Chapter 74
Article I. In General
74-1—74-25. Reserved.
Article II. Preservation of Historical Items
74-26—74-31. Reserved.
74-32. Depository of historical materials.
74-33—74-62. Reserved.
Article III. Preservation of Historic Buildings
74-63. Purpose and intent.
74-64. Definitions.
74-65. The Historic District Commission.
74-66. Acceptance of gifts or grants.
74-67. Establishing additional, modifying, or eliminating historic districts.
74-68. Historic District Study Committee and the Study Committee report.
74-69. Historic District Commission meetings, recordkeeping and rules of procedure.
74-70. Delegation of minor classes of work.
74-71. Ordinary maintenance.
74-72. Review by the Commission.
74-73. Design review standards and guidelines.
74-74. Permit applications for construction, repair, moving, demolition affecting exterior appearance of historic sites, structures, or objects located within historic districts.
74-75. Denials.
74-76. Notice to proceed.
74-77. Appeal of a Commission decision.
74-78. Work without a permit.
74-79. Demolition by neglect.
74-80. Review of work in proposed districts.
74-81. Emergency moratorium.
74-82. Penalties for violations.
74-83. Acquisition of historic resources.
74-84. Historic district boundary.
Cross reference—Administration, ch. 2; buildings and building regulations, ch. 22; community development, ch. 42.