common areas.

22-710.    Screens in multiple dwellings.

22-711.    Occupancy of vacant dwelling unit.

22-712.    Maintenance responsibilities.

22-713.    Street number addresses required to be placed on dwellings/business buildings.

22-714.    Supervision required.

22-715.    Responsibilities of occupants.

22-716.    Cleanliness.

22-717.    Rubbish and garbage disposal.

22-718.    Screens.

22-719.    Extermination of insects.

22-720.    Furnished plumbing fixtures.

22-721.    Plumbing appliances, installation and care.

22-722.    Subletting or subleasing.

22-723—22-760.    Reserved.

Division 6. State Regulations

22-761.    State housing law adopted.

22-762.    Additions to state housing law.

22-763.    Inspection intervals; access to leaseholds.

22-764.    Certificate of compliance; display, inspection of multiple dwellings; change of occupancy; fees.

22-765.    Escrow account.

22-766.    Hearing officer.

22-767.    Enforcement provisions.

22-768.    Violations.

22-769.    Conflict with city ordinance.

22-770—22-800.    Reserved.

Division 7. Inspections of One- and Two-Family Dwellings

22-801.    Registry of owners and premises.

22-802.    Fees.

22-803.    Inspections required.

22-804.    Inspection warrants.

22-805.    Inspection policy and recordkeeping.

22-806.    Certificate of compliance.

22-807.    Violations.

22.807.1.    Appeals.

Division 8. Board of Appeals

22-808.    Created; purpose.

22-809.    Composition; qualifications.

22-810.    Terms.

22-811.    Officers.

22-812.    Quorum.

22-813.    Compensation.

22-814.    Open meetings.

22-815.    Records to be public.

22-816.    Appeal to Circuit Court.

22-817.    Application; fees.

22-818, 22-819.    Reserved.

Division 9. Pre-Sale Housing Inspection

22-820.    Pre-sale housing inspection required in neighborhood enterprise zone.

22-821—22-850.    Reserved.

Article VII. Moving and Wrecking Buildings

Division 1. Generally

22-851.    Service connections; removal.

22-852.    Public protection.

22-853—22-875.    Reserved.

Division 2. Permit

22-876.    Required; refusal.

22-877.    Application; fees; route certification; trees.

22-878.    Cash deposit required; conditions; refusal.

22-879.    Payment of taxes and other charges.

22-880.    Statement of ownership.

22-881.    Insurance requirement.

22-882.    Wrecking buildings; bond.

22-883.    Compliance with code provisions; skids.

22-884.    Wrecking building; deposit schedule.

22-885.    Wrecking building, permit fees.

22-886—22-909.    Reserved.

Article VIII. Vacant Property Registration and Maintenance

22-910.    Purpose.

22-911.    Scope.

22-912.    Definitions.

22-913.    Registration of vacant property.

22-914.    Registration affidavit.

22-915.    Requirement to keep information current.

22-916.    Maintenance and security requirements.

22-917.    Fire damaged property.

22-918.    Re-occupancy, certificate of compliance required.

22-919.    Inspections.

22-920.    Fees.

22-921.    Notice to abate.

22-922.    Securing open property.

22-923.    Emergency abatement by city.

22-924.    Abatement by city; lien.

22-925.    Penalty for violation.

22-926.    Appeal.


Cross reference—Planning commission, § 2-371; community development, ch. 42; housing commission, § 42-176 et seq.; fire prevention and protection, ch. 62; floods, ch. 66; lead based paints, § 70-26 et seq.; historical preservation, ch. 74; human relations, ch. 78; law enforcement, ch. 82; streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 102; subdivisions, ch. 106; taxation, ch. 110; utilities, ch. 118.

State law reference—State construction code act, MCL 125.1501 et seq.